Ep.04: The Importance of Marketing - New Patient Numbers Are a Reflection of You
Since the very beginning when I started consulting private practice owners back in 2004 it was the button of “How to get more new patients” that attracted the most owners to consulting services. Even though we all knew it was because of them failing to be a good leader, time manager, quality control officer, personnel establishment officer, and an overall good executive that was the real problem. Typically, people cannot easily see the faults in themselves but are quick to point out the faults in others, even when they may share those same faults. So, if your marketing is not turning the volume of new business that you'd, like look no further than yourself to find the answer. Your patients want to be proud of the choice they made to want to come to your office for their care, you just have to give them as many reasons as possible to solidify that good decision. Once reaffirmed they will do the rest for you. They will become your little legion of marketing foot soldiers out in your community. Successful marketing is both internal and external efforts, and the better you are able to identify the Who, What, Where, and How the more success you will have in marketing your practice.