"Great Is Thy Faithfulness..." A Conversation With Best-Selling Author Karen Kingsbury!
"God had been faithful time and time and time again. That was the type of God the Baxters served. No, they didn't always get the answers they wanted. But they always got the right answers." ~Author Karen KingsburyYou'll find the hymn, "Great is Thy faithfulness," tucked into most of her novels like an Easter egg. There isn't a subject she won't type about - adoption, intoxicated driving, losing your faith, unfaithfulness, murder, cancer, divorce, fame - but none of them ever get the last word. She spins a story of redemption out of each character's journey and gives you hope in your real life. I discovered Karen Kingsbury’s books because they turned the beloved family she created, the Baxters, into a series on Amazon Prime. I’ve read several dozen of her stories since then and I can, without reservation, recommend every single book so far! SO, it was such a BLESSING to meet Karen on the phone and find out she is as delightful as I had imagined! Please join us for a conversation about God’s role in her writing, the new movie Karen MADE with her talented family, angels, and SO MUCH MORE! Click PLAY to make a new friend.You are Loved, EricaP.S. Discover all of Karen’s wonderful books and her movie STREAMING NOW here: www.KarenKingsburyBookstore.com