E090 - Audio, Video, Disco
LOOK AS US GO! Emphasis on “LOOK”, dontcha know! Use your eyeballs and feast on the majesty that is VideoGis as she kicks off a new era of podcasting on YouTube.
"But wait!" You surely are saying as you listen to the audio. "What about me?" ...Don't worry, we still got you with piping hot, fresh PodGis every week, the same way you've always enjoyed it. Even though PodGis has gone video, audio episodes will continue as scheduled, with the promise that I, Al Val, will do my best to be mindful of my audio listeners and not get too physical with my antics.
In this episode Val cannot contain her excitement as she discusses blowup dolls, suffering fools at comedy clubs, the Pope’s unfortunate orgasm predicament, religion vs. science, enjoying art, “Talk on Day”, punchline ruiners, and Arnold Schwartzenegger.
How exciting! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share as we pump out a new episode filled with antics every week!