Episode 102 - Ya Know What Grinds My Gears?
This week with Pixie back, she and Boomer will be talking about an out-of-hand, crazy wedding, the wedding photo from hell, listener stories from the retail world, and why Boomer may possibly be a deranged maniac.***NOTE: For the rest of the year, we are going to be releasing episodes every other week on Thursdays. We apologize, but Pixie will be having to be out of state and we don’t have the equipment to record from multiple locations. January 2025 we’ll be back to every week. Thank you.**Like, subscribe, SHARE, rate 5 stars with a review on whatever platform you are listening on. Send us your industry stories: [email protected]. And become a producer at patreon.com/serviceentrancepeople. Tune in to new episodes every other Thursday on your major podcast platforms.Esta semana, con el regreso de Pixie, ella y Boomer hablarán sobre una boda loca y fuera de control, la foto de boda del infierno, historias de oyentes del mundo minorista y por qué Boomer posiblemente sea un maníaco trastornado.***NOTA: Durante el resto del año, lanzaremos episodios cada dos semanas los jueves. Nos disculpamos, pero Pixie tendrá que estar fuera del estado y no tenemos el equipo para grabar desde varias ubicaciones. En enero de 2025, volveremos a hacerlo todas las semanas. Gracias.**Dale me gusta, suscríbete, COMPARTE, califica con 5 estrellas con una reseña en cualquier plataforma en la que estés escuchando. Envíanos tus historias de la industria: [email protected]. Y conviértete en productor en patreon.com/serviceentrancepeople. Sintoniza nuevos episodios todos los JUEVES en tus principales plataformas de podcast.Ove nedelje kada se Piksi vratila, ona i Bumer će razgovarati o neobuzdanom, ludom venčanju, fotografiji sa venčanja iz pakla, pričama slušalaca iz maloprodajnog sveta i zašto je Bumer možda poremećeni manijak.***NAPOMENA: Ostatak godine ćemo objavljivati epizode svake druge nedelje četvrtkom. Izvinjavamo se, ali Pikie će morati da bude van države i nemamo opremu za snimanje sa više lokacija. Januara 2025. vraćamo se svake nedelje. Hvala.**Lajkujte, pretplatite se, PODELI, ocenite 5 zvezdica sa recenzijom na bilo kojoj platformi na kojoj slušate. Pošaljite nam svoje priče iz industrije: [email protected]. I postanite producent na patreon.com/serviceentrancepeople. Uključite se u nove epizode svakog ČETVRTKA na vašim glavnim podkast platformama.Check out our sponsor Dragon Roast Coffee! Use promo code SERVICEENTRANCEPEOPLE for 15% off your orders!Dragon Roast Coffeepatreon.com/serviceentrancepeoplePaypal.me/serviceentrancepeeps[email protected] Apple podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/service-entrance-people/id1648017353Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/show/7KoWmcXnPaB1Nw9REmuzR0?si=WBarb-R6QTyy9suoWOhNpQ&utm_source=copy-link
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