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U Multicultural
Digital Ethnocultural Radio station focused on diverse communities of Canada presented by U Multicultural.
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УКанаді: Вся правда. Чому українці масово покидають Європу та їдуть до Канади?

УКанаді: Вся правда. Чому українці масово покидають Європу та їдуть до Канади?

УКанаді - перший україномовний подкаст про життя в Канаді. Тут ви почуєте історії імміграції, які мало хто наважується розказати на публіку. "Канада розчарувала, ми повертаємося назад в Європу" Сотні гучних заголовків відео іммігрантів в YouTube кажуть про те, що вони не підготували себе і абсолютно не знали, куди їдуть. Проте є люди, які значно покращили свій рівень життя з моменту переїзду в Канаду і полюбили канадський стиль життя. У новому випуску "УКанаді" ми нарешті дізнаємось правду, чому українці проміняли Європу на Канаду і як наважились на другу імміграцію. Канада чи Європа? У сьогоднішньому випуску разом з Вікторією та Катериною ми чесно поговоримо про плюси і мінуси життя в Канаді та Європі. In the latest episode of the УКанаді Podcast, we explore why some Ukrainians traded Europe for Canada and how they dared to immigrate a second time. While some were disappointed with Canada and returned to Europe, others have significantly improved their quality of life and embraced the Canadian way of living. Join Victoria and Kateryna as they discuss the pros and cons of life in Canada and Europe.
U Talk: FortWhyte Alive

U Talk: FortWhyte Alive

In today's urban world, it's easy to feel disconnected from nature 🌳 and the land 🌍. Yet, modern life and environmentalism don't have to be at odds. There are ways to embrace both 🌿. FortWhyte Alive is a prime example, transformed from an industrial site into a stunning natural sanctuary 🏞️. Discover how to reconnect with nature and explore the many ways to engage with the environment 🌲.
U Talk: Jewish Child and Family Service

U Talk: Jewish Child and Family Service

Inspired by the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World), Jewish Child and Family Service is committed to serving all Winnipeggers and ensuring their voices are heard and needs met. 🌟 A key focus of JCFS is mental health and wellness. To support their ongoing efforts and enhance access to mental health services, JCFS is hosting a 50/50 raffle until August 30. 🎟️💙
U Talk: Celebrate Summer in Downtown Winnipeg

U Talk: Celebrate Summer in Downtown Winnipeg

Summer is sizzling in downtown Winnipeg! ☀️ Dive into family movie nights, vibrant farmers' markets, and electrifying concert series with Winnipeg DowntownBiz. 🍿🎶 Savor delicious food, explore local gems, and make new connections in the heart of the city! 🌆🎉
УКанаді: Плюси та мінуси навчання в Канаді. Безкоштовне навчання?

УКанаді: Плюси та мінуси навчання в Канаді. Безкоштовне навчання?

🎓🇨🇦Вся правда про навчання в Канаді. Чим відрізняється вища освіта в Канаді від української? Чи забезпечить диплом роботу? У новому випуску подкасту УКанаді три студентки канадських університетів – Юлія, Анастасія та Юлія – відверто розповідають історії, якими ніхто не наважується поділитися. 🎓🇨🇦 On this episode of the УКанаді Podcast, three Ukrainian students in Canada reveal surprising truths about higher education and the importance of time management and gap years! 🌟📚 Discover their stories and how to find the greatest success in your education.
U Talk: Jeudis Franco Thursdays

U Talk: Jeudis Franco Thursdays

If you're eager to dive into French culture or learn French in Winnipeg, Jeudis Franco Thursdays is the perfect spot! Held every Thursday from June to August in the St. Boniface area, it offers a variety of experiences, including tours and casual conversations at local businesses, museums, and cinema.
U Talk: Stories of Manitoba's Métis Nation

U Talk: Stories of Manitoba's Métis Nation

There's a lot more to Manitoba's history than meets the eye. 🌾 A walking tour through Dalnavert Museum explores Winnipeg's downtown and its connection to the Métis Nation. Led by Dyna Sanderson, the tour tells the story of the Métis Nation's role in Manitoba's history and highlights unsung heroes you won't read about in a textbook. 📚 Don't miss her last tour on Thursday, August 1! 🗓️🚶‍♂️
УКанаді: Подивись це відео перед тим, як відкривати бізнес в Канаді

УКанаді: Подивись це відео перед тим, як відкривати бізнес в Канаді

Сьогодні в подкасті “УКанаді” Марго, Наталя та Кристина розповідають про борги та ризики, з якими їм довелося зіткнутися, будуючи бізнес у Канаді. Маркетинг у Канаді VS Україні? Яка бізнес-ідея приносить найбільший дохід у Канаді та за що канадці люблять український бізнес? Шукайте відповіді на ці та інші запитання у сьогоднішньому випуску. 🌟 Turning passions into profit. Margo, Natalia, and Kristina share their journeys from hobbies to businesses on the "Yканаді Podcast." Discover their challenges and successes in Canada, from flower artistry to community gaming and photography ventures.
From the Heart of Canada: Winipek with Niigaan Sinclair

From the Heart of Canada: Winipek with Niigaan Sinclair

Niigaan Sinclair, a columnist, professor, and author, has both studied and lived the Indigenous experience in Manitoba. His book, Wînipêk: Visions of Canada from an Indigenous Centre, explores Winnipeg as the "ground zero" of Indigenous relations in Canada. From the Heart of Canada, Matthew Harrison invites Sinclair to discuss Manitoba's history, Indigenous communities, radical solutions to injustice and violence, and reconciliation.
УКанаді: Шокуюча правда про життя в Канаді. Ілюзія трьох років

УКанаді: Шокуюча правда про життя в Канаді. Ілюзія трьох років

У сьогоднішньому випуску подкасту “УКанаді” ми відверто обговорюємо питання: Чи дійсно перші три роки в Канаді є найважчими як у фінансовому, так і в моральному плані? Чи варто очікувати, що після трьох років життя налагодиться? Слухайте подкаст із особливими гостями випуску – Денисом Волковим, генеральним директором Асоціації муніципалітетів Манітоби, та Вікторією Умін, директором Green&Clean Global. Вони діляться своїм понад 20-річним досвідом щодо досягнення фінансової стабільності в Канаді. Is the First Three Years in Canada the Toughest? In this episode of the УКанаді Podcast (In Canada), we're tackling the big question: Do the first three years in Canada really take the hardest toll on your finances and emotions? Join us as we chat with Denys Volkov, CEO of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, and Victoria Umin, Director of Green&Clean Global, who share their 20+ years of insights on achieving financial stability in Canada.
From the Heart of Canada: Unpacking Trumpism

From the Heart of Canada: Unpacking Trumpism

In his latest segment of From the Heart of Canada, Matthew Harrison explores the phenomenon of "Trumpism" and the ascent of the controversial president. What attracted his audience? What drove the far-right movement? And what are the implications for Canada? Let's delve into the politics.
U Talk: The Volunteers of GIFF 2024

U Talk: The Volunteers of GIFF 2024

🎬✨ The gathering of talent and film lovers has kicked off in Gimli, Manitoba, for the spectacular Gimli International Film Festival! 🌟 Running until July 28th, this festival has something for everyone, showcasing films from across Canada and around the world. 🌍🎥 But an event like this is only possible thanks to dedicated volunteers. 🙌 Let's take a moment to celebrate these often unsung heroes and discover how volunteering can change your life! 🌟
УКанаді: Життя з нуля. Чесно про імміграцію в Канаду

УКанаді: Життя з нуля. Чесно про імміграцію в Канаду

Чому імміграція часто є складнішою, ніж ми уявляємо? У сьогоднішньому випуску подкасту УКанаді, Анастасія і Ксенія розповідають про свій досвід адаптації до життя в Канаді правдиво і без прикрас. 🌍✨ Які події змусили їх задуматись про повернення додому? 🧳 Що хотіли б знати перед імміграцією? Як змиритись і відпустити минуле життя? Слухай і дізнавайся. Why is immigration often a tougher journey than we imagine? In today's episode of the УКанаді Podcast, Anastasia and Ksenia open up about their experiences, fears, and triumphs in adapting to life in Canada. 🌍✨ What drove them to leave their homeland? 🧳 What should you know before making the move? How do you come to terms with leaving your old life behind? Listen in and find out.
U Talk: Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying

U Talk: Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying

Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying 🌅🎥 explores grief and loss through the story of Edith Almadi as she reminisces and honours her son's life. In collaboration with filmmakers Natalie Baird and Toby Gillies, Edith's words come to life in vibrant and majestic illustrations.🎨✨ The short will join other beautiful films at this year's Gimli International Film Festival. 🎬🌟
Mental Health Break: The Programs of MDAM

Mental Health Break: The Programs of MDAM

Take a Mental Health Break with the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba and U Radio. It's okay to ask for help, as there are many who share your experiences. The peer support programs at the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba (MDAM) connect people on their mental wellness journey with others who understand. With activity-based programs and the summer Music, Art, Dance, and Drama Camp (MAD), MDAM supports people wherever they are on their path to mental wellness. 🎨🎶🩰🎭
УКанаді: Як почати бізнес в Канаді без грошей та мови?

УКанаді: Як почати бізнес в Канаді без грошей та мови?

Початок власної справи — це дуже страшно, особливо коли ти розпочинаєш життя в чужій країні. Для новоприбулих підприємців, які хочуть почати бізнес, це може здатися складним завданням. Вікторія, Ольга і Олександра розповідають, як вони розпочали свій власний бізнес в Канаді, не маючи жодних фінансових заощаджень, проте з великою вірою і наполегливістю. Starting something new is incredibly scary, especially when seeking a new life in a foreign land. For newcomer entrepreneurs looking to create a business, it can feel like a Herculean task. Victoriia, Olga, and Alexandra explore how they started their own business in Canada without financial savings but with unwavering faith and determination. 
U Talk: Modern Goose

U Talk: Modern Goose

Karsten Wall has always had an interest in nature series and documentaries. For his first solo project, he took a closer look at the animals around him, following the lives of urban geese and exploring their interaction with city environments and water systems. His film Modern Goose aims to expand awareness and respect for these often-overlooked animals. It will be showcased at the Gimli International Film Festival in the Short Films program.
U Talk: Pegcity Steppers

U Talk: Pegcity Steppers

Fitness and staying active is a lot more than physical fitness. It can greatly improve mental wellness and, for the Pegcity Steppers, a stronger sense of community. The nearly 70 members are sharing their passion with all of Winnipeg, holding their second Health and Wellness Day on July 21. Ready to embark on your fitness journey? All you need to do is show up.
УКанаді: Очікування та реальність. До чого неможливо звикнути?

УКанаді: Очікування та реальність. До чого неможливо звикнути?

Еміграція — це завжди стрибок у невідоме. Навіть якщо до цього готуватись, збирати інформацію, накопичувати ресурси, готуватися морально, це великий стрес. У сьогоднішньому випуску подкасту “УКанаді” разом з Ксенією, Олександрою та Анастасією ми будемо ділитися історіями, ситуаціями, переживаннями, які точно знайомі усім емігрантам. Як ми проживали культурний шок? Чому нетворкінг так важливий та де шукати знайомства? Про все це ми поговоримо у сьогоднішньому випуску. Emigration is always a leap into the unknown. It's still a major stress even if you prepare for it, gather information, accumulate resources, and brace yourself mentally. Together with Ksenia, Alexandra, and Anastasia, we will share stories, situations, and experiences that are familiar to all immigrants. How did we experience culture shock? Why is networking so important, and where do you find connections? Find out on the УКанаді Podcast.
U Talk: Gimli International Film Festival 2024

U Talk: Gimli International Film Festival 2024

🎬✨ Each July, the charming town of Gimli, Manitoba, transforms into a cultural and creative hub with the Gimli International Film Festival! 🌟 With incredible documentaries, feature films, or shorts, there's something special for everyone, whether you're a hardcore film enthusiast, a casual moviegoer, or a filmmaker! Join us in the studio with Teya Zuzek to get the inside scoop on everything happening at GIFF 2024. 🎥🍿
УКанаді: Як відкрити свою кондитерську в Канаді?

УКанаді: Як відкрити свою кондитерську в Канаді?

Сьогодні у подкасті "УКанаді" ми говоримо на тему, яка стає все більш актуальною серед новоприбулих українців - а саме кулінарний бізнес. Для багатьох новоприбулих кулінарія стала додатковим заробітком в Канаді. Але є й ті, кому вдалось піти далі і зробити з цього успішний бізнес. Сьогодні своїм досвідом та знаннями погодилась поділитись дівчина, яка не так давно прибула до Канади, але вже відкрила свою кондитерську. Аліна Ярмак розказала про те, як почати заробляти на своєму хобі та де шукати клієнтів. Read more: Today on the УКанаді Podcast, we're diving into a topic becoming increasingly relevant among new Ukrainian immigrants: the culinary business. For many newcomers, culinary pursuits have become an additional source of income in Canada. Some have gone further and turned it into a successful venture. Sharing her experience and knowledge with us today is a young woman who recently arrived in Canada but has already opened her own pastry shop. Alina Yarmak talks about how to start making money from your hobby and where to find clients.
From the Heart of Canada: Defining Métis Identity

From the Heart of Canada: Defining Métis Identity

Will Goodon from the Manitoba Métis Federation joins Matthew Harrison at the U Multicultural studio to delve into the history which shaped Métis nationhood. The two explore Indigenous identity fraud and its threat to authentic Métis culture and heritage. Who are the Métis people? What does the future look like for the Métis Nation? Find out from the Heart of Canada.
U Talk: Out There Winnipeg

U Talk: Out There Winnipeg

Community is a core part of the human experience. However, for many 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals, finding a place where you can feel safe and supported can seem like a distant dream. 🌈 Even more so for those who have come from a country or grew up in a place where they felt they couldn't truly be themselves. That's where Out There Winnipeg comes in, a vibrant organization dedicated to connecting queer folk through sports and other engaging activities. Here, friendships blossom, and for some, these connections even lead to finding a life partner. 💕✨
УКанаді: Управління рестораном у Канаді. Труднощі та перспективи

УКанаді: Управління рестораном у Канаді. Труднощі та перспективи

Початок абсолютно нової кар’єри в Канаді не обов’язково має бути лякаючим. За менше ніж два роки Ларисі Поліщук вдалося продвинутися від звичайного кухаря до шеф-кухаря та частково взяти на себе управління рестораном. Лариса Поліщук має понад тридцять років досвіду роботи піарницею, а зараз - одна з менеджерів єдиного грузинського ресторану у Вінніпезі. Read More: Starting an entirely new career in Canada doesn't have to be daunting. In less than two years, Larysa Polishchuk advanced from a regular cook to a head chef and partially took on restaurant management. Polishchuk is a PR specialist with over thirty years of experience and one of the managers of the only Georgian restaurant in Winnipeg.
U Talk: Karla Atanacio

U Talk: Karla Atanacio

What's the key to making changes in your community? Well, Karla Atanacio has the info you need. Karla is heavily involved in the Filipino community. Whether in social or economic aspects, she's dedicated to making a difference. She shares her inspirations and how you, too, can get involved.
U Talk: Casey Palmer

U Talk: Casey Palmer

Growing is learning the world changes around us, and you either learn to embrace change or find yourself left behind. Growing is also learning who you are and becoming comfortable in your skin. Whether it's as a father, a husband, a creator, or a professional, Casey Palmer does his best to share the wisdom he has learned.
УКанаді: Як вийти на ринок Канади зі своєю продукцією

УКанаді: Як вийти на ринок Канади зі своєю продукцією

Новоприбулі українці в Канаді так швидко розпочинають свої власні бізнеси, що можна зробити висновок про те, що підприємницький дух живе у кожному. Навіть нові закони, культурний шок або період адаптації не зупиняють українців, з перших місяців перебування в Канаді братися за втілення своїх мрій.  У новому випуску подкасту "УКанаді", своїм досвідом виходу на ринок Манітоби поділяться Анастасія та Давид, які зайнялись виробництвом та продажем корейських салатів. Вони детально розкажуть про кожен етап процесу – від закупівлі продуктів до розміщення готової продукції на полицях канадських супермаркетів.  Even with all the complications that come with migrating to a new country, many Ukrainians who now call Canada home are dedicated to creating a new life for themselves, and sometimes that takes the form of starting a business. In the latest episode of the УКанаді "In Canada" Podcast, Anastasiia and Davyd share their experiences of entering the Manitoba market with the production and sale of Korean salads, a food they often ate back home in Ukraine.
From the Heart of Canada - Running With Ryan Keeping

From the Heart of Canada - Running With Ryan Keeping

How can a person make a difference in the world? Ryan Keeping, a 27-year-old from Halifax, has been running across Canada to find that answer. Starting on April 1st from St. Johns, Newfoundland, Ryan aims to cover 7,386 km in 99 days, running 75 km daily to raise funds for the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada. Matthew Harrison ran with Ryan to hear his story.
U Talk: Ma-Buhay! A New Musical

U Talk: Ma-Buhay! A New Musical

With a grand vision of one day becoming the first Manitoban production on Broadway, Ma-Buhay, a New Musical, hits Winnipeg's Rainbow Stage on June 27. The production features an entire Filipino cast and explores identity, culture, community and family as three young Filipinos compete in the grand finale of a prestigious singing competition. Join us as we find out more from director and creator Joseph Sevillo.
The Power of Bayanihan: Celebrating Filipino Culture and Community Bonds

The Power of Bayanihan: Celebrating Filipino Culture and Community Bonds

Celebrating Filipino Heritage Month, Perla Javate, Gani Casalla, and Chris Ontong delve into the rich Filipino concept of Bayanihan, highlighting its importance in fostering community spirit and cooperation. Explore how Filipino communities unite to preserve their cultural heritage, sharing traditions, stories, and practices. Tune in to learn about the significance of community bonds and the efforts to maintain and celebrate Filipino culture in today's world.
УКанаді: Кіноіндустрія у Канаді. З чого почати та де шукати кастинги?

УКанаді: Кіноіндустрія у Канаді. З чого почати та де шукати кастинги?

Хто з вас переїхав до Канади, сповнений надіями на краще життя, але зіткнувся з розбитими мріями, які не виправдалися в реальності? Ця драматична подорож, змальована у фільмі "Діаспора" від режисера Деко Доусона, відома багатьом. Фільм, в якому молода українська іммігрантка прибуває до Вінніпегу та потрапляє у найнебезпечніший район North End, де зіштовхується з занедбаними будівлями, культурним шоком та непорозумінням у суспільстві, вже отримав декілька престижних нагород на кінофестивалях по всій Канаді.   Сьогодні у подкасті “УКанаді” ми говоримо з головною акторкою фільму “Діаспора” Юлією Гужвою, яка поділиться історією своєї імміграції та з чого почався її шлях в кіноіндустрії у Канаді.  How many have moved to Canada full of hope for a better life but found their dreams shattered in reality? This dramatic journey is depicted in the movie Diaspora by director Deco Dawson. Today on the УКанаді Podcast, we're talking to the lead actress of the film Diaspora, Yuliia Guzhva, who will share her immigration story and how her journey in the Canadian film industry began. 
U Talk: YBK Shakur

U Talk: YBK Shakur

YBK Shakur is a prolific musician and artist in his own right, but through YBK Entertainment, he uplifts smaller and breakthrough artists across Manitoba. With the release of  "AON FC," "All or Nothing Freestyle Club," providing a workshop in a local school, and tours in Northern Manitoba communities, there's a lot to discuss on U Talk.
УКанаді: Звідки у Канаді взялись українці та як не втрачати свою ідентичність?

УКанаді: Звідки у Канаді взялись українці та як не втрачати свою ідентичність?

Для багатьох українців в Канаді збереження власної культурної спадщини є важливою метою. Вони організовують фестивалі, танці, концерти та інші заходи, щоб передати культурне надбання, мову, мистецтво, кухню та традиції своїм нащадкам. Сьогодні в гостях подкасту “УКанаді” ми розмовляємо з Анастасією Фик, яка попри те, що є українкою четвертого покоління, вільно володіє українською мовою. В інтерв‘ю поговоримо про непорозуміння між старою та новою діаспорою, шароварщину та звідки вона взялась в Канаді. For many Ukrainians in Canada, preserving their cultural heritage is a crucial goal. They've organized festivals, dances, concerts, and other events to pass on cultural heritage, language, arts, cuisine, and traditions to their descendants. Today, on the УКанаді Podcast, we're talking with Anastasia Fyk, who, despite being a fourth-generation Ukrainian, fluently speaks the Ukrainian language. The interview discusses misunderstandings between the old and new diaspora, "sharovarshchyna," and where it originated in Canada.
U Talk: Networking For Newcomers

U Talk: Networking For Newcomers

Trying something new is always scary. Whether starting a new business, meeting friends, or moving to a new country, it often takes a leap of faith. However, making connections can make those leaps a little easier. Jhocelin Gilbert is passionate about networking to create a support system or new business opportunities.
U Talk: Inka Warriors

U Talk: Inka Warriors

In one year, two women have created an impressive endeavour. From cultural dance, music, animation, ventriloquism, and other artistic pursuits, Ana and Alexandra share their Peruvian culture with Winnipeg through Inka Warriors.
УКанаді: Індустрія краси. З чого почати новоприбулому майстру в Канаді?

УКанаді: Індустрія краси. З чого почати новоприбулому майстру в Канаді?

З новою хвилею імміграції українців у Канаду, до Вінніпегу прибуло багато б’юті майстрів, які хочуть продовжити шлях в цій сфері у новій країні. Проте, перехід до канадської б’юті індустрії - це великий крок, що вимагає від майстрів не тільки вміння, а й адаптації до нового середовища. Як отримати ліцензію? Наскільки ця індустрія розвинена в Канаді? Де шукати клієнтів? Які є можливості працевлаштування? Відповісти на ці та інші запитання ми запросили українську б’юті майстриню Ольгу. With the new wave of Ukrainian immigration to Canada, many beauty specialists have arrived in Winnipeg and aim to continue their career path in this field in the new country. However, transitioning into the Canadian beauty industry is a significant step that requires skill and adaptation to a new environment. How do you obtain a license? How developed is this industry in Canada? Where can clients be found? What are the employment opportunities? To answer these and other questions, we invited Ukrainian beauty expert Olga.
U Talk: Pembina Valley Pride

U Talk: Pembina Valley Pride

Pride Month has arrived, but Winnipeg isn't the only place celebrating the occasion. There are so many events across the province, bringing the 2SLGBTQIA+ community together in dozens of towns and cities. Pembina Valley Pride kicks off this weekend, June 8, in Altona. But Pride is just one of many activities or learning opportunities one can participate in.
U Talk: Folktoria

U Talk: Folktoria

With the challenges we witness, it's a fulfilling experience to see community and people coming together. Folktoria is one such event that celebrates diversity and culture within Victoria, B.C. What can people look forward to at the celebration on June 1-2? How do folk dance and music unite the community, and what is Morris dancing? Let's find out on this episode of U Talk.
U Talk: Taste of Asia

U Talk: Taste of Asia

Asian Heritage Month is underway, and what better way to celebrate culture than over tasty food? Hosted by Foodtrip Market and with the Asian Heritage Society of Manitoba, Taste of Asia on May 25-26 will be a delicious time. 🍜🍲🍛 What can we expect, why is Asian Heritage Month important, and what is the role of the Asian Heritage Society of Manitoba? We explore these questions on this episode of U Talk.
U Talk: Pride Winnipeg

U Talk: Pride Winnipeg

Pride Month is on the way, and events hosted by Pride Winnipeg and other organizations aren't only a celebration of the vibrancy of the human experience; they're a chance to educate. With recent policies across the country hurting the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, particularly those who identify as trans, education is more important than ever.
U Multicultural: Philippine Heritage Society of Manitoba

U Multicultural: Philippine Heritage Society of Manitoba

The Filipino community is one of the fastest-growing diasporas in Manitoba, with over 100 thousand individuals living in the province. With this growing population, Manitoba now recognizes June as Filipino Heritage Month. There's so much happening, and we have Perla Javate from the Philippine Heritage Council to share everything Filipino here in Manitoba. 
U Talk: Shanley Spence

U Talk: Shanley Spence

You never know where life will take you. Opportunities can come at any moment, and even if they take you out of your comfort zone, they could be life-changing. That's what Shanley Spence has done: taking chances and exploring possibilities. 
U Talk: Islamic Social Services Association

U Talk: Islamic Social Services Association

There are dozens, hundreds even, of organizations that support newcomers arriving in Canada. There's a lot of information one needs when starting a life in a new country. However, we can also learn a lot from immigrants and newcomers and new ideas and perspectives we may never have thought of before.  That's an essential component of the Islamic Social Services Association, providing social services to the Islamic and broader Manitoban community and learning from the diversity of people we have in this province.  
U Talk: Pan African Legacy

U Talk: Pan African Legacy

Winnipeg has a growing African community, with many creating various organizations to represent the vast number of countries within the continent. Pan African Legacy unites the cultures of 14 countries from Southern Africa. Although those countries have many differences, they also share some similarities, and Pan African Legacy is looking to celebrate those differences and similarities while engaging younger generations with their culture and heritage. 
U Talk: First Fridays in the Exchange

U Talk: First Fridays in the Exchange

Art is meant for everyone, and one event in Winnipeg is opening the doors for experiencing it. First Fridays in the Exchange invites Winnipeggers and newcomers alike to experience art through galleries, museums, showcases, discussions, and performances. It takes place on the first Friday of each month in Winnipeg's Exchange District. 
U Talk: FasinAsian Film Festival

U Talk: FasinAsian Film Festival

An exciting event is kicking off Asian Heritage Month, celebrating Asian representation in the film industry. Coming May 2-5 in Calgary and May 24-26 in Winnipeg, the FascinAsian Film Festival is an opportunity to view both local and international films of Asian stories.
U Talk: Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal

U Talk: Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal

Things are difficult right now. Whether it's access to health care, affordable housing, green and walkable spaces, or easily accessible places for groceries, many communities are struggling. For the Elmwood area, Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation is working to support in whatever way they can. However, one organization can't do everything, and it's going to take a consistent effort from everyone to make a difference.
U Talk: Keisha Paul

U Talk: Keisha Paul

Connections are vital to the human experience. Whether connecting on a personal level or for business, communicating effectively and understanding someone's perspective can be the difference between success and failure.  Through her time as a business consultant, the host of a radio morning show, and hosting events, Keisha Paul has figured out how to find the story behind a situation, utilizing that skill of connection to find success.
U Talk: Jennifer Beitz

U Talk: Jennifer Beitz

Achieving our goals and dreams can sometimes feel overwhelming. For immigrants to a new country, barriers can make goals continue to feel further away. However, there are steps we can all take to actualize our visions, and Jennifer Beitz helps people set goals to achieve them.  From fitness to reflection and overcoming the limitations we put on ourselves are just some of the discussions on this episode of U Talk.  
U Talk: Norine Braun

U Talk: Norine Braun

Music is all around us. It's in the trees, the air, and the water, and all it takes is the desire to listen for it. Norine Braun does just that. She listens to nature and applies it to her music, combining narrative and experiential works to create something unique and beautiful.  After her mother's passing, Norine created Ascending Lullaby, a song exploring the transition from one life to the next. 