Opportunity for a Fresh StartRefresh – To give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate.
When was the last time that you started fresh, or felt the need to refresh yourself?We hear this concept a lot.
“It’s time to wipe the slate clean.”
“It’s time to start fresh.”
“Time to start over.”
Time for new beginnings, which sometimes means the closing of doors and opening of others.Having to refresh can be viewed as a positive or a negative, depending on the circumstances that lead to the fresh start. A fresh start can be indicative of a new home, a failed business, going back to school, dropping out of college, going broke, or becoming wealthy. It’s all a fresh start, but as people, we don’t always view fresh starts as inherently good.
Because starting fresh often means starting with nothing. It means changing and transforming into something new, and new can be scary sometimes.
But just because we’re starting fresh doesn’t mean that we have to give up everything. In fact, it is better to build a new home upon a solid foundation than it is to build on shaky grounds. The truth is that you and I can gain a fresh start without throwing everything away. In fact, often God utilizes our greatest strengths while we work on overcoming our weaknesses.
He did it with David.
He did it with Moses.
He did it with Paul.
He gave them the opportunity for a fresh start, but He did not strip them entirely of who they were. Their lives changed drastically, but they were still true to themselves. He knew the plans that He had for them would change their lives forever, and although I’m sure they were nervous, they chose the fresh start that God had laid before them. They chose to refresh, and they did great things as a result.
Sometimes God gives us opportunities to restart. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of it.
It could be the restart that leads to a happier, better you.
Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.Isaiah 43:18-19
# Fresh StartThe concept of beginning anew in various aspects of life, including personal reinvention and new opportunities.