335: REI "Cardone Capital vs Wall Street"
The vast majority of good real estate is bought by, and owned by, the super wealthy. Not wealthy individuals, but mega-wealthy companies like Blackstone, Allstate and Met Life. And, the reason they have preferred access to these deals is that Wall Street wants you to keep investing how you have been. Wall Street wants you to buy a house, a duplex, and invest in a 401K or a Keogh plan. They don’t want you investing with someone like Grant Cardone or in real estate. In fact, they’ve stacked the deck against you. if you make less than $200,000 per year, you wouldn’t qualify as an accredited investor to invest in these large real estate deals. This type of investor can invest in an accredited fund which costs very little to establish. Which, in turn, is very lucrative to those putting it together. Compare that to a non-accredited fund which can cost $500,000 to $1 million. There’s no incentive to create that type of fund usually. The costs are too high. Grant is changing all of that. He’s taking on Wall Street and is creating his first non-accredited fund right now. And, the investment will be an equity investment – meaning you have the benefits of owning. You’ll receive depreciation, cash flow, and appreciation.