63: Worfan the BarbarianThe Killing
What do you get when you cross Star Trek with G.I. Joe, Xena
Warrior Princess, and ancient Japanese culture? Easy. You get
WildStorm's four-part comic series The Killing Shadows. Published
between November 2000 and February 2001, The Killing Shadows is a
story about a mysterious alien invasion force, free will, and
fighting. But mostly fighting. It was the second and final
dedicated TNG comic series published by WildStorm, and features the
return of an unlikely ally.
In this episode of Literary Treks we're joined by the crew of
Earl Grey—Phillip Gilfus, Darren Moser, and Daniel Proulx—to
discuss this unusual adventure, the telepathic capabilities of
Vulcan, Romulans, and Betazoids, questionable Klingon fashion
sense, and why you should be careful not to let comic stunt doubles
wander into the frame.
In news we find out about Scott Pearson's upcoming TOS eNovella
The More Things Change, and take a quick first look at Star Trek
Ongoing #33, "Lost Apollo, Part 1."
# Comic ProductionThe process involved in creating comic books, discussed here in relation to the artistic and narrative elements of The Killing Shadows.