Health & Fitness
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Our goal is to speak with luminaries and experts in and around massage and bodywork to help expound upon and better understand our profession and our practices.
Total 475 episodes
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Ep 325 – Humbitious: Low-Ego, High-Drive Leadership with Dr. Amer Kaissi

Arrogant. Charismatic. Narcissistic. If you were to name traits that define strong leaders, these words might spring to mind. The evidence, however, tells quite a different story. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren are joined by professor and author Dr. Amer Kaissi to discuss how humility and ambition converge to make a great leader, the interesting dynamic between self-awareness and humility, and behaviors we can all learn to develop humble leadership within ourselves. Dr. Amer Kaissi is a professional speaker and a certified executive coach. His most recent book is Humbitious: the power of low-ego, high-drive leadership. Kaissi is an award-winning professor of Healthcare Administration at Trinity University, a top-15 program. He is also the author of the book Intangibles: The Unexpected Traits of High-Performing Healthcare Leaders,” which won the 2019 American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Book of the Year award. At Trinity, Kaissi teaches courses in leadership, professional development, and public speaking. His research focuses on leadership, coaching, and strategy. He is an avid soccer fan and lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife and two teenagers.   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].     Sponsors:     Anatomy Trains:      Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:     AnatomySCAPES:       Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:       Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at     AnatomySCAPES—created by and for hands-on professionals. As therapists, we want more than labeled charts of muscles, nerves, and bones. We crave anatomy education that informs our touch, and we want the know-how for working with the “stuff” in between. We want the whole story. Led by AnatomySCAPES co-directors, and ABMP Massage & Bodywork magazine columnists, Rachelle Clauson (FRS Fascial Net Plastination Project) and Nicole Trombley (Equilibrio Massage), our in-person lab workshops are in sunny San Diego, not far from the ocean. We teach you what the tissues look like, feel like, how they move, and how they relate to their surroundings. Your eyes and hands learn to “see” what they could not see before. Come join us in the lab in 2023!   Website:   FB:   IG:   YouTube:   Email: [email protected]    

Ep 324 – Staghorn Calculus: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client reports she’s about to lose a kidney due to a kidney stone. That seems . . . extreme, doesn’t it? What’s probably happening is that she has a staghorn calculus: a stone that takes up all the space in her kidney. If it’s not removed it will continue to grow, which could lead to all kinds of problems. What is a staghorn calculus? And what accommodations do we need to make for a person who has lost an entire vital organ? These questions and more on this episode of “I Have a Client Who . . .”   Sponsors:       Books of Discovery:       Advanced-Trainings:     Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                                      Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,           Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Hill, A.J. et al. (2022) ‘Incidence of Kidney Stones in the United States: The Continuous National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey’, Journal of Urology, 207(4), pp. 851–856. Available at:   Staghorn Calculus: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment (no date) Cleveland Clinic. Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2023).   ‘Struvite and Staghorn Calculi: Practice Essentials, History of the Procedure, Problem’ (2021a). Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2023).   Struvite Stones (2021b) National Kidney Foundation. Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2023).   Struvite Stones: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Diet (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 23 February 2023).   Torricelli, F.C.M. and Monga, M. (2020) ‘Staghorn renal stones: what the urologist needs to know’, International Brazilian Journal of Urology : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology, 46(6), pp. 927–933. Available at:   About our Sponsor:   Massage Mentor Institute In 2019, Diane Matkowski, aka the Massage Mentor, began a closed Facebook page for hosting discussions with industry leaders. These interviews gave her an idea for The Massage Mentor Institute and Jam Series workshops. The goal was to create various continuing education classes offered in one spot. The Institute is a space for massage therapists to learn different approaches and philosophies of bodywork and business classes. It’s also home to the Shoulder, Hip, Neck, and Back Jam workshops. We believe that no one technique works for every human being. Our goal is to help you find your path. We have selected teachers we trust, admire, and believe will help you grow as a licensed massage therapist.   Website:   Facebook Group:   Instagram: @massagementorinstitute  

Ep 323 – Optimize your Tax and Financial Lives with Kenesha Coleman

Albert Einstein said, “The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” But does it have to be that hard? In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin speaks with CPA and tax coach Kenesha Coleman about what business owners need to know before filing, advice for practitioners who are feeling overwhelmed or stressed during tax season, and why bookkeeping year-round will benefit you greatly before you file. Kenesha is an award-winning CPA, certified tax coach, and IRS enrolled agent. She founded Coleman Tax, an accounting firm that specializes in helping ambitious and driven wellness and beauty entrepreneurs save money by optimizing their tax and financial lives. Learn more at Resources: Freebie: Beautypreneur Discovery Call  Freebie: "The Ultimate Tax Deductions Guide for Beautypreneurs" Interested in Professional Tax Preparation Services for Beautypreneurs: Website: IG: Facebook Business Page: FREE Facebook Group "Beautypreneur Finance Mastery": YouTube:   Host: Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].     Sponsors:     Anatomy Trains:      Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:     AnatomySCAPES:       Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:       Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at   AnatomySCAPES—created by and for hands-on professionals. As therapists, we want more than labeled charts of muscles, nerves, and bones. We crave anatomy education that informs our touch, and we want the know-how for working with the “stuff” in between. We want the whole story. Led by AnatomySCAPES co-directors, and ABMP Massage & Bodywork magazine columnists, Rachelle Clauson (FRS Fascial Net Plastination Project) and Nicole Trombley (Equilibrio Massage), our in-person lab workshops are in sunny San Diego, not far from the ocean. We teach you what the tissues look like, feel like, how they move, and how they relate to their surroundings. Your eyes and hands learn to “see” what they could not see before. Come join us in the lab in 2023!   Website:   FB:   IG:   YouTube:   Email: [email protected]  

Ep 322 – Client with Cerebral Palsy: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client is an adult man with spastic cerebral palsy. He has a Baclofen pump and is preparing for Botox injections. He’s also found a massage therapist who has the experience and expertise to help him—that’s amazing! Understandably, the MT has questions about the Botox—what are the guidelines for manual therapy when this is used to treat spasticity? Well, that assumes that such guidelines exist, which is not a safe assumption. Listen to this episode of “I Have a Client Who . . .” for some thoughts about what to do next.   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:       The Massage Mentor Institute:     Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                                      Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,           Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Adult Cerebral Palsy: Symptoms, New Challenges, Progression (2018) Healthline. Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2023).   Adults with Cerebral Palsy (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2023).   Botox, Orthopedic Surgery, Posterior Rhizotomy and/or a Baclofen Pump? – KAREN PAPE, MD (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 21 February 2023).   Cerebral Palsy Massage Therapy (no date) Cerebral Palsy Guidance. Available at: (Accessed: 21 February 2023).   Prevalence of Cerebral Palsy (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2023).   The Many Faces of Botox (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2023).   ‘What is Cerebral Palsy?’ (no date) Cerebral Palsy Research Network. Available at: (Accessed: 22 February 2023).   About our Sponsor:   Massage Mentor Institute   In 2019, Diane Matkowski, aka the Massage Mentor, began a closed Facebook page for hosting discussions with industry leaders. These interviews gave her an idea for The Massage Mentor Institute and Jam Series workshops. The goal was to create various continuing education classes offered in one spot. The Institute is a space for massage therapists to learn different approaches and philosophies of bodywork and business classes. It’s also home to the Shoulder, Hip, Neck, and Back Jam workshops. We believe that no one technique works for every human being. Our goal is to help you find your path. We have selected teachers we trust, admire, and believe will help you grow as a licensed massage therapist.   Website:   Facebook Group:   Instagram: @massagementorinstitute  

Ep 321 – Palliative Touch with Cindy Spence

The word “palliate” comes from the Medieval Latin “palliare,” meaning to conceal, or to cover with a cloak. In the context of health care, a palliative approach is one that alleviates symptoms without curing disease. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin speaks with author Cindy Spence about her book Palliative Touch: Massage for People at the End of Life, how practitioners can protect themselves during this emotional work, and why pressure, pace, and frequency are important aspects when doing hands-on work. Cindy Spence has been a massage therapist specializing in oncology and hospice care since 1999. She believes in the power of choice and pursuit of optimal well-being at all phases of life, particularly during advanced illness and the dying process. Cindy’s training includes a master’s degree in Public Health and more than 100 hours of continuing education from institutions such as MD Anderson and Sloan-Kettering. Co-creator of Final Touch Training, Cindy is a member of the Society for Oncology Massage, The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. As a member of the Oncology Massage Alliance, she provides massage in the chemo infusion room at Baylor Hospital in Dallas. She is also author of Comfort Massage Basics; A Training Program for Nurses and CNA’s in the Hospice Care Setting. Cindy finds food for her soul in deep connection with family and friends, quiet time at the beach, long walks with her dog (Pongo), dancing, books, and prayer beads.   Resources:   Palliative Touch: Massage for People at the End of Life:   Final Touch Facebook:       Host: Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].     Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Healwell:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   AnatomySCAPES:       Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:       Healwell is creating community and a new kind of massage therapy practitioner all around the world. Check out our courses, join our online community, find us all over the social media universe, and bring your gorgeous self to the conversation! Instagram: @healwell_org Twitter: @healwell_org LinkedIn: Facebook: Check out our podcast, Interdisciplinary, anywhere you get your podcasts!   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at   AnatomySCAPES—created by and for hands-on professionals. As therapists, we want more than labeled charts of muscles, nerves, and bones. We crave anatomy education that informs our touch, and we want the know-how for working with the “stuff” in between. We want the whole story. Led by AnatomySCAPES co-directors, and ABMP Massage & Bodywork magazine columnists, Rachelle Clauson (FRS Fascial Net Plastination Project) and Nicole Trombley (Equilibrio Massage), our in-person lab workshops are in sunny San Diego, not far from the ocean. We teach you what the tissues look like, feel like, how they move, and how they relate to their surroundings. Your eyes and hands learn to “see” what they could not see before. Come join us in the lab in 2023!   Website:   FB:   IG:   YouTube:   Email: [email protected]

Ep 320 – Sprengel’s Deformity: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client reports she has Sprengel’s deformity and was told never to get massage or chiropractic. Nonetheless, she finds that massage is very helpful! What is Sprengel’s deformity? And what are the questions we need to ask so we can make safe and effective clinical decisions? Spoiler alert: It’s not as tricky as it sounds, and you’ll find out on this episode of “I Have a Client Who . . .”   Sponsors:       Books of Discovery:       Advanced-Trainings:   Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                                      Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,             “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,         Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Kafadar, C. et al. (2016) ‘Omovertebral bone associated with Sprengel deformity presented with chronic cervical pain’, The Spine Journal, 16(2), p. e43. Available at:   Köhler, S. et al. (2021) ‘The Human Phenotype Ontology in 2021’, Nucleic Acids Research, 49(D1), pp. D1207–D1217. Available at:   Sprengel’s Deformity - Pediatrics - Orthobullets (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 15 February 2023).   Zarantonello, P. et al. (2021) ‘Surgical Treatment of Sprengel’s Deformity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis’, Children, 8(12), p. 1142. Available at:   Wikimedia, authors Stelzer, John W.; Flores, Miguel A.; Mohammad, Waleed; Esplin, Nathan; Mayl, Jonathan J.; Wasyliw, Christopher Available at:   About our Sponsor:   Massage Mentor Institute   In 2019, Diane Matkowski, aka the Massage Mentor, began a closed Facebook page for hosting discussions with industry leaders. These interviews gave her an idea for The Massage Mentor Institute and Jam Series workshops. The goal was to create various continuing education classes offered in one spot. The Institute is a space for massage therapists to learn different approaches and philosophies of bodywork and business classes. It’s also home to the Shoulder, Hip, Neck, and Back Jam workshops. We believe that no one technique works for every human being. Our goal is to help you find your path. We have selected teachers we trust, admire, and believe will help you grow as a licensed massage therapist.   Website:   Facebook Group:   Instagram: @massagementorinstitute  

Ep 319 -The Teres Major and Minor: Tell Me How You Really Feel: “The Rebel MT” with Allison Denney

The Teres Major and Teres Minor may share a name, but sharing is not something they do well. In a constant battle for the humerus, they have spent a lifetime arguing, competing, and creating friction. But getting to the truth of how a muscle really feels involves not only knowing their anatomy, but also knowing the human condition.  Listen in to this episode of The Rebel MT to learn more about the Teres Major and Teres Minor.   Host:                   Contact Allison Denney: [email protected]             Allison’s website:                      Allison Denney is a certified massage therapist and certified YouTuber. You can find her massage tutorials at She is also passionate about creating products that are kind, simple, and productive for therapists to use in their practices. Her products, along with access to her blog and CE opportunities, can be found at               Allison’s column in Massage & Bodywork magazine:     “The QL and the Psoas: The Epitome of Codependency” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 24.    “The Hand: A User’s Guide,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine. November/December 2021, page 81.   “Feelization: Connect with Clients on a Deeper Level,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 85.   This podcast sponsored by:     Rebel Massage Therapist:   Rebel Massage Therapist: My name is Allison. And I am not your typical massage therapist. After 20 years of experience and thousands of clients, I have learned that massage therapy is SO MUCH more than a relaxing experience at a spa. I see soft tissue as more than merely a physical element but a deeply complex, neurologically driven part of who you are. I use this knowledge to work WITH you—not ON you—to create change that works. This is the basis of my approach. As a massage therapist, I have worked in almost every capacity, including massage clinics, physical therapy clinics, chiropractor offices, spas, private practice, and teaching. I have learned incredible techniques and strategies from each of my experiences. In my 20 years as a massage therapist, I have never stopped growing. I currently have a private practice based out of Long Beach, California, where I also teach continuing education classes and occasionally work on my kids. If they’re good.   website:     FB:     IG:     YouTube:     email: [email protected]    

Ep 318 – The Age-Proof Brain with Dr. Marc Milstein

Mental decline is not an inevitable part of aging. You can boost your short- and long-term brain health and significantly lower the risk of dementia—if the right steps are taken now. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Dr. Marc Milstein, author of The Age-Proof Brain, about assessing our brain’s age, why sleep is so critical to brain health, and why lifestyle factors like mindfulness, exercise, and diet play a key role in long-term brain health. Marc is the author of The Age-Proof Brain: New Strategies to Improve Memory, Protect Immunity & Fight Off Dementia. Marc specializes in taking the leading science research on brain health and presenting it in a way that entertains, educates, and empowers his audience to live better. His presentations provide science-based solutions to keep the brain healthy, boost productivity, and maximize longevity. Marc has a PhD in biological chemistry from UCLA and has conducted research on topics including genetics, cancer biology, and neuroscience. For more information about Marc and his book, visit   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].     Sponsors:     Anatomy Trains:      Healwell:     Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:     AnatomySCAPES:     Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:       Healwell is creating community and a new kind of massage therapy practitioner all around the world. Check out our courses, join our online community, find us all over the social media universe, and bring your gorgeous self to the conversation! Instagram: @healwell_org Twitter: @healwell_org LinkedIn: Facebook: Check out our podcast, Interdisciplinary, anywhere you get your podcasts!   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at   AnatomySCAPES—created by and for hands-on professionals. As therapists, we want more than labeled charts of muscles, nerves, and bones. We crave anatomy education that informs our touch, and we want the know-how for working with the “stuff” in between. We want the whole story. Led by AnatomySCAPES co-directors, and ABMP Massage & Bodywork magazine columnists, Rachelle Clauson (FRS Fascial Net Plastination Project) and Nicole Trombley (Equilibrio Massage), our in-person lab workshops are in sunny San Diego, not far from the ocean. We teach you what the tissues look like, feel like, how they move, and how they relate to their surroundings. Your eyes and hands learn to “see” what they could not see before. Come join us in the lab in 2023!   Website:   FB:   IG:   YouTube:   Email: [email protected]  

Ep 317 – Hemochromatosis: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client with hip and back pain is referred to a massage therapist by her chiropractor. But there’s a hitch: This person also has arrhythmia and hemochromatosis. Hemochromatosis is one of the most common inherited disorders in White people, and it can lead to life-threatening complications. One of those complications might be a factor in this client’s situation. Fortunately, if it’s found early, hemochromatosis is highly treatable. Listen to this episode of “I Have a Client Who . . .” for more!   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Massage Mentor Institute:       Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                                      Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Adams, P.C. (2020) ‘Hemochromatosis: Ancient to the Future’, Clinical Liver Disease, 16(Suppl 1), pp. 83–90. Available at:   Hemochromatosis (Iron Overload): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diet & More (no date) Cleveland Clinic. Available at: (Accessed: 7 February 2023).   ‘Hemochromatosis: Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology’ (2023). Available at: (Accessed: 7 February 2023).   ‘Hereditary Hemochromatosis and HFE: Practice Essentials, Clinical Implications of the Genetic Mutation, Testing for the Genetic Mutation’ (2022). Available at: (Accessed: 7 February 2023). Sponsors: The Massage Mentor Institute In 2019, Diane Matkowski, aka the Massage Mentor, began a private Facebook page for hosting discussions with industry leaders. These interviews gave her ideas for The Massage Mentor Institute and Jam Series workshops. The goal was to create various continuing education classes offered in one spot. The Institute is a space for massage therapists to learn different approaches and philosophies of bodywork and business classes. It’s also home to the Shoulder, Hip, Neck, and Back Jam workshops. We believe that no one technique works for every human being. Our goal is to help you find your path. We have selected teachers we trust, admire, and believe will help you grow as a licensed massage therapist.   Website:   Facebook Group:   Instagram: @massagementorinstitute  

Ep 316 – The Importance of Harm Reduction with Cal Cates

Harm reduction in client/therapist engagements can be organized into four simple, but hard-to-implement tenets: minimize judgement, avoid offering advice or opinions, respect autonomy, and understand the complicated nature of behavior. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Cal Cates about the lack of self-regulation training, examples of judgment with a client, and how offering opinions can have a “silencing effect” on clients. Cal is an educator, writer, and speaker on topics ranging from massage therapy in a hospital setting to end-of-life care and massage therapy policy and regulation. Cal is the executive director and founder of Healwell, a nonprofit organization that works with children in hospitals and clinical facilities. Cal trains massage therapists about sustainable care giving and partners with hospitals to conduct research about the effects of massage on people living with illness. For more information, visit Cal is the host of the podcast Interdisciplinary, found everywhere podcasts are available. Cal is also a columnist for Massage & Bodywork magazine.   Resources:   “Harm Reduction,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2023, page 62,   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Healwell:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   AnatomySCAPES:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:       Healwell is creating community and a new kind of massage therapy practitioner all around the world. Check out our courses, join our online community, find us all over the social media universe, and bring your gorgeous self to the conversation! Instagram: @healwell_org Twitter: @healwell_org LinkedIn: Facebook: Check out our podcast, Interdisciplinary, anywhere you get your podcasts!   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at     AnatomySCAPES —created by and for hands-on professionals. As therapists, we want more than labeled charts of muscles, nerves, and bones. We crave anatomy education that informs our touch, and we want the know-how for working with the “stuff” in between. We want the whole story. Led by AnatomySCAPES co-directors, and ABMP Massage & Bodywork magazine columnists, Rachelle Clauson (FRS Fascial Net Plastination Project) and Nicole Trombley (Equilibrio Massage), our in-person lab workshops are in sunny San Diego, not far from the ocean. We teach you what the tissues look like, feel like, how they move, and how they relate to their surroundings. Your eyes and hands learn to “see” what they could not see before. Come join us in the lab in 2023!   Website:   FB:   IG:   YouTube:   Email: [email protected]

Ep 315 – Endometriosis where?: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client has chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath . . . on a mysteriously regular cycle. Testing shows masses in her lungs, but cancer is ruled out. The most likely situation here is thoracic endometriosis. What is endometriosis, how did this client get it in her lungs, and—most importantly—can massage help with her signs or symptoms?   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                    Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Huang, H. et al. (2013) ‘Endometriosis of the lung: report of a case and literature review’, European Journal of Medical Research, 18(1), p. 13. Available at:   Nezhat, C. et al. (2012) ‘Bilateral Thoracic Endometriosis Affecting the Lung and Diaphragm’, JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 16(1), pp. 140–142. Available at:   Sarma, D. et al. (2004) ‘Cerebellar Endometriosis’, American Journal of Roentgenology, 182(6), pp. 1543–1546. Available at:   Thoracic endometriosis: Symptoms, causes, treatment, and more (2022). Available at: (Accessed: 1 February 2023).    

Ep 314 – Lessons Learned: Communication and Customer Service

In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin shares some of the lessons she has learned as a massage therapist, while Darren shares what he’s learned as a client, why communication plays a major role in the client/therapist relationship, and how customer service weaves its way into every aspect of a session.   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Healwell:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Healwell is creating community and a new kind of massage therapy practitioner all around the world. Check out our courses, join our online community, find us all over the social media universe, and bring your gorgeous self to the conversation! Instagram: @healwell_org Twitter: @healwell_org LinkedIn: Facebook: Check out our podcast, Interdisciplinary, anywhere you get your podcasts!   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  

Ep 313 – Surfer’s Ear: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client has frequent ear infections, including now while he’s awaiting a prescription of antibiotics. He wants massage for his neck and shoulders. He has a history of a ruptured eardrum and several surgeries. And by the way, he’s a surfer.  Usually, we say that massage and acute infections don’t really go together. But this client seems fine—he gets these infections often and they don’t impact his daily living. Is that a go-ahead for massage? Maybe, maybe not.   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at      Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Ear: Anatomy, Facts & Function (no date) Cleveland Clinic. Available at: (Accessed: 19 January 2023).   Ear anatomy: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia Image (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 19 January 2023).   Landefeld, K. et al. (2022) Surfer’s Ear, StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing. Available at: (Accessed: 19 January 2023).   Ruptured eardrum (perforated eardrum) - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 19 January 2023).   Swimmer’s Ear (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2023).   ‘What is Surfer’s Ear? | SurfEars’ (2018), 18 May. Available at: (Accessed: 19 January 2023).  

Ep 312 – Standard of Care, Scope of Practice with Ruth Werner

A client with a complex health challenge can benefit from a conversation between their massage therapist and their health-care team. But, a conversation isn’t the same as permission. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Ruth about massage therapists’ inclinations to get a doctor’s permission before treatment, whether a doctor’s note protects MTs, and what consulting a health-care team looks like. Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is available at    Ruth is also the host of the podcast I Have a Client Who . . . which runs each Friday on the ABMP Podcast Network. And, if that wasn’t enough, Ruth is a columnist and frequent feature writer for Massage & Bodywork magazine.   Resources:   Read Ruth’s article in Massage & Bodywork magazine:   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Healwell:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:       Healwell is creating community and a new kind of massage therapy practitioner all around the world. Check out our courses, join our online community, find us all over the social media universe, and bring your gorgeous self to the conversation! Instagram: @healwell_org Twitter: @healwell_org LinkedIn: Facebook: Check out our podcast, Interdisciplinary, anywhere you get your podcasts!   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  

Ep 311 – Arthrofibrosis: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client’s knee surgery seemed to go OK, but now he has a problem: his knee is stuck in 60 degrees of flexion. His doctors don’t seem interested in his diagnosis, leading him to wonder if anything will ever change. What’s going on? Is this unusual? Turns out, it might happen a lot. But massage therapy might be helpful, according to one of the world’s leading experts on the subject. Join us as we explore arthrofibrosis in this edition of “I Have a Client Who . . . ”   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                                      Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Arthrofibosis | International Arthrofibrosis Association (no date) IAA. Available at: (Accessed: 16 January 2023).   Arthrofibrosis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 16 January 2023).   Martinez-Lozano, E. et al. (2022) ‘Management of arthrofibrosis in neuromuscular disorders: a review’, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 23(1), p. 725. Available at:   Usher, K.M. et al. (2019) ‘Pathological mechanisms and therapeutic outlooks for arthrofibrosis’, Bone Research, 7, p. 9. Available at:    

Ep 310 - Untangling the Glute Max: “The Rebel MT” with Allison Denney

The gluteus maximus is just like the rest of us—caught up in how society and the internet tells us we should look, think, and feel. Untangling this massive muscle from the interwebs takes a lot of introspection. In this episode, Allison pontificates the deeper issues of the Glute Max and offers some insights on how to free it from societal constraints.   Host:                   Contact Allison Denney: [email protected]             Allison’s website:                      Allison Denney is a certified massage therapist and certified YouTuber. You can find her massage tutorials at She is also passionate about creating products that are kind, simple, and productive for therapists to use in their practices. Her products, along with access to her blog and CE opportunities, can be found at               Allison’s column in Massage & Bodywork magazine:     “The QL and the Psoas: The Epitome of Codependency” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 24.    “The Hand: A User’s Guide,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine. November/December 2021, page 81.   “Feelization: Connect with Clients on a Deeper Level,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 85.   This podcast sponsored by:     Rebel Massage Therapist:   Rebel Massage Therapist: My name is Allison. And I am not your typical massage therapist. After 20 years of experience and thousands of clients, I have learned that massage therapy is SO MUCH more than a relaxing experience at a spa. I see soft tissue as more than merely a physical element but a deeply complex, neurologically driven part of who you are. I use this knowledge to work WITH you—not ON you—to create change that works. This is the basis of my approach. As a massage therapist, I have worked in almost every capacity, including massage clinics, physical therapy clinics, chiropractor offices, spas, private practice, and teaching. I have learned incredible techniques and strategies from each of my experiences. In my 20 years as a massage therapist, I have never stopped growing. I currently have a private practice based out of Long Beach, California, where I also teach continuing education classes and occasionally work on my kids. If they’re good.   website:     FB:     IG:     YouTube:     email: [email protected]    

Ep 309 – Pediatric Touch Therapy with Tina Allen

Imagine a world where every child has the chance to reach their full potential. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Tina Allen, founder of Liddle Kidz Foundation, about the differences between infant and pediatric massage, why she created the Liddle Kidz Foundation, what she has noticed in her travels around the world regarding “touch culture,” and what advice she has for practitioners interested in learning more about pediatric touch therapy. Tina Allen, founder of Liddle Kidz Foundation, is the premier expert and authority on infant and pediatric massage therapy. She is an internationally respected lecturer, educator, and award-winning author of the best-selling book “A Modern Day Guide to Massage for Children.” For over 20 years, Tina has propelled the Liddle Kidz Foundation to global awareness. Her integrative approach has provided her the opportunity to develop comprehensive certification programs and consult on numerous pediatric massage programs, research studies, and pediatric massage protocols. She has collaborated with health-care professionals around the world to provide pediatric massage therapy in more than 100 medical institutions, including the Mayo Clinic, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and the Tokyo National Metropolitan Children’s Hospital. The Liddle Kidz Foundation has achieved long-standing global success with its International Therapeutic Exchange Program (iTEP), where qualified volunteer health-care ambassadors join the Liddle Kidz Foundation to create a sustainable impact in the communities they serve. Allen’s work with children around the world has garnered international honors, including the Massage Therapy Foundation Humanitarian of the Year, American Massage Therapy Association Award for Distinguished Service, and State of California Champion for Children. Resources: Visit for more information Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:           Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at

Ep 308 – CTE: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client is a former NFL linebacker with CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy). What is going on inside his head? And is it safe for the massage therapist to work with him? CTE is part of a range of head injuries that includes traumatic brain injury, concussion, and post-concussion syndrome. We don’t have a lot of information about massage therapy in this context, but we can get enough information to look for good ways to help.   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                    Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35, “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Brain Banks | Concussion Legacy Foundation (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 10 January 2023).   Burns, S.L. (2015) ‘Concussion Treatment Using Massage Techniques: a Case Study’, International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, 8(2), pp. 12–17.   ‘Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE): Overview, Background, Timeline and History of CTE’ (2023). Available at: (Accessed: 10 January 2023).   Frequently Asked Questions about CTE | CTE Center (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 10 January 2023).   Living with CTE | Concussion Legacy Foundation (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 10 January 2023).   Massage & Bodywork - September | October 2014 (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 10 January 2023).   Post-Concussion Syndrome: Symptoms, Treatments, Tests, Recovery, and More (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 10 January 2023).   Richer, A.C. (2017) ‘Functional Medicine Approach to Traumatic Brain Injury’, Medical Acupuncture, 29(4), pp. 206–214. Available at:   What is CTE? | Concussion Legacy Foundation (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 10 January 2023).    

Ep 307 – The Significance of Motor Points with Mary Kathleen Rose

Understanding the motor points of the neuromuscular system and their corollary—tonic acupressure points—increases efficiency in helping clients relax and deepen into a sense of calmness and well-being. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Mary Kathleen Rose about the difference between motor points and tonic points, how deep a motor point is, what a point should feel like for both the practitioner and client, and why proper communication to the client during a session is important. Mary Kathleen Rose, LMT, has been actively involved in the holistic health field since the 1970s. A pioneer in the field of touch therapies for the elderly and the ill, she is an ardent advocate for the needs of special populations. She is the developer of Comfort Touch and internationally known for her work in bringing safe, appropriate, and effective touch to hospice, hospital, and home-care settings. Rose is the author of Comfort Touch: Nurturing Acupressure for the Elderly, the Ill and Anyone in Need of a Caring Touch (Wild Rose, 2020); Comfort Touch of the Hands & Feet: A Guide for Family Caregivers (Wild Rose, 2015), and producer of the videos Comfort Touch: Massage for the Elderly & the Ill (Wild Rose, 2004) and Bereavement: Dealing with Grief & Loss (Wild Rose, 2022).   Resources:   Contact Mary: [email protected]   Website:   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:           Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  

Ep 306 – Agent Orange: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client’s parent is a Vietnam vet, and she is left with the aftermath of the genetic damage caused by one of the deadliest toxins known: TCDD dioxin. She has spina bifida, a well-recognized consequence of parental AO exposure, but also a slew of other physical and emotional challenges. What is Agent Orange, and how did this happen? And… is there any way our work can help?   Sponsors:    Books of Discovery:     Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                     Recent Articles by Ruth:       “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,    “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Current list of “presumptive conditions” recognized by the VA as the consequences of direct Agent Orange exposure:   AL Amyloidosis Bladder cancer Chronic B-cell Leukemias Chloracne Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Hodgkin’s Disease Hypothyroidism Ischemic Heart Disease Multiple Myeloma Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Parkinsonism Parkinson’s Disease Peripheral Neuropathy, Early- Onset Porphyria Cutanea Tarda Prostate Cancer Respiratory Cancers Soft Tissue Sarcomas   Administration, U.D. of V.A., Veterans Health (no date a) | Veterans Affairs. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).   Administration, U.D. of V.A., Veterans Health (no date c) | Veterans Affairs. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).   ‘Agent Orange’ (2022) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).   Birth defects linked to Agent Orange (2022) Veterans Affairs. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).   Dioxins and their effects on human health (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).   Editors, H. com (no date) Agent Orange, HISTORY. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).   Fresques, C.O., Hannah (no date) The Children of Agent Orange, ProPublica. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).   Ornstein, C. (no date) Agent Orange Act Was Supposed to Help Vietnam Veterans — But Many Still Don’t Qualify, ProPublica. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).   Schmidt, C. (no date) Is Agent Orange Still Causing Birth Defects?, Scientific American. Available at:   Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange: Legislative History, Litigation, and Current Issues (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).   What is Agent Orange? (no date) The Aspen Institute. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).   Woods, N. (2020) Are Children or Grandchildren Eligible for Agent Orange Disability Benefits?, Woods and Woods, LLC, Veterans Disability Lawyer. Available at: (Accessed: 29 November 2022).    

Ep 305 – The Why Behind the What with Doug Nelson

Critical thinking can help people better understand themselves, their motivations, and their goals. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Doug Nelson about one of his favorite topics: Critical Thinking. He discusses why we need to challenge not only our head and our hands—but our heart, how confirmation bias leads to struggle, and why we should pick our themes and not get lost in the details. Doug Nelson is the founder and principal instructor for Precision Neuromuscular Therapy Seminars, president of the 20-therapist clinic BodyWork Associates in Champaign, Illinois, and past president of the Massage Therapy Foundation. His clinic, seminars, and research endeavors explore the science behind this work. Visit or email him at [email protected].   Hosts: Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected].   Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:    

Ep 304 – Lymph Nodes Removed with Rebecca Sturgeon: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A massage therapist has some clients who have battled breast cancer and had lymph nodes removed. They are active and healthy, and report no signs of lymphedema . . . and they want “massage as usual” on their affected arms. Is that possible? Is it advisable? What could go wrong? In this short, pithy discussion, Rebecca Sturgeon, co-author of Oncology Massage: An Integrative Approach to Cancer Care and educational director at Healwell, discusses the options that this practitioner might consider to keep those clients safe while offering satisfying bodywork.   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                     Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Oncology Massage: An Integrative Approach to Cancer Care:  

Ep 303 - The Attachment Disorder of the Scalenes: “The Rebel MT” with Allison Denney

The Scalenes have an attachment disorder. This is a good thing and a bad thing. For a group of muscles to be working so hard, understanding where they are, what they do, and the black hole they live in is key to our approach. In this episode, join Allison as she dives into the Posterior Triangle of the neck to explore the scalenes, the big responsibility they shoulder, and what we can do to help.    Host:                   Contact Allison Denney: [email protected]             Allison’s website:                      Allison Denney is a certified massage therapist and certified YouTuber. You can find her massage tutorials at She is also passionate about creating products that are kind, simple, and productive for therapists to use in their practices. Her products, along with access to her blog and CE opportunities, can be found at               Allison’s column in Massage & Bodywork magazine:     “The QL and the Psoas: The Epitome of Codependency” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 24.    “The Hand: A User’s Guide,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine. November/December 2021, page 81.   “Feelization: Connect with Clients on a Deeper Level,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 85.   This podcast sponsored by:     Rebel Massage Therapist:   Rebel Massage Therapist: My name is Allison. And I am not your typical massage therapist. After 20 years of experience and thousands of clients, I have learned that massage therapy is SO MUCH more than a relaxing experience at a spa. I see soft tissue as more than merely a physical element but a deeply complex, neurologically driven part of who you are. I use this knowledge to work WITH you—not ON you—to create change that works. This is the basis of my approach. As a massage therapist, I have worked in almost every capacity, including massage clinics, physical therapy clinics, chiropractor offices, spas, private practice, and teaching. I have learned incredible techniques and strategies from each of my experiences. In my 20 years as a massage therapist, I have never stopped growing. I currently have a private practice based out of Long Beach, California, where I also teach continuing education classes and occasionally work on my kids. If they’re good.   website:     FB:     IG:     YouTube:     email: [email protected]    

Ep 302 – Looking Backward, but Moving Forward

What a year for The ABMP Podcast. We have been so lucky to speak with leading health-care professionals, best-selling authors, and amazing members of the massage and bodywork community. Hosts Darren and Kristin wanted to share with you some of the episodes that made an impact on them, not only this year, but for the year to come.   Resources:   Ep 217 – Deepening Your Practice with Lynn & Ann Teachworth   Ep 234 – Tracking Wonder with Jeffrey Davis   Ep 266 – When Millennials Take Over with Jamie Notter   Ep 281 – Understanding Thoracic Mobility with Ann & Lynn Teachworth   Ep 298 – Functional Therapy for the Geriatric Population   “What I’ve Learned” from Esquire magazine   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:    

Ep 301 – Mitochondrial Myopathy: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client has pain, tension, and a specific referral pattern between her right shoulder and left leg. She was also born with a rare disease that affects her mitochondria, and that carries a host of complications, like high blood pressure, headaches, and diabetes. Can massage therapy help reduce her tension, even if it is led by mitochondrial dysfunction? We ask that question and discuss on this episode of “I Have a Client Who . . .”   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                     Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Mitochondria (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 2 December 2022).   Mitochondrial Myopathies | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 1 December 2022).   Mitochondrial Myopathy Fact Sheet | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 1 December 2022).   Philadelphia, T.C.H. of (2019) Mitochondrial Myopathy. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Available at: (Accessed: 6 December 2022).   ‘Primary Mitochondrial Myopathies’ (no date) NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders). Available at: (Accessed: 1 December 2022).  

Ep 300 – Human Trafficking in Higher Education with Dr. Debra Persinger

Human trafficking in adults involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Human trafficking is an insidious crime and affects a variety of communities and industries. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with FSMTB Executive Director Dr. Debra Persinger about the FSMTB’s efforts to help identify human trafficking within institutions of higher education, how schools that engage in trafficking are identified, and why this is important not only to state regulators, but to the entire massage therapy profession. Persinger brings a rare combination of management experience, examination expertise, and national and state legislative know-how to the FSMTB. She has directed all psychometric aspects of examination development and was instrumental in offering award-winning quality assessment services for examinations for four professional certification and licensure programs. After completing her undergraduate degree in human nutrition and postgraduate teacher training in her native New Zealand, Persinger completed her master’s degree in human development and family studies and her doctorate degree in human services at Kansas State University. She is a former university lecturer and has authored several publications, including a student study guide for human sexuality, an instructor’s manual on marriage and family, and since joining the federation, coauthored Conversations with Teachers of Asian Medicine. She serves on the Board of two nonprofit associations. She frequently presents at national regulatory and credentialing conferences and has provided trainings for local and federal law enforcement agencies about the intersection of massage therapy and human trafficking.   Resources:   Human Trafficking Task Force Report:   A Toolkit for Identifying Human Trafficking and Fraud in Higher Education:   Volunteer for FSMTB   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].    Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:    

Ep 299 – Prader Willi Syndrome: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client has muscle tightness, pain, scoliosis, and a tendency to complain all the time about everything. And by the way, he is hungry, literally every waking moment. In this episode of I Have a Client Who . . . Ruth Werner asks the question, “Can massage therapy help?”   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                    Recent Articles by Ruth:         “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,         “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Bohonowych, J. et al. (2019) ‘The Global Prader–Willi Syndrome Registry: Development, Launch, and Early Demographics’, Genes, 10(9), p. 713. Available at:   FPWR (no date) What is Prader-Willi Syndrome. Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2022).   ‘Information for Medical Professionals’ (no date) IPWSO. Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2022).   ‘Prader-Willi Syndrome’ (no date) NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders). Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2022).

Ep 298 – Functional Therapy for the Geriatric Population with Dr. Joi Edwards

Bodywork for the geriatric population helps regain strength, balance, coordination, and a level of functioning—but it also creates a more independent lifestyle. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren are joined by Dr. Joi Edwards to discuss cupping for the geriatric community, how she was drawn to working with the elderly, and her approach when setting goals for these types of patients. Dr. Joi is a licensed massage therapist and a licensed physical therapist. She has a bachelor’s degree in parks and recreation, a doctorate in physical therapy, and specializes in orthopedic manual therapy. She has extensive experience in the orthopedic field with both injuries and surgical conditions. She works full time as a physical therapist, owns a continuing education company, Owlchemy Education, and successfully fuses the science of orthopedics with the art and intuition of massage, bridging the worlds together with the magic of silicone cups. Learn more at   Resources:    View Dr. Joi's CE course with Allison Denney, "A Combined Approach: Hands-On and Cupping Techniques for Neck Fascia" in the ABMP Education Center!   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].    Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Elements Massage:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Founded by a massage therapist for massage therapists, the Elements Massage® brand is a network of independently owned and operated studios dedicated to changing lives--including yours!  The Elements Massage brand believes massage therapists deserve a supportive team, business and marketing resources, and the chance to learn as much as they want, so many Elements Massage studios offer and reimburse continuing education on an ongoing basis. It's no surprise Elements Massage therapist and client satisfaction leads the industry. That's because from day one, the brand has kept an unmatched commitment to deliver the best therapeutic massage experiences possible for both clients and massage therapists. Elements Massage studios expects the best. So should you. If this sounds like a fit, reach out. Studios are hiring!   Website:   Facebook:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Disclaimer: Each Elements Massage® studio is independently owned and operated. Franchise owners (or their designated hiring managers) are solely responsible for all employment and personnel decisions and matters regarding their independently owned and operated studios, including hiring, direction, training, supervision, discipline, discharge, compensation (e.g., wage practices and tax withholding and reporting requirements), and termination of employment. Elements Therapeutic Massage, LLC (ETM) is not involved in, and is not responsible for, employment and personnel matters and decisions made by any franchise owner. All individuals hired by franchise owners’ studios are their employees, not those of ETM. Benefits vary by independently owned and operated Elements Massage® studios. Elements Massage® and Elements Massage + design are registered trademarks owned by ETM.   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  

Ep 297 – Cardiac Catheter Complications: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client had a cardiac catheterization complication and had to be shocked back into a functional rhythm. Now he wants a massage, and his doctor seems to be on board. What is a cardiac catheterization, what does it mean to be shocked back into rhythm, and what does it mean for decisions about massage? In this episode of I Have a Client Who, Ruth explores this issue and answers these questions.   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Advanced-Trainings:   Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                    Recent Articles by Ruth:     “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,         “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Cardiac Catheterization (2021). Available at:   Cardiac Catheterization | American Heart Association (no date). Available at:   Contributors, W.E. (no date) Cardiac Catheterization, WebMD. Available at: (Accessed: 16 November 2022).   Electrical Cardioversion | Johns Hopkins Medicine (no date). Available at:   Massage & Bodywork - NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2020 (no date). Available at:   What is Defibrillation Used For? (no date) Cleveland Clinic. Available at:   About our Sponsor:   About Til Luchau and   As a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Til was on the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® for 20 years, where he served as Coordinator and Faculty Chair of the Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program. The author of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook series (which has been translated into 6 languages), his regular Myofascial Techniques and Somatic Edge columns have been featured in Massage & Bodywork magazine since 2009, and (along with Whitney Lowe) he co-hosts the popular Thinking Practitioner Podcast. He is the Director of which since 1985 has offered short, credit-approved professional trainings and certification for manual therapists of all types, in person and online.   Website:   Email: [email protected]   Facebook:   Instagram:   YouTube:  

Ep 296 - The Paradox of the Intercostals: “The Rebel MT” with Allison Denney

You might be familiar with the Ship of Theseus. But do you know about the Paradox of the Intercostals? They both involve planks. And they both raise some interesting questions. In this episode of The Rebel MT, join Allison as she compares Theseus’s Paradox to the quandary that are the intercostal muscles. Perhaps you have some answers to an age-old query that has been perplexing humans for eons. Host:                   Contact Allison Denney: [email protected]             Allison’s website:                      Allison Denney is a certified massage therapist and certified YouTuber. You can find her massage tutorials at She is also passionate about creating products that are kind, simple, and productive for therapists to use in their practices. Her products, along with access to her blog and CE opportunities, can be found at               Allison’s column in Massage & Bodywork magazine:     “The QL and the Psoas: The Epitome of Codependency” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 24.    “The Hand: A User’s Guide,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine. November/December 2021, page 81.   “Feelization: Connect with Clients on a Deeper Level,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 85.   This podcast sponsored by:     Rebel Massage Therapist:   Milk + Honey:   Rebel Massage Therapist: My name is Allison. And I am not your typical massage therapist. After 20 years of experience and thousands of clients, I have learned that massage therapy is SO MUCH more than a relaxing experience at a spa. I see soft tissue as more than merely a physical element but a deeply complex, neurologically driven part of who you are. I use this knowledge to work WITH you—not ON you—to create change that works. This is the basis of my approach. As a massage therapist, I have worked in almost every capacity, including massage clinics, physical therapy clinics, chiropractor offices, spas, private practice, and teaching. I have learned incredible techniques and strategies from each of my experiences. In my 20 years as a massage therapist, I have never stopped growing. I currently have a private practice based out of Long Beach, California, where I also teach continuing education classes and occasionally work on my kids. If they’re good.   website:   FB:   IG:   YouTube:   email: [email protected]   Milk + Honey   Award-winning day spa milk + honey is currently hiring Licensed Massage Therapists in Texas, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Miami.     Milk + honey is committed to helping employees achieve their personal and professional goals by offering competitive benefits, and an industry-leading compensation program that takes a holistic view of performance and tenure, allowing team members to take charge and own their own growth   Visit or find us on Instagram at to learn more about what makes milk + honey a great place to work and submit your application.  

Ep 295 – Integrative Touch with Shay Beider

Integrative Touch (InTouch) works to change the way people experience health care by supporting caregivers and families whose children have special health or medical needs. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin speaks with the founder of Integrative Touch, Shay Beider, about what led her to start Integrative Touch, how their mission of whole child, whole family, whole community developed, and why understanding child development plays a crucial role in how you approach a session. Beider has been a pioneer in the field of Integrative Medicine for 20 years. She is the founder and Executive Director of Integrative Touch, a nonprofit with an international healing program for individuals experiencing high-impact trauma and illness. Beider is a frequent public speaker on wellness topics and hosts the popular Conversations on Healing podcast, with listeners in more than 100 countries. She started Integrative Touch therapy and teaches internationally. She was awarded the Women’s Studies Achievement Award from UCLA and is recognized by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as a Pioneer for Children’s Wellbeing.   Resources:   Integrative Touch:   Gabor Mate’s website:   Bessel Van der Kolk’s website:   Stephen Porges’ website:   Host:   Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].    Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Elements Massage:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Founded by a massage therapist for massage therapists, the Elements Massage® brand is a network of independently owned and operated studios dedicated to changing lives--including yours!  The Elements Massage brand believes massage therapists deserve a supportive team, business and marketing resources, and the chance to learn as much as they want, so many Elements Massage studios offer and reimburse continuing education on an ongoing basis. It's no surprise Elements Massage therapist and client satisfaction leads the industry. That's because from day one, the brand has kept an unmatched commitment to deliver the best therapeutic massage experiences possible for both clients and massage therapists. Elements Massage studios expects the best. So should you. If this sounds like a fit, reach out. Studios are hiring!    Website:   Facebook:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Disclaimer: Each Elements Massage® studio is independently owned and operated. Franchise owners (or their designated hiring managers) are solely responsible for all employment and personnel decisions and matters regarding their independently owned and operated studios, including hiring, direction, training, supervision, discipline, discharge, compensation (e.g., wage practices and tax withholding and reporting requirements), and termination of employment. Elements Therapeutic Massage, LLC (ETM) is not involved in, and is not responsible for, employment and personnel matters and decisions made by any franchise owner. All individuals hired by franchise owners’ studios are their employees, not those of ETM. Benefits vary by independently owned and operated Elements Massage® studios. Elements Massage® and Elements Massage + design are registered trademarks owned by ETM.   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  

Ep 294 – Scheuermann’s Disease: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client has Scheuermann’s disease: a genetic malformation of vertebral bodies that arises during adolescence. But the client also has some other issues: anxiety, joint and back pain, clicking, popping, and crepitus. How much of this is due to Scheuermann’s disease, and how might manual therapy be able to help? Plus, in this episode of “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner, we get to talk about Schmorl’s nodes!   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Advanced-Trainings:   Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                                   Recent Articles by Ruth:         “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,    “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35, “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Administrator (no date) Kyphosis. Available at: (Accessed: 8 November 2022).   Bezalel, T. et al. (2014) ‘Scheuermann’s disease: Current diagnosis and treatment approach’, Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 27(4), pp. 383–390. Available at:   knadmin (2017) ‘Scheuermann’s disease’, PM&R KnowledgeNow, 10 March. Available at: (Accessed: 8 November 2022).   Mansfield, J.T. and Bennett, M. (2022) Scheuermann Disease, StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing. Available at: (Accessed: 8 November 2022).   Scheuermann’s Disease | Kingsley Physio | More than your local Physio (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 8 November 2022).   About our Sponsor:   About Til Luchau and   As a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Til was on the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® for 20 years, where he served as Coordinator and Faculty Chair of the Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program. The author of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook series (which has been translated into 6 languages), his regular Myofascial Techniques and Somatic Edge columns have been featured in Massage & Bodywork magazine since 2009, and (along with Whitney Lowe) he co-hosts the popular Thinking Practitioner Podcast. He is the Director of which since 1985 has offered short, credit-approved professional trainings and certification for manual therapists of all types, in person and online.   Website:   Email: [email protected]   Facebook:   Instagram:   YouTube:  

Ep 293 – Cornerstones: The ABMP Instructor Development Program with Bob Benson

We know the massage and bodywork community is full of passionate instructors possessing caring hearts and expert hands-on skills who give their all to students. But so many are often trained in the “trial by fire” method. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with ABMP Chairman Bob Benson about his motivation for creating Cornerstones, the ABMP Instructor Development Program, why there is a need for this type of program in massage education, and why he was committed to creating this resource for the profession. Bob Benson is Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals’ (ABMP) chairman of the board. Taking the reins in 1996, Benson has served as ABMP’s president and CEO. Benson is a champion of the massage and bodywork profession, serving on the board of directors of CAMTC, enlisting ABMP’s resources toward the development of the Entry-Level Analysis Project, and spearheading the development of Cornerstones: The ABMP Instructor Development Program. Under his 26 years of leadership, Benson helped grow ABMP into a leading association in the profession, and created sister associations for estheticians, cosmetologists, and nail professionals.   Resources:   Get Started Now with Cornerstones: ABMP Education Center   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Elements Massage:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Massage Heights:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Founded by a massage therapist for massage therapists, the Elements Massage® brand is a network of independently owned and operated studios dedicated to changing lives--including yours!  The Elements Massage brand believes massage therapists deserve a supportive team, business and marketing resources, and the chance to learn as much as they want, so many Elements Massage studios offer and reimburse continuing education on an ongoing basis. It's no surprise Elements Massage therapist and client satisfaction leads the industry. That's because from day one, the brand has kept an unmatched commitment to deliver the best therapeutic massage experiences possible for both clients and massage therapists. Elements Massage studios expects the best. So should you. If this sounds like a fit, reach out. Studios are hiring!   Website:   Facebook:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Disclaimer: Each Elements Massage® studio is independently owned and operated. Franchise owners (or their designated hiring managers) are solely responsible for all employment and personnel decisions and matters regarding their independently owned and operated studios, including hiring, direction, training, supervision, discipline, discharge, compensation (e.g., wage practices and tax withholding and reporting requirements), and termination of employment. Elements Therapeutic Massage, LLC (ETM) is not involved in, and is not responsible for, employment and personnel matters and decisions made by any franchise owner. All individuals hired by franchise owners’ studios are their employees, not those of ETM. Benefits vary by independently owned and operated Elements Massage® studios. Elements Massage® and Elements Massage + design are registered trademarks owned by ETM.   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at   Massage Heights is a chain of spa retreats in the U.S. and Canada. Our Retreat owners are passionate about creating positive work environments that value and inspire their staff.  Massage Heights is dedicated to supporting the massage, esthetic and spa industries through charitable donations, sponsorships, scholarships, and volunteer leadership. In 2022, we created Outside the Room, a virtual show and podcast, to support the work of massage therapists and estheticians and honor their careers. Please visit to learn more.  

Ep 292 – Sepsis: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

An 82-year-old client lives with bladder cancer. After cataract surgery, he developed a urinary tract infection (UTI) and sepsis and had to spend 10 days in the hospital. Now he’s home, on IV antibiotics, and wants a massage. His therapist wonders, will he ever be able to receive massage again?   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Advanced-Trainings:   Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                                      Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,        Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   IHACW: Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis   M&B article on sepsis and post-sepsis syndrome     About our Sponsor: About Til Luchau and   As a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Til was on the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® for 20 years, where he served as Coordinator and Faculty Chair of the Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program. The author of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook series (which has been translated into 6 languages), his regular Myofascial Techniques and Somatic Edge columns have been featured in Massage & Bodywork magazine since 2009, and (along with Whitney Lowe) he co-hosts the popular Thinking Practitioner Podcast. He is the Director of which since 1985 has offered short, credit-approved professional trainings and certification for manual therapists of all types, in person and online.   Website:   Email: [email protected]   Facebook:   Instagram:   YouTube:  

Ep 291 – Working with Invisible Pain with Ruth Werner

In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Darren speaks with Ruth Werner and Angie Parris-Raney about working with clients who have fibromyalgia, how medical opinions have changed – or haven’t, and how MT’s should reset expectations and instead honor “the human experience”. Resources:    “Working with Invisible Pain,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, November/December 2022, page 36,   Host: Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Elements Massage:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Founded by a massage therapist for massage therapists, the Elements Massage® brand is a network of independently owned and operated studios dedicated to changing lives--including yours!  The Elements Massage brand believes massage therapists deserve a supportive team, business and marketing resources, and the chance to learn as much as they want, so many Elements Massage studios offer and reimburse continuing education on an ongoing basis. It's no surprise Elements Massage therapist and client satisfaction leads the industry. That's because from day one, the brand has kept an unmatched commitment to deliver the best therapeutic massage experiences possible for both clients and massage therapists. Elements Massage studios expects the best. So should you. If this sounds like a fit, reach out. Studios are hiring!   Website:   Facebook:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Disclaimer: Each Elements Massage® studio is independently owned and operated. Franchise owners (or their designated hiring managers) are solely responsible for all employment and personnel decisions and matters regarding their independently owned and operated studios, including hiring, direction, training, supervision, discipline, discharge, compensation (e.g., wage practices and tax withholding and reporting requirements), and termination of employment. Elements Therapeutic Massage, LLC (ETM) is not involved in, and is not responsible for, employment and personnel matters and decisions made by any franchise owner. All individuals hired by franchise owners’ studios are their employees, not those of ETM. Benefits vary by independently owned and operated Elements Massage® studios. Elements Massage® and Elements Massage + design are registered trademarks owned by ETM.       Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience. We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  

Ep 290 – Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A massage therapist accidentally finds an electrical wire running down their client’s neck, alongside their SCM—surprise! It turns out to be a deep brain stimulation (DBS) device to help treat Parkinson’s disease. DBS can also be used to treat a handful of other conditions, and treating more conditions continues to be investigated. So the chance you could have a client with a DBS device is higher than ever. How do we do that safely? Listen to this episode of “I Have a Client Who . . . ” for more.   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Advanced-Trainings:   Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                                      Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Image of Deep Brain Stimulation:   Deep Brain Stimulation (2021). Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2022).   Deep Brain Stimulation – Advantages, Risks and Conditions Treated (no date a). Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2022).   Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) FAQ | Boston Scientific (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2022).   Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): What It Is, Purpose & Procedure (no date) Cleveland Clinic. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2022).   Franchina, P. (2019) ‘Deep brain stimulation and swimming’, American Parkinson Disease Association, 4 December. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2022).   ‘Life after deep brain stimulation – eParkinsonPost’ (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2022).   St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix (2022) Exercise in Advanced Parkinson’s Disease (PD) With Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). Clinical trial registration NCT05204680. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2022).   What you need to know about deep brain stimulation (DBS) | News (2020). Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2022).   About our Sponsor:   About Til Luchau and   As a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Til was on the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® for 20 years, where he served as Coordinator and Faculty Chair of the Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program. The author of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook series (which has been translated into 6 languages), his regular Myofascial Techniques and Somatic Edge columns have been featured in Massage & Bodywork magazine since 2009, and (along with Whitney Lowe) he co-hosts the popular Thinking Practitioner Podcast. He is the Director of which since 1985 has offered short, credit-approved professional trainings and certification for manual therapists of all types, in person and online.   Website:   Email: [email protected]   Facebook:   Instagram:   YouTube:  

Ep 289 – High-quality, Committed Clients with Joanna Sapir

You believe in your work. This is your purpose, and you want a business that reflects that. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with small business coach Joanna Sapir about how practitioners can serve their clients more deeply, how consultations should be used as a growth strategy, and how to step into a leadership role to create committed client relationships. Joanna Sapir provides small business coaching in the San Francisco Bay Area and around the world, helping innovative practitioners build more profitable and sustainable businesses. She is also the host of the podcast The Business Revolution for Practitioners. For more information, visit     Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Elements Massage:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Founded by a massage therapist for massage therapists, the Elements Massage® brand is a network of independently owned and operated studios dedicated to changing lives--including yours!  The Elements Massage brand believes massage therapists deserve a supportive team, business and marketing resources, and the chance to learn as much as they want, so many Elements Massage studios offer and reimburse continuing education on an ongoing basis. It's no surprise Elements Massage therapist and client satisfaction leads the industry. That's because from day one, the brand has kept an unmatched commitment to deliver the best therapeutic massage experiences possible for both clients and massage therapists. Elements Massage studios expects the best. So should you. If this sounds like a fit, reach out. Studios are hiring!     Website:   Facebook:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Disclaimer: Each Elements Massage® studio is independently owned and operated. Franchise owners (or their designated hiring managers) are solely responsible for all employment and personnel decisions and matters regarding their independently owned and operated studios, including hiring, direction, training, supervision, discipline, discharge, compensation (e.g., wage practices and tax withholding and reporting requirements), and termination of employment. Elements Therapeutic Massage, LLC (ETM) is not involved in, and is not responsible for, employment and personnel matters and decisions made by any franchise owner. All individuals hired by franchise owners’ studios are their employees, not those of ETM. Benefits vary by independently owned and operated Elements Massage® studios. Elements Massage® and Elements Massage + design are registered trademarks owned by ETM.   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  

Ep 288 – Iron Infusions: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client is undergoing a series of intravenous iron infusions to treat anemia. Her doctor has cleared her for massage, but her massage therapist still has questions—as they should. What are the cautions or contraindications for someone who needs to supplement iron intravenously? Let’s find out.   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Advanced-Trainings:   Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                    Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Anemia - Iron-Deficiency Anemia | NHLBI, NIH (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2022).   Foods High in Iron: Clams, Dark Chocolate, White Beans, and Many More (2019) Healthline. Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2022).   Iron Infusion: Benefits, Side Effects, and What to Expect (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2022).   Iron infusion: Uses, benefits, and what to expect (2017). Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2022).   Iron Sucrose (Intravenous Route) Side Effects - Mayo Clinic (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 19 October 2022).   Rossi, E. (2005) ‘Hepcidin - the Iron Regulatory Hormone’, Clinical Biochemist Reviews, 26(3), pp. 47–49.   About our Sponsor: About Til Luchau and   As a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Til was on the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® for 20 years, where he served as Coordinator and Faculty Chair of the Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program. The author of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook series (which has been translated into 6 languages), his regular Myofascial Techniques and Somatic Edge columns have been featured in Massage & Bodywork magazine since 2009, and (along with Whitney Lowe) he co-hosts the popular Thinking Practitioner Podcast. He is the Director of which since 1985 has offered short, credit-approved professional trainings and certification for manual therapists of all types, in person and online.   Website:   Email: [email protected]   Facebook:   Instagram:   YouTube:  

Ep 287 - The Rotator Cuff and Pie Throwing: “The Rebel MT” with Allison Denney

The rotator cuff muscles should be added to the history books among all the other famous foursomes. But that doesn’t mean those rotator cuff muscles know how to work well together. Learning this skill is not as easy as it might seem. This is where we step in. It’s a little like balancing a pie as you decide whether or not to throw it in your friend’s face. But then, should you even throw the pie? Join Allison as she delves into this conundrum and analyzes how the muscles of the rotator cuff might help us understand why being “other oriented” could answer a few questions.   Resources:   Click here to view the muscles of the rotator cuff.   Host:                   Contact Allison Denney: [email protected]             Allison’s website:                      Allison Denney is a certified massage therapist and certified YouTuber. You can find her massage tutorials at She is also passionate about creating products that are kind, simple, and productive for therapists to use in their practices. Her products, along with access to her blog and CE opportunities, can be found at               Allison’s column in Massage & Bodywork magazine:     “The QL and the Psoas: The Epitome of Codependency” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 24.    “The Hand: A User’s Guide,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine. November/December 2021, page 81.   “Feelization: Connect with Clients on a Deeper Level,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 85.   This podcast sponsored by:     Rebel Massage Therapist:   The Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS):   Rebel Massage Therapist: My name is Allison. And I am not your typical massage therapist. After 20 years of experience and thousands of clients, I have learned that massage therapy is SO MUCH more than a relaxing experience at a spa. I see soft tissue as more than merely a physical element but a deeply complex, neurologically driven part of who you are. I use this knowledge to work WITH you—not ON you—to create change that works. This is the basis of my approach. As a massage therapist, I have worked in almost every capacity, including massage clinics, physical therapy clinics, chiropractor offices, spas, private practice, and teaching. I have learned incredible techniques and strategies from each of my experiences. In my 20 years as a massage therapist, I have never stopped growing. I currently have a private practice based out of Long Beach, California, where I also teach continuing education classes and occasionally work on my kids. If they’re good.   website:   FB:   IG:   YouTube:   email: [email protected]     The Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS) promotes the quality and integrity of continuing education to practitioners in the field of lymphedema and edema management. Manual lymphatic drainage helps to reduce edema of various genesis, including posttraumatic and post-surgical edema, as well as several pathologies, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, and chronic pain. Highly skilled manual lymphatic drainage therapists with advanced training are instrumental in supporting the healing process in patients recovering from oncology treatments as well as cosmetic, reconstructive, and gender affirming surgery. ACOLS offers Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) Certification and Complete Lymphedema Therapy Certification courses in both in-person and hybrid options. With 150 annual course offerings all over the country, students can find the right course for them.    Website:   Facebook:   LinkedIn:   Instagram:   Email: [email protected]    

Ep 286 – The “What If” Scenario with Allissa Haines and Michael Reynolds

Things happen. Everyone is at risk of a tragic event such as death or disability. A solid plan will lead to peace of mind. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Allissa and Michael discuss the importance of having a plan in place for such an event, how to organize your “get hit by a bus” file, and how having a trusted person to manage your business affairs is an absolute must. Allissa is a co-founder at Massage Business Blueprint and is the lead mastermind behind most of the content in that community. She has run a busy massage practice since 2005 and loves helping other massage therapists build happy, sustainable businesses. She has served as a volunteer in two massage organizations, taught across the country, and has been published in several massage publications, including Massage & Bodywork magazine. Known for being fast-acting and hilarious, she’s also super into pizza and chaos gardening. Michael is a co-founder at Massage Business Blueprint and handles much of the marketing and technology behind that community. He has owned a digital marketing agency for two decades and is a former massage therapist. He has served in a volunteer capacity for numerous massage therapy organizations and has provided comprehensive marketing services for prominent massage industry companies. He’s a professional speaker, technology-obsessed, a productivity ninja, and a marketing strategist. He also loves sushi, tennis, travel, and his wife and son.   Resources:   Read their latest article in Massage & Bodywork magazine:   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].     Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Elements Massage:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Founded by a massage therapist for massage therapists, the Elements Massage® brand is a network of independently owned and operated studios dedicated to changing lives--including yours!  The Elements Massage brand believes massage therapists deserve a supportive team, business and marketing resources, and the chance to learn as much as they want, so many Elements Massage studios offer and reimburse continuing education on an ongoing basis. It's no surprise Elements Massage therapist and client satisfaction leads the industry. That's because from day one, the brand has kept an unmatched commitment to deliver the best therapeutic massage experiences possible for both clients and massage therapists. Elements Massage studios expects the best. So should you. If this sounds like a fit, reach out. Studios are hiring!     Website:   Facebook:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Disclaimer: Each Elements Massage® studio is independently owned and operated. Franchise owners (or their designated hiring managers) are solely responsible for all employment and personnel decisions and matters regarding their independently owned and operated studios, including hiring, direction, training, supervision, discipline, discharge, compensation (e.g., wage practices and tax withholding and reporting requirements), and termination of employment. Elements Therapeutic Massage, LLC (ETM) is not involved in, and is not responsible for, employment and personnel matters and decisions made by any franchise owner. All individuals hired by franchise owners’ studios are their employees, not those of ETM. Benefits vary by independently owned and operated Elements Massage® studios. Elements Massage® and Elements Massage + design are registered trademarks owned by ETM.   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience. We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  

Ep 285 – Trauma-sensitive Intake Forms: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client struggles to find the best way to tell her massage therapist about her trauma history. A massage therapist wants to make this an easier process, without running the risk of re-traumatizing clients. The whole thing is much more complicated than it looks. What is trauma? Who’s a survivor? What is trauma-informed care? And where does massage therapy fit in?   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Advanced-Trainings:   Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                                      Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Ep 196 – Trauma-Informed Care—Interview with Pamela Fitch: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner (2022) Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. Available at: (Accessed: 3 October 2022).   Massage & Bodywork - MAY | JUNE 2022 (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 3 October 2022).   Introduction to Trauma Informed Care with Kammaleatheahh Livingstone,   Resources for Pam Fitch (one of my favorite resources for this topic!)   Talking Body Listening Hands - 2nd Ed. available here: Algonquin College Press Hard copies and e-texts   MT Canada 6 part Webinar Series: More Than Our Hands   Massage Therapy for Clients with a History of Trauma: 6 part webinar series Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba   About our Sponsor:   About Til Luchau and   As a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Til was on the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® for 20 years, where he served as Coordinator and Faculty Chair of the Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program. The author of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook series (which has been translated into 6 languages), his regular Myofascial Techniques and Somatic Edge columns have been featured in Massage & Bodywork magazine since 2009, and (along with Whitney Lowe) he co-hosts the popular Thinking Practitioner Podcast. He is the Director of which since 1985 has offered short, credit-approved professional trainings and certification for manual therapists of all types, in person and online.   Website:   Email: [email protected]   Facebook:   Instagram:   YouTube:    

Ep 284 – FR:EIA with Rachelle Clauson and Gary Carter

The field of fascia research has undergone remarkable expansion and growth over the last decade. But until now, a true visualization had been a challenge. Enter FR:EIA, the world’s first 3-D human fascia plastinate. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Rachelle Clauson and Gary Carter about how FR:EIA came to be, her first public appearance in Montreal, Quebec, at the 6th International Fascia Research Congress, and how their ideas on fascia changed during this . Resources: Read about FR:EIA and the process of creating the world’s first whole-body, fascial-focused plastinate in the September/October issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine.   Click the link below for more information about the Fascial Net Plastination Project (FNPP), including press releases, the Fascia Research Society, Facebook, Instagram, and more. Rachelle serves as the Fascia Research Society’s Fascial Net Plastination Project Director of Creative and Administrative Affairs. She is a board-certified massage therapist, owner of Flourish Bodywork, and co-director of AnatomySCAPES dissection lab workshops in San Diego. For more information, visit Gary Carter is the Fascia Research Society’s Director of Anatomical Design on the FR:EIA project. He owns and operates Natural Bodies training center in the UK and offers myofascial anatomy courses for movement and manual therapists in the UK, Scandinavia, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Elements Massage:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Founded by a massage therapist for massage therapists, the Elements Massage® brand is a network of independently owned and operated studios dedicated to changing lives--including yours!  The Elements Massage brand believes massage therapists deserve a supportive team, business and marketing resources, and the chance to learn as much as they want, so many Elements Massage studios offer and reimburse continuing education on an ongoing basis. It's no surprise Elements Massage therapist and client satisfaction leads the industry. That's because from day one, the brand has kept an unmatched commitment to deliver the best therapeutic massage experiences possible for both clients and massage therapists. Elements Massage studios expects the best. So should you. If this sounds like a fit, reach out. Studios are hiring!     Website:   Facebook:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Disclaimer: Each Elements Massage® studio is independently owned and operated. Franchise owners (or their designated hiring managers) are solely responsible for all employment and personnel decisions and matters regarding their independently owned and operated studios, including hiring, direction, training, supervision, discipline, discharge, compensation (e.g., wage practices and tax withholding and reporting requirements), and termination of employment. Elements Therapeutic Massage, LLC (ETM) is not involved in, and is not responsible for, employment and personnel matters and decisions made by any franchise owner. All individuals hired by franchise owners’ studios are their employees, not those of ETM. Benefits vary by independently owned and operated Elements Massage® studios. Elements Massage® and Elements Massage + design are registered trademarks owned by ETM.   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  

Ep 283 – Heart Rate Variability and Biometric Devices: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A client with a complex health situation wants massage to improve their heart rate variability, and they are prepared to track results with a smartwatch and a smart ring. What does this mean? Why does HRV matter? Are there downsides to biometric tracking related to massage? These questions are answered, but more are raised in this episode of I Have a Client Who . . .   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Advanced-Trainings:   Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                    Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   My video on HRV: Heart Rate Variability (2020). Available at: (Accessed: 28 September 2022).   Heart Rate Variability (HRV): What It Is and How You Can Track It (no date) Cleveland Clinic. Available at: (Accessed: 28 September 2022).   *Privacy Not Included review: Oura Ring (no date) Mozilla Foundation. Available at: (Accessed: 28 September 2022).   Singh, N. et al. (2018) ‘Heart Rate Variability: An Old Metric with New Meaning in the Era of using mHealth Technologies for Health and Exercise Training Guidance. Part One: Physiology and Methods’, Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review, 7(3), pp. 193–198. Available at:   The New York Times (2021) ‘The Oura Ring Is a $300 Sleep Tracker That Provides Tons of Data. But Is It Worth It?’, 27 July. Available at: (Accessed: 28 September 2022).   About our Sponsor: About Til Luchau and   As a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Til was on the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® for 20 years, where he served as Coordinator and Faculty Chair of the Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program. The author of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook series (which has been translated into 6 languages), his regular Myofascial Techniques and Somatic Edge columns have been featured in Massage & Bodywork magazine since 2009, and (along with Whitney Lowe) he co-hosts the popular Thinking Practitioner Podcast. He is the Director of which since 1985 has offered short, credit-approved professional trainings and certification for manual therapists of all types, in person and online.   Website:   Email: [email protected]   Facebook:   Instagram:   YouTube:  

Ep 282 - Living Life in Channel 3: “The Rebel MT” with Allison Denney

John Barnes is known as the father, or the grandfather as he likes to say, of myofascial release (MFR). But there’s so much more to this technique than one might think. Join Allison as she sits down with John to discuss the life force of fascia, the power of MFR, and how the ability to live in allows us all an authentic path to healing. Host:                   Contact Allison Denney: [email protected]             Allison’s website:                      Allison Denney is a certified massage therapist and certified YouTuber. You can find her massage tutorials at She is also passionate about creating products that are kind, simple, and productive for therapists to use in their practices. Her products, along with access to her blog and CE opportunities, can be found at               Allison’s column in Massage & Bodywork magazine:     “The QL and the Psoas: The Epitome of Codependency” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 24.    “The Hand: A User’s Guide,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine. November/December 2021, page 81.   “Feelization: Connect with Clients on a Deeper Level,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 85.   This podcast sponsored by:     Rebel Massage Therapist:   The Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS):   Rebel Massage Therapist: My name is Allison. And I am not your typical massage therapist. After 20 years of experience and thousands of clients, I have learned that massage therapy is SO MUCH more than a relaxing experience at a spa. I see soft tissue as more than merely a physical element but a deeply complex, neurologically driven part of who you are. I use this knowledge to work WITH you—not ON you—to create change that works. This is the basis of my approach. As a massage therapist, I have worked in almost every capacity, including massage clinics, physical therapy clinics, chiropractor offices, spas, private practice, and teaching. I have learned incredible techniques and strategies from each of my experiences. In my 20 years as a massage therapist, I have never stopped growing. I currently have a private practice based out of Long Beach, California, where I also teach continuing education classes and occasionally work on my kids. If they’re good.   website:   FB:   IG:   YouTube:   email: [email protected]   The Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS) promotes the quality and integrity of continuing education to practitioners in the field of lymphedema and edema management. Manual lymphatic drainage helps to reduce edema of various genesis, including posttraumatic and post-surgical edema, as well as several pathologies, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, and chronic pain. Highly skilled manual lymphatic drainage therapists with advanced training are instrumental in supporting the healing process in patients recovering from oncology treatments as well as cosmetic, reconstructive, and gender affirming surgery. ACOLS offers Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) Certification and Complete Lymphedema Therapy Certification courses in both in-person and hybrid options. With 150 annual course offerings all over the country, students can find the right course for them.    Website:   Facebook:   LinkedIn:   Instagram:   Email: [email protected]

Ep 281 – Understanding Thoracic Mobility with Ann & Lynn Teachworth

A lack of thoracic mobility, particularly extension, is one of the chronic structural/functional issues of our time. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with Lynn and Ann Teachworth about why they decided to develop a class on the thoracic spine, how the dynamics of the thoracic relate to common pain syndromes and injuries in other parts of the body, and some strategies therapists should consider when understanding the importance of the spine in overall body function. Ann and Lynn Teachworth integrate more than 40 years of expertise in structural integration, functional biomechanics, and energy medicine to help make good therapists great through their continuing education company Trunamics. Lynn has been in the bodywork, human performance, and energy medicine fields for more than 30 years. He is certified in over 30 complementary medicine modalities. His clients include CEOs and presidents of many Fortune 500 companies and more than 1,000 professional athletes in the areas of sports injuries and physical/mental performance. He is a 2018 inductee into the World Massage Hall of Fame and has been an instructor in Massage Therapy, energy modalities, and Structural Integration theory for over 17 years, teaching in eight countries. Ann has worked in integrative health, human performance, and movement for 15 years. She is an educator for massage therapists and yoga teachers, among other integrative and movement therapists, with an emphasis on embodied functional anatomy, kinesiology, and mindbody training. Her work with clients and students is fueled by a passion to help people understand and experience their design and function more fully so they can think, move, and be more fully expressed and alive in their bodies and lives.   Resources:   Trunamics:   Self-care to Enhance Thoracic Spine Mobility:   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Elements Massage:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:     Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Founded by a massage therapist for massage therapists, the Elements Massage® brand is a network of independently owned and operated studios dedicated to changing lives--including yours!  The Elements Massage brand believes massage therapists deserve a supportive team, business and marketing resources, and the chance to learn as much as they want, so many Elements Massage studios offer and reimburse continuing education on an ongoing basis. It's no surprise Elements Massage therapist and client satisfaction leads the industry. That's because from day one, the brand has kept an unmatched commitment to deliver the best therapeutic massage experiences possible for both clients and massage therapists. Elements Massage studios expects the best. So should you. If this sounds like a fit, reach out. Studios are hiring!     Website:   Facebook:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Disclaimer: Each Elements Massage® studio is independently owned and operated. Franchise owners (or their designated hiring managers) are solely responsible for all employment and personnel decisions and matters regarding their independently owned and operated studios, including hiring, direction, training, supervision, discipline, discharge, compensation (e.g., wage practices and tax withholding and reporting requirements), and termination of employment. Elements Therapeutic Massage, LLC (ETM) is not involved in, and is not responsible for, employment and personnel matters and decisions made by any franchise owner. All individuals hired by franchise owners’ studios are their employees, not those of ETM. Benefits vary by independently owned and operated Elements Massage® studios. Elements Massage® and Elements Massage + design are registered trademarks owned by ETM.   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at

Ep 280 – Dystonia: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

Following a motor vehicle accident, a client has dystonia—a neurological problem with muscle tone. She is using two powerful muscle relaxants: Botox injections and a baclofen intrathecal pump. Is there anything massage might do to help? Not only is the answer yes, but we even have some data to back it up!   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Advanced-Trainings:   Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at                    Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   Botox for cervical dystonia: Effectiveness and more (2022). Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2022).   Frei, K. (2017) ‘Posttraumatic dystonia’, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 379, pp. 183–191. Available at:   Intrathecal Baclofen Pump For Muscle Spasticity Treatment (no date) Cleveland Clinic. Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2022).   Keenan, E. et al. (2020) ‘Intrathecal baclofen pump replacements under local anaesthetic: rapid pathway implementation under COVID-19’, British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 16(4), pp. 174–178. Available at: (Picture of a baclofen pump in place)   Lipnicki, M. (2020) ‘Massage Therapy for Dystonia: a Case Report’, International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, 13(2), pp. 33–44.   ‘Trauma-induced’ (no date) Dystonia Ireland. Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2022).   Traumatic Injury (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 13 September 2022).   About our Sponsor: About Til Luchau and   As a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Til was on the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® for 20 years, where he served as Coordinator and Faculty Chair of the Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program. The author of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook series (which has been translated into 6 languages), his regular Myofascial Techniques and Somatic Edge columns have been featured in Massage & Bodywork magazine since 2009, and (along with Whitney Lowe) he co-hosts the popular Thinking Practitioner Podcast. He is the Director of which since 1985 has offered short, credit-approved professional trainings and certification for manual therapists of all types, in person and online.   Website:   Email: [email protected]   Facebook:   Instagram:   YouTube:  

Ep 279 – Seasonal Marketing for your Practice

The holiday season is right around the corner. That makes now a good time to start thinking about putting together a solid marketing plan. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Darren and Kristin talk about goals, groups, planning and promotion, when practitioners should begin their marketing initiatives, and whether price discounts are an effective seasonal-marketing strategy.   Hosts: Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Elements Massage:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Founded by a massage therapist for massage therapists, the Elements Massage® brand is a network of independently owned and operated studios dedicated to changing lives--including yours!  The Elements Massage brand believes massage therapists deserve a supportive team, business and marketing resources, and the chance to learn as much as they want, so many Elements Massage studios offer and reimburse continuing education on an ongoing basis. It's no surprise Elements Massage therapist and client satisfaction leads the industry. That's because from day one, the brand has kept an unmatched commitment to deliver the best therapeutic massage experiences possible for both clients and massage therapists. Elements Massage studios expects the best. So should you. If this sounds like a fit, reach out. Studios are hiring!     Website:   Facebook:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Disclaimer: Each Elements Massage® studio is independently owned and operated. Franchise owners (or their designated hiring managers) are solely responsible for all employment and personnel decisions and matters regarding their independently owned and operated studios, including hiring, direction, training, supervision, discipline, discharge, compensation (e.g., wage practices and tax withholding and reporting requirements), and termination of employment. Elements Therapeutic Massage, LLC (ETM) is not involved in, and is not responsible for, employment and personnel matters and decisions made by any franchise owner. All individuals hired by franchise owners’ studios are their employees, not those of ETM. Benefits vary by independently owned and operated Elements Massage® studios. Elements Massage® and Elements Massage + design are registered trademarks owned by ETM.   Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  

Ep 278 – Imposter Syndrome?: “I Have a Client Who . . .” Pathology Conversations with Ruth Werner

A new massage therapist has a client who presents some special challenges: she has chronic pain, uses a lot of medications to manage it, wants deep work, and no matter what the MT does, the client seems to want more. The MT feels out of their depth and at a loss for how to help this client improve. In this special episode we talk about those feelings of inadequacy with our clients who seem to be especially demanding, and what we can do to help ourselves stay present and positively engaged. Do you have advice for this therapist? I’d love to hear it. Contact me at [email protected]   Sponsors:     Books of Discovery:     Advanced-Trainings:   Host Bio:                    Ruth Werner is a former massage therapist, a writer, and an NCBTMB-approved continuing education provider. She wrote A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, now in its seventh edition, which is used in massage schools worldwide. Werner is also a long-time Massage & Bodywork columnist, most notably of the Pathology Perspectives column. Werner is also ABMP’s partner on Pocket Pathology, a web-based app and quick reference program that puts key information for nearly 200 common pathologies at your fingertips. Werner’s books are available at And more information about her is available at      Recent Articles by Ruth:          “Unpacking the Long Haul,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 35,   “Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Massage Therapy,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 33,           “Pharmacology Basics for Massage Therapists,” Massage & Bodywork magazine, July/August 2021, page 32,       Resources:    Pocket Pathology:   About our Sponsor:   About Til Luchau and   As a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Til was on the faculty of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® for 20 years, where he served as Coordinator and Faculty Chair of the Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration program. The author of the Advanced Myofascial Techniques textbook series (which has been translated into 6 languages), his regular Myofascial Techniques and Somatic Edge columns have been featured in Massage & Bodywork magazine since 2009, and (along with Whitney Lowe) he co-hosts the popular Thinking Practitioner Podcast. He is the Director of which since 1985 has offered short, credit-approved professional trainings and certification for manual therapists of all types, in person and online.   Website:   Email: [email protected]   Facebook:   Instagram:   YouTube:  

Ep 277 — Delving into the Lymphatic System: “The Rebel MT” with Allison Denney

The Lymphatic System may not be the most popular of the anatomical systems, but understanding this unsung hero is fundamental to the work we do. Join Allison as she describes what lymph is, what this system does, and how it compares to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority workers of the New York City subway system. This beautifully intricate component of who we are deserves a deeper understanding, some love, and, perhaps, a raise.   Host:                   Contact Allison Denney: [email protected]             Allison’s website:                      Allison Denney is a certified massage therapist and certified YouTuber. You can find her massage tutorials at She is also passionate about creating products that are kind, simple, and productive for therapists to use in their practices. Her products, along with access to her blog and CE opportunities, can be found at               Allison’s column in Massage & Bodywork magazine:     “The QL and the Psoas: The Epitome of Codependency” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, January/February 2022, page 24.    “The Hand: A User’s Guide,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine. November/December 2021, page 81.   “Feelization: Connect with Clients on a Deeper Level,” by Allison Denney, Massage & Bodywork magazine, September/October 2021, page 85.   This podcast sponsored by:     Rebel Massage Therapist:   The Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS):   Rebel Massage Therapist: My name is Allison. And I am not your typical massage therapist. After 20 years of experience and thousands of clients, I have learned that massage therapy is SO MUCH more than a relaxing experience at a spa. I see soft tissue as more than merely a physical element but a deeply complex, neurologically driven part of who you are. I use this knowledge to work WITH you—not ON you—to create change that works. This is the basis of my approach. As a massage therapist, I have worked in almost every capacity, including massage clinics, physical therapy clinics, chiropractor offices, spas, private practice, and teaching. I have learned incredible techniques and strategies from each of my experiences. In my 20 years as a massage therapist, I have never stopped growing. I currently have a private practice based out of Long Beach, California, where I also teach continuing education classes and occasionally work on my kids. If they’re good.   website:     FB:     IG:     YouTube:     email: [email protected]     The Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS) promotes the quality and integrity of continuing education to practitioners in the field of lymphedema and edema management. Manual lymphatic drainage helps to reduce edema of various genesis, including posttraumatic and post-surgical edema, as well as several pathologies, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, and chronic pain. Highly skilled manual lymphatic drainage therapists with advanced training are instrumental in supporting the healing process in patients recovering from oncology treatments as well as cosmetic, reconstructive, and gender affirming surgery. ACOLS offers Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) Certification and Complete Lymphedema Therapy Certification courses in both in-person and hybrid options. With 150 annual course offerings all over the country, students can find the right course for them.    Website:   Facebook:   LinkedIn:   Instagram:   Email: [email protected]    

Ep 276 – Spark Brilliance with Jackie Insinger

Brilliance is in all aspects of our experience: our relationships, our talent, our performance, our outlook. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with author Jackie Insinger about how the science of positive psychology ignites and engages our work, steps MTs can take to improve their communication with colleagues, family, and friends, and the difference between being great at what you do and loving what you do. Throughout her career, Jackie has brought her expertise in cognitive psychology and interpersonal dynamics to the business world as a sought-after executive and team dynamics coach. Using her research-based, action-oriented methodology, Jackie helps leaders and teams focus on unique strengths and authentic connection to increase performance, results, and fulfillment. Her positive psychology-led framework, platinum leadership, has been a game-changer for thousands of people and businesses throughout the world. Jackie has a psychology degree from Duke University and a from Harvard. She is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and the Harvard Business Review advisory council and lives in Denver, Colorado.   Resources:   Website:   Hosts:   Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected]. Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].   Sponsors:   Anatomy Trains:    Elements Massage:   Precision Neuromuscular Therapy:   Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.                      Website:                        Email: [email protected]             Facebook:                       Instagram:   YouTube:     Founded by a massage therapist for massage therapists, the Elements Massage® brand is a network of independently owned and operated studios dedicated to changing lives--including yours!  The Elements Massage brand believes massage therapists deserve a supportive team, business and marketing resources, and the chance to learn as much as they want, so many Elements Massage studios offer and reimburse continuing education on an ongoing basis. It's no surprise Elements Massage therapist and client satisfaction leads the industry. That's because from day one, the brand has kept an unmatched commitment to deliver the best therapeutic massage experiences possible for both clients and massage therapists. Elements Massage studios expects the best. So should you. If this sounds like a fit, reach out. Studios are hiring!  Visit for more information. Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube:   Disclaimer: Each Elements Massage® studio is independently owned and operated. Franchise owners (or their designated hiring managers) are solely responsible for all employment and personnel decisions and matters regarding their independently owned and operated studios, including hiring, direction, training, supervision, discipline, discharge, compensation (e.g., wage practices and tax withholding and reporting requirements), and termination of employment. Elements Therapeutic Massage, LLC (ETM) is not involved in, and is not responsible for, employment and personnel matters and decisions made by any franchise owner. All individuals hired by franchise owners’ studios are their employees, not those of ETM. Benefits vary by independently owned and operated Elements Massage® studios. Elements Massage® and Elements Massage + design are registered trademarks owned by ETM.     Therapists who are drawn to Precision Neuromuscular Therapy are problem-solvers who want to learn new approaches, but also understand the “why” behind the “what”.  This desire resonates with our emphasis on the problem-solving process, rather than the teaching of a singular technique or approach. Led by founder Douglas Nelson, each PNMT instructor is a busy clinician with decades of practical experience.   We have taught hundreds of hands-on live seminars for more than twenty years, emphasizing precise palpation and assessment skills. PNMT online courses are another rich source of discovery and deeper understanding. Also available is a video resource library (PNMT Portal) with hundreds of videos of treatment, assessment, pathology, and practice pearls.   Learn more at  