Religion & Spirituality
Caldwell Commentaries
The Caldwell Commentaries dive deep into the Bible to reveal the amazing truths God has shared with mankind about HIStory, salvation in Christ, and the future! Be prepared for some spiritual heartburn!
Total 504 episodes
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Revelation Lesson 29: The Scroll‘s Worthy Recipient!

As the Apostle John (caught-up in the Spirit to Heaven's Throneroom) was focused on the 7-sealed scroll in God's right hand, he heard a strong angel cry out, "Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof?"  That was the great question of time and eternity!  WHO is worthy to redeem man and earth from the domain of Satan?  Is there anyone or are we doomed to eventual self-destruction under the reign of the Wicked One? The search began and ". . . no man in Heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon" (5:3).  From all the sons of Adam's ruined race, no man was worthy to take back the title deed to earth and break is seals so as to begin to execute judgment on the evil usurper.  John wept profusely at the thought of Satan being forever victorious over God in having stolen tenant possession of the earth from Him.  Ah, but there was no reason for John to weep!  There is One Who has "prevailed to open the book," and He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, and the standing slain Lamb! This is a profoundly important and emotional study!  If you need to be "cheered-up," then tune-in and remind yourself what is about to take place in Heaven!  The Lion, Who is also the Lamb, is about to take back that which is rightfully His - this earth, and have absolute dominion over it!  This will take place BEFORE the Tribulation because it is what precipitates its seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments.
1h 18m

Revelation Lesson 24: Why Study Revelation?

Many people avoid the Book of Revelation for a number of incorrect reasons!  Some think it is "too difficult to understand" (not true); some think everything in it has already been fulfilled (we must be living in a perfect world  then ??).  Whatever a person's excuse for not studying this book might be, it is very strange.  Why? Because it is the only book of Scripture that specifically promises a blessing to the one who reads and heeds its prophecies (Revelation 1:3).  It is Satan who wants to keep people from understanding "the end of the story"! Revelation is the consummation and capstone of God's complete redemptive program for the entire world, including creation.  Without Revelation, the Bible would be an unfinished Book!  It is inexcusable to do exactly what God told us not to do:  "Seal NOT the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand" (22:10).  In this study, the four main "schools of interpretation" for Revelation are presented, along with solid reasons to support the futuristic view over the other three.  This lesson is an"overview" of the only prophetic book of the New Testament (contrast that with 17 prophetic Old Testament books).  Another great feature of this lesson is its "jet tour" look at the resurrected Christ's letters to the seven churches of chapters 2 and 3 (presented in detail in Lessons #1-23, to be downloaded on this podcast at a later date) and how they prophetically spelled-out the past 2,000 years of church history!!  THAT ALONE IS WORTH THE TIME TAKEN TO LISTEN TO THIS MESSAGE! This study is from "Caldwell Commentary" series, "Revelation Vol. 2" (available through  and
1h 8m

Revelation Lesson 21: The Church at Philadelphia - Part II

In this second half of our look at Christ's words to the believers of the First Century church at Philadelphia, we discuss two special assurances the Lord gave them.  He promised them vindication from their enemies and deliverance from "the hour of temptation" that would come upon the whole world (Revelation 3:10).  This is a wonderful promise regarding Christ's true Church (the Body of all born again believers) and the yet-future seven-year Tribulation "to try them that dwell upon the earth," and it definitely supports a pre-Tribulation Rapture! In the progress of Christ's last four church letters, we find His coming (His Return) gets closer in closer.  To Thyatira, He said, ". . . hold fast till I come"; to Sardis, He gave repeated warning to be watchful, and if she was not, He would come upon her "as a thief"; to Philadelphia, He said, "Behold, I come quickly" - while to Laodicea, He said, "Behold, I stand at the door"! Discussed also in this sixth church letter of Revelation are the five special promised rewards  to those who are overcomers (the most of any of the seven churches).  Find out what it means to be made a pillar in the Temple of God, to "no more go out," to have the name of God written upon us, to also have the name of the city of God written upon us, and to have Christ's NEW NAME written on us! We also spend time in this lesson talking about events of history, beginning with the late seventeen hundreds, that resulted in the apostacy of our modern era (represented by the church of Laodicea).  We discuss the "intellectual" movements known as Rationalism and Empiracism, the "birth" of Deism ("the religion of reason," which is totally anti-Biblical), the philosophies of Hegel and Schleiermacher, which led to the development of Destructive Criticism, and the impact of Karl Marx's Communitst Manifesto and Charles Darwin's Origin of Species, and how all these anti-Christian ideas had a detrimental affect on Christendom.
1h 11m

Revelation Lesson 13: Smyrna - Part II / Pergamos - Part I

The Lord's letter to the church at Smyrna is the shortest of the seven Revelation letters, but it contains the most comfort, encouragement, and assurance of victory.  It also does not contain a single word of condemnation!  Christ's words to this First Century church have aided persecuted believers not only during the "ten days" of Roman persecution (see Revelation 2:10), but to our modern day, as Christianity is greatly under fire today all over the world, including America.  Christ's promise to those in His body who suffer for righteousness' sake is a crown of life.  We briefly discuss the six crowns promised believers in the Scripture. In the second half of this lesson, we begin to look at the Lord's words to the church at Pergamos, His third Revelation church to address.  Pergamos, which means "thoroughly married" or "elevated," prophetically pictured the third definitive stage in Church history that began in A.D. 313 under Emperor Constatine and ended in A.D. 590.  This church, unfortunately, "married" the world (she was "elevated" by the world), and, subsequently, she compromised her testimony for Christ by tolerating false teachings and paganism and succumbing to the temptation of worldly treasures.   Pergamos, Christ said, was where Satan had his "headquarters" (2:13) at that time!  Find out what that means, and why the Lord identified Himself to this church as the One with "the sharp sword of two edges" (2:12).  
1h 9m