Recorded 1/26/13 This is our very first installment of Rumour Control with Bobby Roberts! In the first part of the show, Bobby discusses with Bryan and Mike his first exposures to the saga. In the second part of the show, the boys deconstruct the huge J.J. Abrams news and talk about what we can reasonably expect with the coming Star Wars movies. If you like the show, please leave us an iTunes review! We'd greatly appreciate it. Our website has launched, check it out and share your thoughts and opinions. Contact Information: Voicemail - 206-426-5592 | Website - | Twitter - @FullOfSith | Facebook - | Email -
[email protected] Special thanks to Bobby Roberts for his first installment of Rumour Control and for sharing his music with us at the end of this episode. Be sure to download ALL his Geek Remixed albums at Full Of Sith is a safe haven for Star Wars fans, no matter what you like or what your opions are, we'd love for you to share them with us. Please do so by sending us a voicemail or email. Thank you for listening. Download Episode VI with special guest Bonnie Burton this Wednesday! Contact info, episodes, banners, promos, bios and so much more can be found at Thanks For Listening & May The Force Be With You... Always!