Water Storage and Rights. Monero.
Open source, WHO treaties, Monero, self-custody of water, and more on Episode 5 of The Canary in the Cage Podcast!
Resources discussed on the show:
Monero (https://www.getmonero.org/), the official website for Monero and where to get the official core wallet.
Cake Wallet (https://cakewallet.com/), Dave’s choice for a mobile Monero wallet.
Gupax (https://gupax.io), a 1 click installer to set up a Monero node and to start mining.
XMRvsBeast (https://xmrvsbeast.com/p2pool/), a raffle to give you free Monero mining hash power.
Gupaxx (https://github.com/Cyrix126/gupaxx), a fork of Gupax that automatically integrates with the XMRvsBeast raffle system.
Localmonero (https://localmonero.co/), a decentralized marketplace to buy and sell Monero.
Bisq (https://bisq.network/), a p2p trading app that supports many cryptocurrencies including Monero.