So This Is The New Year & Our Best of's 2023, Huh?
New year, same pod! We look back at some of our fave interviews from 2023. Included in this episode are: The Used, Hopeless Records, pulses., Jack Appleby, CARR, Say Anything, Best Ex, The Bollweevils, and Hinder.______Listen to the full episodes here: The Used, Hopeless Records, Jack Applby, CARR, The Bollweevils, Hinder, Best Ex, Say Anything, pulses.______CHICAGO READER BEST OF 2023 VOTINGWe're nominated for Chicago Reader's "Best Of 2023" for "Best Music Podcast" in Chicago. Voting starts on Dec. 13 at 12pm CST and ends on Jan. 14 at midnight. To vote and to check out other nominees visit their site. Join the club!Twitch: https://emosocialclub.tvDiscord: Follow us!Brian: @spookypants1Lizzie: @bordenbathory
1h 15m