Episode 39: How to trust God when you are disappointed
Whether it be in business, in marriage, in motherhood, in your home... disappointment can be a debilitating force. The question, "Why God, why?" is one that enters my mind more than I care to admit. But have you ever noticed it can change to elation or gratitude, peace or consolation just as quickly? In The Possibility Mom Live, I'll be sharing some strategies on how to trust God when you are disappointed, and how to allow feelings to have their space and time but not debilitate you forever- I hope you can join me! Plus- I have a special invitation to a live webinar on Monday December 6 at 12:30pm East I think you will love. JOIN MY WEALTH WITHOUT GUILT WEBINAR ON MODNAY DEC 6:https://possibilitymom.kartra.com/page/xyt158How do you trust God when you are disappointed? Real talk time: I was feeling this weird nagging feeling about giving birth that I could not put my finger on. It was like I was in denial of giving birth, like I almost didn’t believe it was going to happen. And I thought it was kind of strange because of course I have done this 8 times over, with really very little complications, I am basically a birth expert at this point 😆But I finally had to face it and in a conversation with a friend, I realized what I was running from: I have been avoiding facing the reality that my parents will not be here for the birth of this baby due to current travel restrictions, and I don’t know when I will see them in real life again. And I am more than a little disappointed about it.In my group coaching experience #wealthwithoutguilt, I have also been coaching quite a bit on the topic of disappointment as we have debriefed several recent Black Friday campaigns. Some of my students launched new products successfully and woke up with money in the bank, some worked really hard over a holiday weekend, and were disappointed with their results. All this to say, I have been thinking a lot about disappointment and how we can trust God in the midst of it and I wanted to share some thoughts with you:1) Embrace the disappointment. Don’t try to remove the pain, or think a different thought or script immediately. It is 100% ok for you to feel grief, feel the pain, feel the disappointment. You know when you cut yourself or get a scrape you know it will heal, but in the moment it stings? Feel it like that and don’t try to deny it.2) Look for the evidence of how God has gotten you through suffering in the past. If we are all to look at our lives, I think we could find evidence of blessings without number and mercies without end. Recall them. Bank them like an accounting ledger. Look for the evidence and rejoice in what it is!3) Embrace the crosses that don’t go away. I am married to an amazing man with clinical anxiety and we have come to understand that it is possible to embrace a cross together with hope, knowing that with every cross there is resurrection.