Episode 32: Ace Frehley 1978 KISS Solo albumIn an effort to keep Ace Frehley and Peter Criss from exiting the band in early 1978 pursue solo careers. Gene, Paul and band manager Bill Aucoin said that each member should do just that, record KISS solo albums. Each album would be a KISS solo album where each member would be the center star of their own direction and music and would be in complete control, all while still being under the umbrella od KISS.September 18th 1978 would see the release of 4 KISS albums at the same time on the same day. Paul Stanley, Peter Criss, Gene Simmons and Ace Frehley. The ladder is where we start this episode. Each September on the podcast Nick, Nikko, & Rob will look at one of the solo albums and review it. They are joined by In My Head KISS YouTube Podcast host Brant Meredith to discuss and review the solo album that many KISS fans say is the best of the four. How do the guys feel about the album, how will they rank the album, and what about the cover? Its time to go back in the New Your Groover and back to the birth of Superhero KISS and 1978 and look at KISS Ace Frehley 1978 solo albumLinks: We are on all podcast platforms and over at our host sitehttps://right-between-the-eyes-podcast.simplecast.com/Twitter @RBTEpodcast https://twitter.com/RBTEpodcast @NCarusoJr https://twitter.com/NCarusoJr @NikkoCaruso https://twitter.com/NikkoCaruso @DrummerRob10 https://twitter.com/DrummerRob10 www.facebook.com/RightBetweenTheEyesPodcast https://www.instagram.com/rightbetweentheeyespodcast/ email:
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