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Caleb Jones
The Alpha Male 2.0 Podcast brings you the best business and entrepreneurial information straight from one of the world's top Entrepreneurs -- and a man who lives one of the best lives on Earth. I will help you maximize your potential, your freedom, and happiness in business and life.
Beta Males Doing Alpha Things? Here’s Why It’s Possible | Alpha Male 2.0
Guys think that being converting to an Alpha Male is really hard for the typical beta male guy, but it actually isn’t anymore. I’ll show you several real-life examples of normal beta male guys doing some amazing Alpha Male things in their dating and relationship lives.
BIG REVEAL, What I've Been Secretly Doing, Updates To Alpha Male 2.0 | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I finally reveal what I've been working on/doing for that past year or so that I haven't been able to talk about publicly. It involves a new type of relationship I'm adding to the Alpha Male 2.0 model. Big changes ahead.
Alpha Male 2.0: The Unchained Man Summarized | Alpha Male 2.0
I summarize my the latest version of the greatest and most important book I will ever write: The Unchained Man. This will change your life.
The Honeymoon Period: Why It’s The Most Dangerous Time In A Relationship | Alpha Male 2.0
NRE, New Relationship Energy, or what most people call the "Honeymoon Period" is one of the most happy times in a relationship. It is also the single most dangerous time in a relationship because that's when people usually make all the wrong decisions. I'll discuss how NRE works and how to keep a cool head when it hits you, which it will.
Why Modern-Day Porn Murders Your Sex Life | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I provide specific details and examples of how and why modern-day internet porn murders your ablity to date, have sex with women, and enjoy sex with women. Old school porn was fine, but today's porn is literally designed to screw you up.
How to Successfully Combine Dating and Your Work Life | Alpha Male 2.0
How do you find time to build and maintain your Alpha 2.0 business when you are dating multiple women? Today I explain all of that, including when you are serious with someone.
The End of Monogamy: How Tech Is Soon Going To Make Monogamy Impossible | Alpha Male 2.0
Soon, sexual monogamy as we understand it will be rendered impossible, because everyone will know everything about each other, and it will impossible to cheat without getting caught.
Why I’m Right: My Objective, Fact-Based Response to Black Pill and MGTOW | Alpha Male 2.0
This is my objective, fact-based resposone to the arguments made by black pill and MGTOW guys. Hint: they're not going to like it.
The Dynamics of Men Dating Different Types of Women | Alpha Male 2.0
There are three types of men: beta male, Alpha Male 1.0 and Alpha Male 2.0. Then there are three types of women: dominant, submissive, and independent. Here's what happens when each type dates the other type. This will be fun.
Dating Success After Divorce or Big Break-Up: How to Thrive in Year One | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I go into detail how to date successfully for the first year after a divorce or big break-up, including exactly what I did when this happened to me and how I made it work.
The Dopamine Hack: How to Take More Action Every Day | Alpha Male 2.0
In this third part in the series of how to destroy your current self and replace him with your "true" self, I discuss something I'm doing using the concept "paleo-compatible dopamine management" to accomplish my goals.
Escape the Control of Girlfriend, Wife, Boss, Parents | Alpha Male 2.0
The Breakout Phase in the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle is when a man, usually a younger one, breaks free from control of his wife, girlfirend, boss, and parents. I explain exactly how to do this.
Why More Women SHOULDN'T Be Having Kids – Here's Why | Alpha Male 2.0
Lots of people on the internet are screaming that because of declining birth rates, women need to just suck it up and have more kids. But honestly, is this really the answer in a collapsing, hyper-left-wing, bankrupt culture and era? No, it's not, and today I'll give you the facts as to why people saying "have more kinds" just aren't looking at the hard data and really thinking this through.
How to divorce or end live-in relationship with minimal problems or drama | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I show you exactly how to divorce your monogamous wife or leave your monogamous live-in girlfriend with minimal hassle, costs, problems, or drama. This could change your life. It did mine.
Age-Specific Dating Techniques - All Age Ranges of Women | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I go through all age ranges of women, from 18 year-olds to women in their 50s and beyond, and describe what works and what does not for every type of age range in a dating and relationship context.
Dating Multiple Women: Optimal Setups Explained | Alpha Male 2.0
FBs, MLTRs, OLTR girlfriend, OLTR wife, so many combinations! What is the best setup for you? How many of each do you need? I explain all of that in this podcast.
How To Protect Your Money When You Live With A Woman | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I disucss how you can protect 100% of your income and your assetts when you live with a woman in the modern era. I cover both the Western world and how to do this internationally.
Transform Your Life: Why Work Equals Joy - The Specific Science | Alpha Male 2.0
This is the unofficial part 2 on how to use pain in your life as a motivator to take action and live a more free and happy life.
How To Get Over That One Girl - How To Cure Oneitis | Alpha Male 2.0
The number one killer of men in the modern era is oneitis - being sad, needy, or overly-focused on one woman, whether you are dating her or not. In this podcast I cover the exact steps to cure this problem forever.
How To Use Pain As A Motivator To Take Action | Alpha Male 2.0
If you're not taking the action you need to take to better your life, that means you're too comfortable. You're not in enough pain, or you've become accustomed to the pain. In this podcast I discuss how to use your pain as an ally to get you to take action and live a more happy life.
Find the Perfect Relationship Setup For You | Alpha Male 2.0
FB, MLTR, OLTR, how many of each? What is the best configuration FOR YOU that will make you the most happy both now and in the future? I tackle all of that in this podcast.
It's More WORK To Be A Beta Male! | Alpha Male 2.0
A lot of guys seem to think that being an Alpha Male is "too much work" and that it's easier to just sit around and be a beta male. Wrong! In this podcast I explain why being a beta is actually MORE WORK than being an Alpha.
Non-Monogamy: How To Get Her to Say Yes | Alpha Male 2.0
"The Talk" is when you finally verbalize to a woman the details of your non-monogamous lifestyle. In this podcast I show you exactly how to do this in a way that gives you a 90% success rate for her to agree to let you do that while she continues to see you.
How to Attract and Retain a Thriving Online Community | Alpha Male 2.0
Building a decent-sized audience is critical for any online business. I cover how I've done this and how I manage and nurture an audience for high income.
What Is ASD? - The REAL Reason She Won't Hook Up With You | Alpha Male 2.0
ASD, or Anti-Slut Defense, is a concept that will dramatically improve your results when dating women when you fully understand it. In this podcast I explain exactly what it is, what it is not, and how to circumvent it.
ANDREW TATE Agrees With Me On AI and Western Collapse | Alpha Male 2.0
Since many men worship Andrew Tate as a god, perhaps it will help my message of both Western collapse and the coming (negative) changes to society because of AI if they hear it coming from the mouth of their god in addition to just me.
For Millennials and Gen Z - How Get Your Sh*t Together | Alpha MAle 2.0
This podcast is specifically for Millennials and Gen Z on how to be successful and happy. Those of you in those generations have a lot problems, some of which aren't your fault... but many that are.
The Freest Lifestyle A Modern Man Can Have | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I explain how Alpha Male 2.0 works, how you can live a free life as a man with location-independent income, multiple women, and long-term masculine happiness.
Ranking The Best Countries For Women To Date | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I rank all the women in all the countries I have been in or have dating experience in as to which women are the best to date.
How To Fix Your Thinning Hair | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I talk about all the options you have to address your thinning hair, including simple options like shaving your head and more complex ones like surgical options and non-surgical ones.
How To Boost Testosterone and Why It's Critical | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I discuss in detail why testosterone is so critical to your success and long-term happiness as a man. I also cover natural ways of boosting it as well as doctor-assisted methods, all of which I recommend.
Non-Mono Wife or Live-In GF (OLTR Marriage) | Alpha Male 2.0
This is the fourth and final part in a four-part series where I overview how to manage every type of relationship you can have with a woman as an Alpha Male 2.0. In this podcast I will describe in detail how to have a happy, long-term non-monogamous relationship or marriage to your live-in girlfriend or legal wife, the OLTR Marriage
How To Have A Non-Monogamous Girlfriend - OLTR - Alpha Male 2.0
This is the third in a four-part series where I overview how to many every type of relationship you can have with a woman as an Alpha Male 2.0. In this podcast I will describe in detail how to have a happy, long-term non-monogamous girlfriend where you can still have sex with other women on the side, otherwise known as the OLTR.
How To Manage Multiple Dating Partners (MLTRs) | Alpha Male 2.0
This is the second in a four-part series where I overview how to many every type of relationship you can have with a woman as an Alpha Male 2.0. In this podcast I will describe in detail how to maintain and manage happy, long-term, low-drama casual relationships with MLTRs, meaning women you are dating non-exclusively.
Relationship Series Part 1 - How To Manage Friends With Benefits (FBs) | Alpha Male 2.0
This is the first in a four-part series where I overview how to many every type of relationship you can have with a woman as an Alpha Male 2.0. In this podcast I will describe in detail how to maintain and manage happy, long-term, low-drama casual relationships with FBs. i.e. friends with benefits.
How To Hook Up With Women From Your Past | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I talk about my experiences hooking up with women I knew a long time ago, from school or prior jobs, and give you some techniques so that you can do the same thing.
How To Not Get STDs | Alpha Male 2.0
I go over every major STD in detail and how to have plenty of sex without getting STDs. I also talk about how the statistical probably of getting a serious STD is much lower than you think.
Converting From Alpha Male 1.0 to Alpha Male 2.0 | Alpha Male 2.0
Alpha Male 1.0s are great, but they don't have the long-term consistent happiness that Alpha Male 2.0s experience. In this podcast I discuss how to be less angry, reactive, and outcome dependent and transition from Alpha 1.0 to 2.0
DEBATE ME! | Alpha Male 2.0
Today I offer my audience to spend an entire hour to disagree with me and debate me on any topics where they think I'm wrong, wrong, wrong! It's a doozey!
How To Manage Your Seven Life Areas | Alpha Male 2.0
There are only seven areas in which you can spend your time. In this podcast I'm going to show you how to manage these areas so they all make you happy and fulfilled as a man .
Fathering Children From Multiple Women | Having Kids In Other Countries | Alpha Male 2.0
Is it a good idea to have a bunch of kids from a bunch of different women? And what about having children with women who live in countries far from you? Good ideas or terrible ideas?
How To Do A First Date | How I Meditate | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I give you specific, step-by-step instructions on how to have a first date most likely to end up in fast sex. I also describe the exact meditation technique that I'm currently using.
Using The Psychology of Women To Your Advantage | Alpha Male 2.0
I've talked a lot about how men should not use logic on women they're in relationships with, but what do you use instead? In this podcast I help you get inside a woman's mind so you can more easily understand what she wants... and what she doesn't.
A Symptom Of The Post-Masculine World... Seriously | Alpha Male 2.0
You might find it hard to be believe that the success of Taylor Swift is a picture-prefect example of how things will look in a post-masculine Western world. Also in this podcast I discuss how to manage women you're seeing (FBs and MLTRs in particular) who are seeing other men at the same time.
The Entire Alpha Male 2.0 Dating Model | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I go through the entire Alpha Male 2.0 dating model, which covers specific steps from scheduling the first date/meet all the way to having the woman as a regular dating companion in your life, casually or even as a serious girlfriend or wife. No one else on the entire internet covers the entire process from beginning to end, and in this podcast you'll learn the entire proven, field-tested system.
When To NOT Use Condoms | Alpha Male 2.0 vs 1.0s and Betas
Many people seem to think that under the Alpha Male 2.0 dating model you must ALWAYS use condoms. Incorrect! In this podcast I'll discuss when you DON'T need to use condoms. We'll also talk about how an Alpha Male 2.0 would react to a situation vs. how an Alpha 1.0 or beta male would react.
Sexual Chemistry and How Relationships Will Change During Western Collapse | Alpha Male 2.0
The two topics I cover in this podcast are A) How sexual chemistry works between you and a woman, and how often it has little or even nothing to do with how hot she is, and B) How the dynamics of dating and relationships between men and women will change as Western Collapse worsens. Things are going to change!
My Spiritual Beliefs and Natural Law | Alpha Male 2.0
The two topics I discuss in this podcast are A) My spiritual beliefs; not just what they are but how I arrived at them and the process I used to evaluate them. B) A philosophy I follow called Natural Law and how it influences all aspects of my life, including non-monogamy.
Refuting Pro-Traditional-Marriage Arguments - Matt Walsh | Alpha Male 2.0
In this podcast I (quite easily) refute multiple pro-traditional-marriage arguments often used by traditional conservatives. I go through an entire Matt Walsh video point by point.
Game Skill vs. Relationship Skill | Alpha Male 2.0