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John and Jenny Wise
Simple Gifts is the gift of time and freedom. It is the simple presentation of the written word spoken without commentary. Join us in ruminating on great stories, poems, history, philosophy, theology, art and science. Amidst chaos, find the “valley of love and delight,” a true simplicity, where “to bow and to bend we will not be ashamed,” where we can ponder the greatest words ever written, turning them over and over, “till by turning, turning, we come round right.”
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Paul Laurence Dunbar‘s ”The Debt” & ”We Wear The Mask”
In history this month we read Booker T. Washington's famous "Atlanta Exposition Speech" and selections from his autobiography UP FROM SLAVERY to show the context. In reciprocity, then, the poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar contextualizes Washington's words, and is in turn contextualized by them.
In "The Debt" Dunbar contemplates the choices and compromises we make in life, and the consequences we bear for those choices. It is short, powerful and profound.
In "We Wear The Mask" the poet speaks both particularly of the black experience in post-slavery America and universally of human dissimulation in social structure. I cannot help but draw attention to the connection in these two poems of the term "debt."
We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,—
This debt we pay to human guile
The debts we must pay are our own and others, but in ALL cases, personal and social, it is human guile, dissimulation itself, the great lie, which exacts our souls as the remorseless creditor. As Solzhenitsyn said, the line between good and evil runs through the heart of every human being.
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George Orwell‘s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 8, Part 3
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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Plato‘s REPUBLIC, Book 6, Part 2
REPUBLIC, book 6 begins what may be considered the most famous and important passages in all of Western philosophy. Plato begins to systematically present his theory of the Forms in a series of notable analogies, beginning with the Sun and concluding chapter 6 with the Line.
The chapter begins by picking up the discussion that ended chapter 5 on the true philosophers, those who "know best," those who are able to see "the thing itself." It should be clear, Socrates says, that philosophers, defined as "those who are able to grasp what is always the same in all respects," should rule in our city. But, Adeimantus objects, real philosophers, not Socrates' ideal philosophers, are either wicked or useless. Socrates agrees, but explains that only the proper combination of nature and nurture can produce the true philosopher, and it is only in a society like the Kallipolis that the true philosophical nature can be properly nurtured into its greatest potential for good. Such true philosophers will be able to "see" the Good Itself, the Form of the Good, which is like the Sun, illuminating what is and nourishing all that is good. This analogy of the sun leads directly to the analogy of the line, which graphically displays the epistemological insights we began to unfold at the conclusion of chapter 5, and we are told to think of human knowledge as lying upon a continuum between ignorance and true understanding, of which only the philosopher is capable.
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Booker T Washington, Intro to Atlanta Speech, UP FROM SLAVERY
Our centerpiece this month is Booker T Washington's Atlanta Exposition Speech, both historical and controversial. In this excerpt from his book, Up From Slavery, Washington gives the introductory context of this speech. Enjoy!
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Paul Laurence Dunbar‘s ”Paradox”
In history this month we read Booker T. Washington's famous "Atlanta Exposition Speech" and selections from his autobiography UP FROM SLAVERY to show the context. In reciprocity, then, the poetry of Paul Lawrence Dunbar contextualizes Washington's words, and is in turn contextualized by them.
Dunbar's poem, "Paradox," echoes well themes from THE CHRISTIAN ATHEIST podcast, "where faith and reason fuse in the Incarnation." Dunbar here speaks of the contradictory realities in which we all exist, paradoxes that invoke the beauty and tragedy of life, both of which are real in the most robust of senses. Although Dunbar was not particularly religious (as I understand), I cannot avoid the resonances with the Incarnation itself in such lines as these:
I am thy priest and thy poet,
I am thy serf and thy king;
I cure the tears of the heartsick,
When I come near they shall sing.
Enjoy the lyric beauty and the thoughtful spiritual challenge in these verses!
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George Orwell‘s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 8, Part 2
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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Plato‘s REPUBLIC, Book 6, Part 1
REPUBLIC, book 6 begins what may be considered the most famous and important passages in all of Western philosophy. Plato begins to systematically present his theory of the Forms in a series of notable analogies, beginning with the Sun and concluding chapter 6 with the Line.
The chapter begins by picking up the discussion that ended chapter 5 on the true philosophers, those who "know best," those who are able to see "the thing itself." It should be clear, Socrates says, that philosophers, defined as "those who are able to grasp what is always the same in all respects," should rule in our city. But, Adeimantus objects, real philosophers, not Socrates' ideal philosophers, are either wicked or useless. Socrates agrees, but explains that only the proper combination of nature and nurture can produce the true philosopher, and it is only in a society like the Kallipolis that the true philosophical nature can be properly nurtured into its greatest potential for good. Such true philosophers will be able to "see" the Good Itself, the Form of the Good, which is like the Sun, illuminating what is and nourishing all that is good. This analogy of the sun leads directly to the analogy of the line, which graphically displays the epistemological insights we began to unfold at the conclusion of chapter 5, and we are told to think of human knowledge as lying upon a continuum between ignorance and true understanding, of which only the philosopher is capable.
#plato, #socrates, #platoandsocrates, #socratesandplato, #republik, #republic, #westerntradition, #philosophy, #rationality, #drjohndwise, #philosopher, #philosophical, #philosophicalauthor #westerntraditionphilosophy, #traditionalphilosophy, #foundations, #foundationalphilosopher, #foundationaltext, #platosrepublic, #philosophy, #dialogue, #dialogues, #greekphilosophy, #ancientgreekphilosophy, #athens, #platonicdialogue, #platonic, #ancientgreeks, #ancientgreece,#hellen, #hellenistic, #athenian, #atheniantradition, #greekcivilization, #greeksociety, #greekhistory
Paul Laurence Dunbar‘s ”The Cornstalk Fiddle”
In history this month we read Booker T. Washington's famous "Atlanta Exposition Speech" and selections from his autobiography UP FROM SLAVERY to show the context. In reciprocity, then, the poetry of Paul Lawrence Dunbar contextualizes Washington's words, and is in turn contextualized by them.
Dunbar's delightful poem, "The Cornstalk Fiddle," must warm the hearts of country folk everywhere, with its recall of inventive genius in "making do" with what nature provides in order to share in the communal joys of life and love. One can almost feel the cool autumn evening and the excitement of potential love moving in time to the cornstalk fiddle, evoked by these homespun verses.
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George Orwell‘s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 8, Part 1
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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Plato‘s REPUBLIC, Book 5, Part 4
Book 5 of Plato's Republic is devoted to two primary subjects, "family" life and a discussion of the nature of the rulers in our "good city" (the Kallipolis). Socrates is prevented from discussing the types of city and individual soul - of which there are 4 bad, wrong types and one good form - by the demand that he explain his comment he made in Book 4 about having women and children "in common" in the Kallipolis. About 2/3 of this book is taken up answering this question. In this discussion he makes the revolutionary proposals that 1) women should be able to act in any capacity within the city, even as guardians and rulers, and that therefore they must receive the same education and opportunities as the men. 2) That children should not know their biological parents and vice versa. All children are to be cared for and raised as the common children of everyone in the city. This proposal is meant to sever the "natural" ties of parenthood that cause them to favor their own over everyone else's, and thus to strengthen the unity of the city. As we saw earlier, Plato reasoned that property (what is one's own) causes division, and that therefore measures must be taken to prevent such division by holding all things "in common," a clear endorsement of early communistic practice. 3) Sexual couplings must be regulated by the state in such a way as to enhance the genetics of the "herd," the city's populace, so a system of rigged lottery must be introduced to sanction the fruitful sexual couplings, what he calls "marriages," of the best men with the best women, and discourage "promiscuity." Unfit children are to be disposed of, as was common with the Greeks in that age.
The next question is the obvious one, could such a society really come into existence? Provided, Socrates says, that we understand that practice never truly equals the perfection of theory, it can. And the way in which it could come into being is if PHILOSOPHERS ruled. The remainder of Book 5, then, is taken up with the beginning portrait of what true philosophers are like. In this discussion Plato's theory of the Forms, to be more clearly developed later, begins to show itself.
T. S. Eliot‘s ”Ash Wednesday”
Following up on the apotheosis of Eliot's pre-conversion to Christianity in his epochal poem, THE WASTELAND, his post-conversion work strikes an entirely new tone. The Rt Reverend Lord Harries wrote this:
"T. S. Eliot’s “The Wasteland” was the voice of a disillusioned generation and reflected a world in disarray. Then in 1928 Eliot announced to a startled world, and the disapproval of his contemporaries, that his general point of view could be described as ‘classicist in literature, royalist in politics and anglo-catholic in religion.’ The previous year he had been baptised behind closed doors in Finstock Church, near Oxford."
Like today, for a cultural thought-leader to announce a perspective that is Christian and/or conservative is to ostracize oneself from approval and acceptance by the cultural elite, especially the academic cultural elite, of which Eliot was an established member.
As such, his first major post-conversion poem, "Ash Wednesday," was both a departure and a rebirth of Eliot's poetic genius. I hope you love it, as I do!
#poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymescheme #tseliot #eliot #ashwednesday
George Orwell‘s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 7, Part 2
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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Plato‘s REPUBLIC, Book 5, Part 3
Book 5 of Plato's Republic is devoted to two primary subjects, "family" life and a discussion of the nature of the rulers in our "good city" (the Kallipolis). Socrates is prevented from discussing the types of city and individual soul - of which there are 4 bad, wrong types and one good form - by the demand that he explain his comment he made in Book 4 about having women and children "in common" in the Kallipolis. About 2/3 of this book is taken up answering this question. In this discussion he makes the revolutionary proposals that 1) women should be able to act in any capacity within the city, even as guardians and rulers, and that therefore they must receive the same education and opportunities as the men. 2) That children should not know their biological parents and vice versa. All children are to be cared for and raised as the common children of everyone in the city. This proposal is meant to sever the "natural" ties of parenthood that cause them to favor their own over everyone else's, and thus to strengthen the unity of the city. As we saw earlier, Plato reasoned that property (what is one's own) causes division, and that therefore measures must be taken to prevent such division by holding all things "in common," a clear endorsement of early communistic practice. 3) Sexual couplings must be regulated by the state in such a way as to enhance the genetics of the "herd," the city's populace, so a system of rigged lottery must be introduced to sanction the fruitful sexual couplings, what he calls "marriages," of the best men with the best women, and discourage "promiscuity." Unfit children are to be disposed of, as was common with the Greeks in that age.
The next question is the obvious one, could such a society really come into existence? Provided, Socrates says, that we understand that practice never truly equals the perfection of theory, it can. And the way in which it could come into being is if PHILOSOPHERS ruled. The remainder of Book 5, then, is taken up with the beginning portrait of what true philosophers are like. In this discussion Plato's theory of the Forms, to be more clearly developed later, begins to show itself.
T. S. Eliot‘s THE WASTELAND, Part 2
Arguably the iconic poem of the twentieth century (published in 1922), and certainly Eliot's most well-known. It is also one of the most difficult poems in the English language, and will only reward those willing to study its difficulty. It is a poem filled with poetic, historical, mythological and various esoteric multi-cultural allusions, structures and content. It is the capstone of Eliot's pre-conversion poetry, displaying the emptiness of meaning in a world bereft of transcendence. If you end this poem with a dry mouth, a dry mind, and nothing but numbness, lack of emotion, you've captured Eliot's objective correlative, I think. The final words, "Shanti, shanti, shanti," the Sanskrit "peace," end the poem on a note, not of hope, but of resignation.
Let us just say that THE WASTELAND is most notable for its contrast with the hope, joy and life to be found in Eliot's post-conversion work!
#poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymescheme #thewasteland #shanti #peace #resignation #tseliot #eliot
George Orwell‘s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 7, Part 1
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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Plato‘s REPUBLIC, Book 5, Part 2
Book 5 of Plato's Republic is devoted to two primary subjects, "family" life and a discussion of the nature of the rulers in our "good city" (the Kallipolis). Socrates is prevented from discussing the types of city and individual soul - of which there are 4 bad, wrong types and one good form - by the demand that he explain his comment he made in Book 4 about having women and children "in common" in the Kallipolis. About 2/3 of this book is taken up answering this question. In this discussion he makes the revolutionary proposals that 1) women should be able to act in any capacity within the city, even as guardians and rulers, and that therefore they must receive the same education and opportunities as the men. 2) That children should not know their biological parents and vice versa. All children are to be cared for and raised as the common children of everyone in the city. This proposal is meant to sever the "natural" ties of parenthood that cause them to favor their own over everyone else's, and thus to strengthen the unity of the city. As we saw earlier, Plato reasoned that property (what is one's own) causes division, and that therefore measures must be taken to prevent such division by holding all things "in common," a clear endorsement of early communistic practice. 3) Sexual couplings must be regulated by the state in such a way as to enhance the genetics of the "herd," the city's populace, so a system of rigged lottery must be introduced to sanction the fruitful sexual couplings, what he calls "marriages," of the best men with the best women, and discourage "promiscuity." Unfit children are to be disposed of, as was common with the Greeks in that age.
The next question is the obvious one, could such a society really come into existence? Provided, Socrates says, that we understand that practice never truly equals the perfection of theory, it can. And the way in which it could come into being is if PHILOSOPHERS ruled. The remainder of Book 5, then, is taken up with the beginning portrait of what true philosophers are like. In this discussion Plato's theory of the Forms, to be more clearly developed later, begins to show itself.
Thomas Paine‘s COMMON SENSE, Part 8
Leading up to the American Revolution, Thomas Paine's Common Sense made persuasive arguments for American Independence from Great Britain and for republican government. It is one of the most effective political tracts in history. First published in Philadelphia in January of 1776, it took the country by storm, turning the tide of opinion in the colonies. It also made Thomas Paine a central figure in the colonies, catapulting him to fame. He followed Common Sense with The American Crisis, a series of 13 essays written in the years following the Declaration of Independence (1776-1783). This is part 8, our completion of this essay. Enjoy!
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#commonsense #americandocuments #foundingdocuments #unitedstatesconstitution #unitedstateshistory #americanhistory #unitedstates #foundingideals #spiritualaspirations #georgewashington #thomasjefferson #colonialamerica #colonies #liberty #republic #republicangovernment #politicaltract #declarationofindependence #philadelphia #paine #thomaspaine
T. S. Eliot‘s THE WASTELAND, Part 1
Arguably the iconic poem of the twentieth century (published in 1922), and certainly Eliot's most well-known. It is also one of the most difficult poems in the English language, and will only reward those willing to study its difficulty. It is a poem filled with poetic, historical, mythological and various esoteric multi-cultural allusions, structures and content. It is the capstone of Eliot's pre-conversion poetry, displaying the emptiness of meaning in a world bereft of transcendence. If you end this poem with a dry mouth, a dry mind, and nothing but numbness, lack of emotion, you've captured Eliot's objective correlative, I think. The final words, "Shanti, shanti, shanti," the Sanskrit "peace," end the poem on a note, not of hope, but of resignation.
Let us just say that THE WASTELAND is most notable for its contrast with the hope, joy and life to be found in Eliot's post-conversion work!
#poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymescheme #thewasteland #shanti #peace #resignation #tseliot #eliot
George Orwell‘s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 6
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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Plato‘s REPUBLIC, Book 5, Part 1
Book 5 of Plato's Republic is devoted to two primary subjects, "family" life and a discussion of the nature of the rulers in our "good city" (the Kallipolis). Socrates is prevented from discussing the types of city and individual soul - of which there are 4 bad, wrong types and one good form - by the demand that he explain his comment he made in Book 4 about having women and children "in common" in the Kallipolis. About 2/3 of this book is taken up answering this question. In this discussion he makes the revolutionary proposals that 1) women should be able to act in any capacity within the city, even as guardians and rulers, and that therefore they must receive the same education and opportunities as the men. 2) That children should not know their biological parents and vice versa. All children are to be cared for and raised as the common children of everyone in the city. This proposal is meant to sever the "natural" ties of parenthood that cause them to favor their own over everyone else's, and thus to strengthen the unity of the city. As we saw earlier, Plato reasoned that property (what is one's own) causes division, and that therefore measures must be taken to prevent such division by holding all things "in common," a clear endorsement of early communistic practice. 3) Sexual couplings must be regulated by the state in such a way as to enhance the genetics of the "herd," the city's populace, so a system of rigged lottery must be introduced to sanction the fruitful sexual couplings, what he calls "marriages," of the best men with the best women, and discourage "promiscuity." Unfit children are to be disposed of, as was common with the Greeks in that age.
The next question is the obvious one, could such a society really come into existence? Provided, Socrates says, that we understand that practice never truly equals the perfection of theory, it can. And the way in which it could come into being is if PHILOSOPHERS ruled. The remainder of Book 5, then, is taken up with the beginning portrait of what true philosophers are like. In this discussion Plato's theory of the Forms, to be more clearly developed later, begins to show itself.
Thomas Paine‘s COMMON SENSE, Part 7
Leading up to the American Revolution, Thomas Paine's Common Sense made persuasive arguments for American Independence from Great Britain and for republican government. It is one of the most effective political tracts in history. First published in Philadelphia in January of 1776, it took the country by storm, turning the tide of opinion in the colonies. It also made Thomas Paine a central figure in the colonies, catapulting him to fame. He followed Common Sense with The American Crisis, a series of 13 essays written in the years following the Declaration of Independence (1776-1783). This is part 7. Enjoy!
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#commonsense #americandocuments #foundingdocuments #unitedstatesconstitution #unitedstateshistory #americanhistory #unitedstates #foundingideals #spiritualaspirations #georgewashington #thomasjefferson #colonialamerica #colonies #liberty #republic #republicangovernment #politicaltract #declarationofindependence #philadelphia #paine #thomaspaine
T. S. Eliot‘s ”Gerontion”
A pre-conversion work of Eliot, "Gerontion" expresses the same world-weary disillusionment of The Wasteland and "The Hollow Men," but from a much more personal perspective. The title means "little old man," and the poem was written in 1919 when the treaty of Versailles was signed, ending WWI. Like all of Eliot's poetry, it is difficult to nail down due to its learned allusions, imagery and language. It is, however, much more intuitively grasped than The Wasteland.
#poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymescheme #disillusionment #wasteland #hollowmen #thehollowmen #thewasteland #tseliot #eliot #gerontion
George Orwell’s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 5, part 2
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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Plato’s REPUBLIC, Book 4, part 4
Plato's Republic is arguably THE foundational text of the Western tradition in philosophy. Book four presents the completion of the kallipolis, the good city, and this means that it must possess the four virtues of wisdom, courage, moderation and justice. Finding wisdom in the rulers, courage in the guardian auxiliary class (the defenders of the city), and moderation as an agreement among everyone as to who rules, by process of elimination justice, the object of our inquiry, must be whatever is left over. Justice, it turns out, is just the proper division of labor amongst the three parts of the populace: 1) the rulers, 2) the guardians and 3) the common workers, or producers. Does this account of the virtues writ large, though, correspond to a similar structure in the individual soul? We conclude that it does. This is the the fourth installment of Book 4. Enjoy!
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Thomas Paine’s COMMON SENSE, Part 6
Leading up to the American Revolution, Thomas Paine's Common Sense made persuasive arguments for American Independence from Great Britain and for republican government. It is one of the most effective political tracts in history. First published in Philadelphia in January of 1776, it took the country by storm, turning the tide of opinion in the colonies. It also made Thomas Paine a central figure in the colonies, catapulting him to fame. He followed Common Sense with The American Crisis, a series of 13 essays written in the years following the Declaration of Independence (1776-1783). This is part 4. Enjoy!
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#commonsense #americandocuments #foundingdocuments #unitedstatesconstitution #unitedstateshistory #americanhistory #unitedstates #foundingideals #spiritualaspirations #georgewashington #thomasjefferson #colonialamerica #colonies #liberty #republic #republicangovernment #politicaltract #declarationofindependence #philadelphia #paine #thomaspaine
T S Eliot ”Preludes”
T. S. Eliot's meteoric rise to fame as the early twentieth-century's pre-eminent poet on the basis of a handful of poems and a few essays remains one of the great success stories of all time in my estimation. The poems this month are all part of Eliot's pre-conversion to Christianity phase. They are characterized by an idiosyncratic poetic language and imagery that is all his own. I have come to love Eliot's poetry, especially his later work (and especially Four Quartets). It is shocking, world-weary and wise, and deeply informed by the spirit of the age without being overtaken by it. Enjoy!
#poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymescheme #tseliot #eliot #preludes
George Orwell’s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 5, Part 1
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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#georgeorwell #animalfarm #classic #classicdystopianliterature #dystopianliterature #dystopianfiction #dystopian #literature #fiction #psychologicalliterature #psychological #psychology #totalitarian #totalitarianfiction #totalitarianliterature #20thcentury #20thcenturyliterature #woke #wokism #orwell
Plato’s REPUBLIC, Book 4, part 3
Plato's Republic is arguably THE foundational text of the Western tradition in philosophy. Book four presents the completion of the kallipolis, the good city, and this means that it must possess the four virtues of wisdom, courage, moderation and justice. Finding wisdom in the rulers, courage in the guardian auxiliary class (the defenders of the city), and moderation as an agreement among everyone as to who rules, by process of elimination justice, the object of our inquiry, must be whatever is left over. Justice, it turns out, is just the proper division of labor amongst the three parts of the populace: 1) the rulers, 2) the guardians and 3) the common workers, or producers. Does this account of the virtues writ large, though, correspond to a similar structure in the individual soul? We conclude that it does. This is the the third installment of Book 4. Enjoy!
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Thomas Paine’s COMMON SENSE, Part 5
Leading up to the American Revolution, Thomas Paine's Common Sense made persuasive arguments for American Independence from Great Britain and for republican government. It is one of the most effective political tracts in history. First published in Philadelphia in January of 1776, it took the country by storm, turning the tide of opinion in the colonies. It also made Thomas Paine a central figure in the colonies, catapulting him to fame. He followed Common Sense with The American Crisis, a series of 13 essays written in the years following the Declaration of Independence (1776-1783). This is part 5. Enjoy!
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#commonsense #americandocuments #foundingdocuments #unitedstatesconstitution #unitedstateshistory #americanhistory #unitedstates #foundingideals #spiritualaspirations #georgewashington #thomasjefferson #colonialamerica #colonies #liberty #republic #republicangovernment #politicaltract #declarationofindependence #philadelphia #paine #thomaspaine
T S Eliot ”Rhapsody on A Windy Night”
T. S. Eliot's meteoric rise to fame as the early twentieth-century's pre-eminent poet on the basis of a handful of poems and a few essays remains one of the great success stories of all time in my estimation. The poems this month are all part of Eliot's pre-conversion to Christianity phase. They are characterized by an idiosyncratic poetic language and imagery that is all his own. I have come to love Eliot's poetry, especially his later work (and especially Four Quartets). It is shocking, world-weary and wise, and deeply informed by the spirit of the age without being overtaken by it. Enjoy!
#poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymescheme #tseliot #eliot #rhapsodyonawindynight #windynight #rhapsody #windy #night
George Orwell’s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 4, Part 2
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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#georgeorwell #animalfarm #classic #classicdystopianliterature #dystopianliterature #dystopianfiction #dystopian #literature #fiction #psychologicalliterature #psychological #psychology #totalitarian #totalitarianfiction #totalitarianliterature #20thcentury #20thcenturyliterature #woke #wokism #orwell
Plato’s REPUBLIC, Book 4, part 2
Plato's Republic is arguably THE foundational text of the Western tradition in philosophy. Book four presents the completion of the kallipolis, the good city, and this means that it must possess the four virtues of wisdom, courage, moderation and justice. Finding wisdom in the rulers, courage in the guardian auxiliary class (the defenders of the city), and moderation as an agreement among everyone as to who rules, by process of elimination justice, the object of our inquiry, must be whatever is left over. Justice, it turns out, is just the proper division of labor amongst the three parts of the populace: 1) the rulers, 2) the guardians and 3) the common workers, or producers. Does this account of the virtues writ large, though, correspond to a similar structure in the individual soul? We conclude that it does. This is the the second installment of Book 4. Enjoy!
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#plato, #socrates, #platoandsocrates, #socratesandplato, #republik, #republic, #westerntradition, #philosophy, #rationality, #drjohndwise, #philosopher, #philosophical, #philosophicalauthor #westerntraditionphilosophy, #traditionalphilosophy, #foundations, #foundationalphilosopher, #foundationaltext, #platosrepublic, #philosophy, #dialogue, #dialogues, #greekphilosophy, #ancientgreekphilosophy, #athens, #platonicdialogue, #platonic, #ancientgreeks, #ancientgreece,#hellen, #hellenistic, #athenian, #atheniantradition, #greekcivilization, #greeksociety, #greekhistory
Thomas Paine’s COMMON SENSE, Part 4
Leading up to the American Revolution, Thomas Paine's Common Sense made persuasive arguments for American Independence from Great Britain and for republican government. It is one of the most effective political tracts in history. First published in Philadelphia in January of 1776, it took the country by storm, turning the tide of opinion in the colonies. It also made Thomas Paine a central figure in the colonies, catapulting him to fame. He followed Common Sense with The American Crisis, a series of 13 essays written in the years following the Declaration of Independence (1776-1783). This is part 4. Enjoy!
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#commonsense #americandocuments #foundingdocuments #unitedstatesconstitution #unitedstateshistory #americanhistory #unitedstates #foundingideals #spiritualaspirations #georgewashington #thomasjefferson #colonialamerica #colonies #liberty #republic #republicangovernment #politicaltract #declarationofindependence #philadelphia #paine #thomaspaine
T S Eliot ”Portrait of A Lady”
T. S. Eliot's meteoric rise to fame as the early twentieth-century's pre-eminent poet on the basis of a handful of poems and a few essays remains one of the great success stories of all time in my estimation. The poems this month are all part of Eliot's pre-conversion to Christianity phase. They are characterized by an idiosyncratic poetic language and imagery that is all his own. I have come to love Eliot's poetry, especially his later work (and especially Four Quartets). It is shocking, world-weary and wise, and deeply informed by the spirit of the age without being overtaken by it. Enjoy!
#poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymescheme #tseliot #eliot #portraitofalday #portrait #lady
George Orwell’s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 4, part 1
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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#georgeorwell #animalfarm #classic #classicdystopianliterature #dystopianliterature #dystopianfiction #dystopian #literature #fiction #psychologicalliterature #psychological #psychology #totalitarian #totalitarianfiction #totalitarianliterature #20thcentury #20thcenturyliterature #woke #wokism #orwell
Plato’s REPUBLIC, Book 4, part 1
Plato's Republic is arguably THE foundational text of the Western tradition in philosophy. Book four presents the completion of the kallipolis, the good city, and this means that it must possess the four virtues of wisdom, courage, moderation and justice. Finding wisdom in the rulers, courage in the guardian auxiliary class (the defenders of the city), and moderation as an agreement among everyone as to who rules, by process of elimination justice, the object of our inquiry, must be whatever is left over. Justice, it turns out, is just the proper division of labor amongst the three parts of the populace: 1) the rulers, 2) the guardians and 3) the common workers, or producers. Does this account of the virtues writ large, though, correspond to a similar structure in the individual soul? We conclude that it does. This is the the first installment of Book 4. Enjoy!
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#plato, #socrates, #platoandsocrates, #socratesandplato, #republik, #republic, #westerntradition, #philosophy, #rationality, #drjohndwise, #philosopher, #philosophical, #philosophicalauthor #westerntraditionphilosophy, #traditionalphilosophy, #foundations, #foundationalphilosopher, #foundationaltext, #platosrepublic, #philosophy, #dialogue, #dialogues, #greekphilosophy, #ancientgreekphilosophy, #athens, #platonicdialogue, #platonic, #ancientgreeks, #ancientgreece,#hellen, #hellenistic, #athenian, #atheniantradition, #greekcivilization, #greeksociety, #greekhistory
Thomas Paine’s COMMON SENSE, Part 3
Leading up to the American Revolution, Thomas Paine's Common Sense made persuasive arguments for American Independence from Great Britain and for republican government. It is one of the most effective political tracts in history. First published in Philadelphia in January of 1776, it took the country by storm, turning the tide of opinion in the colonies. It also made Thomas Paine a central figure in the colonies, catapulting him to fame. He followed Common Sense with The American Crisis, a series of 13 essays written in the years following the Declaration of Independence (1776-1783). This is part 3. Enjoy!
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#commonsense #americandocuments #foundingdocuments #unitedstatesconstitution #unitedstateshistory #americanhistory #unitedstates #foundingideals #spiritualaspirations #georgewashington #thomasjefferson #colonialamerica #colonies #liberty #republic #republicangovernment #politicaltract #declarationofindependence #philadelphia #paine #thomaspaine
T S Eliot ”The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock”
T. S. Eliot's meteoric rise to fame as the early twentieth-century's pre-eminent poet on the basis of a handful of poems and a few essays remains one of the great success stories of all time in my estimation. The poems this month are all part of Eliot's pre-conversion to Christianity phase. They are characterized by an idiosyncratic poetic language and imagery that is all his own. I have come to love Eliot's poetry, especially his later work (and especially Four Quartets). It is shocking, world-weary and wise, and deeply informed by the spirit of the age without being overtaken by it. Enjoy!
#poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymescheme #tseliot #eliot #thelovesongofjalfredprufrock #prufrock #jalfredprufrock
George Orwell’s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 3
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences! This is the full chapter 3.
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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Plato’s REPUBLIC, Book 3, Part 4
Plato's Republic is arguably THE foundational text of the Western tradition in philosophy. Book Three continues to discuss the educational system of 'guardians' of the hypothetical city we are constructing, the "good city" (in Greek kalipolis). We continue to discuss the official censorship required to be sure that our guardians are educated in the proper way. Once this is concluded, we discuss which of the guardians should rule, and how they are to be chosen from the other guardians, and finally that the guardians are to live a communistic existence without private property, wealth, or even living space. This is the the final installment of Book 3. Enjoy!
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Thomas Paine’s COMMON SENSE, Part 2
Leading up to the American Revolution, Thomas Paine's Common Sense made persuasive arguments for American Independence from Great Britain and for republican government. It is one of the most effective political tracts in history. First published in Philadelphia in January of 1776, it took the country by storm, turning the tide of opinion in the colonies. It also made Thomas Paine a central figure in the colonies, catapulting him to fame. He followed Common Sense with The American Crisis, a series of 13 essays written in the years following the Declaration of Independence (1776-1783). This is part 2. Enjoy!
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#commonsense #americandocuments #foundingdocuments #unitedstatesconstitution #unitedstateshistory #americanhistory #unitedstates #foundingideals #spiritualaspirations #georgewashington #thomasjefferson #colonialamerica #colonies #liberty #republic #republicangovernment #politicaltract #declarationofindependence #philadelphia #paine #thomaspaine
The Law of the Jungle, Rudyard Kipling
One of my favorite Kipling poems! It talks of the necessity of order, structure, and self-discipline, of community and responsibility. The laws of the jungle flow from the laws of nature and of nature's God. Enjoy!
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#rudyardkipling #lawofthejungle #postmodernism #traditionalmorality #wolf #britishpoetry #christianity #atheism #atheist #faith #reason #agnosticism #christ #bible #cslewis #wisdom #philosophy #reason #rationality #socrates #plato #poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymescheme #rationality #faith #philosophy #philosopher #culture #society #reason #history#psychology #theology #literature #humanities #hardquestions #wisdom #ethics #science #poetry
George Orwell’s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 2
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences! This is the full chapter 2.
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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Plato’s REPUBLIC, Book 3, Part 3
Plato's Republic is arguably THE foundational text of the Western tradition in philosophy. Book Three continues to discuss the educational system of 'guardians' of the hypothetical city we are constructing, the "good city" (in Greek kalipolis). We continue to discuss the official censorship required to be sure that our guardians are educated in the proper way. Once this is concluded, we discuss which of the guardians should rule, and how they are to be chosen from the other guardians, and finally that the guardians are to live a communistic existence without private property, wealth, or even living space. This is the the third installment of Book 3. Enjoy!
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COMMON SENSE by Thomas Paine, Part 1
Leading up to the American Revolution, Thomas Paine's Common Sense made persuasive arguments for American Independence from Great Britain and for republican government. It is one of the most effective political tracts in history. First published in Philadelphia in January of 1776, it took the country by storm, turning the tide of opinion in the colonies. It also made Thomas Paine a central figure in the colonies, catapulting him to fame. He followed Common Sense with The American Crisis, a series of 13 essays written in the years following the Declaration of Independence (1776-1783). Enjoy!
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#commonsense #americandocuments #foundingdocuments #unitedstatesconstitution #unitedstateshistory #americanhistory #unitedstates #foundingideals #spiritualaspirations #georgewashington #thomasjefferson #colonialamerica #colonies #liberty #republic #republicangovernment #politicaltract #declarationofindependence #philadelphia #paine #thomaspaine
Rudyard Kipling’s ”IF”
One of Kipling's most well-known and beloved poems, teaching the today much maligned virtues of manhood. Enjoy!
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#if #rudyardkipling #virtues #manhoodpoem #bravery #riteofpassage #thechristianatheist #drjohndwise #drjohnwise #johnwise #christian #atheist #christianity #atheism #jesus #jesuschrist #god #bible #oldtestament #newtestament #nocompromise #rationality #faith #philosophy #philosopher #culture #society #hegelism #hegel #reason #incarnation #history#psychology #theology #literature #humanities #hardquestions #postmodernism #woke #wisdom #ethics #science #poetry #poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymeschemeinpoetry
George Orwell’s 1984, Part 1, Chapter 1, part 2
George Orwell's 1984 is classic dystopian literature, but it is also psychologically astute and prescient concerning the totalitarian tendencies of the 20th century's ideologies. With the rise of 21st century Wokism currently in vogue, its message is a clarion call for the present, too. Let us beware of embracing rather than opposing the lies that are being forced upon us, lest we find ourselves, too, living in a world in which we must guard our very thoughts, lest they betray us. Hold fast to the truth, no matter the consequences!
Enjoy ... and be vigilant!
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Plato’s REPUBLIC, Book 3, Part 2
Plato's Republic is arguably THE foundational text of the Western tradition in philosophy. Book Three continues to discuss the educational system of 'guardians' of the hypothetical city we are constructing, the "good city" (in Greek kalipolis). We continue to discuss the official censorship required to be sure that our guardians are educated in the proper way. Once this is concluded, we discuss which of the guardians should rule, and how they are to be chosen from the other guardians, and finally that the guardians are to live a communistic existence without private property, wealth, or even living space. This is the the second installment of Book 3. Enjoy!
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Thomas Paine’s THE AMERICAN CRISIS, Essay 1
"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."
Thus begins one of the most well-known and loved treatises of the American Revolution. Written in 1776 after the great difficulties of the initial engagements with the enemy, General Washington thought so much of this first installment of what would become a book of 13 essays, that he had it read to the troops at Valley Forge. We present here the first essay only, but in its entirety. Enjoy!
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#americancrisis #thomaspaine #thomaspaineessay #paine #americandocuments #foundingdocuments #unitedstatesdeclaration #unitedstateshistory #americanhistory #unitedstates #foundingideals #spiritualaspirations #georgewashington #thomasjefferson #colonialamerica #colonies #liberty #trymenssouls #summersoldier #sunshinepatriot #treatise #americanrevolution #valleyforge
Rudyard Kipling’s ”The Gods of the Copybook Headings”
In this poem, Kipling points to the dangers of social engineering, of ignoring traditional morality in favor of "social progress." The arrogance of the human intellect, he warns, can lead to terrible destruction despite "good" intentions. It is the "gods of the copybook headings," representing the simple truths of traditional morality that guard and warn humanity most effectively. This seems a message tailor-made for today. Enjoy!
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#poem #poetry #verse #literature #aestheticliterature #aesthetic #rhythmic #phonaesthetics #soundsymbolism #metre #prosaic #literarycomposition #poet #ambiguity #symbolism #irony #poeticdiction #muse #prosody #meter #metricalpatterns #rhymescheme #rudyardkipling #glennbeck #progressivism #godsofthecopybookheadings #thechristianatheist #drjohndwise #drjohnwise #johnwise #christian #atheist #christianity #atheism #jesus #jesuschrist #god #bible #oldtestament #newtestament #nocompromise #rationality #faith #philosophy #philosopher #culture #society #hegelism #hegel #reason #incarnation #history#psychology #theology #literature #humanities #hardquestions #postmodernism #woke #wisdom #ethics #science #poetry