SPECIAL INTERVIEW: Wendy Lecker and Nicole Ciullo of the Education Law CenterYou’ve probably seen a lot of clips recently of the ongoing culture war coming to a flashpoint in school board meetings across the country. To learn how the reactionary right is using these conflicts to push for increased school privatization, Josh (@boshj) sat down with Wendy Lecker and Nicole Ciullo from the Education Law Center, a Newark-based organization that defends public schools and advocates in the courts for educational equity.
This forty-minute interview covers topics such as the broader context for the current curriculum battle, the history of the mechanics of school funding and segregation, and how key players including former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos continue to push for laws that would further privatize education in the United States.
Plus, at the end, enjoy a teaser for a Patreon-only episode, available now, where we recap a truly unhinged “documentary” that propagandizes for all aspects of the conservative educational project.
Links and additional resources:
THE EDUCATION LAW CENTER advocates for school funding equity in the state of New Jersey through research and litigation. They also provide resources and assistance to lawyers advocating for public schools across the country. Check out their publications and case history: https://edlawcenter.org
PUBLIC FUNDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS is a project of the Education Law Center that follows public school privatization efforts. There’s a bill tracker for tuition voucher efforts at the state level, as well as news, webinars, and research papers. Check out their website, and consider making a donation: https://pfps.org
TWOAPW on Patreon: Get access to our recap of Whose Children Are They? along with other premium podcast episodes and subscriber exclusives for $5/month! https://www.patreon.com/worstofall
# Curriculum BattleThe ongoing conflicts regarding content and standards in school curricula, often fueled by political ideologies.