episode 452 with drummer colby mancasola from knapsack & colt waveepisode 452 with drummer colby mancasola from knapsack & colt wave https://www.instagram.com/colbymancasola/ https://coltwave.bandcamp.com/ https://www.instagram.com/colt_wave/ https://www.thebandknapsack.com/ https://www.instagram.com/thebandknapsack/ https://www.instagram.com/indiedrummercollective/ PLEASE BE SURE TO VISIT ALL MY SPONSORS. THERE’S LINKS ABOVE. PLEASE BE SURE TO TELL THEM WE SENT YOU! PLEASE visit my PATREON at: https://www.patreon.com/scotchandgoodconversation
# Colby MancasolaThe drummer from the bands Knapsack and Colt Wave, known for his contribution to the indie music scene.