#551 - Faith Matters; Book Of Signs - Ch 5 AmericaFaith Matters with Brian and Andi Hale
Reviewing The Book of Signs by Dr. David Jeremiah, America Ch 5
America is the fifth international sign. Although America is not directly referenced in the bible, it seems clear that God does have a plan for her. But why has God blessed this nation?
At the time of the Rapture, America as we know it could be obliterated. Can you imagine the chaos when all the godly people disappear, leaving only those who have rejected God?
But out trust has never been in governments, civilizations or cultures. These institutions are helpful while they are hear, but they have never been worthy of our trust. Only God is worthy of our ultimate allegiance.
# AmericaA focal point in the discussion, highlighting its perceived spiritual significance and potential future events as discussed in biblical prophecy.