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Eric, Lila, Deven and Ethan Wohlwend
Create financial freedom so your family has time, social & location freedom.
Total 257 episodes
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Financial Friday: Recession is Inevitable
FF: Recession is Inevitable… But, is it imminent? Can the Federal Reserve kick the can any longer? This has been the longest yield inversion in history. Almost 50% longer than before the Great Financial Crisis. When will the markets break & what can you do about it? Ask for more bailouts? Throughout all of history, stealing money & value from people who produce, so you can give it to people who do not, has caused inflation & eventually toppled governments and empires. Is this time different? I doubt it. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Taxes: Kamala Proposes a 44.6 % Income Tax
Taxes: Kamala proposes a 44.6% Income Tax California already charges more than 10% in state tax. Cities have their own taxes. The county is more than doubling property taxes on some properties in our area. You pay sales tax on everything you buy. Gas tax when you drive. The government is spending more than 20% of your taxes on interest alone. Why? Because it spends 40% more than it takes from us every year. We are now over $35 Trillion in debt. Every president from every political party has increased this debt MORE than the last president. None of the candidates are even talking about decreasing government spending. Taxes are without any question the biggest expense you will ever have in your life. All of this & they have the nerve to talk about “Greedy Capitalists” and “Price Gouging!” www.RealPowerFamily.com
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One Year Anniversary Episode
One Year Anniversary Episode Today we celebrate 1 year on the radio! This episode is a tribute to our listeners, guests, Brushwood Media, family, and freedom! We share snippets of some of the great guests, lessons, and moments from the show over the last year with comments from our family. We invite you to join us in the celebration episode! To learn more, check out www.RealPowerFamily.com
Kevin McDonald and Positive Talk Radio
Kevin McDonald & Positive Talk Radio Kevin is a seasoned host of radio and podcast shows since 2003, who has captivated audiences with his engaging and heartfelt approach. With a passion for storytelling and connecting with listeners, Kevin has built a loyal following over the years. He is the founder of a thriving media company called KMmedia.pro that offers a range of media services designed to enhance and elevate brands and businesses. Their expertise in the industry ensures that clients receive top-quality content and strategies tailored to their needs. Today we have a lot of fun talking to Kevin about everything from selling chicken to driving a bus to making the world a better place with is Positive Talk Radio Show. If you want to guest on a show that's a haven of love, positivity, and safe space, schedule on this link: https://kmmedia.pro/be-a-guest-on-our-show-1. Support Positive Talk Radio by visiting https://www.positivetalkradio.net/support/ https://kmmedia.pro/our-store.
Democrats are Supporting the "Ultra-Right-Wing Trump"
Democrats are Supporting the “Ultra-Right-Wing Trump” If you believe what the news says, this idea would be impossible. To see the truth, you have to step back and look at the Big Picture. Trump has been painted as “Ultra-Right-Wing;” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as a conspiracy theorist. I am sure they will be attacking Elon Musk as well. What do all of these people have in common? They were all registered Democrats in the past. Yes, Even Donald Trump. They have all went against the machine. RFK, Jr. wrote an incredibly well researched book about the dangers of Anthony Fauci & the Medical, industrial, government complex. Elon will not censor free speech in America, or the world. All have been sued and/or brought up on charges for following our Constitution & supporting our citizens at the expense of the deep state agenda. And now ALL of them have endorsed Trump. It is not Democrat vs. Republican. Now, more & more citizens of multiple countries are seeing it is the Deep State/one world government/puppet masters against all of us. www.RealPowerFamily.com The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK, Jr.
Financial Friday: Job Numbers Revision Down 28 Percent
FF: Job Numbers revision DOWN 28% Jobs 28% less than reported. MSM reports this in a hard-to-understand way. Wall Street Journal & Bloomberg have terrible timing on Gold & inflation predictions. Finally, is your 401k/IRA really at an all-time high in purchasing power? The value of a dollar has dropped so much, the price of stocks may be higher but that does not mean they are more valuable. Mike Maloney: Hidden Secrets of Money www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Homeschooling: It's Easier Than You Think
Homeschooling: It's Easier Than You Think Many people have the idea that homeschooling will take 6 hours a day. It is not even close to that. If you really want is best for your kids consider taking them out of government schools. Another false belief is that all kids should or even can learn all of the same things. That is crazy! Kids are different. They have different learning styles. They will grow to be adults that run different business or choose different careers. They are smart enough to know from the time they are born what they like in life. If you really want them to choose a profession they love, why not start them by letting them learn what they love the way they love to learn. If you want help, mentoring or just some guidance sign-up for our: Family Freedom Membership. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Teenager Takeover: 200th Episode Special
Teenager Takeover – 200th Episode Special In this special episode of the Real Power Family Radio Show the teenagers (Deven and Ethan) talk about the story of our family and how we got to where we are. They talk about how they started investing, how they wrote their books, and how they ended up talking on the radio to millions of people to help make the world a better place. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Guest: Sara O'Meara
Sara O’Meara Sara started as an actress but found herself in a situation where there were children that needed her help. Later, she started Childhelp and has been helping children for 65 years. After being diagnosed with Cancer and being told that she has 3 months to live, she experienced a miracle that healed her. She soon realized she could help others find their own healing. Do you believe in miracles? With God, all things are possible! Tune in to hear stories of miracles Sara has witnessed! Check out her book Healed: Your Miracle Awaits. Amazon: https://thelittlechapelaz.org/ Follow us on Social Media: Instagram @thelittlechapelaz https://www.instagram.com/thelittlechapelaz/ YouTube: thelittlechapelaz https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEfS93JcpGxppJTNcbzAbzw/featured Tik Tok: thelittlechapelaz https://www.tiktok.com/@thelittlechapelaz Facebook: thelittlechapelaz https://www.facebook.com/people/The-Little-Chapel-AZ/61550247967371/
Take Control of Your Life!
Take control of your life! If you feel trapped, it is only because you are not thinking big enough. When government agencies want to give your kids an experimental gene therapy (like in Vermont) that they falsely claim is a vaccine, even though it does not prevent you from being infected and it does not prevent you from transmitting the virus… you must take action. I applaud the parents fighting for parents’ rights. I chose to not fight an uphill battle. I just removed my kids from the bad situation. We home-school. This has given our kids a huge benefit over most of their peers who went to government schools. If you don’t like the TSA’s rules there are alternatives to flying commercial. If you don’t like the taxes in your country or state, MOVE. You have control over your life if you are willing to take responsibility for yourself. Then you must take action based on your beliefs, logic and reasoning. That is how we made our world a better place. If we can do it, so can you. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Financial Friday: Gold Standard & The Trump/Musk Interview
FF: Gold Standard & the Trump/Musk Interview We passed the 53rd year anniversary of leaving the gold standard. President Nixon assured us on August 15th, 1971 our dollars would buy as much later as they did that day. It now takes 71 times more dollars to buy an ounce of gold. Energy, housing & food are so expensive/volatile the government does not even count it in the Consumer Price Inflation numbers. Elon brought up the fact that price inflation comes from too much government spending. Trump changed the subject. Kamala wants to freeze prices on food. (That didn’t work well before.) She also wants to give $25,000 to 1st time home buyers. This will just cause more inflation. And, don’t forget, it seems like every politician wants to send more bombs & bullets to every other country that will take them… That equals more inflation. Our family is buying more hard assets faster. What are you doing? www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Why Housing Is Likely To Get Cheaper
Why housing is likely to get cheaper Some office buildings are selling for 25% of what they sold for 8 to 10 years ago. The Japanese stock market had a huge drop. The US stocks had a pullback and are still overvalued based on price of the stock compared to earnings. While the FOMC held their target interest rate the same, home mortgage rates dropped. This may lower values & increase supply. Yes, I said lower rates MAY LOWER HOUSING VALUES! Listen to the show to find out how. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Teenager Takeover: The Difference Between Rich, Poor, and Middle Class
TT: The Difference Between Rich, Poor, and Middle-Class In this episode, the teenagers (Deven and Ethan) discuss the importance of finding your "why," setting goals, and having the right mindset. They also talk about spending time with the right people, understanding good vs. bad debt, and the difference between assets and liabilities. Lastly, they explain the importance of taking action. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Ike Shehadeh - Sandwich god at Ike's Sandwiches
Ike Shehadeh Sandwich god at Ike’s Sandwiches. If you know what your priorities are you can create a job or business that is more fulfilling. Ike loves making sandwiches & feeding people. He realized that there is really no difference between selling a bra, a drink, a house or a sandwich. (Three of his past jobs.) Don’t worry about all of the things that might go wrong. Just get started now! Make sure to pick up a sandwich at: https://www.ikessandwich.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@Vote4IkeShehadeh https://www.instagram.com/stories/ikeshehadeh
Leverage Both governments and households are using more leverage. The problem is, many people can never pay this debt back. 9.1% are already delinquent. The federal government is in far worse shape. The CBO expects a $70 Billion shortfall in the FDIC. Remember every time you take a loan or leave a balance on your credit card, you are borrowing your future happiness for instant gratification today. This not only needs paid back, you have to pay it back with interest. On top of that you have to pay back all of the money the government spends, which is now over $35.15 TRILLION, through direct taxation or inflation. In order to stay on top, you must learn to use debt to benefit you & not get too much debt that it drags you down. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Financial Friday: When Should You Take On Debt?
FF: When should you take on debt? After starting with over-reaching governments who make central planning decisions for one reason & cause more damage from unintended consequences in many other scenarios, we finally got to finances this Friday. When is it a good idea to take on debt? What is your responsibility to pay? What do you do when people call you & say you owe them money from 40 years ago? Most of these answers are personal in nature. Everyone’s circumstances are different. And we still share what has worked for us in the past as well as what we are doing today. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Price Controls and a Planned Economy
Price Controls & a Planned Economy Planned economies have never worked in the past. Politicians frequently promise things they cannot deliver. The news runs front page stories that are not true…then, when no one cares anymore, they print a retraction on page 10. During this political season, look at people’s results; not their promises. Kamala wants to go so far, she is not just offering Equal Opportunity, she wants to guarantee Equal Results. The only way to do that is to lower the results produced by everyone in society to the amount produced by the lowest, weakest or worst producer. Equal is not always better. Compare that to messy innovation of Capitalism. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Teenager Takeover: The Government's Master Plan for Humanity
TT: The Governments Master Plan for Humanity In this episode, the teenagers (Deven and Ethan) Talk about UNDP (United Nations Development Plan) and how Multiple governments plan to use it to take control of your life. With many governments talking about introducing CBDCs, (Central Bank Digital Currencies) social credit scores, and many other things that can be used to track you and give them control. It is more important than ever to learn what is happening and how to stop it. Here are the articles that the teenagers were talking about during the show: https://www.undp.org/sites/g/files/zskgke326/files/2022-07/UNDP%20Strategic%20Plan%202022-2025.pdf https://allnewspipeline.com/Globalists_Unveiling_Their_Master_Plan_For_Humanity.php www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Crystal Dwyer Hansen - Ask!
Crystal Dwyer Hansen-Ask! Most people don’t get what they want because they don’t know what they want. Once you figure out what you want, you need to ASK! Ask yourself, Ask others, Ask God 7 Reasons why people don’t Ask: UnworthinessNaivetyDoubtExcusesFearPattern Paralysis-You are stuck in your own pattern.Disconnection- When things don’t go the way you want, DON’T Give UP! Ask yourself, “Are you doing your best or are you taking the easy way out?” Get the book: Ask! The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny Check out their publishing services www.MarkVictorHansenLibrary.com Text: ASK to 21000 for your free gift
Manic Monday
Manic Monday Immigration, mostly peaceful riots, what is a man, global warming, racism, sexism, fly-over country, firearms, rigged elections… Yes, we hit all of these taboo topics as well as anti-trust lawsuits & tinfoil hats today. I don’t think I missed a single topic that could get me banned from social media. It may be our best…or worst episode ever. One thing I guarantee, you won’t be bored! www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Financial Friday: Financial Incentives
FF: Financial Incentives If you want more of something, incentivize it. If you want less, tax it. The same thing works with business and family. If you think you are incentivizing the correct things, look at your results. Make sure you are congruent. Look at the unintended consequences. It is amazing how a small change in the incentive structure can dramatically improve results. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Don't Blame, Justify or Complain
Don’t Blame, Justify or Complain Until people accept that you cannot create value out of nothing, we will have an entitlement mentality problem. Until politicians realize they cannot fix problems by executive order, the problems can only be fixed by real people creating more value in the world, we will continue to have political problems. Until everyone realizes that you cannot solve problems by counterfeiting currency (printing Federal Reserve Notes) and throwing that at the problem, we will continue to have inflation. The solution, more people need to see the big picture, act congruently and start investing time, money & energy into creating more value for themselves and the world. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Teenager Takeover: The Art of Business
TT: The Art of Business In this episode, the teenagers (Deven and Ethan) use age-old tactics of war to build their businesses. Learn how the teenagers integrated lessons from The Art of War into business. See how you, the listener, can change your life for the better after learning and taking action on these lessons. The teenagers also explain how these lessons perfectly explain some of the problems with today’s government. All of that and more in this episode of the Real Power Family Radio Show. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Mark Victor Hansen: World's Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Publisher & Grandfather
Mark Victor Hansen: World’s Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Publisher & Grandfather Figure out what you wantWrite goals (10 a day!)VisualizeCreate a team You need to set goals every day. Set impossible goals. Never be afraid to fail. The best way to leave a legacy is in a book. These are just a few of the lessons in today’s show with the author of over 320 books. These include 59 New York Times #1 Best-Sellers! Mark has spoken to over 7 Million people in 80 countries. He has 10 honorary doctorates & is a recipient of the Horatio Alger Award for Distinguished Americans. Lear more at www.MarkVictorHansen.com Learn about his publishing services at www.MarkVictorHansenLibrary.com Text ASK to 21000 for your FREE Gift!
False Flags: The Outline For Starting a War & Getting Control
False Flags: The Outline for starting a war & Getting Control If you believe that Democracy is good & the government is there to help, you should look at history. No matter how open minded you are, I bet one of the things I discuss today will shock you. If you really want to believe what you have always been told, I only ask you do some of your own research. There is an outline for war. It has been used to get Americans & many other nations into The Great War, WWII, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine & I predict Israel will be next. The same things that the Socialists in Germany (Nazis) did in the 1940’s were done to “free” citizens by their own governments during COVID. Before you accept what the history books say (they are always written by the winners) look at the actual evidence & make up your own mind about what has and is happening. Then use that to just say NO to government overreach! Off The Grid with Thomas Massie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18_yXt1s2yc https://thenewamerican.com/ True Conspiracies by Connor Boyack: https://a.co/d/bcLqRGZ
Financial Friday: Imagine If There Were No Inflation
Imagine if there were NO Inflation Why do we “need” 2% inflation? Is inflation really good for us? Why is deflation “Bad.” If U.S. Treasury bonds are the “Safest” assets, why are banks forced to sell when they buy as many as the banking regulators force them to buy? These questions & more in today’s Financial Friday episode! Sign up for our FREE NEWSLETTER here. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Asset Registration
Asset Registration The EU has talked about creating an asset register to record all the assets of its citizens. If it knows the asset exists, it can “improve inequality, as well as fair and progressive taxation.” Do you want the government to tax you more for what you’ve worked for? The problems in one country can easily migrate to another. If we want to protect our freedom, we need to be willing to stand up against overreaching governments across the globe. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Teenager Takeover: What Is DEI?
TT: What is DEI? In this episode, the teenagers (Deven and Ethan) discuss DEI and its implications, including how many companies, schools, and politics are choosing people based on their race or gender rather than their qualifications. They also talk about companies like Microsoft and TSC ending their DEI programs. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Robert Riopel - Self Esteem and Achievement
Robert Riopel-Self Esteem & Achievement 1. Have at least 3 coaches in life. 2. Have 2 mentors. (Someone who has already achieved what you want to do.) 3. Be part of at least 1 mastermind. Get 1 done. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to be done. Rule of 33=1/3 are the people you want to be like, 1/3 are where you are & 1/3 you can lift up. This way you can Learn, Do, Teach. To be there for someone you need to be clear on which of these 3 things they want from you at the time. At times they need: Help, Heard, Hold the space. OPEN=Observation. P=Pamper. E=Energy. N=uN-Clutter. I Choose to do this, I don’t “NEED” to do this. Framing things in these words takes the pressure off of yourself. These are some of the things that have made Robert so successful. https://www.facebook.com/TheRobertRiopel/ https://successleftaclue.com/book1
The Government Is Not Listening To You
The government is not listening to you The elite of the world seem to see themselves more as our lords and kings than our elected representatives. More and more people are seeing the stark contrast between what they demand we do, & what they do. That is not a good recipe for parenting. It is even worse for elected leaders. The problem is, we have allowed them to do this for so many decades that there are many octogenarians who thing it is normal, or possibly it is even their right to control is mere citizens of the world. They keep us divided by party, by race and even by made up things so they can keep control. They keep currency flowing to them, generally through countless unending wars. Since at least 2016 & a lot more since COVID we the people are saying NO. This is happening in many countries all over the world. Just look at the recent elections. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Financial Friday: Why Do People Still Loan To The Government?
FF: Why do people still loan to the Government? The US government is almost $35 TRILLION dollars in debt. They are spending more than $2 trillion in excess of what they bring in. In addition, the unfunded liabilities of the government (that is what they call you socialist security check) are increasing at about $4 trillion a year. All of this when they only bring in a total of $4.9 trillion a year. If it cannot go on forever it will not go on forever. Our belief is that the US will do a soft default by debasing their currency more and faster. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Resilience, Fear and Respect
Resilience, Fear & Respect My dad taught me “There is a fine line between fear & respect.” My wife says you should have a “Healthy Fear.” I say “You can’t live in fear.” I know I am going to fail at times. I know bad things are going to happen. And usually they are not the things I fear. They are something totally unexpected. Think of the recent hurricane in TX that changed directions. The COVID virus & the wild overreaction of virtually every world government. The Twin towers… Did any of you bet on any of those things happening? Most of the things we fear will never happen. Even when bad things happen we bounce back. We are resilient. When you choose to live with respect rather than fear, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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833-Be-Do-Have (833-233-6428)
Teenager Takeover: The Differences between Capitalism and Communism
TT: In this episode, the teenagers (Deven and Ethan) discuss the differences between capitalism and communism, focusing on the concepts of freedom versus control. They also talk about how capitalism rewards those who provide value and work hard, while communism promises "fairness" but ends up hurting people in many ways. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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833-Be-Do-Have (833-233-6428) Also check out Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell: https://a.co/d/8niVWxO
The War on Food - Marjory Wildcraft
The War on Food- Marjory Wildcraft Did you know food travels 1500 Miles to get to us? Marjory has set up homesteads in Hong Kong, Texas and Puerto Rico. She has done infomercials with Robert Kiyosaki. She believes that the powers that be are trying to set us up for a famine of biblical proportions. After looking into it I constantly see evidence of that happening. Think of all of the supply chain disruptions. The culling of chickens. Fires at food processing plants… If you control the food, you can control the people. So far food prices have doubled in US & are up 400% on most other countries. How can you protect yourself? Building your network. It only takes about 5 families. Have a seed swap. Live in a community of about 1,500 to 15,000 people. For more help make sure to click the links below of call Marjory directly at 737-230-4699. Click here to go to Marjory’s webinar on growing food. https://thegrownetwork.com/ www.Backyardfoodproduction.com
Hiring People
Hiring People You can get anything you want out of life… But only if you define the one thing that is the most important to you. If you want more time, the best way to get it is to hire people to do the things you don’t like to do. You may find they enjoy those things and actually end up doing them better than even you can. If you’re looking for a job, consider only taking one where you can learn and grow. Too many people only focus on the money & take jobs they hate. I have always focused on the education I could get. Then, I turned that into businesses that made way more money than I could ever earn working for a living. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Financial Friday: Where Does The Money Come From?
FF: Where does the Money Come From? Real money cannot be created in any way other than providing value. You need some combination of Capital, Labor, Ideas & Energy to create value. If you put these inputs together & the product has more value than it cost for the materials, you make a profit. There is no government that can actually create money. They can only print depreciating currencies. There is no housing provider who has an unlimited source of money. Every time you tax someone to give to another, you are taking from someone who produced more & giving to someone who produced less or nothing. This incentivizes non-action. Once again, Columbus, OH is passing an ordinance that will make rents go up and supply of housing go down. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Congruency of the MSN & Government
Congruency of the MSN & Government More and more people are losing faith in the main stream media and the government. It is no wonder when reporters and government officials clearly lie to us so often. Trying to convince us that there are “Mostly Peaceful Protests” happening when you can see cars burning in the background had destroyed enough credibility that CNN lost about 40% of their viewers in the recent past. The government has pushed so many obvious falsehoods that many people are questioning more and more of what every politician says. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Teenager Takeover: Reputation and It's Importance
TT Reputation and its Importance In this episode, the teenagers (Deven and Ethan) discuss the importance of reputation in business, and how it can be very fragile. They also talk about the components of reputation, such as credibility, reliability, and trustworthiness. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Private Equity with Ryan Cura
Private Equity with Ryan Cura Making private loans can be a great way to grow your IRA and your wealth. There are also many risks that go with loaning money. Today 3 lenders and 4 borrowers discuss what they believe are the most important things to look at in this type of investment. Yes, many of us are both lenders at times and borrowers at other times. Getting to know, like and trust the counter party is essential. We also agree that both the lender and the borrower need to make sure the borrower can make their payments. Setting the payments too high sets EVERYONE up for failure. Before you even consider making a loan or borrowing from a private individual make sure you get educated. Make sure you understand the investment you are making and, as always, HIRE PROFESSIONALS! www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Chevron Overturn
Chevron Overturn There are as many as 300,000 rules that are enforced like laws that were never voted on by Congress. They were just made up by bureaucrats. What is worse, the bureaucrats removed the checks and balances of the judicial system. If they decide you are guilty of breaking a rule they made up you have to appeal to them so they can decide you are still wrong. Then if they fine you, their agency frequently gets to keep the fines. This incentivizes the agency to make more rules & declare, without any trial, more people guilty. That way they can fine you more and keep the money. Some even make you pay to appeal their arbitrary decision! Some of the law firms fighting against this gross overreach of government power are listed below. They have both represented our family. If you can send them a donation. 1851 Center for Constitutional Law Pacific Legal Foundation
Financial Friday: Peak Government?
FF: Peak Government? The constant printing of currency mixed with every expanding bureaucracy and government debts is in a cycle that appears to be unstoppable. The more rules and laws we have the more currency the central banks need to print. The more they print the more interest we owe. That leads to printing more currency. All of this continuously pushes prices up. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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Worth Fighting For?
Worth Fighting For? Why do we need a government? Everything the government does takes away from productive citizens. The taxes we pay are forced distributions to promote many ideas that we do not believe in. In other words, not only are they taking our money, our time & possibly our bodies with forced injections and/or military service, they are using these resources against us. The only way to stop this is to stand up for your rights. https://www.thefallofminneapolis.com/
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Teenager Takeover : The Huge Mindset Difference of Small Towns
TT the Huge Mindset Difference of Small Towns The Teenagers talk about the wild difference between how people act in small towns vs big cities. The mind is a very powerful tool, and it is very important to understand what the contributing factors are to how people use their mind. Take the information that Deven and Ethan talk about, and use it to change your life for the better. Make sure to check out to OREIA Convention at oreiaconvention.com
Define The Fight, Drop Your Excuses with Mariah Prussia
Mariah Prussia- Define the fight, drop your excuses with Mariah Prussia! Mariah is a dynamic Motivational Speaker, Self Defense Expert, 2020 North Dakota Mother of the Year, Podcaster & Talk Show Radio Host on WDAY 970 AM, Fargo’s First Sanctioned Professional MMA Fighter and Professional Boxer. Mariah has faced and defeated many life ambushes as a single mother inside and out of the cage; which is reflected in the Upper Midwest Emmy Award Winning Best Topical film “Prussia.” Prussia depicts her life as a fighter, survivor, and driven mother with an indomitable will to DEFINE and WIN the fight of life. Recognizing that her mission is larger than herself, she strives to ignite the internal warrior within her clients, corporations and newly founded non-profit organization Define the Fight, Inc, empowering youth to lead from within. If you are ready to define your fight, join Mariah Prussia and the tools she provides to help you WIN the fight in life. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MariahPrussia FB: mariahmpxprussia IG: mariahprussia Documentary: Amazon Prime - Prussia Website: mariahprussia.com Non-Profit: definethefight.org
Adaptability and Building a Team
Adaptability & Building a Team It is amazing how living in a hostile environment, without cell service, running water or any creature comforts can make you better at running a business. You learn to adapt to any circumstance. You realize how much you count on others’ knowledge and help. No matter where you are or what you are doing, building a network or a team can make your life much better. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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833-Be-Do-Have (833-233-6428)
Financial Friday: Rich vs Wealthy
FF: Rich Vs. Wealthy Every Friday we talk about making money or government debt… Today we decided to discuss how much better and longer the lives of everyone on Earth are today than just 100 years ago. A rules-based society with limited government led to these achievements. We have a 35yr longer life expectancy. 1% child mortality down from 45%. 4 Million miles of roads. The 1st flight in 1903 to landing on the moon 66 years later. Air travel for almost everyone today. Over 800 people in space just from the U.S. Flush toilets, running water, refrigeration and air-conditioning… From a land line phone to internet and map programs that we carry everywhere. Almost every person on earth is wealthy beyond belief of the richest king in the world just 150 years ago. Enjoy it! www.RealPowerFamily.com
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833-Be-Do-Have (833-233-6428
Government Congruency
Government Congruency The government/MSM/Deep State… They are all propagating fear and division. If you want to have a better life quit getting emotional about what they say and ask yourself why they said it. Always look at the big picture. Then take the responsibility and action you need to. That is the only way to get where you want to be in life. If you sit back & hope you are taken care of by your government or financial advisor, you may realize you need to make a change after it is too late. Don’t count on any government agency to do what is right for you. Realize they normally do what is right for them. Then plan accordingly. www.RealPowerFamily.com
[email protected]
833-Be-Do-Have (833-233-6428)
Teenager Takeover with Paolo Ben Salmi
TT with Paolo Ben Salmi In this episode, the teenagers (Deven and Ethan) talk to 15-year-old Paolo Ben Salmi about his journey, growing up, and taking action. They talk about how they were raised, how they stay driven, the importance of chasing your dreams, and much more. This is a great show for anyone that might want more out of life. https://linktr.ee/AuthorPaolobensalmi
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Pat Miletich-World Champion and UFC Hall of Famer, Soil Savior
Pat Miletich-World Champion & UFC Hall of Famer, Soil Savior After years of suffering with a respiratory disease and countless medical visits Pat found a way to heal himself in just 10 days. He used this education to become a UFS Welterweight champion for 4 years. He then trained multiple other champions as well as Tier 1 special operators. He realized the chemicals and heavy metals in our soil were decreasing the nutritional value of our food. Now he focuses on taking the toxins out of soil. He helps people growing nutrient dense food with larger yields. He even can help you find the right natural foods and supplements to repair damaged DNA. His company is removing synthetics & heavy metals with bacteria; not other chemicals. www.Environotics.com www.Mineralking.life www.DieMean.life
No Free Lunch
No Free Lunch Every product or service takes inputs of time, labor, capital, energy and raw materials in some form or combination. No matter what law you pass, there is no way to shortcut the system forever. Eventually creating more currency units without creating more value will cause prices to rise. Following the Cantillon effect, the best you can do is get as close to the new currency units as possible. If you are following the facts that you “Know to be true” and you are not getting the results you expect, you may want to question your premises. www.RealPowerFamily.com
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833-Be-Do-Have (833-233-6428)