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Nutritional Weight & Wellness, Inc.
Learn the connection between what you eat and how you feel. Join us each week as licensed nutritionists and dietitians from Nutritional Weight & Wellness share practical, real-life solutions for healthier living through balanced nutrition. For over 25 years, we’ve helped thousands of clients and listeners discover how real food – animal protein, healthy fat, nutrient-dense carbohydrates – can increase energy, stabilize moods, jumpstart metabolism, eliminate cravings, restore digestion, balance hormones and so much more! For recipes, articles and more, visit us at
Stressed Out; Not Sleeping? Nutritional Solutions To the Rescue
As we all know, this is a very stressful and high anxiety time for all of us, often showing up as some serious sleep problems. Listen in as two nutritionists share their professional knowledge and personal successes on how to finally get restful, rejuvenating sleep. Spoiler alert, it starts with what you put on the end of your fork. Listen in!
Avoiding Weight Gain During Perimenopause and Menopause
Menopause is a natural life transition, meaning natural drug-free solutions are what nature intended. Food is one of those solutions that surprises many woman, until they try it. Listen in as two nutritionists provide simple solutions to help avoid the weight gain, hot flushes and mood swings during perimenopause and menopause.
Foods to Help Kids Focus
Whether your student is in college or in kindergarten, food counts when you want them to have good brain power (and good behavior). Two nutritionists share how food helps build memory and focus in children, adults and even in seniors.
Preventing Osteoporosis
Too often we don’t consider the health of our bones until a problem occurs. To get ahead of that, two nutritionists discuss what it takes to build and support strong bones and how to avoid (and support) osteoporosis.
Learn About Prostate Health & Problems
We’re sharing common indicators of a prostate problem, along with what foods and lifestyle habits can contribute to an inflamed prostate gland , resulting in a great deal of discomfort. Help relieve the discomfort be incorporating certain foods into your diet and supplementing for added relief and support.
How to Get Your Eating Back on Track
In a chaotic word (to say the least) many are struggling with keeping a healthy, balanced diet. Two nutritionists weigh in to share how to finally unlock your real motivation for health, and how success often follows that decision.
Resilience in Times of Anxiety
Living in the midst of a pandemic, we all have a lot on our plate (no pun intended) and on our minds. Two nutritionists share four tips and tricks they use (and help their busy families use as well) to help end the day in a positive place.
Nutrition for Healthy Joints
If your joints are giving you trouble it can be debilitating. Taking care of them through proper nutrition and supplementation can provide relief … but it’s hard to know where to start. Listen in as two nutritionists share how they help clients with joint issues, and it can help you too.
The Gut-Brain Connection
We’re all hearing how important gut health is for overall health, but many are surprised to learn that it directly impacts our mental health as well. Your thoughts, your feelings, your stress level – it’s all connected. Listen in to learn how to best support your gut to best support your brain.
Stress, Sleep Problems and Weight Gain
It gets most people’s attention when we share that you can lose weight while you sleep – and it’s true! It’s getting the sleep that’s often the problem. Two nutritionists share many possible solutions around trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Backing up they also explain why weight gain can happen when you’re under stress and lacking sleep. Avoid this unfortunate combo, listen in!
Managing Cholesterol and Blood Sugar with Food
Two nutritionists help you understand how the foods you eat and the beverages you drink can affect both your glucose number and also your cholesterol numbers – for better or worse. Learn how to avoid the danger of prediabetes today, starting with what you next put on your fork.
Foods and Vitamins To Support Your Immune System
What you eat is the most important factor in a strong immune system. In light of COVID-19 we’re summarizing years of experience into one episode to share what you can do today to support your health through the pandemic and beyond.
Perimenopause Symptom Relief – Sleep, Mood Swings and Weight Gain
Two nutritionists share common perimenopause symptoms and how to start finding relief through nutrition. No need to accept the unpleasant symptoms as a way of life, take control back!
Incontinence Problems at Any Age
Most people are surprised that food may be impacting incontinence problems. Listen in as two nutritionists share foods that are known bladder irritants. Plus those that can help strengthen and maintain key muscles necessary for bladder control.
Do Genetics Determine Our Health
Many of our clients have a fear of developing the same diseases their family has dealt with. Two nutritionists answer the question they hear so often – do genetics determine our health? If not, is there something we can do about it?
How to Stop Stress Eating
Eating unhealthy foods is a common reaction to times of stress and fear. However, those unhealthy foods also lead to more anxiety and then a vicious cycle continues. Two nutritionists share what happens biochemically to your brain and body during this process and how you can stop the cycle once and for all.
Concerned About Prediabetes and Diabetes
Struggling with Digestive Problems?
74% of the U.S. population struggles with gastrointestinal symptoms such as heartburn, acid reflux, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Listen in as two nutritionists share how to relieve these symptoms and what makes good gut health to begin with.
Cooking the Weight & Wellness Way
While everyone is doing more home cooking chef and nutritionist explain the basics of cooking the Weight & Wellness Way – an anti-inflammatory eating plan and how that supports your health and overall well-being.
How to Protect An Aging Brain
If your brain is aging faster than you want it to listen in as two nutritionists share food and lifestyle habits you can adopt to help support your brain as best you can.
Two nutritionists share how what you eat affects how well you can heal your brain. If you or someone you love has experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury or a concussion, listen in for this vitally important information.
Why Can’t I Sleep?
Two nutritionists share signs and symptoms of a lack of sleep and explore new reasons and solutions to answer the question so many people have.
Bonus Episode: Ask The Nutritionist
Join us as we answer some of the questions we've recieved over the last month.
Water for Weight Loss
Listen in to learn how drinking water helps with weight loss and why the quality of water is so important. Water Expert Richard Grassie joins us to share about the contaminants found in tap water and why it is important to filter your water.
Foods to Support Sobriety
Our guest has been sober for 39 years and credits her success in large part to good nutrition. Listen in to her story and learn why blood sugar control is critical when it comes to addictions, be it alcohol addiction, food, gambling.
Bonus Episode: Cooking the Weight & Wellness Way
Join Dar and Marianne as the discuss healthy recipes you can make at home.
How Stress Can Cause Weight Gain
Two nutritionists share some of the hidden stressors that can cause weight gain and some nutrition solutions you can put into practice to buffer the biochemical and hormonal causes.
What to Eat to Manage Anxiety
Two nutritionists share five steps to take today to manage your anxiety. A timely topic as the world grapples with coronavirus and associated anxieties. Listen in, share with a friend.
Bonus Episode: Immune Support During a Health Crisis.
Are you concerned about your immune system because of the COVID-19 pandemic? Many of our clients are asking what they can do to boost their immune systems. Hear how to support your immune system with good food choices and key immune-support supplements. This podcast will be especially helpful for people whose health conditions require extra support during our current health crisis.
How Sugar Affects Fibromyalgia Pain
Fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic pain conditions and as nutritionists we’re seeing more and more clients turning to nutrition to ease some of their pain and fatigue. We’ll get back to basics and explain what foods are KNOWN to cause fibromyalgia and what foods and vitamins may help reduce fibromyalgia pain.
Estrogeneration – How Estrogenics Are Making You Fat, Sick and Infertile
Listen in to learn the big difference between the estrogen that our ovaries make and environmental toxic estrogens. Author, and expert, Anthony G. Jay, PHD shares how damaging these artificial toxic estrogens are in addition to where we may be exposed to them and what we need to do to avoid them completely.
What Is the Microbiome and How Does It Affect Our Health?
Understand the amazing uniqueness of your microbiome and how it can help, or hurt, your health, weight, moods and more.
The Link Between Obesity and Cancer
Excess bodyweight is linked to 8% of all the cancers yet the connection is complicated to say the least. Listen in as two nutritionists expertly explain the connection and more importantly, what you can start doing today to reduce your risk.
Foods for Better Memory and Focus with guest Rich Frieder
Are you worried about your memory, or perhaps your children’s ability to focus? Listen in as we discuss how to train your brain to have better focus, better memory and better recall – just like you would train your muscles to gain strength. Along with the training you can FEED your brain for optimal focus and memory as well. Listen in to learn how!
Heart Disease in Women
One in four women die of heart disease every year, an alarming statistic. What is causing this dramatic increase in heart disease in women? Listen in as two nutritionists share causes of heart disease (and debunk a dangerous decades old myth about the disease) and what you can do TODAY to take control of your health.
Curb the Carb Cravings
Sugar and carbs have a way of taking you off course of your best intentions. Get to the root cause of these cravings and finally say goodbye to cravings for good.
Is Constipation Or Diarrhea A Problem?
Constipation is so common, but hardly a topic for the dinner table, listen in as two nutritionists share the causes and some solutions for child and adult constipation issues. They share foods to eat and what to avoid, in addition to indicators of good bowel habits and abnormal bowel habits that you’ll want to address.
Eat Your Way to Health
Listen in to learn how the foods we eat make a big difference in fighting chronic illnesses or conditions. Whether it’s high cholesterol, joint pain, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, muscle aches or pains – it’s all tied back to the food choices we make.
Stop Dieting to Lose Weight
We’re debunking diet trends that often lead to worse health than you started with, and more weight too. We touch on what diets don’t work and how to take back control of your health by throwing out the trends and focusing on real food in balance.
How Nutrition Helped My Health
Listen in as we interview three past clients to hear how changing their nutrition helped their health. You will hear from a past client who put her MS into remission by eating real food, someone who was able to get rid of chronic pain by quitting her sugar habit and someone who lost a great deal of weight but her success is about so much more than weight loss. Are you ready to be our next success story?
Mindful Eating During the Holidays
Today we will be sharing our thoughts and ideas on how to stay mindful of your goals and your personal health plan during the holidays. Hopefully, we can help you say, “no” to the fudge, the Christmas cookies and the bars on this final stretch to the New Year and say, “yes” to the food that makes you feel alive and full of energy.
Fighting Holiday Depression with Food
In today’s show, we want to help you understand how you can use food and nutrition to beat your holiday depression and winter blues. We will share how your food choices affect how well you handle the extra stress the holiday season brings, along with why your brain needs adequate levels of vitamin D to avoid the winter blues.
You Are What Your Grandparents Ate
Listen in as we interview Judith Finlayson, author of “You Are What Your Grandparents Ate” where she explains that how our grandparents ate and lived their lives has a direct bearing on who we are today.
How Food Can Help ADD/ADHD Symptoms
Listen in to learn how you can care for and feed your brain for optimal functioning, especially if you or your child has attention or behavioral issues. If you are looking for a more natural approach to manage ADHD symptoms, we’ll be talking about how diet can help.
The Link Between Food & Mental Health
Learn how the foods you eat affect your brain health and especially how the foods you eat can increase or decrease anxiety, depression and your sense of well-being. If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, what are you eating? What is the connection between your diet and your mental health? Listen in as we discuss some basic nutritional information that you can use to either avoid getting depression or use to relieve symptoms of depression.
The Food Connection to Headaches and Migraines
Have you ever woken up with a miserable headache? Or do you feel like your head starts to throb around 3 o’clock in the afternoon? If you or a family member struggle with headaches or migraines, we’ll be sharing five common causes of headaches plus some simple solutions to help you avoid getting a headache, and avoid taking pain medication that can negatively affect your body when taken over a long period of time.
Foods for Pregnancy
Listen in as we share foods you should eat and foods you should avoid during pregnancy to help both mom and baby be the healthiest they can be. We’ll be giving you tips and ideas for what to eat and talking about the importance of eating real food. We’ll also discuss some of the symptoms many moms experience during pregnancy, like morning sickness, heartburn, constipation, high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, along with tricks to overcome them naturally.
Perimenopause: Night Sweats, Mood Swings and Weight Gain
Women between the ages of 35 to 55 often experience a shift in their hormones, which is called perimenopause. Today, we are going to talk about how having excess estrogen during perimenopause can lead to night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings and even weight gain. Find out signs and symptoms of a decrease of progesterone and an excess of estrogen or estrogen dominance, as well as how to detox artificial estrogen naturally.
Is Weight the Cause of Type 2 Diabetes?
Listen in to Dishing Up Nutrition as we dispel a common myth that extra weight is putting you at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. The truth is, the cause of Type 2 diabetes is much more complex. We’ll help to show you that there are actually many other factors putting people at risk, which we will discuss throughout the show.
How Hormones Affect Your Breast Cancer Risk
In the past 10 years, there has been a 20% increase in breast cancer. What could be increasing your risk of cancer? As dietitians and nutritionists, we believe it is what you eat and other factors in our environment. Today we will focus on how artificial estrogens increase your breast cancer risk.