153: Be Persistent, Consistent, Relevant and Visible with Bestselling Author and Radical Influence Expert Jill Lublin
Jill Lublin from Publicity Crash Course (phone number: 415-883-5455) tells us how to use publicity to heighten our profile and increase our own visibility. It's done with press releases, local business journals, and fitting into the news.
Display TranscriptRobert Plank: Jill Lublin is an international speaker on the topics of radical influence, publicity, networking, and referrals. She's the author of 3 best selling books, "Get Noticed, Get Referrals," "Guerrilla Publicity," and, "Networking Magic." Her latest book, "Profit of Kindness," comes out soon. She's a master strategist on how to position your business for more profitability, and visibility in the marketplace. Glad to have you here Jill, how are things?
Jill Lublin: I am really doing great, thank you Robert, glad to be here too.
Robert Plank: Cool, so I understand we're talking about publicity and PR, is that right?
Jill Lublin: Well yeah, because the truth is everybody needs it no matter what business they're in.
Robert Plank: Right, and I think that we all fall in this trap, and I think that I fall in this trap, except for the times that I remember to get myself out of it. It's really tempting to kind of be the artist, and I say, "Okay, well I have my skill. Maybe I'm good at making websites, making products, making videos." I think, "Oh, wouldn't it be so great if I just made a website, and everyone just somehow found me? Everyone somehow noticed me, everyone found me and bought from me?" Unfortunately it doesn't work that way, unless you have a secret, unless there's some kind of secret way around that.
Jill Lublin: Well as you say wouldn't it be so great if? Yes, it would be so great if that were the truth. The truth is that every business owner, whatever phase you're in, in business. Starting midway, halfway, 10 years to even 20 years of business, you need publicity to get your word out there. It's really key, and that can be simple things like having ongoing visibility building activities where you're networking, and have a great message. It's really important that people know your name, and have familiarity and trust with name recognition. Whether it's of your product, or your business. Whether you're a brick and mortar, or a consultant or coach. Publicity applies to all.
Robert Plank: Know, like, and trust?
Jill Lublin: Know, like, and trust, that's really what it does. You're building familiarity in the marketplace, you're building credibility, you're building visibility, you're building what I like to call the, "I've heard of him somewhere syndrome." That people know who you are is essential, absolutely.
Robert Plank: When we're talking about publicity, just to make sure that everyone's on the same page and even to make sure that I'm on the same page, what does publicity entail? What are the sub categories or the actions with that?
Jill Lublin: Well a couple things. I have a very broad view of publicity. I wrote the book, "Guerrilla Publicity," so my feeling is publicity happens from the minute you walk out your door. You're doing publicity, so what it entails is having a great message that's consistent, and persistent in the marketplace that people understand and appreciate what you do. Even if they don't appreciate it, they certainly at least understand it and know it. I'm really a big believer in what I like to call, "5 year old language," that making sure that people are talking in 5 year old language, and putting your message in front of people as if it's an ongoing theme so that you're consistent. That's really a key to success is consistency in the marketplace, big key.
Robert Plank: What is this 5 year language? Does that mean that I'm using the same words that I used 5 years ago?
Jill Lublin: No, 5 year old language.
Robert Plank: Okay, so explaining things so that a 5 year old could understand it?
Jill Lublin: Simple. Exactly, being very simple. Keeping things simple, that's a big clue that you're mastering your message.