Ch 28 The Second Coming – The Great DisappearanceWhen Jesus leads His heavenly offensive against Satan and the Antichrist at that battle, He will follow a similar strategy as the US forces in Iraq – although He will have no part with conventional ammunition. His weapon will be glory. Christ’s transcendent splendor and power will be fully aimed at the evil that has bedeviled humanity for so long.
In that final showdown, the rebellion of the Tribulation Period will come to a head. The Antichrist, the kings of the earth, and the souls that follow them will gather one last time to try to defeat Jesus Christ. Their armies will be made up of soldiers from the ten nations of the revived Roman Empire. The Antichrist, with the False Prophet at his side, will lead those massive armies in defying Ghrist’s authority and right to rule – the ultimate revolt against God.
# Christ vs AntichristThe ultimate battle between Jesus Christ and the Antichrist, representing the clash between good and evil.