Postcard from Adelaide, South AustraliaIt's best known as the home of iconic wineries such as Penfolds and Seppelt, but there's so much more to South Australia's capital, Adelaide than its wineries (or its churches!) Our local, for this episode of ExtraVirgin Food & Travel's "Postcard" is food and travel writer Amanda McInerney, who shares with us her favourite festivals, walks, restaurants, markets, cultural events and, yes wineries, as well as some great insider tips (caviar and vodka trolley anyone?) If you're planning on visiting this beautiful city, you'll want to take notes - because you couldn't get a more knowledgeable or generous virtual guide than Amanda. But even if you're just armchair travelling, sit back and enjoy this Postcard from Adelaide.
# Amanda McInerneyFood and travel writer who provides insights and recommendations about Adelaide.