Leslie Kean and Jose Lay, Chilean Navy UFO VideoJournalist Leslie Kean recently posted an article in The Huffington Post about a two year investigation by the Chilean government's official UFO investigation organization into a video captured by the Chilean Navy showing an object they cannot identify. The object was caught on an infrared camera, and according to the director of the UFO organization, “We do not know what it was, but we do know what it was not.” The video was investigated by CEFAA, an organization in Chile's equivalent of the FAA, which also falls under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. CEFAA has full cooperation with other branched of the Chilean government and also reaches out to other UFO research organization throughout the world. In this interview, we discuss the case with Leslie and CEFAA Director of International Affairs Jose Lay. To read more about this case, visit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/groundbreaking-ufo-video-just-released-from-chilean_us_586d37bce4b014e7c72ee56b?lciacn1ruwjkmx6r For more information about Leslie Kean, visit: www.ufosontherecord.com For more information about CEFAA, visit: www.cefaa.gob.clBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/open-minds-uap-news--6161161/support.
# CEFAAThe Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena in Chile, responsible for investigating UFO sightings and reports.