Strategy Upon A Strategist (ZeeMELT) - Walk And Talk, Central Park
A quick look at the ZeeMELT Conference in Mumbai this week just after I arrived back in NY. It includes a brief summary of talks by Faris & Rosie, Laura Bambach, Vicki Ross, Dave Trott, Kate O’Neill, Mr Sodhi, Samuel Scott, Fernando Machado, Rodger Beekman, Gerardo Mazzeo, JP Hanson and Wiemer Snijders. Complete with at least 200 mistakes and mispronunciations. Shout-outs to Payal, Sanika, Tushar, and Animesh for hanging out and to the Kyoorius crew for bringing us out - Rajesh, Anant, Pakhi, Nupur. P.S. My currency conversion was horribly wrong - where I mention $800 it’s closer to $8
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