106 - You Only Whit Twice (feat. Chas LiBretto) [Whit’s Endless Summer #28]Playwright Chas LiBretto (Cyclops: A Rock Opera) joins the lads for some globe-trotting Odyssey adventures as Jason Whittaker and Jack Allen do battle with secret societies, synthetic viruses, and the return of the most evil child psychologist in all of radio drama: Dr. Regis Blackgaard. Topics include spy stories, adapting the Odyssey, and the limits of the imagination when seen through the evangelical lens.
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Chas LiBretto - Twitter // Instagram // Website
Cyclops: A Rock Opera at The Tank, October 20th-November 3rd
Media Referenced in this Episode:
Adventures in Odyssey
#42: The Last Great Adventure of the Summer
#290: A Name, Not a Number, Part 1
#291: A Name, Not a Number, Part 2
#292: A Code of Honor
Birds of a Feather - #1 by Jim Daly
“Christian Broadcaster Will Focus on Families--in Russia: James Dobson will visit the Soviet Union in August and try to influence policy there with books and videos” by Mike Ward. LA Times, July 4th, 1991
“Embracing God's Truth in a Hostile Culture” by Jim Daly
“The Wild East” by Seymour M. Hersh. The Atlantic, 1994.
TWOAPW theme by Brendan Dalton: Patreon // brendan-dalton.com // brendandalton.bandcamp.com
Commercial: “A Public Service Announcement from the ESA”
# Evangelical NarrativeA specific way of storytelling that reflects evangelical Christian values and perspectives, often examined in the context of popular culture.