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Barbara Culjak
If you're tired of feeling stuck and ready to take over control, then you're in the right place. Join me as we explore the thoughts and feelings that hold us back, and discover new strategies and tools to help you achieve your goals.I'm here to encourage you to be curious and ask the right questions, so you can unlock your full potential and start living the life you've always desired.
How to raise your self-confidence with Julia Grey
In today's episode my guest is communication coach and entrepreneur Julia Grey. Sharing a piece of her story, Julia is also discovering what helped her to be more confident, and today she's coaching other poeple on how to become confident communicators :) Let's dive in and boost your confidence! xo, Barb
If not now, when?
"Just think! We're already halfway through 2023! Time flies, doesn't it? 😄And I know what some of you might be thinking, "Don't remind me!" Haha!But hey, let's take a moment to reflect on the last six months of this incredible year!How have you been doing?Have there been any changes, small wins, or improvements in your life? Maybe you've even developed some new habits that you're proud of. Woohoo!However, if you're currently feeling like you haven't made much progress on the things that truly matter to you, don't beat yourself up!It's never too late to make a change. You can still decide to take action from this point forward!
Living on Autopilot Mode?
Do you feel like you're living or just existing? Here's my Sunday boost to energize your week ;)
How to stop negotiating with yourself?
How often do you self-negotiate? Do you set a goal, but then you find yourself talking yourself out of doing it? How often do you hear yourself saying: 〰️ Just 5 more minutes.〰️ I’ll do it tomorrow.〰️ I'll start on Monday.〰️ Just this time.〰️ Just one more.〰️ If I do this now, I’ll do that later.Often?You’re not alone!Many of us self-negotiate every day!- even though it’s a sabotaging tactic that keeps us from changing.Here are the steps that can help you eliminate self-negotiation! Enjoy xo
Do you trust yourself?
Today I have a special question for you - Do you trust your own words? When this question hits, what's your immediate response?HELL YES? 🚀Trained & programmed 'yess'? 💯Or does it give you pause for thought?Is it fear that you don't trust yourself enough?Or maybe a desire to trust yourself more?
Who's Responsible? Empowering yourself through self-reflection
Welcome back, beautiful souls! Wherever you find yourself right now, it is exactly where you are meant to be. Agree? Well, embracing this truth empowers us to recognize that our choices and actions in this very moment shape our future and define who we become.But if you're not happy with where you are, who's responsibility it is? Let's admit it. It's still your responsibility.
Trapped by choices
Our choices, whether conscious or unconscious, can have unintended consequences or outcomes that leave us feeling stuck or trapped in a particular path or situation.And here is just a piece of my story :)
Feeling good enough here and now?
Let yourself to 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 today.You are there where you’re supposed to be.
Can you choose how you want to feel?
Sometimes you can’t get yourself out of your own way.Are you able to put yourself in that good place? To feel better? To feel excited?Choose how you want to think, talk and feel. It's all up to you :)
Don't think about Monday
Leave your worries about tomorrow for tomorrow. You can't do much about it before it comes, so keep your focus and energy here & now :)Greetings from Portugal <3
"I don't care"
What's your trigger word?When you face your fearsSaying "I don't care" - I imagine it like a big needle - like the one for crocheting, and when I find myself in that perfectionistic bubble... -POP!
Disconnect, recharge and reconnect :)
Hey everyone! Do you feel like you have to be productive every second of the day? Are you being productive or just busy? I used to say that I don't know how to rest... Last week I spend some days in nature and decided to be more present. Sharing some insights with you :)Xx, Barb
The number one thing that holds you back
Do you know what's the number one thing that holds us back from achieving our goals, from the real success we could have, the relationships, the money, and life we desire? Listen and find out :)
Checking in with yourself?
Hey, hey! Just a little reminder for you today - check in with yourself :)Knowing your starting point when setting goals is important because it helps you identify the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, allowing you to set realistic and achievable goals.Implementing small changes and regularly checking in with yourself allows you to gradually shift your habits and behaviors in a more positive direction, without overwhelming yourself.
13: Pa gdje si? Prode 1/4 godine, sjedis i dalje na livadi?
Lijep pozdrav svimaaaa :) Ovo je zadnja epizoda u ovoj sezoni, na hrvatskom jeziku. Definitivno poslusaj, i reflektiraj se, dokle si dogurao u 3mj.? Ili je sve isto? Ako te ovo pitanje ne zaskaklja, trebalo bi. Ne pusti da ti zivot samo prolazi :)Epizoda ce biti jos, vjerujem i puno izazova i avantura, strategija i alata kako se sa izazovima nositi, no slusat cemo se na engleskom jeziku <3
12: Kad se stvarno trudis, al' ne ide
Pa heej, hej! Moras poslusati ovu epizodu ako zelis otkriti sto te koci kada su u pitanju promjene :) Zasto se nekad osjecas da je trud uzalud, a stvarno se trudis
11: Nedostaje ti samopouzdanja?
Hej, hej! Danas govorimo o vaznosti samopouzdanja, kako graditi i ocuvati svoje samopouzdanje, i koliko nam je ono bitno u svakodnevnim situacijama. Saznaj tko/sto ti krade samopouzdanje, jer za postizanje bilo cega u zivotu - trebas vjerovati u sebe i svoje mogucnosti :)
10: Zelis uvesti promjene, odakle krenuti?
Hej, hej! Zelis uvesti odredene promjene, a ne znas kako?U danasnjoj epizodi govorimo o tome sto nas koci i kako nas nas mozak pokusava zastititi, cim zakoracimo van zone komfora.Govorimo i o nekoliko vjezbi koje ti mogu pomoci da krenes prema onom sljedecem levelu, ali opet, odluka je na tebi. Sve je do tebe :)
09: Ono kad te zaboli glava
Hej, hej :)Danas mali podsjetnik da se zauzmes za sebe :)U danasnjoj epizodi govorimo o tome kako nam cesto nase tijelo salje neke signale, ako radimo nesto sto nije u skladu s nama. Koliko je vazno osvijestiti se tih signala, i biti u skladu sa samim sobom? Koliko je dugo tvoje ´´privremeno´´?
08: Kad zelis sve odjednom, pa ne napravis nista
Hej, hej :)U danasnjoj epizodi govorim o tomekako je ponekad potrebno redefinirati nase ciljevekoliko je vazno pronaci vrijeme za sebei kako moramo biti oprezni sto si prizeljkujemo.Svi mi zelimo promjene, ali najvaznije je zapoceti s uvodenjem malih promjena, stjecanjem novih navika, postepeno. Ne mozes ocekivati da preko noci krenes raditi sve, sto dosad nisi. Daj si vremena.Hugzz
07: Jedna k(r)asna epizoda
Evo jedna epizoda na relaciji Munich-Copenhagen :) Danas govorimo o onome sto ti ''moras'', moras li ti to, ili mislis da moras? Sto ti moras, a sto s onim sto zelis? Jako je vazno da pocnes sto manje koristiti ono ''Joooj, moram...'' Sjeti se da imas izbor i svaka situacija koja ti je trenutno teska i izazovna - sve je to privremeno.
06: Ma bas me briga
Hej, hej :) U novoj epizodi podcasta govorimo o trenucima kada si frustriran, i kako pronaci neki obrambeni sistem - ja sam se uhvatila da nepozeljnim mislima koje mi se vrte po glavi samo kazem ´´ne zelim vas tu´´ i ´´bas me briga (za to)´´. I postavlja se pitanje, koga vise slusas? Onog unutarnjeg negativca ili malog heroja koji se krije u tebi?
05: Uvijek dobijes ono sto toleriras
Hej, hej, dragi moji :)U ovoj epizodi podcasta donosim malu pozadinsku pricu, ono sto obicno ne dijelimo na instagramu. I podijelit cu s tobom 5 stvari koje su nekako sastavan dio nasih zivota, a ukoliko ih prihvatimo, drugacije cemo reagirati na bol i razocaranja s kojima se susrecemo. Hugzz
04: Ponekad trebaš samo mali poguranac
Danas cemo govoriti o tome zasto je vazno imati kategorije, koja su to najvažnija područja u tvome životu kojima se zelis posvetiti, i koja zelis poboljšati u osobnoj i profesionalnoj sferi. Cesto se nademo u situaciji da koristimo maksimalnu energiju i fokus u jednom podrucju, dok neka druga zapostavljamo. Ovo je mali podsjetnik da zastanes na trenutak, podsjetis se koje su to najvaznije kategorije u tvome zivotu, i pokusas pronaci ravnotezu :)
03: Ides li na kave radi reda?
Hej, hej! U danasnjoj epizodi govorim o odnosima - obitelj, prijatelji, partnerski odnos i koja je tu tvoja uloga? Sto se trebas zapitati da bih bio onaj partner, ona kcer, ona prijateljica, majka, sestra koja zelis biti? Njegujes li svoje odnose ili ides na kave radi reda?
02: Ti biras svoju pricu
Hej, hej! U ovoj epizodi postavlja se pitanje ''Sjedis li na livadi'' i cekas da ti se zivot poslozi, ili ides za svojim ciljevima? Ako znas gdje si trenutno, sljedece logicno pitanje je gdje zelis ici? Pa vrijeme je da se zapitas sto ti zaista zelis ostvariti i sto te ispunjava?
01: Gdje si trenutno?
U ovoj epizodi postavlja se pitanje: Moze li covjek traziti vise od zivota? Govorimo o tome sto nas koci da izademo iz zone komfora. Ovo je samo uvod, u sve ono sto dolazi :)