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Health & Fitness
Dr. Richard Hazel, Doctor of Acupuncture, Licensed Acupuncturist
Sometimes doing what‘s best for the patient will go against dogma and tradition. And sometimes leaning more on science than on dogma will ruffle feathers and contradict the gurus and scholars of Traditional Acupuncture.
That‘s OK! There‘s room for many styles and there are enough patients for all of us!
I graduated at the top of my class with a Master‘s and a Doctorate in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. I know the benefits of Traditional Acupuncture for many many conditions.
But if you want fast and excellent results treating chronic pain, sports injury, over-use injury, flexibility and mobility, that is what I‘m passionate about and I‘m not going to apologize for great results or for sharing what I‘ve learned from Western Medicine using Acupuncture.
The topics here will not be controversial unless you insist on holding onto dogma instead of being open to something new to you and that is based in science.
If you are interested in my online courses, you can find them at:
I Don't Treat Pain!
Sounds strange but I don't treat pain.
I see patients for pain every day, but I'm not trying to treat their pain.
There's more to it than that.
Online Courses:
BLACKFRIDAY20 Discount Code for 20% Off all Courses and Bundles until December 31.
Adductor Longus Knee Pain and Instability
Interesting case on a college athlete. How I assessed and treated this issue.
Come to the 3rd European Orthopaedic and Sports Acupuncture Congress in Barcelona:
Space will be limited to 40 people.
Online Courses:
Some Thoughts About Treating an Older Population
Treating Seniors is a skill you need to learn and there are no books or courses to take.
Treating Pro Athletes gets you some prestige but the true test of your assessment and treatment skills as an acupuncturist (as well as your people skills) will be in treating an older population with sub-optimal health statuses.
Online Courses:
OCTOBER10 until the end of the month for 10% off everything.
My First Inferior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment Case!
My First Inferior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment Case!
And an update on my ACNES patient.
online courses:
OCTOBER10 for 10% off everything until the end of October.
Most Low Back Pain Starts at the Pelvis
"Most (musculoskeletal) issues start at the Pelvis" - Vladimir Janda
Online Courses:
OCTOBER10 for 10% off Everything Until the End of October.
What Your Doctor (Probably) Doesn't Know About Pain
The unfortunate gap in understanding pain is the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system's response to overuse, pain and injury.
Online Courses:
OCTOBER10 discount code for 10% off everything on the site until the end of October
My Latest Updates on Tough Pain Cases: Back Pain and Sciatica
Some tough pain cases are getting better (fast)!
Here is the link to Podia. My new course just went live.
Posterior Knee Pain and Hip Compensation
I saw a new patient this week with posterior knee pain and his leg would internally rotate when he had been playing golf for a while.
Online Courses:
Mysterious Upper Mid-back Pain
It's not easy to treat a pain that the patient only feels at times when they are not in the clinic with you.
You have to go on their memory of where it hurts and what they are doing at that time.
On palpation there was no pain to reproduce. Length testing and muscle testing showed nothing.
I had to rely on Dr. Travell to figure it out.
Online Courses:
Functional Leg Length Discrepancy and Other Cases
Just a review of how I usually treat a leg length discrepancy and some of my tough cases. Foot neuropathies, Cauda Equina Syndrome, Migraines
Online Courses:
He (or She) Who Treats the Site of Pain is Often Lost!
If you're sticking needles into the site of pain you're waving the flag of surrender.
If you know the cause of the pain, you should be getting good/great results in your first treatment and have it resolved or greatly improved very quickly soon after, in most cases.
If you are sticking needles into things where they hurt, you're likely missing the real cause of the problem.
Yes, I'm going to piss people off. But Janda and Lewit were right. "He who treats the site of pain is often lost"!
Online courses:
Should We Treat the Psoas Motor Point or Only Use Distal Points?
I recently saw a discussion about treating the psoas with acupuncture techniques like fascial pecking on the abdomen, treating the segment, addressing other issues like the abdominals and core, distal points.
What should we do and why?
All of the above are good, but there are times when the motor point is essential. Here's my take.
Hint: it's a matter of muscle tone vs muscle shortening.
Online Courses:
Deep Branch and Superficial Radial Nerve Entrapments
More gold from Dr. Trescot's book.
There are many ways to entrap the radial nerve. The ones we can address with acupuncture can respond very quickly.
Here's Dr. Trescot's Book on Amazon. (The Springer site has it for about $100 more than Amazon)
My online courses are here:
This Nerve Entrapment Can Cause Numbness on the Bottom of the Foot and Big Toe
Something I was teaching in Amsterdam recently.
Easy to miss, but easy to treat.
As I mentioned, you can learn more about Dr. Jenny Nieters' Courses here:
My courses are here:
My First Line of Assessment for Hip Dysfunction
This is my favorite way to find hip dysfunction for people who have hip pain or for athletes who want to avoid injury and have better sports performance.
My online courses are here:
Amsterdam Orthopedic and Sports Acupuncture Congress Recap and Glute Min facts
Just got back from Amsterdam. We had a great Congress. I'm discussing what you missed and then some details I wanted to mention about the Gluteus Minimus that you won't hear most of the time.
Janda: There are two schools of thought in musculoskeletal medicine: Structural and Functional
Most likely your doctor looks at your pain as a structural issue. i.e. Joint inflammation needs an anti-inflammatory.
Unless you need a surgical intervention, Janda would have seen your pain as a functional problem. Your sensorimotor system is having problems.
This is why I'm 100% in the Janda camp and why it gets such great, lasting results.
If you are an acupuncturist and are wanting to learn motor points, come to Amsterdam in June:
Is there a connection between The Superficial Peroneal Nerve and Restless Leg Syndrome?
There are some new devices for Restless Leg Syndrome that use electric stimulation to stimulate the afferent nerves of the low leg.
What's the connection to the Superficial Peroneal Nerve and Restless Leg? I'm not sure, but I'm willing to start treating patients with this in mind.
Also, some updates on tough nerve entrapment cases.
If you are an acupuncturist and are wanting to learn motor points, come to Amsterdam in June:
My online courses are here:
Chronic Pain Patient with symptoms of an Ilioinguinal Nerve Entrapment
Recognizing symptoms of peripheral nerve entrapment is critical for chronic pain patients who have gotten no relief from the usual standard of care and diagnostic exams.
When you know the symptoms, you can rule in or out a peripheral nerve entrapment and then palpate the typical entrapment zones to confirm you are on the right track.
If you are an acupuncturist and are wanting to learn motor points, come to Amsterdam in June:
My online courses are here:
My Thoughts about Electric Stimulation of Motor Points - the Why and How and How Long
People often ask questions about how to use electric stimulation of an acupuncture needle in the motor point of a muscle. They want to know why and how and for how long.
I attempt to give some answers based on what I have seen. There are so many opinions about it that I thought it would be best to give you the basic explanation that has worked well for me. If you're happy with your results, that's what you should do.
I leave it to others to dispute the minutiae of frequencies and points and length of treatment.
If you are an acupuncturist and are wanting to learn motor points, come to Amsterdam in June:
My online courses are here:
SIJ pain caused by the Psoas
Some updates about Amsterdam and the recordings on Podia and the Mentorship Membership on Podia.
Here's the registration link for Amsterdam in June:
Here's the Podia link:
This episode is about a recent patient with SIJ pain and it was due to the psoas being tight.
Coracobrachialis Issues to Watch For
Coracobrachialis issues that are often missed for pain and mobility and cutaneous nerve symptoms.
Here's the Amsterdam Link:
Podia Online Courses Here:
Treating My Own Neck Pain and Headaches This Week
I had a rough week trying to sleep with terrible neck pain that was giving me a right-sided headache almost like a migraine.
For the month of March 2024 everything on Podia is 20% off with the discount code MARCH20 at checkout. You can use it as many times as you want.
Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot and Plantar Fasciitis (and other foot pain)
Know the signs of issues with these intrinsic foot muscles.
They will help with plantar fasciitis and other foot pain.
Also, here are the live seminar links I mentioned:
For the month of March 2024 everything on Podia is 20% off with the discount code MARCH20 at checkout. You can use it as many times as you want.
Superficial Peroneal Nerve Entrapment - Dorsal Foot Numbness
Sometimes that low leg pain and numbness is an entrapment of the superficial peroneal nerve. It's not always an L5-S1 radiculopathy.
Pain on plantar flexion and inversion can be a sign of superficial peroneal nerve entrapment.
Everything on Podia is 20% off until the end of March. Use the discount code MARCH20 as many times as you want until March 31.
Wong, Gunn, Travell and other Important MDs
Everyone who uses motor points and trigger points in their acupuncture treatments owes their thanks to these MDs.
Tonic Phasic and Janda's Crossed Patterns
Why should we care about the Upper and Lower Crossed Patterns?
How does it help to know the difference between a tonic and a phasic muscle?
Upper Crossed Syndrome and Pseudo Frozen Shoulder
Some people say that posture has no connection to pain. I disagree.
Happy New Year!!
He Who Treats the Site of Pain Is Often Lost!
Dr. Vladimir Janda and Karel Lewit were pioneers of musculoskeletal medicine who have given us a roadmap to understand assessment and treatment of pain.
Assessment and Treatment of Muscle Imbalance: The Janda Approach
Updates on My Migraine Protocol and some Recent Success Stories
I'm really happy to see a daily migraine patient cancelling appointments because they have gone a month without a migraine!
I've updated how I treat migraines. It's always a work in progress. I have to learn from clinical experience and doctors like Dr. Andrea Trescott so I'm sharing what I have learned so far in hopes it will help others.
Some shoulder assessment tips for your elderly patients
I see patients in their 70s 80s and 90s that I don't run through a range of manual muscle testing for their pain.
This is how I prefer to assess and treat. And it works very well.
Bilateral Obturator Tunnel Case and a Foot Pain Case
Two interesting cases this week to share.
Here's my website link for the Seminar in Italy:
Some Ideas about Treating Foot Neuropathy
There are some key considerations that have helped me with foot numbness, tingling, hot/cold sensations.
Online Courses and Mentorship Community
Bone On Bone Knee Osteoarthritis Helped by Treating Muscles
Isn't it likely that osteoarthritis is due to unaddressed muscle imbalances?
It seems to be the case clinically. This is a case from this past week of an 87 year old woman with constant knee pain that has her now in a wheelchair.
Learn from the Source Like You’re Going to Teach
I think that learning a subject from the source material, research, science has been the key to getting excellent results for me.
I think when you learn a "system" from someone, you are limited by their system, especially if they don't share their source material so that you can keep learning.
Is it Gua Sha or IASTM?
Gua Sha is soft tissue manipulation but all not all soft tissue manipulation is Gua Sha.
There is a difference and here's what it is.
The Plantar Aponeurosis and Foot Biomechanics to Consider for Foot Pain
A patient with a diagnosis of Plantar Fasciitis will have different symptoms from the last one you saw with the same diagnosis and different from the next as well.
We need to think about foot biomechanics, nerves, the plantar aponeurosis and we need to know specifically where the patient is having pain.
Superior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment (Pseudo-sciatica or chronic low back pain)
Entrapment of the superior cluneal nerve can be a source of chronic low back pain, especially after lumbar disc surgery.
It can be a source of psuedo-sciatica as well.
Come to Amsterdam in September!
I'll be in Amsterdam teaching at the 1st European Orthopedic and Sports Acupuncture Conference.
NCCAOM CEUs available.
You should come!
I'll be covering Sciatica, Meralgia Paresthetica, Ilioinguinal Nerve Entrapment, Obturator Tunnel Syndrome, 2 Peudo-Sciaticas: Superior Cluneal Nerve Entrapment and Superior Gluteal Nerve Entrapment
And also Migraines and their nerve entrapments
Pseudo-Sciatica from Superior Gluteal Nerve Entrapment
Ever resolve sciatica (or what you thought was sciatica) by treating the gluteus medius or by releasing trigger points in the gluteus medius?
Now I know what was likely happening.
Join The Acupuncture Outsiders Mentorship Membership for Group Zoom Meetings each month to discuss tough cases and other things of interest.
Double Crush Syndrome and a Thank You to All Who Have Sent Messages
Double Crush Syndrome: It might be controversial but I believe.
And Thank You to all who have sent me messages of support!
Upper and Lower Crossed Syndromes and Migraines
Can we improve our results for migraines by addressing the Upper and Lower Crossed patterns for patients?
Let's walk through it.
Correction : I said the Millennial Tower is tilting 24 degrees. I meant inches. And when I looked it up it's actually tilting 29 inches. 😮
New Mentorship Program on Podia. Look for the Acupuncture Outsider Community.
Some Course Updates, Mentorship and 2 Tough Cases
Future Courses, Mentorship Subscription on Podia and 2 Cases that I'm struggling with but learning from.
Palpation is Essential for Me When Doing an Assessment
I don't always trust muscle testing, especially if the symptoms don't match with a strong test where I think there's some over-use injury.
I want to put my fingers or thumb on a muscle to feel for hypertonicity before I rule it out as a part of the problem.
It's easy to miss a hypertonic muscle if the manual muscle tests seem normal and you don't palpate to confirm.
Reciprocal Inhibition on a Drop Foot and other cases
Reciprocal Inhibition is an interesting thing and I think I think a lot about treating antagonists muscles but maybe I don't always consider reciprocal inhibition for every case. I'm going to be thinking more about reciprocal inhibition for some cases in case it can help me improve my results for muscle activation once someone is pain-free.
Here's the article I mentioned:
My Podia Online Courses are here:
Muscle Fiber Orientation and Why It Matters
I was just thinking about how the infraspinatus can help shoulder flexion. The fiber orientation is a clue. It's an external rotator, so how does it get involved in shoulder flexion?
How does the Pectoralis Major flex the shoulder? Look at the fiber orientation.
How does Gluteus Minimus (abducts and internally rotates the hip) which doesn't flex the hip, cause an anterior pelvic tilt? Fiber orientation.
Do Acupuncture Patients Need Physical Therapy?
Sometimes patients have not done well even after trying Physical Therapy for their pain.
Once we have gotten them out of pain and restored their mobility, do they really need Physical Therapy? Are we a replacement for Physical Therapy?
Also, I mentioned in the podcast that I would be interested in doing some podcasts in German and/or French if there's an audience that you think doesn't listen in English.
If you think it would help me reach more people, please let me know. [email protected]
Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) Dysfunction
There's more to the SI Joint than just nutation and the pain some people get there.
Many issues like back pain, hip pain, hamstring pain, even shoulder pain can be due to dysfunction at the SIJ.
Movement, Stability & Lumbopelvic Pain: Integration of research and therapy
My Knee Pain Protocol that will likely Piss People Off
"The perfect is the enemy of the good." - Voltaire
Here's an imperfect protocol that gets great results a high percentage of the time.
If you're new to Contemporary Acupuncture or just feeling overwhelmed by all the possibilities, try this protocol.
It covers a lot of the basics and I get great results with it most of the time.
I know I'll get perfectionists complaining but the goal is to help more people help more people. Too many outliers to knee pain can make people doubt themselves.
Try this protocol and when the patient feels better you have time to think about the underlying segmental, postural, ankle or hip or core issues that led to the pain.
Check Gracilis for Medial Knee Pain
Gracilis is the only hip adductor that can flex the knee.
It often gets short after a knee replacement surgery.
Quads glutes TFL and glute minimis are usually my go-to for knee pain but gracilis is usually part of the solution as well.