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Health & Fitness
Primal Potential with Elizabeth Benton
The Primal Potential Podcast is about transformation, not information. So many of us KNOW what we need to do to achieve our goals but we aren't DOING it. There's a continuous gap between our INTENTIONS and our ACTIONS. Primal Potential is a TOOL to help you create massive change in your life and ENJOY the journey!
165: How To Immediately Improve Your Choices
You might not believe me, but I'm telling the truth when I say that there is an undeniable (and very powerful) link between your body language and weight loss. There is. I hope you'll be open minded enough to listen to today's episode in its entirety to see what I mean, why & how you can capitalize on this.
Not only does our body language influence how we feel, but it influences our hormones. For real. In this episode I will share the link between body language, weight loss and our hormone production. Specific power poses can actually reduce stress hormones in as little as two minutes!
164: Are Nuts Healthy?
I get a lot of questions about nuts. Everything from, "Are nuts healthy?" to "How can I stop overeating nuts?"
Let's tackle these questions and everything in between!
There is no black & white answer on the nut issue. In today's episode, as we explore the question, "Are nuts healthy?", I want to show you how to find the right answer for you & adjust your strategy based on your needs, not on universal all-or-nothing statements about nuts.
I will show the types of things you need to consider such as:
What is your goal?
How often are you consuming nuts and in what quantity?
What type of nuts are you consuming?
Is inflammation a problem for you?
Is nutrient deficiency a problem for you?
How many omega-3 fatty acids do you consume on a regular basis?
What other regular sources of omega-6 fatty acids do you consume?
Are nuts a trigger for you or are you able to moderate your consumption?
Don't miss the whole episode for the facts about nuts and their impact on your health & fat loss.
163: How To Lose Your Negative Attitude
This is definitely an "Elizabeth uncensored" episode! When it comes to weight loss, the most important thing you need to lose is your negative attitude. Seriously.
When you argue for your limitations you get to keep them and the majority of people spend more time arguing for why they can't change than for why they can & will. They'll be right every single time.
There's not much in the way of show notes for this one because the truth is: you need to listen.
The single most high-impact change you can make in your life is to change your attitude & your perspective and it's time to change both. In the episode I talk about Breaking Barriers and believe this is a powerful tool to help you in this quest.
Of course, if you have questions after listening to the episode, send me an email.
162: Does Coffee Make You Gain Weight
If you are a regular listener to the podcast, you know I am a huge coffee fan. It's true. I drink a lot of coffee and I drink it every single day. But here's the reality: coffee might be holding you back. Less coffee might actually help you lose weight.
It's true - and what I want to do in today's episode is help you find what is true for you:
does coffee make you gain weight?
is coffee helping your weight loss efforts?
would you be better off with less coffee?
are you ok right where you're at?
how can you minimize the negative effects of caffeine?
We'll talk about the impacts of coffee & caffeine on your hormones, how to know if you're having too much and simple changes you can make to enjoy your coffee without compromising your weight loss goals. I've also linked to some super helpful resources below including one of my favorite coffees, a high-quality water filter and some books about understanding the impact of things like coffee on your hormones.
Does Coffee Make You Gain Weight?
Let me first say that there is no one set answer for everyone. The goal of this podcast episode is to help you find YOUR answer because I am certain your body is telling you!
Caffeine from coffee, tea, sodas or any source drives your body's stress response by increasing the stress hormone cortisol.
Your answer is going to depend on your body's unique ability to metabolize caffeine, your sensitivity to stress and your baseline cortisol level.
Here are some signs that your stress response system might be on overdrive and you could benefit from dialing back your caffeine (coffee):
Feeling "wired but tired" - exhausted but unable to turn off your mind or slow down your thoughts enough to sleep
Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
Heightened emotional responses
Cravings for sugar, starch or sweets, especially after a meal
Overeating in response to stress
Caffeine consumption triggers the production of cortisol by your adrenal glands. It also suppresses the production of adenosine, which helps you stay calm and depletes your "feel good" chemicals like serotonin.
When we chronically elevate cortisol, we can see the following impacts:
Reduced metabolic rate
Increased carbohydrate cravings
Increased belly fat storage
Blood sugar instability
Increased hunger
There are also important considerations regarding the quality of the coffee you drink. When the water in our coffee or the coffee itself contains toxins, that impairs fat loss. Here are some recommendations to improve the quality of your coffee:
Use a water filter (my recommendation is below under "Resources")
Buy single origin coffee
Avoid drinking decaf coffee (it has more toxins)
Aquasana Counter Top Water Filter
Kicking Horse Coffee
The Hormone Reset Diet (Book)
The Hormone Cure (Book)
Episode 046: Water Quality
161: Fat to Fit Part 4 - Listener Q&A
I hope you enjoyed this Fat to Fit miniseries as much as I did! Today I'll be tackling a few of the most common questions I've received about these nutrition, mindset and fitness episodes.
Before you dive into today's episode, please check out parts 1, 2 and 3. The listener Q&A won't make too much sense if you haven't heard these episodes.
Fat to Fit Part 1 - Nutrition
Fat to Fit Part 2 - Mindset
Fat to Fit Part 3 - Fitness
Fat to Fit Part 4: Listener Q&A
In today's episode I'm tacking some hugely important questions. Listen to the entire episode to hear me answer:
If eating puts me in storage mode, does that mean that I'm automatically in fat storage mode after eating?
What about the opposite? If I'm in a fasted state, does that mean I'm in fat burning mode?
What is your take on fat loss nutrition strategies like ketosis, intermittent fasting or carb cycling? How do I know if these are effective strategies for me?
I understand that fat loss is a mindset thing, but I keep stopping and starting. Can you help me stop stopping?
Are spin classes or other group exercise classes good ways to burn fat?
160: Fat to Fit Part 3 - Fitness
Okay folks, today is the final episode of the Fat to Fit series before our wrap-up Q&A episode.
Before you dive into today's episode, please check out parts 1 and 2:
Fat to Fit Part 1 - Nutrition
Fat to Fit Part 2 - Mindset
Today we're looking at fitness for fat loss & 3 pillars of efficient, effective fat loss workouts. I also talk about who SHOULD be incorporating fitness into their fat loss efforts and who shouldn't. Yup, there are certain people who I don't think should be adding fitness into their routine.
I've also put together a series of workouts you can do at home with little (or no) equipment as well as some inexpensive basics you can have at home to make dozens of workouts possible! You can get them for FREE by clicking below.
Fat to Fit Part 3: Fitness
In today's episode I'm breaking down the 4 primary mistakes I see people making when it comes to the way they approach fitness for fat loss. I go into detail with my thoughts on:
guilt & doubt
pre & post workout nutrition
overeating after workouts
not providing enough stimulus
thinking that "more is more" with exercise (it's not)
Then we start having a lot of fun. I share what I feel are the 3 pillars of fitness for fat loss and explain how to combine them for maximum fat loss. These 3 pillars are:
maximum muscle recruitment
159: Fat to Fit Part 2
Ready for part 2 of our Fat to Fit series? If you missed part 1, which was all about fear and nutrition, you can listen to that episode here.
Today we're diving into mindset. I believe very strongly that fat loss is achieved (or not) only when you conquer the battlefield of your mind.
Unfortunately, most of us spend the majority of our time & energy on trying to white-knuckle changes to our diets or fitness routine. We'd make progress faster if we spent the time understanding & tearing down the barriers between what we want to do & what we actually do in moments of temptation or emotion.
I also shared that between now and the end of April (2016), I'll be sharing a daily question or mantra on Facebook & Instagram to help you implement these mindset strategies at critical points of decision.
You'll absolutely want to listen to this episode if you struggle with:
Disadvantages (barriers to change or success)
158: Fat to Fit Part 1 - Nutrition
I'm excited! We're kicking off a new series today! It's called Fat to Fit and I'll be helping you move from wherever you currently are to further along the spectrum towards your goals. This Fat to Fit series is all about sustainable progress.
In part one we're tackling nutrition and looking at the kinds of small, achievable changes you can make to improve your nutrition in a way that leads to more fat loss.
In parts 2 & 3 we'll tackle improvements in mindset & fitness but, for today, we're focusing on food.
You likely fall into one of these categories:
You know what to do but you aren't doing itYou're confused about food & fat loss and aren't sure what changes to make or howYou feel like you're doing what you need to do but you aren't seeing results.Today's episode will provide strategies and suggestions for all three.
Before we dive into today's episode, I want to acknowledge that improving your food choices for fat loss can be really tough if you don't know what to eat or you're bored with food. I know I used to spend hours on Google looking for fat loss meal ideas only to find that they were either too expensive, used obscure ingredients I didn't have or took WAY too long to make. I'm saving you time & energy! I have curated a list of 100 fat loss meal ideas and dozens of recipes and I'll share them with you for free! Just click the green banner below and they're yours!
157: My Personal Weight Loss Success Strategies
Today I am going to share with you some of my own personal weight loss success strategies.
Lately, I've been hearing a lot of comments and getting emails about how people wish they were as motivated as I am or had as much willpower as I do. It is not about motivation or willpower.
There is nothing I have that you don't have, except practice. I have practiced more and I have simplified more.
I'm going to take you inside my personal thought processes and into my daily life to show you these simple things I practice in order to create my own weight loss success strategies (without super human anything).
My Personal Weight Loss Success Strategies
Let me first share a few high level personal philosophies that set me up for success and then I'll get tactical. Here are my non-negotiable philosophies:
I refuse to lie to myself
I ask myself a lot of questions
I won't make things more complicated than they need to be - I eat whole foods that I enjoy eating & I pay close attention to my body & the signals it sends me
I spend more time DOING than PLANNING
So what does that look like on a day-to-day basis? How to I keep myself on track during the day through the normal ups and downs of life?
I don't keep convenience foods around. If I want to eat, I have to prepare something. This forces "the pause" and eliminates mindless eating. Nothing is mindless when you have to stop what you're doing & cook instead of grabbing an easy handful.
I create energy through movement (instead of always eating in response to low energy)
I do one good thing first. I make sure I approach decisions from a positive, not negative, frame of mind
I wear tight things. Around the house. All the time. This helps me keep a close eye on what is happening with my body.
156: Fat Loss, Family & Friends
I get a lot of questions about fat loss, family & friends. I guess, more specifically, I hear from a lot of people that their family & friends make their fat loss more difficult.
Today, I want to tackle those challenges (and I do believe they can be simply tackled without trading in your friends or abandoning your family).
A lot of this comes down to personal responsibility & understanding that you are the only one controlling what does (or doesn't) go into your mouth.
But, I totally know it's not as easy as simply ignoring other people's comments, questions or challenges. So today we're tackling fat loss, family & friends from both tactical & mindset standpoints.
Fat Loss, Family & Friends
In today's episode I cover some of the most common challenges I hear about between fat loss, family and friends including:
How to tell your friends that you're trying to make healthier choices without coming across as judgemental
How to handle fear of missing out in social situations if you choose not to drink or indulge
How to indulge in social situations without going overboard
How to handle an unsupportive spouse or partner
The ways by which you might be setting your partner up to be negative about the changes you're making
How to handle a partner or kids who don't want to eat the healthier food you're preparing
How to handle situations when your children or partner bring tempting foods into the house
Quotes in today's episode
If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
155: The End of Self-Sabotage
Today we're having another Primal Potential Book Club episode all about the end of self-sabotage!
I read a lot of books and I'm constantly going through books about health, nutrition & fat loss but I only want to share a book with you when I feel a sense of, "Oh my goodness, they NEED to hear this." I most recently got that feeling with a book that has nothing to do with fat loss, yet EVERYTHING to do with fat loss.
The book is called The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.
The book is written for anyone struggling with internal resistance - excuse making, procrastination, quitting - and is perfect for individuals who are trying to get healthy, burn fat or improve their food choices.
In today's episode I share the passages that moved me the most & discuss how they apply to health & fat loss.
The End of Self-Sabotage
“There's a secret that real writers know that wannabe writers don’t, and the secret is this: It's not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write.”
This is 100% true of weight loss. It’s not the good choice that is hard. It’s the thinking about it. The debating. The internal arguing back and forth and the situations you create and battle with in your head.
That’s the secret that most people who have lost weight know that people who haven’t lost weight haven’t yet accepted: It’s not the fat loss part that’s hard. It’s tackling the junk in your head that is hard.
On the very next page he writes,
“Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance.
I think if you have any amount of weight to lose you get this. I think you get this if you feel like food is controlling your life.
It's this sense that there’s the life I am living and the life I plan on living after weight loss. Or, the life I wish I could live if I could just tackle this battle.
What does resistance look like? What does it sound like? As soon as I explain how Pressfield explains it, I think you’ll start to see it pretty clearly in your own life. I know I can. I see it immediately in my clients. It stands out once you recognize it.
“Anything that rejects immediate gratification in favor of long term growth, health or integrity.
Here’s one of the first ah-ha moments I had when I was reading The War of Art:
“Resistance” can be an incredibly valuable tool. If we aren’t sure what we SHOULD be doing – what is BEST for us – look to where the greatest resistance is.
You can USE it in that way. The more important or significant something is, the more resistance we often feel.
That’s so true in weight loss. You know where I’ve seen this most with clients? Alcohol. There is so much resistance to dialing back or working on moderation with alcohol (for some people.)
Where there is the greatest resistance is often a fantastic indicator of where we need to be doing more work,
Now here’s what I think is scary: how does resistance gain strength?
From us. We feed it. We feed it with our fear. It has ABSOLUTELY NO STRENGTH of it’s own unless we fuel it with our fear and our belief and our focus.
We can choose not to do this. We can starve resistance by not giving in to it. When you give in to resistance, it gains power.
One of the most common forms of resistance is procrastination. We aren’t telling ourselves “no”, we’re just saying “later” (even though we know that we don’t do it later.)
I took a picture of the page Pressfield writes about procrastination. Well, just a couple sentences, really.
"NEVER FORGET: This very moment, we can change our lives. This second, we can sit down to do our work."
This second, we can make a good choice. This second, we can do something that will move us forward.
Pressfield writes about sex as a form of resistance – distraction – but I think his argument there is maybe even more true of food – I’m going to read what he wrote but replace the word sex with food, okay? You’ll love this:
“Sometimes resistance takes the form of food, or an obsessive preoccupation with food. Why food? Because food provides immediate and powerful gratification.
Resistance gets a kick out of knowing that it has distracted us with a cheap, easy fix and kept us from doing our work.
Of course not all food is a manifestation of resistance. In my experience, you can tell by the measure of hollowness you feel afterwards. The more empty you feel, the more certain you can be that your true motivation was not real, but Resistance.
Uh – yeah, ya think? The immediate and powerful gratification? The hollowness afterwards?
Yes. And no.
Say no to that. That is fueling resistance.
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
154: How To Make Small Choices Count
I used to talk myself into indulgences & exceptions by saying things like, "This one thing won't hurt" or "it doesn't make a difference." But the small choices can hurt and one thing does make a difference. In today's episode we're talking about how to make the small choices count.
One of the tough things about food choices is that they don't usually have immediate negative consequences but they do often have immediate positive consequences.
What do I mean?
Well, if you have a handful of M&Ms, your pants aren't immediately tighter but you do get an immediate sugar rush.
Imagine if our bodies responded to food the way Pinocchio's nose responded to lies. Whoa. Game changer, right?
Even though we can't see or feel immediate negative consequences, that doesn't mean they aren't there.
Today's episode is a short one but helps you see that nothing is without consequence, nothing is free and everything is either an investment in our health or costs us our health.
153: Eat More of These for Faster Fat Loss
Today we're talking about some of the best vegetables for weight loss & how they make fat loss easier!
We start off by exploring how you can determine which vegetables are the most (or least) fat loss friendly and then we take a closer look at cruciferous & allium vegetables and the ways they support fat loss.
Allium vegetables & cruciferous vegetables support insulin, metabolism, detoxification & much more. They are certainly some of the very best vegetables for weight loss.
152: Success Stories From Current Clients (In Their Own Words)
What a special episode today! Some of the amazing folks in my Winter Fat Loss Fast Track are sharing their progress, struggles, challenges & successes! Yup! Real life success stories!
My hope is that you can see yourself in them & have hope in your ability to transform, to get consistent & to achieve the results you want.
151: How To Stop Overeating & Giving In To Temptation
Last week I shared a personal episode about my experiences with binge eating. I talked about how & why I binged & how I stopped. The response to that episode was overwhelming. Whether you could relate to binge eating or just emotional eating and overeating, hundreds of you reached out for help and support.
Today I want to help you take that next step. I want to cover how to stop overeating & repeatedly giving in to temptation.
So many people feel like it's beyond their control - like they just can't stop. You can. I will help you.
How To Stop Overeating & Giving In To Temptation
I was a champion overeater and binger. I used food to cope with emotions and I would often eat until I felt (or became) sick. I felt that in many ways food owned me and had more control than I had. I was wrong.
There were a few strategies I began to gradually implement to help me radically change my relationship with food, my mindset & my body.
I strongly encourage you to listen to the episode because I think it will be helpful to hear exactly how & when I'd implement these strategies.
The first step I encourage you to take, before implementing any of the strategies described in this episode is to identify the lies you tell yourself. For me, the lies were often, "I'll start tomorrow. Just this once. It won't hurt. I deserve a break."
I want you to challenge those lies and ask yourself, "Is that true?"
When you tell yourself, "I'll start tomorrow", is that true? Do you? Or is this how you make yourself feel good about being indulgent? Are you telling yourself what you want to hear?
Then, you can try one of the following 4 strategies:
Just for today
The 3 questions
How do I want to feel in 1 hour?
How will this choice make me feel?
Is it worth it?
1 more (rep, choice, minute, hour)
Do not go back to what broke you
In today's episode I explain how these work & how I apply them in moments of indecision.
150: How To Interpret Signals Your Body Sends
I want to challenge you to pay more attention to your body & less attention to everyone else's. I want to show you how to interpret the signals your body sends every single day & use them to your advantage.
The reality is that your body is constantly communicating with you. It's letting you know what's going right, what's not, which hormones are struggling and which ones are cruising right along.
Many of us, however, are so busy living life & paying attention to other people and things that we don't pay attention to the signaling & signs of our own bodies.
Today we'll take a dive into keeping a journal of what you eat & the signals your body sends without the cumbersome tasks of counting calories or macros. We'll uncover the common sense approach to fat loss & hormone balance.
The primary signals we get from our bodies related to fat loss & hormones are quality of sleep, hunger, energy, mood & cravings. Those are the signals we'll evaluate today.
149: How to Win Internal Debates
Do you ever have silent debates with yourself? You know, you make a decision to eat clean & then find yourself debating Girl Scout Cookies?
The cartoon depictions of the devil & angel on opposite shoulders certainly originated from someone who knows exactly what I'm talking about!
In today's episode we're talking about how to win internal debates and how to identify, understand & overcome them.
Have you ever heard the Cherokee story about two wolves? I share it on this episode & adapt it to the internal debates I have over food & health.
A fight is going on inside me. It is a constant battle between two lions.
One is stubborn & lazy. She is greedy. She stands for pity, guilt, resentment, lies, abuse, avoidance, excuses, exceptions and delays.
The other is beautiful. She is hopeful. She is strong. She is optimistic. She is determined. She cares for me, believes in me and knows that everything is possible. She is my guardian and wants to guide me to my potential.
The same fight is going on inside you and inside every other person, too.
Which lion will win?
The one you feed.
148: Personal & Intense - Inside a Binge and How I Used Food
Today's episode is different. It is intense, it is personal & there are tears. I am talking about binging. I am taking you inside a binge.
I'm not doing this to share my secrets or cleanse my soul. I am sharing this episode for 3 reasons:
It feels like the right thing to do
To publicly share details that most of us never talk about. We talk about dieting, we talk about being frustrated and dealing with temptation, but most people aren't talking about binging. My hope is that by sharing my own experiences, you will feel comfortable asking for help. Maybe not asking openly to the world, but at least you'll know that I understand and I want to help.
To give you hope. I was so deep in a cycle of using food as a drug that I didn't think I could ever break through, but I did. So, I share my story to give you hope.
147: Are Hidden Food Sensitivities Hurting You?
Hidden food sensitivities - sensitivity to foods or types of foods you don't even know you have - might be contributing to fatigue, joint pain, headaches, depression, weight gain or a whole host of other challenges.
We need to keep in mind that food sensitivities are possible if you aren't truly "allergic" to an item. Unfortunately, many of us see sensitivity and allergy as all-or-nothing scenarios. That's not the case.
Chronic discomforts that you attribute to "aging" or "just the way you are" might very well be avoidable causes of a food sensitivity.
In today's episode we're looking at these hidden food sensitivities and the common triggers as well as how they might manifest themselves.
I challenge you to eliminate the common triggers for 2-3 weeks and slowly add them back in, one at a time, so you can understand what you're truly sensitive to.
You might think that a small paper cut on your finger is no big deal, and you'd be right. But what if you kept getting paper cut after paper cut in the same place on the same finger 3-10 times each day?
In just a matter of days you'd have a pretty serious problem on your hands, right? (Pun intended. It's okay to smile and think I'm cute.)
This is the exact thing that happens with hidden food sensitivities we might not even realize.
With each meal or snack, we introduce an inflammation-triggering food that on it's own is pretty harmless but with repeat exposure creates a serious issue.
These implications of hidden food sensitivities might be as mild as acne or bloating and can be as severe as chronic, systemic inflammation.
Symptoms like eczema, acne, headaches, depression, joint pain, weight gain and mood swings can be the result of repeat exposure to foods we don't even realize are problematic for us.
In today's episode I will introduce you to the most common food allergens, I'll share how they impact health, where we find them and how to avoid them.
I'll challenge you to eliminate them for a few weeks and slowly re-introduce them one at a time.
Most Common Food Allergens:
Sugar & artificial sweeteners
Soy & peanuts
When we eliminate processed foods and focus on whole foods, we avoid the majority of these. It's not as simple as skipping the omelets and the yogurt. We have to keep in mind the huge array of processed foods that contain dairy, eggs, gluten, sugar, artificial sweeteners, soy products or peanuts.
Keep in mind that you don't need to avoid these forever. You need to, however, remove them for long enough to allow the inflammation to die down and your gut to heal.
Just the like example of the repetitive paper cut, it's not enough to stop cutting your finger, you also have to allow ample time for your finger to heal.
I've put together a detailed list of meal ideas, recipes & snacks to help you in your quest to eliminate these common allergens and monitor your body's response.
146: Hacking Motivation
It's pretty tough to talk yourself into doing anything if you aren't motivated. I know. I've been there. But I've got you covered today with 8 ways to get motivated so you can stop THINKING about what you want & starting GETTING it.
For most of my life I desperately wanted to lose weight, I hated my body, had no energy and was tired of trying and failing but it seemed like I wasn't motivated enough to do the work.
So frustrating.
I know I'm not alone. I get emails every single day like this one:
I look up recipes, buy groceries, fail at making them (usually turns out bland and nothing like the recipe) and don't meal prep so I end up eating out for every meal. I still hate the way I look and feel and constantly feel defeated. How do I change or overcome apathy? No idea.
I'll be honest, though: I love getting emails like that. I love it because they're asking for help, they want to make a change and I know I can help. I'm thrilled that they've opened the door for me to nudge them in the right direction.
Before we dive into the 8 ways to get motivated, I need to establish the fact that most people really don't understand what motivation is or how to create it.
It's a bit of a paradox. Most people think, "I'm not taking action because I'm not motivated."
The reality of motivation is close, but opposite: you aren't motivated because you aren't taking action.
145: Obesogens - Chemicals That Make You Fat
Obesogens are a real thing. They are a class of chemical compounds found all around us that impair the functioning of our fat cells, interfere with metabolism & initiate hormone chaos. Obesogens are truly chemicals that make you fat.
Have you ever heard of endocrine disrupters? Endocrine disrupters are chemicals that interfere with any aspect of hormone action in the body. Obesogens are a specific class of endocrine disrupters that specifically target fat gain, fat loss, appetite and hormone balance related to fat loss.
They cause major problems but we can make a difference. Today's episode talks about two specific obesogens: BPA and PFOAs. We'll talk about what they do, how we're exposed to them and what to do about them.
Don't miss this episode. It's a good one!
Obesogens: Chemicals That Make You Fat
In today's episode we're covering the following questions:
What are obesogens?
How do they impact fat loss or gain?
How do these chemicals impact your hormones?
What is BPA?
What is PFOA?
What kinds of things are they found in?
Why are they legal?
How can I avoid them?
Is it possible to detox from obesogens I might already have in my system?
Why do these obesogens target body fat?
Research on Obesogens
State restrictions of BPA
More detail than you could ever want on obesogens
Understanding obesogens
More research on obesogens
144: Apple Cider Vinegar & Weight Loss
In today's episode we're talking all about apple cider vinegar and weight loss. I'll be sharing the research related to apple cider vinegar, weight loss, fat burning & fat storage. Plus, we'll dive into how & how much apple cider vinegar to use to get these weight loss benefits.
If you're going to give apple cider vinegar (ACV) a shot, it's super important to know which type to buy. Not all ACV is created equal and we'll be diving into that in this episode.
Here's the brand of apple cider vinegar I use.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss
In today's episode we're answering the most common questions about ACV
What is apple cider vinegar?
How is it different from other types of vinegar?
Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight?
How does apple cider vinegar impact blood sugar, fat burning & fat storage?
Are all types of apple cider vinegar the same?
What kind should I buy?
How much should I take?
How do you take it? What are some delicious apple cider vinegar recipes?
What about other uses for ACV?
Carrot Ginger Dressing with ACVBlend all ingredients in the blender and use as needed for salad dressing
4 large carrots
1" piece of raw ginger (peeled)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
the white part (bottom) of a green onion
Sprinkle of salt
I also love to add 1-2 tbsp ACV to 20 oz of water with the juice from 1/2 a lemon
143: How To Silence Your Inner Critic
I want to challenge you today. I want to show you how to silence your inner critic.
You know, that voice that says, "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I can't" or "This is so hard".
That voice. How do we make it go away?
There’s no strategy, no plan, no protocol, no diet that will work if you don’t get out of your own way & do the work.
Unfortunately, many of us stay stuck for too long, if not forever, in our own way.
We are the only reason that we aren't living the life we want. We are the only reason we don't have the body we want. We are the only reason we aren't who or where we want to be.
And we have the power to change that. Today's episode is all about "how".
How to Silence Your Inner Critic
Identify your most common excuses, limitations or methods of procrastination
Determine when you anticipate them to pop up in the next week
Pre-determine your response
Most of us misunderstand motivation. We think it’s just wanting something badly enough, and if we do, we’ll do the work.
That’s not true. That’s grossly incomplete.
Motivation is like a fire. We misunderstand when we think it's a simple as lighting a match.
When you light a match, do you have fire? You sure do!
But then what? What happens to a match? It fizzles out really fast.
It's just the beginning. It's just potential for fire. It is a spark.
It must be sustained.
If you just have the spark, you find yourself wondering, "What's wrong with me? Why am I not doing the work? Why can't I follow through? Why aren't I strong enough?"
You're just missing a step. You're missing the step that keeps the fire burning.
That step is ACTION.
Action fuels motivation. Action stokes the fire.
You might be wondering, "what does this have to do with how to silence my inner critic?"
Our inner critic keeps us from taking action.
The voice of doubt & delay makes excuses that tell us tomorrow will be better.
That's the dragon we must slay. That is how you silence your inner critic.
Know it. Expect it. Deny it.
142: 10 Tips To Beat Fake Flavor
Fake flavors and frankenflavors are everywhere! The biggest challenge we face is that these fake flavors trigger us to overeat & experience strong, consistent cravings. Today I want to share 10 tips to beat fake flavor so you can burn more fat, feel less hunger & get rid of your cravings.
This is the tactical follow-up episode to the 2 part series I did on how our food has changed. In part one, I talked about the changes to whole foods and how/why they're more bland than ever. In part 2 I talked about processed foods & how flavor is designed to make us overeat.
Today is all tactic. These 10 tips will help you beat fake flavor, retrain your palate, enjoy food mood, eat less, free yourself from cravings & conquer the world (too much?)
Pay attention to where your flavor comes from
Set a goal to reduce fake flavor
Cook at home more often
Buy quality over quantity
Dial down the use of sweeteners (even honey, agave & stevia)
Try new things & taste bold flavors
Slow down
Eat for hormone balance
Vote with your wallet
Build mental toughness
For the details on how to execute these tips, definitely listen to the full episode!!
141: Is Fake Flavor Making You Fat Part 2
Is fake flavor making you fat? What is fake flavor? Why does it seem like year after year we crave food more yet experience less satisfaction from it? What has changed?
A lot has changed.
Our food has changed. Whole foods are different and processed foods are different.
This combination makes fat loss tough and fat gain pretty easy.
In part 1 of this 2-part series we talked about how whole foods have changed. We went into detail on what has happened to our chicken, beef, pork, fruits & vegetables to reduce their quality and their flavor.
Today we're talking about processed foods & how their flavor has skyrocketed as have their addictive qualities that set us up to overeat & keep coming back for more.
Most importantly, I invited you on a challenge with me. A challenge to break the chains of fake flavor and stop allowing your palate to be held hostage by the food industry. This 14-day challenge is 100% free and you can do it as many times as you'd like! I really hope you'll take the leap & take control of your food choices and your life.
There are a couple problems I want to tackle in today's episode:
Whole foods are being turned into processed foods
Processed foods are out of control, addictive & often dishonest
I want to help you understand how & why processed foods are causing problems, what foods are a problem & how we can overcome it.
We often approach dieting from the willpower first standpoint of "don't eat the donuts".
I want to challenge you to a new approach: "create a state where you don't desire the donuts to begin with".
That is 100% possible & that's what I want to kick off today. Relying on willpower against processed foods is like trying to arm-wrestle a crane. We can be smarter.
There are several ways processed foods are engineered to hijack our palate:
Flavor (taste & smell)
Emotional state
Hormonal state
Brain response
These foods, from cookies to soups are fake, cheap & addictive.
Functional MRI (fMRI) is used to ensure addictive qualities.
Emotional profiling is used to ensure these foods satisfy emotional needs & trigger desired emotional outcomes.
Macronutrient profile is manipulated to ensure that we stay hungry, avoid satiety & experience cravings
Natural doesn't mean natural
"Natural flavoring" doesn't mean the ingredients are from natural sources. It may mean that the processing method was natural.
According to the Environmental Working Group, the chemicals used in natural and artificial flavors are often the exact same or nearly the same.
There is no legal requirement in the United States to disclose the components of "natural flavorings".
140: Is Fake Flavor Making You Fat Part 1
Is fake flavor making you fat? What is fake flavor? Why does it seem like year after year we crave food more yet experience less satisfaction from it? What has changed?
A lot has changed.
Our food has changed. Whole foods are different and processed foods are different.
This combination makes fat loss tough and fat gain pretty easy.
Today is part 1 of 2 episodes talking about what has changed about food & what we can do about it so we enjoy food more, eat less of it & reach our fat loss goals without deprivation.
139: 10 Tweaks to Accelerate Fat Loss
I can't tell you how often people email me and say, "I'm doing everything right & it's not working".
Here's what I say in response: "If it's not working, you're not doing everything right"
You need to keep in mind that your mental construct of what's "right" might be holding you back because if it's not working for you, it's not right for you.
It might be right for someone else. It might have been right for you a year ago or 20 lbs ago. But if it's not working for you, it's not right for you. You have tweaks to make. You need to make a change.
Stop getting frustrated and invest that energy in being strategic.
In today's episode I'll be sharing 10 potential tweaks you can make to accelerate fat loss.
Do not take shortcuts here. You absolutely need to listen to the full episode to understand the how & why behind each of these tweaks.
Most importantly: only implement ONE AT A TIME.
Seriously! Being an overachiever will not serve you here!
If you want to accelerate fat loss, you've got to know which strategy works & which doesn't. If you implement more than one at a time, you don't know which one is responsible for your results!
Eat less frequently
Dial back the sweet stuff (even "healthy" sweet stuff)
Increase non-starchy vegetables
Eat more fat
Eat less fat
Decrease protein
Increase the intensity of your workouts (you'd better listen to the full explanation here!)
Get more sleep
Reduce stress and/or increase frequency of stress-relieving activities
Practice self-discipline
138: WTF Happened?
Let's talk about your goals. How's it going? Or, maybe, WTF happened?
Is there a gap between what you said you were going to do and what you've actually been doing?
Are you finding that you make excuses & exceptions on the regular?
You're not alone.
But let's not let the year slip away feeling like we could have done more or tried harder. Let's assess the situation and get real about how we can get the results we want. That's what today is all about.
In today's episode we're talking about how to break out of the cycle of setting intentions and not doing the work. Unfortunately, we take the approach of "same pond, same frog" and end up wondering, "WTF happened?" The intentions were there, the motivation was there when we set the intentions, but same pond, same frog, nothing new to see here.
The notion of "same pond, same frog" basically means that we don't change ourselves and we don't change our environment but try to change the outcome. It doesn't work.
I want to teach you, in this episode, how to set yourself up for the situation of either:
Same pond, new frog OR
New pond, new frog
You must change YOURSELF if you want to change your results.
We cannot focus on the external only. When we focus on eating differently or exercising differently, those are external foci.
Our external results are reflective of our internal results. Change must start inside.
To be successful in achieving our goals, we must strengthen the following mental muscles:
In this episode I detail these 5 keys to creating new results & becoming a new frog.
Start small
Keep your word
Challenge yourself
Be positive
Seek feedback from failures
137: Always Hungry?
Let's try something new! I'm going to be kicking off a monthly series on the podcast - you can consider it the Primal Potential Book Club! We're starting with Always Hungry by Dr. David Ludwig.
I read a ton. I've always got a couple of books going. Each month, maybe even a couple of times a month, I want to share with you the best books I've read, the most interesting things I've learned and how I've changed my fat loss approach (if at all) based on those books.
Without question, one of the best books I've read recently is Always Hungry by Dr. David Ludwig. In today's episode I'm sharing the most powerful lessons in the book and my thoughts on his "Always Hungry Solution" that he argues (quite well) will conquer cravings, retrain your fat cells and help you lose weight permanently.
In today's episode I'm sharing what I feel are the most powerful & high-impact points made by Dr. Ludwig in his new book. I share my commentary and what changes I made based on this great read (as well as how my body responded). Definitely take a listen to the full episode but here are the highlights of what I share from the book.
We don't get fat because we overeat. We overeat because we're getting fat.What? Huh? Of course we get fat because we overeat. No. We overeat, he argues, not because of the volume of food we eat but because of the type of food we eat.The type of food we eat creates a hormonal condition that makes us 2 things: hungry and fat.It makes our fat cells greedy. They suck up more than their fair share of the nutrients we eat. The body responds by triggering hunger & cravings. We eat more. We overeat because of the hormonal conditions created by the type of food we eat.Dr. Ludwig uses a couple of great examples to help explain this notion that we overeat because we're getting fat, not the other way around.Think of a teenage boy during puberty. Do we say he’s growing because he’s eating so much? No! We say he’s eating so much because he’s growing. The hormonal conditions in his body are increasing his appetite. His appetite isn’t creating the hormonal conditions that make him grow.The same is true in pregnancy. Do we say that a pregnant woman’s belly is growing because she is eating so much? No! She is eating so much because her baby is growing. The hormonal conditions in her body increases her appetite.This, he argues, (strongly, in my opinion) is what happens with obesity. Here’s what Dr. Ludwig explains in Always Hungry:The food choices we make when our diet is filled with processed foods, grains, wheats and oats send insulin production into overdrive. Insulin is a fuel delivery hormone (if you need an overview on insulin, check out this episode).This chronic, overstimulation of insulin essentially fertilizes your fat cells. Your fat cells become greedy because they are overstimulated. They suck up more than their fair share of the nutrients you consume.Well, what happens if the fat cells are taking more than their fair share of the nutrients you consume?The body misses out. The rest of your body doesn't get the fuel it needs, even if you're eating it! How does the body respond? Hunger & cravings to stimulate you to feed it and by lowering your metabolic rate to conserve fuel because it's not getting enough (even though it is).It’s not a matter of having too many calories in the in the body, it’s too few in the right place.
We can reprogram our fat cells to release stored caloriesOur food choices are responsible for programming our fat cells to take up too much fuel. Therefore, by changing our food choices, we can reprogram our fat cells to release stored calories. We do this in two ways (that I go into in more detail in this episode). We do this by choosing foods that don't overstimulate insulin production/release and that control (and minimize) inflammation.
Dieting is not the answer.Cutting back on calories will cause weight loss in the short term, but it programs your body to work against you. There's a better way. Dr. Ludwig uses the example of taking an ice bath in response to a fever. Yes, a fever is reflective of too much heat in the body so you could reason that sitting in an ice bath would bring your body temperature down. And it will, in the short term. However, the body will compensate by making you shiver and trigger vaso-constriction to conserve heat, so it's not a long term approach.We see this all the time with dieting. Sure, it might lead to short term weight loss but the body will fight against you by lowering metabolic rate, increasing hunger and triggering cravings.Dieting is a short term strategy that has been repeatedly proven to deliver, at best, short term results. We have to work with the body, not against it.
It's not about calories.Even when you keep calories constant, you can significantly impact the number of calories you burn at rest by changing where your calories come from.In Always Hungry, Dr. Ludwig shares some of his clinical research where two groups of individuals received the same exact number of calories per day, but with different ratios of carbohydrate and fat.The individuals on the higher fat, lower carb diet burned 325 more calories per day at rest than the individuals consuming the exact same number of calories but on a lower fat, higher carb approach.It's not about the number of calories you consume as much as it is about the signals they send to your body.
Your fat cells reach a critical threshold where they begin to emit stress signals to your body.Your body's primary objective is survival. It will always operate from a "survival first" perspective. The two most significant threats to your body are starvation & infection.Your body fat is protective against starvation. It is the fuel reserve for your body. More or less, it ensures your protection against starvation. For that reason, your immune system (prevention from infection) and your body fat are very closely linked.Your white blood cells (whose job it is to protect against infection) patrol your body fat. They do so because your body fat would be the holy grail feast site of a potential infection.Unfortunately, your fat cells become stressed when they're taxed and over-fed. They begin to emit stress signals to which your body responds.Those white blood cells call in reinforcements from the rest of your body (preventing infection fighting elsewhere) and your body begins to attack itself. This is the onset of auto-immune disease and other inflammatory conditions including heart disease.
We have to eat to reduce inflammation & calm our fat cells so they are willing to release their stored fat.Dr. Ludwig shares how to do this via food choices in his Always Hungry Solution.
The Always Hungry Solution is all about minimizing your body's insulin response and controlling inflammation via food choices. Of course it emphasizes whole foods with the greatest emphasis on plant-based fats like avocado, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil followed by non-starchy vegetables and high quality animal proteins.
Phase 1: 2 weeks long. 50% of calories from fat, 25% from carbohydrates (non-starchy veggies and non-tropical fruits) and 25% from protein
Phase 2: Duration of weight loss. 40% of calories from fat, 35% from carbohydrates (non-starchy veggies & fruit) and 25% from protein
Phase 3: Maintenance - finding what makes you feel the best while maintaining results
After reading Always Hungry, I was inspired to make a few changes. Just these tiny changes to my already clean diet improved my sleep, significantly reduced my hunger (and I wasn't really hungry to begin with) and in just 10 days led to noticeable changes in my lower abdominals.
136: Creating Consistency and Motivation
I spent the last couple weeks going through my email to identify where MOST people are running into the most trouble reaching their goals. The two words that jumped out at me most often were "motivation" and consistency".
I started thinking about the process of creating consistency and motivation and how I could really help you hone those skills. Ultimately, there's no food rules or goals that are valuable without recurring consistency & motivation.
In today's episode I share 3 very specific strategies for creating consistency and motivation. One of them is related to what I'm calling a "Motivation Mixtape".
This minisode is all about creating consistency & motivation. I start by sharing what is known as The Paradox of the Growing Heap or the Sorites Paradox.
It goes like this: If ten coins are not enough to make a man rich, what if you add one coin? What if you add another? Finally, you will have to say that no one can be rich unless one coin can make him so.
When it comes to fat loss, we see our choices as that one, insignificant coin. We justify excuses and exceptions by telling ourselves that this one small choice or action doesn't matter.
It's just one cookie.
It's just drink.
It's just one day.
But, if we shift our perspective to consider the growing heap, we understand that we have the opportunity to grow our heap or not. We have the opportunity to reinforce good habits or bad.
In an of itself that one choice might not seem significant. But without that one choice, you can't accumulate the consistency you need for results.
Here's the challenge I have for you:
Get a large jar
Every time you make a choice that moves you towards you goals, I want you to add one item to the jar. You can use a grain of rice, a dried bean or a coin.
Every time you make a choice that moves you away from your goals, I want you to remove one item for your jar.
Here's the theory behind that: we humans like to see immediate results. Unfortunately, with health & fat loss, we often have to generate consistency before we'll ever see results. If we don't see immediate return on our efforts, we'll often give up. Then we're sure to NEVER get there.
This jar will be the visible, tangible representation of your efforts, or lack thereof.
135: Q&A Lack of Momentum & Bouncing Back
It's been too long since I've done a Q&A episode! Let's fix that! I get a lot of emails from people who are struggling with lack of momentum and feeling unsure how to get "back on track" after a rough day, week or series of weeks.
In today's listener Q&A podcast I'm going to share my thoughts on listener questions related to lack of momentum, feeling stuck in a rut and battling cravings.
Don't forget: if you have questions or you need a bit of encouragement to get moving in the right direction - please don't hesitate to reach out for help! That's what I'm here for!
Ep 134: Overcome Information Overload
Sometimes we get stuck in this trap of focusing more on consuming information than on implementing it. And often, we get a false sense of affirmation from all this learning, as if we've actually DONE something and we haven't. Information is awesome. Learning is wonderful. But there is no value in it without implementation.
In today's episode I want to help you bridge this gap between learning and doing. Between knowing more and doing more. I want to help you overcome information overload so you can take what you know already and what you continue to learn and use it to improve your health, your physique, your finances or absolutely any area of your life.
Ep 133: Common Mistakes with Carbs and Cravings
Let's talk about 5 common mistakes with carbs and cravings. I think we'd all agree that motivation & willpower can only go so far. If we're battling cravings, fat loss is a lot harder than it needs to be.
I have ZERO doubt that cravings can be eliminated. And if you're striving for fat loss & health, they should be.
In today's episode we're going to talk very specifically about 5 common mistakes & misunderstandings I see related to carbohydrates and cravings.
I want you to understand that carbohydrates are not bad. They aren't. In fact, if you look at my average meal plate (or that of most of my clients) you'll find that the majority of my plate is carbohydrates. What?!?! Yes! Non-starchy vegetables! Vegetables are carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are not the enemy.
They do not need to be eliminated for fat loss. It's not the carbohydrate that is the problem. It's lack of control of blood sugar & insulin that is the problem. When we don't control blood sugar, we set ourselves up for fat storage, low energy, cravings and hunger.
Ep 132: Overfed & Undernourished Part 2
I think that most of us, weight problem or no weight problem, are overfed and undernourished. We focus on foods that deliver an imbalance of energy & nutrition. We get plenty of energy in the form of calories but we starve our bodies of the nutrients they need for both proper & optimal function.
Specifically, in this overfed and undernourished 2 part series, I want to talk about 5 nutrients I feel most of us aren't getting enough of. I'll dive into why they're important and how we can get more.
Did you miss part 1? No worries - you can listen to it here.
Ep 131: Overfed and Undernourished Part 1
I think that most of us, weight problem or no weight problem, are overfed and undernourished. We focus on foods that deliver an imbalance of energy & nutrition. We get plenty of energy in the form of calories but we starve our bodies of the nutrients they need for both proper & optimal function.
Specifically, in this overfed and undernourished 2 part series, I want to talk about 5 nutrients I feel most of us aren't getting enough of. I'll dive into why they're important and how we can get more.
We have an unfortunate tendency to rely on processed foods that deliver energy without nutrition (or with little nutrition). This leads to "malnutrition of affluence" or a situation of being overfed and undernourished.
We simply aren't giving our bodies the raw materials they need to function optimally. This leads to:
Chronic disease
Instead of looking at health & weight loss through the lens of restriction and deprivation, I'd encourage everyone to focus on equipping your body to function optimally so it creates a state of leanness, energy and vitality. When making food choices, ask yourself:
Is this energy & nutrition or one without the other?
In this series, I want to focus on 5 things I feel we need more of. In part one, I'll be focusing on essential fatty acids & vitamin D.
In today's episode I'll focus on essential fatty acids and:
What they are
What they do
The problems related to deficiency
The problems with the Standard American Diet & essential fatty acids
How to consume more
The difference between omega 3s and omega 6s
How to reduce omega 6s
How to increase omega 3s
Related to vitamin D, this episode addresses:
What it is
What it does
The problems related to deficiency
3 ways to increase vitamin D
In the next episode of this series we'll tackle
B Vitamins
Ep 130: Starting Strong Versus Staying Strong
We need to have a little chat about starting strong versus staying strong.
I've been getting a lot of emails lately from people saying that they need a fresh start, the new to begin again, they need a clean slate. Do you need to reset? Does that make sense? Or might that be the exact reason you're not seeing the progress you want?
I actually think that the resets, fresh starts and do-overs are actually in the way of progress and today I want to tell you why.
Ep 129: 7 Ways To Avoid Failure
I was recently inspired by a Motley Fool article on successful investing that talked about the importance of mindset. I immediately knew that these principles were intimately related to success in all arenas of life, including weight loss. Today I'll share 7 ways to avoid failure based on success strategies that have the power to transform absolutely any area of your life.
I've talked before about the link between financial transformations & physical transformation and today I'm going to take that a step further. Don't miss the full episode!
Ep 128: Does Dairy Slow Weight Loss?
Dairy is a highly debated topic, especially as it relates to weight loss within the Paleo, Primal and whole foods communities. Does dairy slow weight loss? Is it fat loss friendly? Does it increase blood sugar? Does it influence insulin, the master fat loss hormone? Some of the answers might surprise you and we're going to answer all your questions & then some in today's episode!
In today's episode, I'll be going through the following 10 statements in more detail. Don't miss the full episode!
The intended purpose of milk, from any mammal, is to deliver nutrients to and accelerate the growth of an infant
Milk & most milk products contain sugar in the form of lactose. Though "sugar" might not be listed on the label, that does not mean there is not sugar within. The carbohydrates contained within come from this milk sugar. Any sugar reflected on the label is added sugar in addition to the lactose.
Though dairy products (excluding those with added sugar) don't produce much of an increase in blood sugar, they do elicit an insulin response. Typically, glycemic index and insulin index are similarly impacted but this is not the case with dairy products. They have a unique insulin reaction that I explain in this episode. Individuals who are insulin resistant should consider limiting dairy for this reason.
The hormones produced by the mammal which produced the milk are often still contained within the milk. If you drink the milk, you ingest said hormones. This is, of course, a dose-dependent relationship and the hormone content depends on many different factors including the quality of the product, the type of product and the hormone levels (natural & artificial) of the animal.
Casein, the predominant protein in milk products, is a major allergen for many people.
Not all animal milks are created equal. Goat's milk, for example, is higher in fat and lower in casein and lactose.
Nut milk is not milk. While this seems obvious to many, it is not to all and is worth a discussion.
Whether or not you can or should tolerate dairy products depends in large part on your individual gut health/permeability.
Your bacterial balance (or imbalance) will have a lot to do with your body's response to dairy consumption.
Lactose content, casein content and insulin impact depend on the type of dairy consumed.
If you are concerned about calcium intake, consider these non-dairy options which are good sources of calcium:
Canned salmon
Sesame seeds
Ep 127: How To Reduce Stress
Most of the people I talk to feel overwhelmed. They want to take control of their health & their habits but they're overwhelmed by life. They're taking care of family, working, maintaining their home. It's a lot.
That's what this episode is for. I want to help you understand how to reduce stress and get more results by simplifying your environment, your mind & your life.
I've created a free guide for you so you can take the concepts in this episode and implement them into your life. Visit the show notes page for this episode or go to to get your free guide! But definitely make sure to listen to the entire episode! I know it will be incredibly helpful for those of you who feel stressed, overwhelmed & life you just don't have enough time or bandwidth to achieve your goals.
How To Reduce Stress
Identify what is important to you
Eliminate the rest
Simplification isn't just about your schedule or your thoughts. We can simplify many areas of our lives as we consider how to reduce stress & accelerate progress towards our goals.
It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up - stay on top of recurring tasks if you can't eliminate or outsource them
Understand & respect Parkinson's Law - tasks will expand to fill up the time you allot to them. This is where they phrase "If you wait until the last minute it only takes a minute" comes from. Assign a fixed amount of time to complete a task and then focus exclusively on that task for the pre-determined interval
The simplification guide will help you simplify each of the following categories with dozens of suggestions for how to reduce stress by making changes in each of these areas
Environment & Space
Motivational Minisode
Today's motivational minisode is not my own. This perfect minisode shares the perspective & beautiful thoughts of one of the women I'm lucky enough to work with.
I think it's a wonderful thing when we can learn how people overcome their personal barriers and implement powerful behavior changes. She has done that, is doing that and today we're going to hear some of her thoughts.
Ep 126: Fat Loss Basics Part 6
To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss. In the second, we covered everything you need to know about carbs & fat loss. Then we tackled protein & highlighted the ways that protein intake increases satiety & supports fat burning but also established how too much protein inhibits fat loss. In part 4 we looked at dietary fat & how eating more fat might help accelerate fat burning! In part 5, I talked about what makes fitness efficient & effective for fat loss (and what doesn't).
To get caught up, check out part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5.
In today's episode I'm answering your questions on all 5 parts of this fat loss basics series.
Fat Loss Basics Part 6 - Your Questions Answered
Here are the questions I'm answering in this episode:
I'm so frustrated. I'm eating right, I'm working out and I'm not losing a pound. Can you help? Can you tell me what to do next?
I love intermittent fasting. When I break my fast, I do so with protein or fat. That means I'm still in fat burning mode, right?
I have lemon juice & ginger first thing in the morning. Does that take me out of fat burning mode?
Does stevia raise blood sugar?
I love to eat popcorn. I looked at the label & it says there are no sugar but there are carbs. Does this mean it doesn't raise my blood sugar?
What do you think of protein shakes?
Is dairy protein or fat?
I see that you workout on most days. Don't you need to let your muscles rest & recover?
I am one of those people who gains weight when I lift weights. You say that weight lifting doesn't make muscles grow. So then why do I gain weight?
Ep 125 - Fat Loss Basics Part 5
To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss. In the second, we covered everything you need to know about carbs & fat loss. Then we tackled protein & highlighted the ways that protein intake increases satiety & supports fat burning but also established how too much protein inhibits fat loss. In part 4 we looked at dietary fat & how eating more fat might help accelerate fat burning!
To get caught up, check out part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4.
In today's episode we're diving into exercise & fitness for fat loss:
Should you be working out?Can you burn fat without working out?What types of workouts make you eat more?What are the best types of workouts for fat loss?How much & how often should I workout?Should I lift weights?How does leisure walking support fat loss?
Ep 124: Fat Loss Basics Part 4
To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss. In the second, we covered everything you need to know about carbs & fat loss. Then we tackled protein & highlighted the ways that protein intake increases satiety & supports fat burning but also established how too much protein inhibits fat loss. In this episode, we're diving into dietary fat & how eating more fat might help accelerate fat burning!
To get caught up, check out part 1, part 2 and part 3.
In today's episode we're taking a look at how & why dietary fat supports fat loss:
Does fat make you fat?
Why should you eat more fat?
What happens when you go on a low fat diet?
How does fat intake trigger your body to burn more fat?
What are some fats to focus on?
How much fat is too much fat?
Ep 123: Fat Loss Basics Part 3
To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss. In the second, we covered everything you need to know about carbs & fat loss.
To get caught up, check out part 1 and part 2.
In today's episode we're taking a deep dive into protein for fat loss including:
How does protein support fat loss?
How does protein make me feel fuller for longer?
How does protein impact my hormones?
How can protein improve my metabolic rate & body composition?
What are the biggest mistakes people make with protein?
Are beans protein?
How do you know if you're eating too much protein?
What foods are proteins?
I love sharing this kind of information with you & I'd love to stay more connected & keep you informed, encouraged & motivated through my VIP email list.
Ep 122: Fat Loss Basics Part 2
To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss.
In today's episode we're taking a deep dive into carbohydrates including:
What are they?
How do different types of carbs impact fat loss?
How do carbs impact metabolism?
What are the best carb strategies for fat loss?
Fat Loss Food Guide
Hormones & Fat Loss E-Book
The Golden Rules of Carbs & Fat Loss
Why Calorie Counting is Misleading
Carb Timing
Carb Tolerance
Ep 121: Fat Loss Basics Part 1
To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! This is the first episode of the series and I'll be covering all the basic information about calories, hormones, fat loss foods & fitness.
Today we will establish when calories matter and why a calorie deficit is not sufficient for fat loss.
In this first episode of the Fat Loss Basics series, we go into detail on a few fat loss truths. Definitely listen to the entire episode to understand them in their entirety and be sure to listen to the whole series as it becomes available!
A calorie deficit is required for fat loss
A calorie deficit does not ensure fat loss
Fat burning is turned on & off by your hormones
The two primary hormones in control of fat loss are glucagon & insulin
We can control both insulin & glucagon with our food choices
Insulin is an important & necessary storage hormone. Insulin is responsible for delivery fuel to our cells & ushering excess fuel to storage sites within the body (this can be muscle storage or fat storage).
Without insulin, our cells would starve & we would die.
The presence of insulin informs the body that there there is ample fuel in the body and therefore fat burning is not required.
Glucagon works opposite of insulin.
Glucagon responds when there is no fuel available from food. The presence of glucagon allows fat to be released from storage and burned to provide energy to the body.
A calorie deficit alone is not enough to instruct glucagon to do it's job.
You need a calorie deficit & control of insulin/glucagon.
Here are a few ways you can control insulin & glucagon to maximize your fat burning potential:
Follow the Golden Rules of carbs & fat loss
Avoid overfeeding
Minimize stress
Avoid chronic cardiovascular/endurance exercise
Ep 120: Biggest Barriers To Weight Loss
I decided to take a fun, new approach to my next live webinar to ensure that I am giving you guys EXACTLY what you need, not just what I think you might need. Everyone who registered for the webinar was given a survey to establish what they feel are their biggest barriers to weight loss. In today's episode, not only do I invite you to take the survey & register for the live webinar, I share the most common answers I've received and weigh in on these challenges.
I will absolutely tackle these issues & challenges on the webinar as well as in upcoming podcasts, emails, blogs & courses.
I'm so thankful to those of you who took the time to take the survey and share your challenges with me!
In the survey, I ask 3 questions:
What is the primary reason you give up or give in when attempting to lose weight?
What is your most significant barrier to changing your eating habits?
What is the one thing you'd most like to learn on the webinar?
Nearly 60% of people said that they primary reason they give up on their weight loss attempts is TEMPTATION. In moments of temptation, they surrender.
This is what I call "The Gap" & I'll be spending a lot of time on the webinar talking about the gap & how to avoid it. "The Gap" is the space between our intentions & our actions. We fall in the gap when we give in to temptation. But how do we stop? How do we stay strong and true to our goals in those moments? I'll show you.
Almost 70% of people answered that their most significant barrier to changing their eating habits is emotional eating. Boom. Yes. I so get that. That is EXACTLY WHY I am hosting this webinar on New Year, New Approach. We can have all the meal plans & food lists in the world, but that's not the issue. The issue is not WHAT to eat but rather WHY we eat. This will be tackled on the webinar & of course in the return of the Breaking Barriers course.
Lastly, the two most common things people said they wanted to learn on the webinar were how to stop emotional eating & self sabotage. Well, my friends, you've come to the right place. I've got you.
Now, about 20% of people want nuts & bolts about what to eat, when, how much, etc. I've got you, too! Next week I'll have a detailed episode on the nuts & bolts of fat loss for nutrition as well as the nuts & bolts of hormones, mindset & fitness. Do not miss that. In the meantime, check out the resources section right below for a handful of previous episodes & other tools on those topics.
Ep 119: Goal Setting Workshop
'Tis the season for setting goals, right? Unfortunately, most people will go about their New Year goals the same way they always have. Chances are, they'll get the same results.
They'll capitalize on the motivation that comes with the fresh start of a new year but that motivation will wane, they will get distracted and they'll give in to temptation and opportunity.
I don't want that for you. I think we all realize that most people don't reach their New Years goals. Let's break that trend this year.
This episode is a goal setting workshop. It's not a lecture. It's an activity to go through together to ensure that you set an important goal and crush it.
Goal Setting Workshop
There are some pretty common mistakes people make when it comes to their goals.
They set too many
They aren't specific
They don't re-visit the goals often enough, if ever
Their time horizon is too long
They don't address the obstacles that could hold them back
I want to help you take a different, effective approach this year. I've created a goal setting & tracking worksheet to help you crush your 2016 goals in every arena of life.
In this episode, I'll walk you through the worksheets and help you set a goal and begin to make progress.
Together, we will identify:
The specific goal you want to achieve
The timeframe in which you will achieve it
Why this goal matters & what you stand to gain
What happens if you fail to achieve the goal
The barriers between you and achievement
The strategies you'll need to implement to achieve your goal
How to stay focused every single day
How to ensure you make continuous progress
Ep 118: How to Stop Emotional Eating
You can do this. You do not need another food list or meal plan. You need to understand and implement strategies to stop emotional eating, self-sabotage and over-indulgence.
I used to be a serious emotional eater. And binge eater. And any-reason-at-all eater. I am not anymore. It's not about willpower. It's about strategy & practice.
Let's PLEASE stop focusing exclusively on food & exercise and start addressing the real issues!
How To Stop Emotional Eating
First you really want to understand the behavior. If I were to ask you why you do it, "I don't know" isn't an option. "I don't know" just means, "I haven't paid enough attention yet to understand it well enough". Start to pay attention. I want you to be able to answer the following questions:
What am I doing? (Related to emotional eating, overeating, binge eating, etc)
Why do I do it?
Where & when does it happen most often?
What does it do for me?
Is it working?
Is it true?
Is it worth it?
Really invest in answering those questions. If you feel like you're stuck, keep asking the question "why?" and you'll be surprised by what you uncover.
Then, there are some practical strategies you can implement (one at a time) to help you stop emotional eating. I describe & explain the strategies in detail in this episode so make sure to take a listen to the full episode!
Pre-define your daily or weekly indulgences. This will force you to pause, consider your options and select things that are truly worth it. The number of indulgences depends on your baseline (I give concrete examples in the episode).
Mandatory questions. You don't have to answer them all, but pick the ones that resonate with you and answer them on paper prior to emotionally eating or over-indulging.
3 series: How do I want to feel in 30 minutes? How will eating this make me feel? Given those answers, is this indulgence worth it?
Is this choice reflective of the type of person I want to be? If it's not, is it worth it?
If I make this choice every day for the next year, where will I be then?
Mandatory pause. You can have it be a micro pause or a long pause, but consider the following before you indulge or make any decision:
Wait 30 seconds
Journal for 60 seconds
Take a walk
Get in a workout
Practice self-discipline in other areas not related to food. Build your self-confidence and influence your food choices without every focusing on food. Some examples of things you might work on include:
Making your bed every day
Not hitting snooze
Walking more often
Cleaning the kitchen every day
Maintaining a budget
Flossing your teeth
Make sure to check out the full episode for detailed suggestions on how to implement these strategies to help you stop emotional eating, binge eating or over-indulging.
Ep 117: How to Make 2016 Amazing
I want 2016 to be different for you. I don't want you to struggle in the same 'ol ways, being obsessed with weight loss, frustrated, stopping & starting, trying & failing. I want you to be free from food obsession.
I am admittedly a little tough in this episode. I'm ok with that. I'm ok with that because I believe this is the key for how to make 2016 amazing in every way.
I want you to use this short episode as a daily mantra to make this the LAST year you struggle. The last year you feel obsessed with food. The last year you stress about and wish for weight loss.
I want this to be the end of wishing but not doing. I want this to be the end of inconsistency. I want this to be the end of your "all or nothing" approach.
Give your full attention to this episode so you can get really clear on how to make 2016 amazing in every way.
How To Make 2016 Amazing
Pick ONE thing. One habit you know that if established will help you reach your goals. I give plenty of examples in the episode.
Do it every day.
Do not wait for motivation.
Do it anyway.
What would happen if you applied your "food approach" to other areas of your life?
What if you didn't take care of your kids until you felt motivated? Until there wasn't a better option? Until you were no longer tempted by things like sleeping in or going out with friends?
What if you only showed up to work when you felt like it?
What if you only went to meetings when there wasn't something better you could do?
It's just one thing.
Ritualize & habitualize it.
If you wait until you feel like it, you'll be wishing for the same changes 5 years from now.
You won't feel like it. Do it anyway.