Unveiling the Hidden Depths: The Transformative Power of Rowing | Rebecca Caroe
Join Ryan J Melton in an insightful conversation with Rebecca Caroe, the voice behind 'Creative Agency Secrets', on the latest episode of NZ Business Owners podcast. As a B2B strategic marketing and digital business specialist, Rebecca brings 12 years of experience in the field, having worked in Australasian, European, and US markets. Her expertise lies in tactical digital marketing, search engine marketing, and direct response copywriting, making her the go-to person for businesses looking to enhance their marketing strategies and outcomes.
But that's not all. Rebecca's deep-rooted passion for rowing has played a significant role in her life. From rowing at Cambridge University to serving as an Independent Adviser for the Cambridge University Women's Boat Club for 24 years, her involvement in the sport is extensive. In fact, she even commentated for the BBC at the 2012 London Olympics. With a wealth of knowledge as a volunteer rowing coach and a former Director of Rowperfect UK Ltd, Rebecca understands the transformative power of rowing and how it can be applied to business and team building.
In 2013, she launched the 'RowingChat' podcast, where she explores the parallels between high-performance sports and business success. With a combined global audience of 250,000+, Rebecca's podcasts have become a go-to resource for those seeking to unlock their potential and build remarkable brands and teams.
During the podcast episode, Rebecca shares her insights on the rapidly evolving digital landscape and the importance of continuous learning. She discusses her connections with influential thought leaders and innovators, such as Don Peppers, Mitch Joel, Blair Enns, and Euan Semple, who have shaped her understanding of B2B marketing and provided valuable tools for businesses.
But Rebecca's expertise extends beyond marketing. She emphasizes the significance of good governance in building robust businesses and draws from her experience of growing and selling her own global e-commerce business. As a board member of Rose & Thorne, she remains at the forefront of the latest marketing and business technologies, bringing analytical, communication, and practical problem-solving skills to the table.
With her dedication to helping others, Rebecca has served as a business mentor for Lightening Lab and Innes48, supporting and nurturing aspiring entrepreneurs. As an accomplished public speaker and educator, she regularly delivers keynotes, workshops, and seminars, sharing her wealth of knowledge with enthusiastic audiences.
Tune in to this engaging episode as Ryan J Melton and Rebecca Caroe dive deep into the world of B2B marketing, rowing, personal growth, and the secrets to thriving in today's dynamic business environment.