165 A Guide To Renewals in Accounting Firms
The renewal tools I mention:Knuula https://knuula.com/Ignition https://ignitionapp.com/GoProposal https://goproposal.com/Anchor https://www.sayanchor.com/Decoy Pricing https://www.shopify.com/enterprise/108418950-decoy-pricing-the-strategies-your-competitors-use-to-get-customers-to-buy-more#:~:text=Decoy%20pricing%20is%20when%20a,the%20target%20looks%20more%20appealing.That swipeable bit about how your firm sets its fees:"We don't compete with other professionals on price. You can hire professional support at any price point.Our solutions solve for four "costs":1. Your professional fees2. The taxes you pay3. Your time4. Your peace of mindWe will devote additional resources to reduce your tax bill as long as it reduces the total outlay of taxes + professional fees.To reiterate, the true cost of your tax professional is the total outlay of professional fees + tax spend.This often means our professional fees will be higher than those of cost-first firms. This is in your best interest, and minimizes your annual cash outlay.For some taxpayers, cost-first works best. Their situation is simple enough to not merit additional effort.At [firm], we only engage clients for whom our tax strategies will yield significant savingsAnd as soon as your tax situation doesn't merit it, we happily refer out to lower-cost providers."💰 Today's SponsorsLiveFlow https://bit.ly/3tK7LlrCloud Accountant Staffing https://www.cloudaccountantstaffing.com/🗣️ Continue the discussion on social!Twitter https://twitter.com/JStaatsCPALinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jstaats/YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@jasoncpa