3 - Whit’s Endless SummerThis is the inaugural episode of Whit's Endless Summer, a sub-series where we explore Adventures in Odyssey, Focus on the Family, and the history of evangelical entertainment.
This time, we subjected A.J. to some of the first and worst episodes of Adventures in Odyssey, introducing him to Whit, Tom, Connie and everyone's favorite denizen of Campbell County: Patriotism.
The episodes we listened to were:
#4 - Connie Comes to Town
#5 - Gifts for Madge and Guy
#7 - Promises, Promises
#19 - Recollections
#28 - The Price of Freedom
If you want to find these episodes, they're floating around the internet in a few places. There's a comprehensive torrent out there that has every episode (and then some) all the way through last year. Feel free to suffer along with us!
And as always, we welcome your feedback.
# Evangelical EntertainmentContent produced within the evangelical community aimed at promoting Christian values and beliefs, often reflected in family-oriented media.