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專為3至8歲兒童打造的雙語節目,秉持「英語放輕鬆 5分鐘馬上通」讓孩子打開耳朵自然而然學習,節目匯集瘋英語、小小世界通、你說我說大家說和麻吉同學會不會等系列,透過簡單實用的生活句型、各地文化風情、國際禮儀、自然科學及學校趣事等,用雙語輕鬆有趣的解析,強化孩子英語聽說的能力。【每周六日固定更新】 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep32 雙語麻吉同學會-看醫生常用英文

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep32 雙語麻吉同學會-看醫生常用英文

身體不舒服,到了國外醫院要看醫生不必緊張!拉拉老師今天要教大家到了醫院,有那些【看醫生常用句】呢?把這幾句關鍵記熟了,不舒服也可以說清楚啦!I think I have a cavity. I am going to the dentist. 我可能有蛀牙,我要去看牙醫。Please tell the doctor where it hurts. 請告訴醫生哪裡痛。Are you allergic to any medicine in particular?你有沒有對特定藥物過敏?The doctor will run some medical tests for you.醫生會幫你檢查一下。We’ll check your blood pressure, take X-rays and blood test. 我們要量血壓、照X光,還有抽血。Your wound need to be stitched up. 你的傷口要縫起來。The doctor said you need to be hospitalized. Is there anyone you should informed?醫生說你必須要住院,我應該要通知誰呢?We appreciate your effort. 感謝你們的努力。Thank you for all effort you put in.謝謝你們付出的辛勞。Take care and stay health. 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的【就醫常用句】英文,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep31 雙語麻吉同學會-醫院門診有哪些?

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep31 雙語麻吉同學會-醫院門診有哪些?

身體不舒服,到了大醫院要看哪一科呢? 今天一起來聽聽看醫院裡面的【醫院門診有哪些?】,下次就能跟著指示牌找到要看診的科別囉!clinic 門診emergency room/ emergency department急診室family medicine 家庭醫學科family doctor 家庭醫生dentist 牙醫師dentistry 牙醫科pediatrics 小兒科;兒科ear-nose-throat doctor (=e.n.t. doctor) 耳鼻喉醫生surgeon 外科醫生physician內科醫生dermatology 皮膚科dermatologist皮膚科醫生ophthalmology 眼科ophthalmologist 眼科醫生ICU (Intensive Care Unit) 加護病房 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的【醫院英文】,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep30 雙語麻吉同學會-野餐英文

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep30 雙語麻吉同學會-野餐英文

天氣涼爽的週末一起去野餐吧!今天跟Lala老師一起來為即將到來的野餐一起收拾準備吧! 野餐到底需要帶哪些東西呢?列一張清單才不會落東落西喔!一起來學一學【野餐英文】吧~Picnic野餐Check list 清單☐picnic mat 野餐墊 ☐picnic basket 野餐籃 ☐picnic table 野餐桌 ☐food storage container 保鮮盒 ☐thermos bottle保溫杯 ☐stainless steel straw不鏽鋼吸管 ☐sandwich三明治 ☐cookie餅乾 ☐cracker鹹的餅乾 ☐rice cracker米果 ☐muffin 馬芬蛋糕 ☐cupcake杯子蛋糕 ☐salad 沙拉 ☐sushi 壽司 ☐frisbee 飛盤 ☐fly a kite 放風箏 ☐cushion 靠墊 ☐pitch a tent 搭帳棚 ☐sunhat 遮陽帽 ☐selfie stick 自拍棒 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的【野餐英文】,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep29 雙語麻吉同學會-冷知識動物牙齒

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep29 雙語麻吉同學會-冷知識動物牙齒

小朋友你知道鯊魚、蛇跟蝸牛,誰的牙齒最多嗎?今天拉拉老師要帶大家來學一學【動物牙齒冷知識】喔! Which animal has the most teeth? (A) sharks (B) snakes (C) snails  Snails can eat just about anything.They have rows and rows of tiny teeth.Some kinds of snails have over 20,000 teeth in their months.These teeth looks like small hooks.They can help catch and swallow food.New teeth grow to replace all teeth that are to worn out.Each of its teeth is thinner than a human hair.  以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的【動物牙齒冷知識】英文,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep28 雙語麻吉同學會-網路霸凌怎麼辦?

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep28 雙語麻吉同學會-網路霸凌怎麼辦?

昨天談到間接霸凌,那如果在學校遇到了更嚴重的直接霸凌呢?還有隨著科技的發展,網路上的霸凌要怎麼說?如果遇到了你可怎麼做?英文要怎麼說呢?一起來學一學如何面對霸凌的英文吧!direct bullyingTell your teacher, parents and even the bully’s parents.Spread false rumors and lies.Tell the bully to leave you alone.Walk away from the bully.Ask for help.Always carry things to protect yourself.cyber bullyingAsk the cyber bully to take down their posts.Tell the social media site about the cyber bully.Collect and save the proof.Block the cyber bully.Say “no” to bullying and cyber bullying. 以上就是LALA老師【遇到霸凌怎麼辦】,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep27 雙語麻吉同學會-遇到霸凌怎麼辦?

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep27 雙語麻吉同學會-遇到霸凌怎麼辦?

小朋友,你知道霸凌的英文就是Bully嗎?是不是很好記呢?今天LALA老師要來介紹如果你遇到了間接霸凌,也就是說,有人不是直接在言語或動作上冒犯你,而是間接地做一些事情,導致你感覺不舒服,那該怎麼辦?英文要怎麼說?你可以怎麼辦呢?bullyindirect bullyAsk the bully nicely to stop.Tell the bully how you feel.Do not respond to the bully 以上就是LALA老師的【遇到霸凌怎麼辦】,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep26 雙語麻吉同學會-學校麻煩英文句

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep26 雙語麻吉同學會-學校麻煩英文句

聽完昨天的生活麻煩英文句,今天來學一學如果把小迷糊帶到學校,會有哪些句子可以表達呢?The alarm didn’t go off, I’m late for school.I left my homework at home.I’m going to fail my math test.Pass the test.Do you mind helping me studying?Do you mind me sitting here?I didn’t turn in my homework on time.Someone took my school bag.I throw my correction type by accident.Teacher, my computer isn’t working.Oops, I fall asleep in class. 以上就是拉拉老師生動活潑的【學校麻煩英文句】你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep25 雙語麻吉同學會-生活麻煩大小事英文句

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep25 雙語麻吉同學會-生活麻煩大小事英文句

生活中難免因為迷糊或特殊原因,發生大大小小的麻煩事,這時候要怎麼用英文來表達呢?今天一起來學學【生活大小事英文】~ Mom, did you see my socks?I can’t find my textbooks!Where is my student ID?Uh-oh, I broke my dad’s favorite cup.Oops, I forget to lock the door.I left my keys at home.Mom, can you come home and let me in?I left my lunchbox and water bottle at school.Its rainy, I didn’t bring an umbrella.I think I got in the wrong bus.I got off at the wrong stop.Oh yeah! You found my cellphone, thanks a million!You save me a lot of trouble, you’re the best! 以上是LALA老師的【生活麻煩英文】,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep24 雙語麻吉同學會-做客十大NG行為2

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep24 雙語麻吉同學會-做客十大NG行為2

今天繼續來聽一聽去別人家拜訪,還有哪些行為很「母湯」喔,交情再好,還是要當一個好客人,下次人家才會歡迎你再去他家玩!5. Phubbing, phubbing and phubbing. Are you a phubber? Put down your phone!4. Being late.3. Not saying “Hi” to your friend’s family.2. Not bring a small gift.1. Leaving a mess and not helping clean up.Leaving a mess in the bathroom.Being too loud.Staying for too long. 以上幾點你有沒有不小心踩雷過呢?下次注意不要再犯了喔!LALA老師的【十大做客NG行為】,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep23 雙語麻吉同學會-做客十大NG行為

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep23 雙語麻吉同學會-做客十大NG行為

去朋友家做客,不管再要好,都要注意不要讓自己變成「奧客」喔!網路溫度計調查十大做客NG行為有哪些呢?今天先來揭曉第十名到第六名,一起來聽聽看,去別人家裡要注意什麼吧! Top 10 the most annoying house guest behaviors.10. Visit too early in the morning or too late at night.9. Steal things in the house. I don’t want to bring thief home.8. Arrive unannounced or without an invitation.7. Snoop around. Breaking or damaging your friend’s things is a big no-no.6. Not saying thank you. Don’t take your friends or their family for granted.----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep22 雙語麻吉同學會-美式口語英文2

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep22 雙語麻吉同學會-美式口語英文2

今天繼續來介紹更多在美國才會聽到的【美式英語】小典故喔! 不小心爆粗口可以說什麼來表達抱歉?點餐的時候,除了I’ll order...還有什麼別的說法?最後,It’s all downhill是什麼意思呢?一起來聽一聽吧!You have to pardon my French.Excuse my French.Please excuse my language.What would you like to have today?I’ll do a double cheese Berger, please.I’ll have …(食物).I’ll order …(食物).It’s all downhill from here.It’s all downhill to the weekend. 以上就是LALA老師生動有趣的【美式英文】,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep21 雙語麻吉同學會-美式口語英文

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep21 雙語麻吉同學會-美式口語英文

今天來介紹美國特有的一些口語小典故,下次聽到,你就知道別人口中的Brownie points才不是什麼布朗尼集點活動喔!到底是什麼意思呢?一起來聽聽看吧!You got brownie points for life.You just earned yourself a lot of brownie points with me.I owe you one.Nose bleed seatsWe got the nose bleed seats at the concert.以上就是LALA老師生動有趣的【美式英文】,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep20 雙語麻吉同學會-廚房家電英文

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep20 雙語麻吉同學會-廚房家電英文

走進廚房幫忙的時候,你知道這些常見的家電英文叫什麼嗎?今天一起來學一學這些家電怎麼說,以後就可以進廚房跟媽媽「烙英文」囉! home appliances microwave stove oven toaster rice cooker water filter electric kettle blender coffee machine refrigerator =fridge 以上就是LALA老師帶你走入【廚房英文】,上面提到的家電你家裡有幾種呢,你都學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep19 雙語麻吉同學會-生病英文

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep19 雙語麻吉同學會-生病英文

看到朋友氣色不好、沒精神的樣子,想要關心他要怎麼說呢?中西文化中,對於評論別人的外表有很不一樣的看法,千萬要小心不要無意中得罪朋友,想要關心變吵架那就不好囉! ❌ Are you sick? ⭕️Are you feeling okay? ⭕️You don’t look so well today, how are you feeling today? ⭕️Are you not feeling so well? ⭕️Are you feeling under the weather? ⭕️You are not coming down with the cold, are you? ⭕️Are you coming down with something? 以上就是Lala老師這周【生病問候】的說法,你都學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep18 雙語麻吉同學會-男生英文名

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep18 雙語麻吉同學會-男生英文名

Lady first!說完女孩子的英文名字,今天就接著介紹超夯好聽的男生英文名字吧!一個人的名字真的很重要,這些名字分別有著怎樣的形象?快取一個跟自己「名符其實」英文名字吧!【男生英文名字】Let's go~:LouisOliverNoahMatthewMattGeorgeJamesShawn /Sean  以上就是今天Lala老師介紹的男生英文名字,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep17 雙語麻吉同學會-女生英文名

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep17 雙語麻吉同學會-女生英文名

中文名字爸爸媽媽已經幫你取好了,但是你還可以取一個適合自己的英文名字喔!女孩子有哪些超夯好聽又不菜市場名的英文名字呢?這些名字帶有什麼意涵?給人怎麼樣的第一印象?一起來聽聽今天的【女生英文名字】介紹吧! Aurora ChloeNunaScarlett ElizabethNaomiNatalieReeseZoe 以上就是今天Lala老師介紹的女生英文名字,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep16 雙語麻吉同學會-友誼金句

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep16 雙語麻吉同學會-友誼金句

少了好朋友,世界一定會很無聊吧!今天接著來介紹跟友情有關的好句子,以後寫小卡片給朋友或寫英文作文,就能派上用場了!趕快拿小本本抄下來吧!A friend without faults will never be found. A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have.A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more.Best friends are like a favorite pair of blue jeans. They get better with time.Everything is good when new, but friends when old.FRIENDS: Fight for you, Respect you, Include you, Encourage you, Need you, Deserve you, Stand by you.以上就是LALA老師活潑有趣的友情英文好句子,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep15 雙語麻吉同學會-好朋友

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep15 雙語麻吉同學會-好朋友

你有沒有想過自己有多少好朋友呢?今天來說一說人際交往的小小冷知識--鄧巴數(Dunbar's number),臉書的好友人數上限是5000人,現實生活中,到底一個人的朋友數有沒有上限呢? How many casual friends can most people have? (A)  About five hundreds (B)  About one hundred fifty (C)  About five   500 acquaintances +50 friends +15 close friends +5 best friend/ family Friendship   A friend is like a rainbow, they brighten your life when you’ve been through a storm. 以上就是Lala老師活潑有趣的友情冷知識英文,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep14 雙語麻吉同學會-地震逃生

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep14 雙語麻吉同學會-地震逃生

地震發生了,該怎麼辦呢?今天一起來聽一聽是非題,測驗一下自己的防災知識是否正確喔! 【True or false】  1.      When the earthquake hits, run outside as soon as you can.  【Don’t run outside. Trying to run is dangerous. And objects like shop signs may fall on you. Stay inside. But stay away from glass and heavy furniture.】   2.      Shout for help. 【Don’t shout for help, you may quickly get tired. You may also breathe in a lot of dust. This is very dangerous. Cover your mouth and nose with your shirt. If you hear rescue workers, knock three times on the wood with something.】   3.      Open the door or you’ll get stock inside. 【You may get hurt when you try to open the door. Stay away from the door. Most doors can’t survive a strong earthquake.】   4.      Drop down to the floor and crawl under a sturdy table. 【Cover your head and neck with one arm, hold on to the table with your other arm until the earthquake stops.】 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的地震逃生英文,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep13 雙語麻吉同學會-Earthquake地震

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep13 雙語麻吉同學會-Earthquake地震

臺灣板塊位置導致地震常常發生,今天一起學學地震常說的句子有哪些!Did you feel how big the earthquake was?I was so scare to death that I yell and cry to the earthquake hit.It is scare the hell out of me.It was brown trousers time.The lights are swaying.Things are jumping all over the place in some stores.emergency alert/ earthquake warmingDid you get the earthquake alert?aftershock餘震 ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep12 雙語麻吉同學會-點餐英語

【兒童英語5分鐘】Ep12 雙語麻吉同學會-點餐英語

學會了餐具英文,今天來學一學去到餐廳的萬用句型有哪些吧!Table for 用餐人數-Table for five, please. -One of them is late, but he/ she will be here soon. -Do you have a reservation?I have a reservation for 人數 at 幾點 under the name of 預約人名-I have a reservation for 5 people at 6 o’clock under the name of Li Yi-Tong. -Here’s the menu. -Are you ready to order? -What are your recommendations? -What do you recommend?I would like…我想要吃...-I would like the roast chicken, please. -Excuse me, will my food be much longer? -Is there sharp in this?I am allergic to...我對...過敏-I am allergic to seafood. -This is too salty. -May I get the bill/ check?  以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的點餐英文,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


去餐廳吃飯,餐具掉了該怎麼用英文請服務生給你一份新的呢?今天先來學一學桌上常見的餐具生詞要怎麼說吧! 餐具 knife steak knife butter knife spoon soup spoon coffee spoon chopsticksI prefer to use a fork to chopsticks.fork bowl side dish plate salad plate sauce plate saucer plate /dishdo/ wash the dishesMy favorite dish is pumpkin pasta.tea cup coffee mug wine glass 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的餐具英文,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


你去過澳洲嗎?你是否注意過澳洲人說的英文有一點點不一樣呢?那些日常攤販或是澳洲朋友對你說的一些話,你是不是其實聽得滿頭問號呢?今天一起來學一學澳洲俚語吧!G'day, mate /love.How’re you going /doing?Ta./ Cheers.= Thank you.No worries.= You’re welcome.Take it easy.Have a good one.thong= flip flopWhat’s for tea? 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的澳洲英文,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


食物壞掉了怎麼說?跟東西壞掉一樣是broken嗎?食物發霉要怎麼說? go badThe eggs have gone bad.turn sourThe milk has turned sour.staleFrench sticks / Baguettes go stale very quickly.stale cookie/ cakemoldyAlways throw away moldy strawberries and peanuts, as they are not safe to eat. 以上就是LALA老師的食物壞掉的英文怎麼說,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


今天繼續來介紹被外表耽誤、常常被讀錯的英文單字還有哪些呢? 英文不要直接唸縮寫: IG FB NGBloopers 漏網鏡頭 NG片段  長得太像,發音傻傻分不清cancel /cancersnack/ snakedad/ deaddessert/ desert  動詞/名詞讀起來大不同present 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的英文單字正音part 2,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


英文單字看到什麼讀什麼,甘安捏?有一些常用單字被外表所耽誤,常常被讀錯,今天一起來認識他們吧! 常見單字clothescool/ schoolthumbislandaislereceiptcupboard 人名/專有名詞GeorgeHowardIvanYvonneNicoleIkeaYouTubeCostco以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的英文單字正音,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


新學期開始了,好多新同學還不太熟,社交尷尬不知道聊什麼好? 今天帶大家來學一學【認識新朋友的破冰萬用句】!   天氣Beautiful day, isn’t it?It look like going to rain.Can you believe all of this rain we’ve been having? 興趣愛好What's your favorite music/food/ movie/ tv show?Do you have a pet?Are you a dog person or a cat person?What is its name? How old is it?Can I see your pet’s photo? 穿著I love your dress/ t-shirt.Can I ask where you got it?You look great in pink/ white/ black. 放大絕Tell me more. 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的聊天破冰英文,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


說到義大利的美食,你只會pasta跟pizza嗎?快點跟著Lala老師來學學還有什麼好料要怎麼說吧!義大利麵pasta (總稱)Spaghetti 義大利式細麵條 Penne 義大利筆管麵 lasagna 義大利千層麵 cannelloni 義大利通心麵 ravioli 義大利餃子  醬料tomato sauce 番茄紅醬 cream sauce 奶油白醬 pesto sauce 青醬 meat sauce 肉醬 squid Ink sauce墨魚醬  其他risotto 義式燉飯 pizza 比薩 Tiramisu 提拉米蘇 Gelato 義式冰淇淋 Panna cotta 義大利奶酪 Latte 拿鐵 Cappuccino 卡布奇諾 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的義大利美食英文,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


你知道什麼是【迷因meme】嗎? 「黑人問號」的英文說法就是 the meme of confused Nick Young!      DM不是宣傳單? DM在英文指的是direct message私訊 如果想要說宣傳單是什麼呢?你可以說型錄catalogue單張傳單flyer宣傳小冊子brochureIKR表示超認同 SMH表示傻眼 shanking my head 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的英文流行用語,你學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


上週學過星座怎麼說之後,今天我們來學一學不同星座通常有怎麼樣個性的形容詞呢? 這些形容詞很重要,各位大朋友小朋友要記起來喔!Aquarius 水瓶座friendly intelligentPisces 雙魚座romantic emotionalAries 牡羊座energetic impatientTaurus 金牛座reliable stubbornGemini 雙子座funny curious creative two-facedCancer 巨蟹座home-loving sensitiveLeo 獅子座 confident  brave  proudVirgo 處女座hard-workingLibra 天秤座easygoing socialScorpio 天蠍座mysterious observantSagittarius射手座positive carelessCapricorn 摩羯座stable serious 以上就是LALA老師生動活潑的星座個性英文,你都學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


今天來聊一聊【星座】的英文該怎麼說呢? What's your star sign? What's your Zodiac Sign?Aquarius 水瓶座Pisces 雙魚座Aries 牡羊座Taurus 金牛座Gemini 雙子座Cancer 巨蟹座(Cancer,小寫cancer為癌症的意思,C大寫則是指巨蟹座)Leo 獅子座Virgo 處女座Libra 天枰座Scorpio 天蠍座Sagittarius射手座Capricorn 摩羯座A and B really get along well.They don't get along well.I don't believe in Astrology. LALA老師生動活潑的星座英文,你都學會了嗎? ----- 【每周六、日更新】歡迎給我們評價及留言喔! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


送禮物可以說什麼?Here is little something from me.I got you something, I hope you'll like it.Look what I have for you.Guess what I bought you.I thought you may like this for...Enjoy!Here is a small token of friendship/ appreciation/ love.收到禮物除了謝謝,你還可以說...?That's so kind/ sweet/ thoughtful of you!This is exactly what I need.How did you know I always want this!You shouldn't have!別人的寒暄你還可以怎麼接球?Don’t worry. This’s the thought that counts. LALA老師生動活潑的禮物交際守則,你都學會了嗎? ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP30: Practice makes perfect 要給予適當建議怎麼說?(第一季結束囉)

【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP30: Practice makes perfect 要給予適當建議怎麼說?(第一季結束囉)

要給人建議怎麼說?來練習看看~ Mini-dialogues A: I give up! I just can’t learn Japanese! B: Why do you say that? I think you’re getting better. A: No, I’m not. I try and try, and I still can’t speak it very well. What should I do? B: Learning a language takes time and hard work. Stick at it.  A: Alright. I’ll try my best. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


Mini-dialogues(對話練習) A: How do you make a jam sandwich? B: It’s easy. First, take out two slices of bread. A: Okay. Then… B: Then, spread the butter on one slice of bread, and spread the jam on the other slice. A: That’s it? B: No. Finally, put the slices together, and you can enjoy your sandwich. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP28:說用「Excuse me, …  Do you mind ...」的句型

【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP28:說用「Excuse me, … Do you mind ...」的句型

Mini-dialogues A: Excuse me, are you in a hurry? B: No, I’m not. A: Do you mind taking a look at my study plan? B: No, not at all. Let’s take a look right now. A: Thanks a lot. I’m really bad at making a study plan. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP27:如何運用「May I…  Could I…  Can I…」?

【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP27:如何運用「May I… Could I… Can I…」?

Mini-dialogues A: Can we go to the movies next Monday evening? B: Sorry. On Mondays, I work part-time in a restaurant. A: What about next Wednesday or Friday evening? B: Oops. Sorry. On Wednesdays and Fridays, I play basketball. A: You’re as busy as a bee. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


Mini-dialogues A: Matt. Were you playing the piano? B: Yes. I enjoy playing the piano. It’s my hobby. Do you have any hobbies? A: Well, I don’t really have much time for hobbies, but I do like taking photos. B: Me, too. I’m also into photography. I’d love to see your pictures sometime. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP25:關於未來I want to be a…

【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP25:關於未來I want to be a…

Mini-dialogues A: What job do you want to do in the future? B: I want to be a doctor. A: I could see you as a doctor. B: What about you? Don’t you want to be a doctor as well? A: Not really. I want to be a YouTuber. Being a YouTuber is fun. B: Well, good luck! ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


Mini-dialogues A: Can we go to the movies next Monday evening? B: Sorry. On Mondays, I work part-time in a restaurant. A: What about next Wednesday or Friday evening? B: Oops. Sorry. On Wednesdays and Fridays, I play basketball. A: You’re as busy as a bee. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


Mini-dialogues A: It’s a beautiful day. B: Yeah, it is. A: Are you here for the music festival? B: Yes. I’m crazy about music. A: Nice. By the way, I’m Peter. B: Hi, Peter. My name is Jenny. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


Mini-dialogues A: Hello? B: Hi, Judy. This is Larry speaking. Did you get my email? A: Uh, yes, I think so. B: In that case, are you able to… A: Oh, hold on. I have another call. Call me back later, OK? B: Sure. I’ll call you later. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


Mini-dialogues A: Excuse me, please. Is there a convenience store near here? B: Uh…there’s one on Green Street. Just turn right here. A: Thanks. Oh, and are there any bookstores around here? B: Yeah. There’s one just across the street. A: Oh, yeah. I see it. Thanks. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


Mini-dialogues A: Excuse me, what’s the English word for this? B: “Stapler”. A: Thanks, and how do you say these in English? B: “Scissors”. A: Uh…how do you spell that? B: S-C-I-S-S-O-R-S ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


Mini-dialogues A: Should we take a bus or taxi to the market? B: Let's take a bus. Taking a taxi is too expensive. A: Isn’t that a bus stop over there? B: Yes…Oh! There’s a bus now. We’ll have to run to catch it. A: Oh, no! We just missed it. B: No worries. There'll be another one in twenty minutes. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP18: 想知道活動的正確時間怎麼問呢?Asking about the time, the day, & the date!

【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP18: 想知道活動的正確時間怎麼問呢?Asking about the time, the day, & the date!

Mini-dialogues A: Hey, there’s a free concert at the park tomorrow afternoon. B: What time does it begin? A: Um, it starts at…three. B: Well, let’s meet at the park at ten minutes beforehand. A: But they don’t usually have lots of seats, so… B: In that case, let’s get there early—say, two twenty? ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP17:來複習「比較」用法吧!Comparing things, people, etc.

【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP17:來複習「比較」用法吧!Comparing things, people, etc.

Mini-dialogues A: I love your house. It's much bigger than mine. B: Yours isn’t that small. A: And your place is also closer to nature. B: But yours is more convenient. You have everything at your fingertips. A: You can say that again. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting


Mini-dialogues A: How are you doing? Are you okay? B: Not so good. I have a terrible headache. A: Really? That’s not good! You should go home and get some rest. B: Yeah, you’re right. A: It’s important to get enough rest. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP15:表達感激不是只有"thank you"!

【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP15:表達感激不是只有"thank you"!

Mini-dialogues A: James. Is this your wallet? B: Yes, it is. Thanks so much for returning it to me. A: No problem. B: Where did you find it? A: It was outside the classroom. B: You saved me a lot of trouble. I can’t thank you enough. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP14: 拾獲東西要怎麼找到他的主人呢?Asking about ownership!

【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP14: 拾獲東西要怎麼找到他的主人呢?Asking about ownership!

Mini-dialogues A: There’s a smartphone on the desk. B: Whose is it? A: Maybe it’s Jason’s. B: But it’s all pink. A: Come on! Jason and I love pink. B: That’s true! I’ll take it to Jason. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP13: 尋求解決問題的能力abilities很重要喔!

【兒童英語5分鐘】瘋英語EP13: 尋求解決問題的能力abilities很重要喔!

A: Hi Mary. Can you help me for a moment? B: Sure, what's up? A: Can you help me with this math problem? B: I think I can help, but I'm not that good at math. A: What should I do? B: Let’s ask Jenny for help. ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting