S2E4: Caterpillars by E.F. BensonBar Talk (our recommendations):Jessica is watching Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2001, dir. William Eubank); drinking Cardinal Spirits Straight Rye.Damien is reading Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook by Christina Henry; drinking a negroni (equal parts gin, vermouth rosso, and campari).Ryan is reading Old Style Tales website and book series by M. Grant Kellermeyer; drinking Blair Athol 12.If you liked this week’s story, check out Slither (2006, dir. James Gunn).Up next: ‘After Three Thousand Years' by Jane G. Austin.Special thank you to Dr Blake Brandes for our Whiskey and the Weird music! Like, rate, and follow! Check us out on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and at whiskeyandtheweird.com
# CaterpillarsA supernatural tale by E.F. Benson that is part of the British Library's Tales of the Weird series.