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Spencer Haws:
Spencer Haws from discusses business ideas that actually work. Learn how to build niche websites, market your website through search engine optimization, and much more. In addition, you'll get interviews with leading internet entrepreneurs that provide insight on: authority sites, flipping sites, using Google Adsense, outsourcing, automation tools, linkbuilding, building a real business, software development, creating iPhone Apps, lifestyle business, small business tips, and more. Overall, get your dose of motivation to move forward with your niche business ideas or take your small business to the next level!
NP 7: Building a Brand with Pat Flynn
Pat Flynn discusses how he has been able to build his brand. This interview covers how he generates up to $50,000 a month from his blog, niche sites, iphone apps, and more.
NP 6: How Benny Hsu's iPhone App Made $2,927.44 in 1 Day
Benny Hsu shares how he was able to outsource the creation of his very first iPhone app: Photo365, and make nearly $3,000 in one day. This is a truly inspirational story and offers great insights for anyone wanting to create an iPhone app.
NP 5: Fraser Cain on Building a Real Business
Fraser Cain is the owner of, a highly successful space related website. He also owns Keyword Strategy, a keyword management software. He offers powerful insights on getting search engine traffic and much more.
NP 4: Outsourcing and SEO Services with Tyrone Shum
Tyrone Shum shares his background that led him to the outsourcing business as well as providing SEO services.
NP 3: How AdsenseFlippers Build 100+ Sites per Month
Justin and Joe from share their business model of building hundreds of niche websites and then selling those sites for profit. They also dig a bit deeper into the future of niche sites, business automation, and much more.
NP 2: Chris Guthrie - Internet Entrepreneur, Buying and Selling Websites for Profit
Chris Guthrie of discusses some of his early entrepreneurial websites. He also mentions a site he sold for over six figures and now how he is buying sites and increasing their revenue.
NP 1: My Journey to Becoming an Internet Entrepreneur