Unmasking Tensions: A Family's Path to Renewal
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unmasking Tensions: A Family's Path to Renewal Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-23-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Jesensko listje je šuštelo na dvorišču, ko je Jure stopil pred domačijo, ki je bila njegovo zatočišče zadnja leta mladosti.En: Autumn leaves rustled in the yard as Jure stepped in front of the home that had been his refuge in the last years of his youth.Sl: Ko je odprl vrata, ga je ovil vonj po pečeni puranji in bučni piti.En: As he opened the door, the aroma of roasted turkey and pumpkin pie enveloped him.Sl: V topli, nekoliko natrpani dnevni sobi so bile majhne garsijske krožnike razporejene po mizi.En: In the warm, somewhat cramped living room, small hors d'oeuvre plates were arranged across the table.Sl: Jure se je počutil nelagodno.En: Jure felt uneasy.Sl: Ni ga bilo doma že vrsto let.En: He hadn’t been home for many years.Sl: Maja, njegova starejša sestra, je hitela po kuhinji in poskušala umiriti napeto ozračje.En: Maja, his older sister, was bustling around the kitchen, trying to calm the tense atmosphere.Sl: Vedela je, da družinski zbori niso več to, kar so včasih bili.En: She knew that family gatherings were no longer what they used to be.Sl: Dejansko so v preteklih letih postali kraj nerazrešenih sporov in prikrite zamere.En: In fact, in recent years, they had become a place for unresolved disputes and hidden resentments.Sl: Jure se je vsedel k mizi in opazoval, kako starši izmenjujeta napet pogled.En: Jure sat down at the table and watched his parents exchange tense glances.Sl: Oba sta bila tiha, obrnjena drug od drugega, medtem ko je Maja še naprej poskušala dvigniti vzdušje s svojimi prijaznimi besedami.En: Both were silent, turned away from each other, while Maja continued trying to lighten the mood with her kind words.Sl: "Kako ti uspeva na fakulteti, Jure?" je navidezno brezskrbno vprašala, a Jure je čutil težo njenega vprašanja.En: "How’s everything going at university, Jure?" she asked seemingly casually, but Jure felt the weight of her question.Sl: "V redu gre," je odgovoril Jure, ne da bi se podrobneje spuščal.En: "It’s going okay," Jure answered, without going into detail.Sl: Njegov pogled je zdrsnil po mizi.En: His gaze drifted across the table.Sl: Bil je utrujen od pretvarjanja in skrivalnic.En: He was tired of pretending and playing hide-and-seek.Sl: Čutil je dodatno težo pričakovanj staršev, ki sta ga želela usmeriti na svojo strožjo pot.En: He felt the additional weight of his parents' expectations, who wanted to steer him onto their stricter path.Sl: Maja je čutila tiste stare napetosti.En: Maja sensed those old tensions.Sl: Leta je poskušala vzdrževati mir v družini, a zdaj je bila utrujena in želela je, da vsaj za enkrat vse pride na čisto.En: For years, she had tried to maintain peace in the family, but now she was tired and wanted everything to come out into the open at least once.Sl: Vedela je, da Jure v sebi nosi veliko stvari neizrečenih besed.En: She knew that Jure carried many unspoken words within him.Sl: "Čeprav je naša družinska srečanja pogosto preplavljena z napetostjo," je začela Maja, "morda je čas, da končno spregovorimo o tem, kar nas resnično teži."En: "Even though our family gatherings are often flooded with tension," Maja began, "maybe it’s time to finally talk about what’s really bothering us."Sl: Jure je globoko vdihnil.En: Jure took a deep breath.Sl: Vedel je, da je prišel trenutek, da odpre srce.En: He knew the moment had come to open his heart.Sl: "Vem, da nisem bil tu toliko kot bi moral biti.En: "I know I haven’t been here as much as I should have been.Sl: Ampak čutim, da so med nami ostale stvari, ki jih nismo razrešili.En: But I feel that there are things left unresolved between us.Sl: Rad bi razčistil preteklost."En: I’d like to clear the past."Sl: Starši so utihnili.En: His parents fell silent.Sl: Dnevna soba, sicer prežeta z okusom prazničnega vzdušja, je bila zdaj skoraj brez zvoka, razen tiktakanja stenske ure.En: The living room, otherwise pervaded with a festive atmosphere, was now nearly silent, except for the ticking of the wall clock.Sl: Jure je nadaljeval: "Spomnim se, da sem bil prisiljen prevzemati odgovornosti, ki jih nisem zmogel.En: Jure continued: "I remember being forced to take on responsibilities I couldn’t handle.Sl: To me je oddaljilo od vas."En: It drove me away from you."Sl: Maja ga je podpirala z jasnimi očmi, medtem ko so se starši spogledovali, prvič zares brez maske.En: Maja supported him with clear eyes, while the parents looked at each other, truly unmasked for the first time.Sl: Tišina je postajala težja, a počasi so začeli odgovarjati.En: The silence grew heavier, but slowly they began to respond.Sl: Očitki in čustva, dolgo prikriti, so končno prihajali na plano.En: Accusations and emotions, long concealed, finally came to the surface.Sl: Počasi so začeli razumevati drug drugega bolje, odkrivati bolečine in skrbi, ki so jih priganjale narazen.En: Slowly, they began to understand each other better, uncovering the pains and worries that had driven them apart.Sl: Spominjanje na pretekle napake, tudi z izgubljeno povezanostjo.En: Reminiscing about past mistakes, even with the lost connection.Sl: Ko so obiskali pretekle zamere, se je zdelo, da se soba rahlo razjasnjuje.En: As they revisited past grudges, the room seemed to lighten slightly.Sl: Jure je spoznal, da samo s soočanjem lahko zdravi, medtem ko je Maja dojela, da lahko mir včasih pomeni pustiti konfliktu prostor, da se razgrne za resnično razumevanje.En: Jure realized that only by confronting could he heal, while Maja understood that peace sometimes means giving conflict space to unfold for genuine understanding.Sl: Praznični večer so končali s rahlim občutkom lahkotnosti.En: They ended the festive evening with a faint feeling of lightness.Sl: Nov način sporazumevanja se je vzpostavil.En: A new way of communicating had been established.Sl: Družina, čeprav ni popolna, je naredila prvi korak k boljši prihodnosti.En: The family, though not perfect, had taken the first step toward a better future.Sl: Odprli so bili srca in očitna resnica je bila, da so si vsi želeli bližine, ki je bila skoraj izgubljena.En: Hearts were opened, and the obvious truth emerged that everyone desired the closeness that was almost lost.Sl: Kljub napetemu začetku se je dan končal z obljubo, nov kamenček v temeljih obnovljenih družinskih vezi.En: Despite the tense beginning, the day ended with a promise, a new stone in the foundation of renewed family bonds. Vocabulary Words:rustled: šuštelorefuge: zatočiščearoma: vonjenveloped: ovilcramped: natrpaniuneasy: nelagodnogatherings: zboribustling: hitelaatmosphere: ozračjedisputes: sporiresentments: zamereglances: pogledexpectations: pričakovanjsteer: usmeritiunspoken: neizrečenihpervaded: prežetaconcealed: prikritiunmasked: brez maskeaccusations: očinkireminiscing: spominjanjegrudges: zamereconfronting: soočanjemgenuine: resničnouncovered: odkrivatioverwhelmed: preplavljenalighten: razjasnjujeheartfelt: odprta srcapromise: obljuborenewed: obnovljenihfoundation: temeljih