The Good King by George WB Scott - Episode 207Hail and well met, book friends! We're feeling pretty silly as we close in on the final episodes of Season 9. We travel back to 10th century Bohemia to learn the story behind the popular Christmas carol "Good King Wenceslas". Join us for a very biblically-styled tale that taught us some things but failed to get us invested in the characters. The author emailed us about his book and, usually when we get emails from authors or PR reps, it's not even worth consideration - but a medieval historical thriller? about a Christmas carol? In this century at this point in history? At this time of year? It only made sense to pop it onto the schedule for December. Thanks to George himself for furnishing us with a free review copy of the book (and being willing to be featured on TBC with all that may entail)! Musings and derailments include: Duke Abe Simpsovclav of Springfieldia, heavy metal months, Breastfeeding education, Paris’s Babadook terrors, and we struggle to poorly sing another song from the book (the titular carol)! In addition to our usual barnyard language, today’s episode includes discussion or mention of parental abuse, sexual assault, and murder.
# Medieval Historical ThrillerA genre that combines historical context with thrilling narrative elements, featured prominently in the book being reviewed.