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Cindy Esliger
The podcast for ambitious, professional women who are tired of playing small and ready to overcome the invisible barriers that are holding us back at work.
91 - The Power is in Your Questions
In this episode, Cindy Esliger talks about asking ourselves good questions. Specifically, the right questions, ones that will help us evaluate career goals and define what success means to us. Questions are a powerful tool and Cindy guides us through how to ask them and why.Asking questions requires reflection and introspection, it requires us to think deeply about our experiences. This can be an uncomfortable situation but it’s necessary for growth in our careers. Cindy offers examples of some questions we might want to pose and then details four ways asking the right questions can lead to personal and professional growth.Career development depends on contemplating we what already know about ourselves and where we want to go next. Cindy shares four good questions designed to get us thinking about our careers. She details why the questions are helpful, reminds us to ask open-ended questions, and then guides us through reflecting on our answers. This episode is our guide to self-assessment and defining what we really want and how we want to achieve it through asking questions.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Growth and DevelopmentAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
90 - Don't Avoid Conflict
In this episode, Cindy Esliger addresses the tendency to avoid workplace conflict and why avoidance can have negative consequences. She explores the fear behind avoiding conflict and what happens when we engage in unhealthy conflict. Is there such a thing as healthy conflict? There is and Cindy has advice on how to foster it. Avoiding conflict altogether is not the answer to our fear of conflict. Avoiding it removes our ability to share our ideas and feedback, it means we miss out on opportunities to learn different perspectives, and it leads to a build-up of negative emotions and a lack of trust in colleagues. Instead, we must learn to address conflicts constructively. Cindy explains what a conflict-avoidant personality is and the difference between unhealthy and healthy conflict. She shares five common signs of unhealthy conflict - personal attacks, lack of compromise, blame and defensiveness, lack of respect, and escalation of conflict - and breaks down how to deal with these responses. Cindy gives five tips for overcoming conflict avoidance and then details five strategies for effectively diffusing conflict. Her advice will pave the way for understanding the benefits of healthy conflict and learning how to communicate in problem-solving ways. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Embracing Healthy ConflictAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
89 - Borrow Their Belief
In this episode, Cindy Esliger addresses one of the most essential components for achieving our dreams: believing in ourselves. It’s a far easier thing to say than do, however, especially when we’re just getting started. But other people do believe in us and Cindy’s advice is to borrow the belief others have to combat our own self-doubt.Borrowing the belief others have in us means focusing on the support we receive from those who know us best. Surrounding ourselves with people who see our potential can counteract our feelings of inadequacy and imposter syndrome. The goal is to foster our own sense of self-awareness, Cindy says, and to use that as a stepping stone for reliance on our own skills. Cindy shares three tips for borrowing the belief others have in us: 1. Recognize and accept positive feedback, 2. Use positive affirmations, and 3. Take action. She explains how to identify the people who genuinely support us, elicit their feedback, and ways to internalize their beliefs and build confidence in ourselves. Cindy lays this path out in six steps, directing us to act on self-confidence and avoid pitfalls as we do. This episode is key to cultivating the self-belief we need to realize career success. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Guide to Building Self-BeliefAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
88 - Find Your Role
Cindy Esliger talks about finding your role within your organization. Having your role clearly defined is important for job satisfaction and career success. When you’re first hired, Cindy advises you to ensure you get a specific job description. If you’re already in the organization, she has advice on how to clarify your existing role. Your role is your position within the organization. It’s your job title. Your responsibilities are your job description; the duties expected of someone in your role. Having your role and job description clearly outlined and up to date leads to greater success because you understand exactly what is expected of you and can work towards clear goals. Cindy details how to communicate if your role needs clarification or your job description needs updating. Communicating well aids in role negotiation but also helps avoid conflict within teams by clarifying expectations. She shares four reasons why having a playbook of everyone’s roles and responsibilities is vital: 1. Eliminates confusion, 2. Promotes autonomy, 3. Increases engagement, and 4. Makes transitions easier. She then explains how to develop those roles and responsibilities when they aren’t up to date or clearly stated. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Clarifying RolesAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
87 - Are You Climbing The Right Ladder
Cindy Esliger tackles the question of whether or not we’re on the right career path in today’s episode. Climbing the corporate ladder isn’t for everyone and may not lead to fulfillment or happiness. Have we considered alternatives? Do we need to follow a different script?Deciding whether climbing the corporate ladder is for us or not largely depends on being able to understand how we view what success means. Cindy explains that creating a fulfilling career involves three key steps: 1. Define success for ourselves, 2. Assess our current situation, and 3. Create a plan for success. When contemplating these steps, take into account values, interests, strengths, and goals. Cindy offers four tips to guide us in assessing our current work situation. When we have a clearer idea of what’s right and wrong now, we can formulate a plan for what will fulfill our future career needs. That roadmap to success includes making specific goals, setting realistic deadlines, and being flexible and adjusting as needed, according to Cindy. She explores all the questions to ask ourselves and how to go about taking ownership of what matters most to us.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Defining Success For YourselfAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
86 - Ready or Not Just Start
Cindy Esliger addresses the topic of procrastination and the obstacles that keep us from taking action. Procrastination can sometimes be around waiting for the perfect time to start, a form of perfectionism, and Cindy offers advice on how to move past that to achieve our goals.Procrastination doesn’t mean we are lazy or have bad time management. It’s more about coping with how we feel about certain tasks. It can be caused by stress. In order to start a task, we need a strategy, especially if it’s a task that bores or overwhelms us. Cindy has three tips for overcoming procrastination by taking action. 1. Break things down, 2. Embrace imperfection, and 3. Take that first step.There is value in breaking the overall goal into smaller steps so it’s not so overwhelming. If we can simply tackle one small step at a time, we achieve the forward momentum we need. Cindy shares four steps for creating an achievable action plan: 1. Start with the end goal in mind, 2. Ensure each step is clear and doable, 3. Set deadlines and milestones, and 4. Review and adjust the plan as needed. Cindy’s advice helps break down procrastination into something manageable that can help spur us on to achieving our goals. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Overcoming ProcrastinationAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
85 - Lessons Learned the Hard Way
In this episode, Cindy Esliger addresses one of the most frustrating aspects of the lingering gender bias in workplaces. The pervasive assumption that women lack the competence to excel in their roles, based solely on their gender. It’s disheartening and unfair, but Cindy explores how women can rise to this challenge.Common challenges faced by women include being treated as outsiders, constantly needing to prove their value, pay scale inequity, and harassment, among others like being treated as assistants or constantly interrupted. Cindy details four lessons she learned the hard way: 1. Work hard to be good at the job, 2. Speak up, 3. Develop a work persona, and 4. Find purpose outside of work. Cindy talks about all the ways in which gender expectations exist and should be pointedly worked around, such as not being pigeonholed as the coffee or lunch getter, setting boundaries and saying no, and displaying a commanding presence. She advises on how to prepare for criticism and find role models in other women who can offer encouragement and support. And she reminds us that success in breaking the gender barrier doesn’t just benefit individual women but the workforce overall. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Overcoming BarriersAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
84 - Calm is a Superpower
In this episode, Cindy Esliger talks about developing calmness as a superpower to help us achieve career success. Staying calm and composed under pressure is a vital skill for surviving a hostile work environment. It also leads to better decision-making. Cindy takes us through how to achieve calm when emotions are high. Cindy starts with an overview of three strategies she finds most helpful in the quest to develop calmness. 1. Identify triggers and develop coping mechanisms, 2. Practice effective communication, and 3. Focus on what can be controlled. She examines each strategy, breaking them down so they can be applied to our daily lives with a clear understanding of how they will help. There are benefits to learning the essential skill of staying calm, too. Cindy explores five key benefits - clarity, reduced tension, reduced misunderstandings, increased resilience, enhanced productivity - and discusses the role of emotional intelligence in career success. Cindy stresses that other people acting on their fears is not about us and offers advice on how to manage triggers. The superpower of calm is something we all need to master.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Staying CalmAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
83 - Unshakable Self-Confidence
Building unshakable self-confidence means we have the necessary mindset to achieve our goals and realize success no matter what happens. Cindy Esliger explains why the self-confidence to take on new challenges and perform under pressure is key and also advises on how to go about boosting our confidence. There are things that kill our confidence in the workplace, even if we started off quite confident. Cindy shares four of the most common confidence killers - perfectionism, being micro-managed, disengagement, and fear of failure - and then presents some ways to approach getting past these obstacles. The benefits of building self-confidence are numerous and Cindy outlines how just four benefits can change a lot in our work lives for the better. Self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy are always looking to gain a foothold in our minds. What we need to do is trust our own judgement, accept ourselves, and realize our value. Cindy encourages reminders of how good we are at our jobs and to seek out feedback from those we trust. Building self-confidence, unshakable self-confidence, requires work but the fulfillment and success that it can lead to is worth the challenge. Follow Cindy’s guidance in learning to trust our own talents and accomplishments. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Building Self-ConfidenceAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
82 - Pushing Back
Workplaces are complex environments full of different personalities and skill sets even as everyone is striving for a common goal. Differences of opinion will happen. Cindy Esliger examines how to create and hold boundaries at work and the best ways to push back when those boundaries are challenged.If boundaries have not been set, we may find ourselves being taken advantage of and run down in terms of stress and time. Cindy emphasizes that we must create intentional boundaries and hold them even when they are tested. And they will be. Clear boundaries alleviate stress and lead to better work-life wellness. Cindy offers three tips for setting and maintaining boundaries. Pushback on our boundaries and limits can be challenging to manage. Saying no is often hard. Cindy shares three ways to stand our ground when we are tested. Communication is key and unless we know why our boundaries are set, we may have difficulty navigating pushback. In this episode, Cindy guides us through developing effective strategies for maintaining boundaries and advocating for ourselves in the workplace.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Pushing BackAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
81 - Making it Fun
Not everything that’s important needs to be serious and challenging. Cindy Esliger examines the idea of making things fun and easy as an alternative to always working under stressful situations. Does having fun mean we aren’t taking our goals seriously? In a word, no. Cindy shows us why. Making things more lighthearted and fun can aid in maintaining mental health and well-being while still achieving success. Approaching tasks with a sense of playfulness taps into our creativity and can lead to new and innovative ideas. Cindy shares three tips for exactly how we can make things fun and easy.Incorporating fun and ease into life can also present challenges, however. Cindy acknowledges that and offers three strategies for overcoming those challenges. She talks about the value of fun, how it contributes to productivity, and explores ways in which we can balance both work and leisure to best suit our schedules and prevent burnout. We don’t have to trudge through every day in deadly seriousness. So start putting Cindy’s advice into action. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Making It FunAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
80 - Whose Expectations Are They Anyway
Cindy Esliger discusses expectations: how to balance meeting the expectations of others with our expectations for ourselves. We need to meet the goals set out by employers and clients but also need to be mindful of our own needs and sense of well-being. How do we navigate this? The first step in managing expectations is being clear about what is expected of us. Then we need to ensure we are not settling for low expectations or ones that are too high. Cindy details the types of expectations we can anticipate in our daily lives and how to define their relative importance.When we understand the expectations of others and our own expectations for ourselves, how do we balance them all? Cindy has three actionable tips for managing them: 1. Set realistic expectations, 2. Communicate clearly, and 3. Follow through on commitments. Cindy acknowledges that meeting and exceeding professional expectations is key to building trust and getting recognition, but guides us through keeping our own boundaries and wellness in mind as we meet those expectations. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Managing ExpectationsAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
79 - Choose Your Own Adventure
Cindy Esliger offers the perspective of viewing our careers as an adventure we get to choose. The challenges of discovery keep life and jobs interesting, so exploring new facets of our careers can help motivate us. How do we overcome the fear that comes with new things, though? Incorporating adventure into our careers can put us in the right place at the right time for advancement. And it doesn’t have to be a big elaborate move. Simple things like taking on more responsibility or pursuing interests are effective. Cindy offers insight into why we may feel held back from changing our job descriptions to suit our personalities.The fear we experience when we consider new challenges is often the fear of failure or of the unknown. Cindy understands how these fears operate and advises simple ways to overcome them. She then outlines five reasons why we should consider exploring new opportunities and the positive outcomes we will experience when we do. Challenging ourselves builds confidence and helps us thrive, and that’s what our adventure is all about. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Adventure and DiscoveryAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
78 - Future Proofing Your Career
Cindy Esliger examines how today’s fast-changing job market demands that we adapt by future-proofing our careers. It’s important to stay relevant and competitive and that means continually updating our skills and knowledge to embrace change. How do we take those steps, though? The evolving job market means it’s unreasonable to believe that a single job or position will take us through the rest of our career lives. Instead, it’s far more likely that jobs could become irrelevant or obsolete due to technological advances. So Cindy advises taking steps to prepare for that inevitability now by fostering a willingness to be flexible and learn new skills.Cindy offers insight into what breaking away from old habits may entail. This includes envisioning what human skills technology is currently unable to replace and honing those abilities. Soft skills, human interaction, collaboration, and project management are all areas to embrace. Cindy also stresses that keeping up with technological advances is imperative to career flexibility. She shares practical steps to take in changing our mindset and approaching future change with a positive attitude. Future-proofing our career is in our hands. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Future Proofing Your CareerAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
77 - What Are You Making It Mean
Cindy Esliger addresses how our interpretations of other people’s actions can shape our emotions and behaviors. What we think is being said may not actually be accurate. Our interpretation may be based on assumption, bias, or belief and have little to do with the other person. So how do we navigate that? The ways in which we decide to interpret people’s actions can lead directly to our own reactions. If we interpret someone’s behavior as an attack, we can get defensive. If we interpret someone’s words as a compliment, we will likely feel happy. Cindy notes that it’s important to be mindful of the stories we tell ourselves so we can challenge unhelpful interpretations.Cindy defines cognitive bias and confirmation bias, giving examples of how both operate and affect us, and offers insight into balancing our interpretations for a more objective perspective. She shares three tips on ways to challenge our interpretations and assumptions. Ultimately she is guiding us to becoming more confident, motivated, and resilient in our interactions so we can realize greater success. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Being Aware of Our InterpretationsAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
76 - What Are Your Priorities
In this episode, Cindy Esliger discusses the importance of priorities and how understanding them can help us make better decisions. We can get lost in the chaos of life and think we don’t have time for what matters but that’s because our priorities aren’t clear. Priorities can be related to our careers, relationships, health, personal growth, or something else entirely, but knowing what matters helps clarify the vision of our future. We need to learn how to say yes to the things that get us closer to our vision and say no to things that are taking time away from what we value most. Cindy offers advice on how to identify what our priorities are. She explains how to create a time management system so we don’t lose the time we have for things we don’t prioritize. She also shares how to say focused and committed to the priorities we identify. Priorities should align with our values and lead us to the results we desire, regardless of which area of life we are setting priorities for.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to PrioritizingAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
75 - Toxic People
Cindy Esliger talks about the reality of toxic behavior in many workplaces and why it’s important to understand it to protect our safety and wellbeing. Cindy offers advice on identifying and coping with toxic behavior so we can navigate our workplace more effectively. Toxic behavior can take many forms, from gossiping to gaslighting to harassment. Regardless of the form it takes, it can have serious consequences on our psyche. Left unchecked, it can lead to headaches, high stress, depression, and decreased productivity. How do we identify it? And more importantly, how do we deal with it? Cindy outlines patterns of behavior and things to look for that help identify the toxicity. There are certain things to look for that will help us better prepare for defense against it. Then Cindy shares ways to document and report the behavior, prioritize our own self-care, and offers five strategies that can make navigating conversations about toxic behavior easier. We have all experienced this so we can all work together to combat it.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Protecting YourselfAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
74 - They Are Looking To You
Cindy Esliger addresses being a role model, specifically being a role model as a woman for other women. It can add a lot of pressure to the already difficult task of being a woman in male-dominated workplace but it also has benefits. Cindy examines both. Role models show those coming up behind them what is possible to achieve. A woman in a STEM field, largely dominated by men, demonstrates to younger generations that there is a place for them and that it’s worth the effort. Role models also help diversify workplaces and create more inclusion. Cindy details five tips that will help women shine as role models. There are downsides, of course, and Cindy acknowledges the difficulties. She lays out five actions that can help us avoid or mitigate potential pitfalls. But why is the voice of a role model so valuable? Cindy unpacks why it’s all worth it, if we’re up for the challenge. She offers advice on choosing battles carefully and finding a balance between acknowledging strengths and showing humility and gratitude. Being a role model is about more than just us, it’s about everyone around us and expanding a workplace’s ability to be fulfilling. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Showing Up ProfessionallyAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
73 - People Like Helping People
Cindy Esliger explores the myth that we need to do everything on our own to succeed. Asking for help is difficult but it’s something necessary to achieving greater success. Why are we so reluctant? And how can we learn to start asking for the help we deserve? There can be a lot of reasons why we don’t ask for help: we fear rejection, we fear that the ask will mark us as incapable, it makes us feel weak, or we assume we will be a burden to those we’re asking. Cindy takes the time to break down why these beliefs are not necessarily true and how they’re holding us back. Asking for help is, in fact, a key skill that helps us build stronger relationships, navigate difficulties with greater ease, and grow in strength. There are best practices around how to ask for help, however, that aid in minimizing the fears we have surrounding it. Reaching out for assistance should not be a substitute for doing work on our own. Cindy has advice on how to approach others for help by starting small and remembering gratitude. It’s work to break down the myths we believe about independence requiring us to do everything alone, but ultimately learning to collaborate and reach out for assistance will serve us far more. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Asking For HelpAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
72 - Celebrate Your Wins
Cindy Esliger discusses the need to celebrate our wins, to recognize our own accomplishments in order to build career momentum and a sense of progress. Everyone needs to feel acknowledged and even if it’s just us celebrating our own wins, it lets us feel fulfilled and proud of our work. Behavior change can be reinforced with positivity but unsurprisingly not with punishment. Rewarding positive outcomes leads to continuing the practice of new habits and works to encourage our growth. It’s vital to celebrate our successes. It helps to motivate us and fosters happiness.How should we celebrate our wins? There’s no one way, it’s up to personal preference, but Cindy offers some suggestions: 1. Acknowledge progress and praise a job well done, 2. Give tangible rewards, 3. Share success with others, and 4. Reflect on the growth and track the progress. Cindy also shares five common roadblocks preventing us from celebrating our wins. We need to overcome reluctance to celebrate ourselves because the celebration can help offset setbacks we encounter later on. Take the advice in this episode to heart, we are all worth celebrating.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Celebrating Your WinsAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective“Tiny Habits” by BJ Fogg, PhD—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
71 - What Is There To Worry About
Cindy Esliger addresses the omnipresent topic of worry, our tendency to dwell on negative thoughts about what the future could bring. Some worry can be motivational, but excessive worrying negatively impacts our mental health, physical health, and overall well-being. So how do we stop worrying? Cindy has some advice.Worrying is normal and some worry truly can motivate us to take action against negative outcomes. But the excessive, chronic worrying that dogs many of us can lead to overwhelm, depression, and anxiety, and doesn’t solve the things we are worked up about. Excessive worrying is best to address with professional help to avoid significant distress. Cindy lays out four things we often worry about in terms of what other people think, worries that will sabotage our success efforts. She counters those four worries with four strategies that can help. Worries need to be managed. Cindy’s four steps for managing our anxiety are 1. Managing our time, 2. Journalling, 3. Practicing mindfulness, and 4. Engaging in physical activity. It’s incredibly important to get ahold of our worrying so we don’t derail our health and goals. Cindy’s advice will prove invaluable to all of us plagued with chronic worrying.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Manage WorryAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
70 - There's No Going Back
Cindy Esliger talks about continuously moving forward in our careers rather than resting on laurels and simply expecting to succeed. There is a need to not go back, to push ourselves to improve and grow in order to stay relevant. Career stagnation is the alternative, and Cindy has insight on how to avoid that. There are several factors that contribute to forward momentum, including building new skills, building relationships, and identifying our goals and ambitions. Building a diverse set of skills and knowledge adds many important things to career trajectories. Cindy highlights three of the most important benefits: adaptability, creativity, and flexibility.What Cindy suggests is taking initiative in moving things forward in our workplaces. Demonstrate leadership skills, for example. Start new projects. Initiative gets us noticed by those who make promotion decisions. Cindy describes how relationships and collaboration are just as important for growth as initiative. She offers ways to advance soft skills and practical skills that make a difference to success. Don’t stand still on past accomplishments. Instead take Cindy’s advice to progress your career.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Taking The InitiativeAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
69 - What You Say And How You Say It
Cindy Esliger addresses the fact that how we say things, not just what we say, can have an impact on career opportunities and advancement. Our communication style matters to our credibility and helps in garnering respect. And Cindy points out that effective communication is as much about relaying information as receiving it. Effective communication involves assertiveness, empathy, and active listening. Cindy advises us to seek constructive criticism from colleagues on our communication style. We should aim to achieve self promotion with integrity and without arrogance. There are also the nonverbal communication cues - body language and facial expressions - to consider.Cindy identifies five common communication styles - aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive, assertive, and diplomatic - and explains what each looks like and what impact they each have. She then gives four tips on how to identify which communication style we employ. It’s not just what we say, though that matters, but the way in which we say it that affects our career growth.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Improve Your CommunicationAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
68 - Try On A New Identity
Cindy Esliger discusses the idea of trying on a new identity as a way to develop new skills and attributes that can advance our careers. Adopting a different version of ourselves requires taking a risk but also enhances our agility and flexibility to grow into new situations. Cindy unpacks the benefits and the challenges.Our environment contributes to how we show up in the world and at work, therefore it’s important to assess our environment accurately when trying on a new identity. What new traits, behaviors, or qualities align with where we want to go in our careers? What limitations are we trying to surpass? Cindy addresses these questions and also cautions against losing our authentic selves in the process.A new version of ourselves may well serve us in becoming more adaptable, which is essential in any workplace. Cindy offers eight tips to help develop flexibility and adaptability, and then acknowledges five potential pitfalls we should be aware of in advance. This episode examines how forging a new identity can spur us to greater success by addressing new attributes we want to foster. It is possible to grow through an identity shift, but it’s also a challenge. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Achieving the Success You DesireAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
67 - Promote Yourself
Cindy Esliger tackles the topic of self promotion in this episode. It’s tempting to just hope that our great work will speak for itself, but in reality nobody will realize our accomplishments unless we promote them ourselves. The art of self promotion is a balance between ego and recognition and Cindy helps us navigate that line. Being able to speak up to address our own accomplishments is part of confidence projection and people prefer to work with someone who isn’t afraid to have a voice. This can be done without coming across as an egotistical jerk. Cindy explains how self promotion isn’t about bragging so much as about highlighting our accomplishments, networking, and demonstrating how our achievements benefit others and the company at large. Cindy shares some practical strategies for self promotion: start small, practice talking about accomplishments with a friend, get comfortable sharing wins. She demonstrates the differences between confidence in showcasing our own value and being self obsessed. Imposter syndrome can also lead us to holding back on talking up our achievements. But Cindy has advice on how to reframe our hesitation around sharing our successes so that we can benefit from promoting ourselves to the betterment of our careers. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Convincing Yourself of Your ValueAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
66 - Whats Next for Me
Are you waiting for a master career plan to be handed to you? Cindy Esliger talks about how we can go about exploring possibilities in our careers, because we are in charge of our own fulfillment. Instead of waiting on others to offer job satisfaction, we need to be open to possibilities and change. Cindy shares some signs that indicate we might not be happy at our jobs: feeling unfulfilled, dragging ourselves to work without enthusiasm, feeling like we’ve hit a dead end. This might mean it’s time to start considering a career transformation. It’s time to shape our own futures by exploring what drives us, what fulfills us, and where we want to go. A career treasure hunt, is how Cindy words it. Her advice includes researching different industries, volunteering in new roles to get experience, networking to build new relationships, and above all, stepping outside our comfort zones. Ultimately it’s our journey to define, nobody can do that for us. And since fulfillment in our careers is important to happiness outside of work too, take the time to consider new paths with Cindy’s guidance.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Exploring PossibilitiesAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
65 - Reimagine Your Career
Cindy Esliger discusses feeling stuck in our careers and the potential to change where we currently are to grow into a new career. We have the power to reinvent ourselves and our careers at any time. Cindy offers guidance on how to identify what drives us so we can successfully reassess and reinvent our careers. Reinvention of self and transitioning to a new career is not easy, Cindy will be the first to say that, but it is entirely possible and something to consider. Our careers should align with what matters most to us in life. Do we know what matters to us? Cindy advises reflecting on our current situations to identify what feels stale and what values and passions we hold that aren’t being currently fulfilled. Cindy shares a lot of ideas on how to assess our current careers and how to start the move forward into what we truly want to be doing. There are practical steps we can take. It might feel scary to start a journey of change because change unsettles us. So Cindy offers four strategies for overcoming fear and getting support: 1. Reframe negative self talk, 2. Practice self compassion, 3. Seek support, and 4. Visualize success. She is here to guide us through the transition with advice and experience. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Identifying What's Not WorkingAstronomic AudioConfidence Collective—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
64 - Who Do You Envy?
Cindy Esliger talks about envy in this episode. Different from jealousy, envy is often viewed as a negative emotion. But Cindy explains how envy can be a powerful positive force in our lives and careers if we handle it right. She advises on how to view it for the best instead of letting it impact us negatively. Envy and jealousy are often confused as the same but envy arises when we desire something someone else possesses and jealousy involves the fear of losing something that’s already ours. Envy is a natural emotion that we frequently try to deny feeling or suppress in ourselves. That unwillingness to acknowledge evy can lead to bitterness and resentment. But acknowledging it can lead to positive outcomes. Cindy lays out five tips on how to identify envy triggers in a healthy way: 1. Recognize our feelings, 2. Understand the source of the envy, 3. Focus on our own goals, 4. Practice gratitude, and 5. Seek support. Envy acknowledged can help us identify directions we want to take in our own careers and things we might be lacking that we should pursue. There are definite benefits in exploring envy and Cindy explains them in detail, shedding light on how to reframe envy to work for us instead of against us. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Analyze Your EnvyAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
63 - Embrace Uncertainty and Ambiguity
Cindy Esliger addresses uncertainty and ambiguity in the workplace, defining exactly what they are and how they manifest. Navigating them can lead to stress and ineffective communication, among other things, so Cindy explains how to build resilience and learn to reframe the uncertain situations. Uncertainty arises when we don’t have the information required to make key decisions, and ambiguity is seen when we find multiple possible interpretations of the information we do have. Such situations can be stressful, can hinder our productivity, can decrease our job satisfaction, and can lead to misunderstandings. But things are not always clear at work and coping with the challenge of uncertainty allows our skills and confidence to grow.How do we cope and even embrace them, then? Cindy lays out five reasons why accepting uncertainty and ambiguity can further our careers. There is value in facing challenges head-on and relying on our creativity and confidence to navigate such occasions. Cindy additionally shares some vital tips and strategies for overcoming the challenges that can be put into action right now in our own workplaces.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Making the Most of UncertaintyAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
62 - Why You Are Miserable at Work
Cindy Esliger examines why it is that so many of us are miserable at work. What is happening to the workplace culture that causes us such misery and what can we do to counteract it? She reveals a lot of factors from poor management to mismatched skills that cause us disconnection. The causes of increasing workplace misery are unique to each individual but there are common roots that contribute to the unpleasantness. Managers who lack the necessary skills to lead effectively, unreasonable workloads, a culture of fear about being able to speak up, jobs we are not well-suited for, and more. The misery caused by these stressors can lead to burnout, exhaustion, mental and physical health issues and more.Cindy shares five key things to look for when identifying how likely you are to be miserable at your job: 1. Toxic behavior, 2. Positive culture, 3. Work life balance, 4. Professional growth and development, and 5. Leading by example. She thoroughly explores how each of these impacts our mindset and then provides six strategies for managing workloads and stress levels. This episode will resonate with a lot of listeners and Cindy’s advice could make a difference at many workplaces.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Surviving When You're MiserableAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
61 - Should is Damaging
Cindy Esliger talks about ‘should have’, ‘could have’, and ‘would have’ phrases to highlight how they can lead to negative self-talk, self-blame, and feelings of regret. She guides us through how they impact our mindset and how to turn them around into possibilities instead of statements of disappointment. ‘Should have’ and ‘could have’ root us in regret over past actions. Focusing solely on what we didn’t do or could have done better can impact our confidence going forward. It leads us to procrastination and doubt in our abilities. ‘Would have’, on the other hand, keeps us open to possibility which helps us take responsibility for past choices and lets us inform future decisions. Our words have power over our mindset. Eliminating negative speech from our vocabulary can be difficult, so Cindy offers five tips for getting rid of ‘should have’ and ‘could have’ and what to replace them with. The replacement wording aims to reframe mistakes and emphasize strengths. She explains how to turn those negative statements into empowered ones instead. And she shares three important takeaways regarding the impact of negative phrases on our mindset, to help us realize how important our self-talk really is. This episode challenges us to examine our innate speech and focus on what we say.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to The Power of the MindsetAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
60 - Be an Ally
Cindy Esliger directly addresses why women in STEM need allies to build a successful career. She is referring to the type of ally with privilege and power who takes action to support women in male dominated professions. Why are allies so important and how can you be one? Cindy has some guidance to share. The truth is that women in male dominated professions, like STEM, often face barriers to promotion and are less satisfied with their jobs because of systemic biases. Men who work alongside these women need to take the first step of seeing the biases that are in place and educating themselves about women’s experiences. Listen to their stories, says Cindy, and learn what they are facing.Cindy breaks down the realities of what women are up against in the workplace that men don’t face and she explains the self-reflection and self-education that allies must start doing before they can become effective. She talks about how to be an active ally without disempowering the very women you’re looking to support, and she offers three key points to remember on your journey to allyship: 1) Listen and educate, 2) Speak up and advocate, and 3) Take action. This is a vital episode for everyone to take in. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Being a Better AllyAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
59 - Challenging People
Cindy Esliger examines how to handle the challenging people we meet in our workplaces. These are the individuals who cause us stress and make the workplace a hostile place to be. Beyond identifying the types of challenging people we encounter, Cindy will offer strategies for dealing with them. There are types of people that we can all identify in our workplaces and the ones who cause the most toxicity tend to be the micromanagers, the bullies, the negative coworkers, the gossipers, and the passive aggressive. Sometimes identifying the type of behavior is enough to let us know to avoid interactions, but sometimes this can’t happen and we need to directly confront the people causing us the most stress.Cindy addresses how to approach each type of challenging person, understanding the reasons behind their behavior, and how issues like insecurity and engaging in power struggles can drive the toxic people. She presents three tips for handling such situations - 1) Set clear boundaries, 2) Stay professional, 3) Use effective communication - and details the types of self-care that can assist us in remaining calm and reducing stress. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Dealing with Challenging PeopleAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
58 - Good Mentors Are Helpful
Cindy Esliger addresses the helpfulness of having a mentor in this episode. A mentor can guide you through various stages of your career and help set you up for professional success. They aren’t necessary to have, but having that senior person in your field able to mentor you can provide you with a lot of support and knowledge. Similar to a counselor relationship, the chemistry you have with a mentor is important. They are someone you should feel comfortable being challenged and encouraged by. Cindy advises not limiting yourself to only one mentor at any given time as well. For women in certain fields, especially STEM fields, men will tend to support other men but that support won’t extend to women in their circles. Mentors can help balance that inequality.Cindy shares all the ways in which mentors are helpful: from giving feedback or imparting technical knowledge to enabling you to leverage their contacts, mentors have a lot to offer. You don’t have to prove yourself alone. Cindy’s advice is to open yourself up to a mentor early. She details three common characteristics all good mentors possess to assist in your search. Find out how important a mentor can be and start considering one of your own.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Making the Most of Your MentorAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
57 - Make Yourself Indispensable
Who are the indispensable employees in your workplace? Indispensable people remove obstacles, get things done, know where to find things, and know how to handle challenging situations. Cindy Esliger talks about how we can make ourselves indispensable to our boss and workplace. There are benefits to us as well as to our bosses when we become indispensable. Part of becoming indispensable is making our boss’ priorities our own. We need to become problem solves, information conduits, independent thinkers, leaders, and the people who remedy complaints. Cindy explains that it’s about creating value, and our managers value what we bring to the company and the end result of our hours. Our hours themselves are not valued, it’s what is produced that is of value. So how do we become indispensable if it’s not simply more hours or longer work efforts?Cindy shares six strategies to assist in becoming indispensable at work. 1) Go the extra mile, 2) Be the most reliable, 3) Become an expert, 4) Make an impact, 5) Align skills with company needs, and 6) Showcase leadership. She explains each of these in detail and differentiates between being valuable and being invaluable, which is priceless. Becoming indispensable brings benefits to us but there are pitfalls to beware of as well. Cindy lays out the good and the cautionary to help us reimagine what we can become.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Becoming IndispensableAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
56 - Work Life Balance
Cindy Esliger discusses the idea of work life balance in this episode. There is no one definition that everyone agrees on, but we all agree we want to achieve some notion of enough time for both work and personal lives without one overwhelming the other. How do we actually accomplish that, though? The buzz word trend of “work life balance” today means it encompasses a wide array of thoughts. What is “personal” life to you? Family? Friends? Charitable pursuits? Home life? Hobbies? Caregiving? Exercising? And should we feel guilty if we enjoy work and are very dedicated to it? Cindy breaks down all the things work and personal lives mean to us and how to view them without guilt. Overwhelm is the enemy of balance regardless of how we define it, however. So Cindy shares five self-sabotaging mistakes we make when we’re overwhelmed: 1) Dismissing things that might help, 2) Not making space for minds to wander, 3) Interpreting the feeling of overwhelm as weakness, 4) Not being flexible or adapting to changing demands, and 5) Missing opportunities to restore energy. Cindy walks us through each one and sheds light on ways to find fulfillment in whatever balance we find most rewarding. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Overcoming OverwhelmAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
55 - Stop Procrastinating
Cindy Esliger addresses the topic of procrastination in this episode. What is procrastination, why do we do it, and what kind of procrastinator do we seem to be? Cindy answers these questions then offers up some ways to break our procrastination habit and become productive on priority tasks instead of giving in to distraction or overwhelm. There are a lot of different ways we procrastinate. We do it by organizing, by cleaning, by doing other things, by waiting for permission, anything we can engage it that takes us away from what we should be working on. Productivity is a double-edged sword because sometimes we are productive in our procrastination, we’re just not productive in order of priority. Cindy challenges us to identify our style of procrastination so we can learn how to handle it.Cindy shares four strategies to make it easier to take action against procrastinating: 1) determine the next step, 2) make it a priority, 3) make the task easier by making it smaller, and 4) redesign the environment. She explains each step with action in mind. What will motivate us to focus on the immediate task without distraction? Set yourself up for success against procrastination by taking Cindy’s insight and advice to heart.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Help You Stop ProcrastinatingAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
54 - How You Respond
Cindy Esliger examines the dichotomy between staying open to criticism and remaining committed to our own vision in our careers. The truth is that we need to look at how we respond, both productively and unproductively, to feedback and criticism. Feedback can be useful or it can be unhelpful, so Cindy unpacks how to identify and deal with both types that we encounter. “While you are unable to control how others view you and how they deliver feedback, you are in complete control over how you react and respond to it.” Cindy keenly understands both the desire to become defensive and to open ourselves up to useful critique due to her own reactions in her career. She learned, and now shares, that we are in control of our reactions. And not only that, we are in control of whether we apply the feedback or not. Cindy looks at receiving feedback with grace and perspective because some people prefer to tear down the work of others instead of building something of their own. She stresses that the right feedback is necessary to growth but unhelpful criticism needs to affect us less deeply. She explains how to hone communication, understand our verbal habits, and not to be defeated by feedback. Her guidance will make those awkward performance reviews much easier to receive. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide for Not Undermining Your CredibilityAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
53 - You Are a Grown-Up, So Act Like One
Cindy Esliger takes a look at what it is that we expect of ourselves in order to lay a proper foundation for success. Do we have a purpose and a direction? Cindy explains how to understand our expectations and make plans to achieve them. Purpose and direction are the things we all require to realize success. Purpose is our why. Direction includes vision and prioritization. Cindy talks about why priorities are vital to establish and encourages celebrating the small wins along the way. We’re grown-ups so we need to establish a good pace and maintain it in order to make progress. Cindy looks at why we fail to meet our goals and identifies high expectations that we can’t reach. Can we lower our expectations of ourselves in order to realize daily success? Overwhelm, as Cindy points out, does nothing to help us progress. We need balance between the goals and what we can reasonably achieve. We need to learn to lay the proper groundwork for our own success. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide for Making ProgressAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
52 - The Real World Doesn't Reward Perfection
Cindy Esliger presents the truth about perfection in the real world in this episode. The truth is that perfection is not rewarded in real life and the behavior that earned us those gold stars in school doesn’t mean much in the world outside school. It’s time to learn what is rewarded and how to achieve it. Bravery is what is rewarded in the real world. Where perfection is safety, bravery lets us step off the expected path and speak up for ourselves. Cindy details how bravery serves us better in life, and especially in the workplace, than the pursuit of perfection. She also shares her own struggles with perfectionist desires.Why is perfectionism actually a weakness? The related symptoms that perfectionism produces, the fear of control that results in procrastination, and the sense of failure that accompanies our inability to meet self-imposed perfection standards. These are the ideas that Cindy breaks down and addresses. She talks about how to reframe perfectionism and not only embrace courage but mistakes as well. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Understanding PerfectionismAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
51 - Reignite Your Passion and Purpose
Cindy Esliger looks at exploring our curiosities and experimenting with what interests us to find our passion. Instead of pushing our inner voice down to quiet it, she encourages us to listen to it. To pursue our hunches and instincts to find the things that will resonate with us.We are often told to follow our passion but passion isn’t something we start out with, passion is what comes through exploration and curiosity. So if we start by trying things that fascinate us, we are more likely to discover our passion. Cindy shares ways to cultivate curiosity and pushes us to answer questions about our interests. When we do find a passion we may want to do it simply for pleasure. It’s not passion that will drive our career success anyway, it’s exploration. Cindy lays out five ways that cultivating curiosity is better for a career than following passion: 1) It opens us up, 2) It allows us to discover our passion, 3) Passions can change over time, 4) Passion doesn’t always equal proficiency, and 5) Curiosity transcends passion. She guides us through each of these so we better learn what drives us.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Exposing Your CuriositiesAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
50 - Your Story is Still Being Written
Cindy Esliger addresses having an intentional path and not leaving our futures to chance. What has to change in order to make what we want to have happen possible? Cindy leads us into exploration on how our stories are still being written, and how we can control the writing.The question “what would have to change for me to be completely fulfilled” is posed early on in Cindy’s talk. The answer illuminates what we find unsatisfying or threatening and shows us what changes we can start to make to rewrite the direction of our own story. Are there experiments we can take on to find more open doors at work? Confidence and courage are skills Cindy says we can develop. It’s true that things don’t always go as planned, though, so Cindy offers five steps to help us find our way through setbacks: 1. Wallow if necessary, 2. Celebrate the result, 3. Shake it off, 4. Review, reassess, realign, and 5. Get back in the game. Cindy outlines how to avoid getting stuck in a blame game and to reassess our narrative. She guides us through using our time to write our stories our way.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Getting UnstuckAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
49 - Is It What It Is, or Is It..
Cindy Esliger talks about how facts and emotions intertwine. How we feel about a situation affects how we perceive the facts of that situation. Cindy wants us to understand how awareness and acceptance of where we are will affect our perception. The saying “it is what it is” bothers Cindy because it feels as though we are being told to simply accept the way things are instead of thinking they could be different. In truth, we do sometimes have to accept things but that means being at peace with them, not accepting them as the upper limit. Cindy explains how different mindsets and emotions - gratitude instead of complaint, for example - can change our perspective and also the possibilities open to us. Cindy outlines five common reasons we rationalize our feelings of overwhelm and cynicism: 1) Fulfills an emotional need that’s not being met, 2) Allows us to feel more in control, 3) Gives us attention, 4) Gets us off the hook in terms of blame, and 5) It protects us. She then explores how acceptance and changing our fixed mindset are key to moving past the negative emotions. She guides us towards relearning our behaviors for the better.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Creating A New HabitAstronomic AudioCarol Dweck—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
48 - You Dont Need Their Permission
Cindy Esliger addresses the subconscious need to obtain permission to move forward on our goals. We are socialized from youth to seek permission from someone in charge. But now that we’re adults, are we letting that hold us back from making choices that benefit us? We don’t actually need anyone’s permission to make the pieces of our work and lives fit well together. Job constraints may not be as rigid as we tell ourselves or complain about. Cindy offers the idea that flexibility is the key to taking time we need during work hours to get things accomplished for ourselves. She explains how to navigate that idea.Cindy points out that job results matter more than hours spent at work. Ensure that your work hours are truly spent working and productive, taking initiative for getting the work done in the hours you prefer, and caretaking your energy cycles. She gives us three signs to tell when we’re at the end of an energy cycle and offers a solution other than “powering through”. We don’t need anyone’s permission to be our best selves.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide to Optimizing Your WeekAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
47 - Clear and Present Danger
Overcoming adversity is what Cindy Esliger addresses today. How we handle feelings of doubt and fear when we come up against obstacles is a necessary part of growth. Challenge is part of our roadmap to success so Cindy walks us through how to cope with adversity. We are more or less hardwired to avoid adversity. Our brains, programmed for survival, try to steer us away from adversity to help us stay alive. Now that we’ve evolved, however, avoidance is not the key to success in a safer world. What exactly are we avoiding, anyway? Cindy explains the three types of adversity we tend to face.We need a plan for dealing with these things that appear to be clear and present danger. Cindy first highlights the four common pitfalls in our dealings with adversity: 1) Not making enough decisions, 2) Not taking necessary actions, 3) Not considering possibilities, and 4) Shutting down to escape. She then details how to get past these pitfalls with three secrets to overcoming adversity. Facing fears makes us stronger, after all.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide for Determining Your Adversity QuotientAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
46 - Who I am Becoming
Cindy Esliger asks us to look at who we are becoming by reflecting on how far we’ve come. Who are we really when our facades and defenses are down? When we can answer that, Cindy says, we can look ahead and make the right choices about who we are becoming. We are defined by the choices we’ve made so Cindy walks us through exploring what those choices have been. Our choices should be in alignment with where we want to be and what our strengths are. We can be thrown off course when we internalize critiques and let our insecurities prevent us from pursuing our purpose.Cindy urges us to learn to take a compliment and not focus solely on critique. When we achieve great things, it’s okay to celebrate them. Letting ourselves feel capable and confident will help tear down the imposter syndrome that derails us on our path to becoming. Cindy offers three statements that fight imposter syndrome: 1) I am enough, 2) I worked hard for this, and 3) I make the most of opportunities before me. Become who you truly want to be with Cindy’s assistance.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide for Who You Are BecomingAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
45 - What They Said And What They Meant
Cindy Esliger talks about second guessing ourselves at work. Are things said to us just annoyances to dismiss or are they things to take seriously? Or are we beginning to think everything is a sign? Cindy wants to address how making career decisions out of fear leaves us susceptible to gaslighting. What’s said to us is often neutral but we interpret the words with our own emotions based on past experiences. Cindy notes that this makes us create our own limitations which opens us up to the form of workplace bullying known as gaslighting. We question our ability to do the job that we know we are more than capable of doing. Cindy advises us to maintain a true, balanced, compassionate view of ourselves. She offers three steps to shifting our mindset: 1) notice our subconscious programming, 2) increase our awareness, 3) create a new belief system. She explores each of these in depth and shares stories from her career that relate in a powerful way. Cindy urges us to remember that we are not someone else’s opinion of us.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide for Early Waning Signs of GaslightingAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
44 - How to Move Forward
Cindy Esliger examines what we need in order to move out of toxic workplaces and into spaces that do not crush our souls. There are options besides simply suffering for a paycheque and part of the power to move forward already resides within us. Perhaps the toxicity is due to failures you’ve been part of in your work, perhaps it’s a poisonous boss or unsupportive atmosphere. We stay put, Cindy says, because we become paralyzed. We hate our jobs but see no way out. The toxicity bleeds into every aspect of our lives. Cindy wants us to assess where we really are, the recent successes we’ve realized, to shake us awake.Recent changes are our best motivator for moving forward. Change is hard but believing in ourselves is a key part of working towards a better workplace. Cindy offers insight into four survival strategies to help us make the changes: 1) Listen to your body, 2) Gain perspective, 3) Face your fears, and 4) Set your boundaries. When we really recognize our situations, we are more ready to make a move.Resources discussed in this episode:Guide for Moving ForwardAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
43 - Do You Really Not Like People
Cindy Esliger talks about connection in this episode. She focuses on the ways in which people assess our communication styles for likeability and competence. Connection and charisma become very important tools that Cindy shares advice on cultivating. Likeability depends on how well we connect with other people and the easiest way to do so is through honesty and sincerity. Cindy’s advice encompasses active listening skills and the ability to disagree respectfully. Likewise charisma leads to being liked, trusted, and admired, so Cindy shares tactics on how to develop charisma by focusing on our own reactions to others.The three ways we each have control over connections we forge and how we are viewed are through 1) body language, 2) presence, and 3) emotional intelligence. Part of what Cindy wants to share with us in this episode is how to let emotions flow through us like waves instead of bottling them which forces them out in negative ways at inopportune times. Cindy guides us through tearing down our walls in favor of connection. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide for Connecting With PeopleAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email
42 - Falling to Pieces Without Falling Apart
Cindy Esliger addresses workplace resilience in this episode. How do we manage our own behaviors more effectively so stress doesn’t take over? Cindy has advice for developing a resilience mindset, one that won’t allow negative thoughts to derail our work. The definition of resilience is the ability of something to bounce back to its original form after pressure or stress is applied to it. That’s what Cindy is encouraging us to develop emotionally. The ability to confront life’s hardships without being crushed and with the strength to recover completely. She shares four key ways to build that resilience: 1. Strengthen your foundation, 2. See challenges as opportunities, 3. Master Stress, and 4. Maintain perspective. We need to prioritize our own energy management and seek out restorative activities. Keeping energy in balance means we won’t exceed in output at work and leave ourselves exhausted and vulnerable. Cindy gets to the root of the issue by advising us to accept painful emotions and learn to view adversity as opportunity. She aims to guide us towards the resilience we need to not quit, to adapt and keep going. Resources discussed in this episode:Guide for Building Your ResilienceAstronomic Audio—Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email