It is not racist to stay away from criminals of the same color or any race ,etc.
I am open minded but i am not going to hang out with a dangerous person of the same color, or any color ,nationality,religion etc because they could hurt me physically and mentally. I am not going to take a risk ,because negative people always bring negative consequences. I only hang out with people who are positive ,good regardless of race, color ,nationality ,sexual orientation.
I cannot hang out with another black or african american person who is dangerous , a criminal, or insane . crazy because they are not positive, and because they could hurt me , steal from me , rob me ,kill me , due to their negativity. The same is true if the dangerous person is white, brown, gay or straight, christain, jew , etc . i do not hang out with people who are dangerous and i do not want no dangerous predator coming near me who target me , The truth is ,i have dangerous predators who are black saying that i am racist, and that is not true, i am not going to be around ,or accept them becaue they are criminals, not because of color, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation ,or transgender-- it is about character , i do not want no dangerous predator around me - a pervert, a criminal, a thief, a drug dealer, a crazy deranged person who dangerous , a drug addict, an alcoholic who participates in crimes around me