On a mission to spread the laughs (and groans). Daily Dad Jokes Podcast - Dad jokes that are guaranteed to make you laugh and your family and friends groan! Top dad jokes are curated and produced daily. Sourced from the Dad Jokes subreddit on Reddit! Credits are in the show notes pages of each episode.
Total 2028 episodes
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Your Weekly Extra Long Super Terrific Episode! [Volume 13]

Daily Dad Jokes (04 Dec 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Sturth, E5evo, Cultural_Card_2603, xSilverflamex, saarraz1, GiborDesign, Man-e-questions, No_Entrance3870, -the_last_unicorn-, alanmitch34, Garrod_Ran, ddodd69, bobskimo, flagrant_carrier, badassman123, Hillyard61, Hurtkopain, SusRampage, Dependent-Phone7496, cenlkj, filmhamster, The_Hiders, BedKey7226, romy-indy, , WonderfulAirport4226, Mr_Slamdangus, whenharrymetlloyd, Masselein, CheeseyGarlicBread10, SusRampage, ThDrkKnght, Creaper9487, lardboy, Alarming_Ad_6563, The-Blind-Moth, StockInitial4460, GotMyOrangeCrush, lefife14, TheMainM0d, EFATO, Itsuka-Detsukika, WankingAsWeSpeak, MeButNotMeToo, West-Walrus-5565, Neil_Denver, Wyrmlein, Potential-Fudge-8786, BuggerNugs, ilikesidehugs, QuicklyThisWay, GiborDesign, AndrewMacSydney, rodgie4920, eltegs, wimpykidfan37, Cultural_Card_2603, Upvoter_NeverDie, jibjabjibby, NSCButNotThatNSC, Lucky_M0nkey, toppers_tips, Ok-Chef-5150, EdMcMoon, Laranimalistic, Masselein, nunziovallani, DarkWing2007, rasedul99, alanmitch34, andersonfmly, No_Gray_Area, bryanBr, StockInitial4460, Cosmicmoose13, VordovKolnir, PhoenixAF24, cenlkj, Sir_Pluses, Masselein, paranormal-yeast, TheMalevolentCurator, Heishungier, ManyRazzmatazz4584, Fade2Black767, Die4Cy, MrFenric, iShitSkittles, glawv, OskarTheRed, Short_Ninja229, jonathan_shoa, Left-Distribution-13, EpicLearn, GiborDesign, Menace172, houndoom92, PhantomBanker, Seahawks1991, DinglebarryHandpump, boujie_lilthang, FourX11gd, Realistic-Twist-3112, ashayh, Budget-Pay3743, Phillious, ilikesidehugs, EverydayRobotic, dickcheney600, berkleysquare, Left-Distribution-13, Lokitusaborg, Bmantis311, Upvoter_NeverDie, Joemul31, Amoghawesome, plato-goldberg, D0ddzee, truthhurts2222222, Bushmaster1988, peruvian_pineapple, Emergency-Car6458, FruitMcVeg, Hannah-Carter, Your_royalshyness, , Specific_Classic2295, berkleysquare, jvlpdillon, romy-indy, Masselein, KateLucas, DadJokeBadJoke, berkleysquare, GraemMcduff, ThermalNight, Peas-Of-Wrath, Masselein, EndersGame_Reviewer, gotmojo6, Radiant_Bookkeeper84, JarrodBaniqued, Financial-Wear-558, Masselein, GiborDesign, Masselein, clelwell, germy-germawack-8108, Yokelele, 192335, Infamous-Drawer-9543, m1dlife-1derer, TheRealAuthorSarge, FleshCoffin, Individual_Dream3770, EndersGame_Reviewer, box_of_carrots, Masselein, Admirable_Yard5581, gotmojo6, hyperiongate, Vin135mm, FallenAngel7334, Leboy2Point0, Upvoter_NeverDie, Particular_Horror756, Seeyalaterelevator, Cultural_Card_2603, Masselein, demon_mask-_-, Ghostface_Programmah, Masselein, Additional-Tourist55, Kable35, aneffingonion, radbme, Left-Distribution-13Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Why did Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer fail high school? (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (03 Dec 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: FujiKitakyusho, snifty, Complex-Region-7553, Amphid, thaliasophiaa, MurseMan1964, k_woz1978, OffDutyTaoist, Rambler_Rambling, LeatherSlight3242, EndersGame_Reviewer, GamingRocky_YT, , incenseandelephants, Dependent_Paper9993, Rare_Investigator582, micverm, Joel_Boyens, Joel_BoyensSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

The president typically pardon’s a turkey… (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (02 Dec 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: IbsSpeaker, richv68, Sodrohu, H_Vaughn, Sodrohu, peachyPurgatory621, PapaWookie, e-bio, windowlicker1234, TheQuietKid22, Weathered_badly, mikethejoe, , GiborDesign, Secure-Improvement35, Admirable_Yard5581, sulldanivan, Voices-Say-Im-Funny, Smart-Resolution9724Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

I saw Mr Hackman in a bathroom once. He was washing his hands, so I said. (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (01 Dec 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: StockInitial4460, Left-Distribution-13, MrJorgeB, Strongearm, EmveePhotography, thedonnieg, Ryde29, YogiHarry, SpinyPiney, finladon, r0ckerdud3, ihaveoptions, , Troll_facet, iLostMyLiver, BandDirector17, Unclehol, alizare, Toku-Nation, Jazzlike_Tangerine58, ProfessionalGarfieldSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Your Monthly Ultra Extra Long Super Terrific Episode! [November Edition]

Daily Dad Jokes (29 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: StockInitial4460, 192335, ilikesidehugs, muneela, dickcheney600, KilometersArentMiles, Sea-Turn2288, MrHawkeye69, definitelynotabone, subsailor1968, wookiewithabrush, Left-Distribution-13, prankerjoker, swewtsarahj, ilikesidehugs, Salty_Obligation4727, The_first_Ezookiel, miky_dzr, Garrod_Ran, mmpvcentral, OnlyOneness, MrMockTurtle, Healthy_Ladder_6198, Joel_Boyens, , MeButNotMeToo, Driftless1981, memoryarcadepodcast, executionersshadow, spacemouse21, vlad_lennon, Butter_Bean_123, incredibleinkpen, Impossible-Solid-827, Reasonable-Mouse-460, 192335, Justjay0420, Longjumping_Event_59, Severe_Suspect7019, clelwell, 1Universal_Turtle, CanadianRoyalist, TrustingMyVoice, andersonfmly, gilfromisrael, TossProtein, AnonymousFluffy923, Joel_Boyens, stamp_of_approval, mayk_maikeru, NonconsensualHug, TheRealAuthorSarge, Strict_Berry7446, erikjonromnes, razor10000, BiggerMouthBass, ITALIXNO, KGLcrew, Game8disco, PortugalDoesntExist, Bonwovi, Cultural_Card_2603, thegaming_dude, Straight_Total3945, Battledog32, gotmojo6, Gruntyman117, Few-Victory-5773, Onereasonwhy, NTF0, Soliart, lordnorthiii, Stotallytob3r, OneQuadrillionOwls, Vin135mm, welshyboy123, TheQuietKid22, Vantage_1011, argee62, Born_Without_Nipples, mongreleyes, Admirable_Yard5581, berkleysquare, Ecstatic_Platypus756, mrl33602, OmegaLiquidX, ABsoluteNOthing9, Bbew_Mot, DinglebarryHandpump, TRAKRACER, DisloyalTractor, kickypie, Radiant_Bookkeeper84, dick_schidt, ddodd69, Cruise-Monkey-Games, wayosiliezar, Masselein, gotmojo6, foodiegiggles, Red_Dot_Byte, PandaManPFI, yongrii, radjoke, Dildog5555, Who_Where1, incredibleinkpen, Redylittle, No_Cow_9832, HuckleberryAbject798, 192335, SOUZJER, MemorableKidsMoments, Personal-Tea7226, Liquid_disc_of_shit, Reeder90, jkmorse27, Upvoter_NeverDie, tricera911, vashisthaa, DinglebarryHandpump, sulldanivan, tis_a_hobbit_lord, StevieObieYT, Cultural_Card_2603, , Carterpan, urfunnyboi, veritoast, ITALIXNO, Fantasoke, houndoom92, Man-e-questions, xKNYTEx, Future_Squirrel360, AdamMays, CautiousEmergency367, Prestigious-Isopod-4, Meerkat_Mayhem_, Joel_Boyens, Spicy6Chord, ProfessorDunce, nebbecnezzer, CryptoReaper5, bmxbikeco, Amoghawesome, Fordius25, incredibleinkpen, ITALIXNO, Shot_Survey_2877, trymebitcj, RicochetRabidUK, CalottoFantasy5, KinshuKiba, ComicGenius1986, randomindyguy, Stormzer0, ManyRazzmatazz4584, SusRampage, Menace_Ro216, CA-eh, eiliahpd, TrickyOnion, ddodd69, Joel_Boyens, streetcred99, SusRampage, banderthal65, kevindavis338, titty__hunter, Man-e-questions, EndersGame_Reviewer, Upvoter_NeverDie, Sirajanahara, tejojo, Bossk759, BareKnuckle_Bob, Cultural_Card_2603, LyricalJessieJames, Silver-Light123, rasedul99, Amazing_Credit7911, Conan-doodle, Cheese_500, VordovKolnir, Joel_Boyens, Aggravating-Pilot774, LurkingWizard1978, MrYog1, Admirable_Yard5581, 192335, donttakethechip, BuggerNugs, prankerjoker, Consistent-Insect985, chief-w, TAWMSTGKCNLAMPKYSK, ddodd69, Particular_Horror756, Additional-Local8721, creatorop, RevolutionaryDuck389, darcys_beard, ilikesidehugs, AWildModAppeared, Sir_Pluses, YZXFILE, Gallivanterre, SusRampage, Joel_Boyens, gipester, Yaguajay, berkleysquare, k_woz1978, MadAdam88, TheQuietKid22, houndoom92, Interesting-Chest520, berkleysquare, Revolutionary-Doge, karaokechameleon, CheeseyGarlicBread10, Jealous-Challenge752, kickypie, Slaureto, TheCollapsibleFrink, mrl33602, island_architect, No-Amphibian1027, mrkevincooper, GiborDesign, Yaguajay, MurseMan1964, bykpoloplaya, AntranigV, Full_Ad9666, Guedelon1_, the-real-kuzhy, prithvi_allurkar, StockInitial4460, Necessary-Spring-129, r4garms, Moderndgenerate, Skylantech, Specialist8602, xKNYTEx, ResistRacism, ni-wom, handbreath, GiborDesign, scooterscuzz, , Realistic-Twist-3112, ddodd69, 9human-being, herstorygal, NeedForSleep9, Individual-Minimum68, StrafemOrigin, AKhakiNerfHerder, CheeseyGarlicBread10, dickcheney600, Mayjune811, KoresmosMaybe, Odimorsus, wimple007, ExcuseNo9854, Verm95, cbsxact7, ShoeChoice5567, ddodd69, Additional-Tourist55, Dragoness42, Bmantis311, CyborgHyena, 1Universal_Turtle, MaCk_Pinto, kingandr3, Stephanreggae, Masselein, Greedy-Vegetable-466, Richard_Jones1984, morgythemole, Thee_Paladin777, Sensitive_Double8652, Itamarep, ilikesidehugs, bobthemundane, Ezzaskywalker_11, kumquat999, prankerjoker, BXCellent, VirtualArtificer, ilikesidehugs, nucleardk, TheQuietKid22, MuhammedAJ, alanmitch34, Barraken, klimaniac, DickKnightly, Few-Victory-5773, BabycatLloyd, ExtremePresence3030, 192335, Joel_Boyens, LCDRtomdodge, CommonTater42, Bigstar976, Admirable_Yard5581, _spacebananass, Left-Distribution-13, Maleficent_Bus_4163, rozzinator07, Lankydoug, Bubble_Boi69, bowen7477, mbfos, PortugalDoesntExist, The-Blind-Moth, Cultural_Card_2603, Fe2O3man, Suspicious-Criminal, Admirable_Yard5581, Brave-Ad6627, Blank2_, Delivery-Plus, Financial-Wear-558, StockInitial4460, xboxgamer2122, onecoolhand1, Tell_tekkit, Man-e-questions, danielsoft1, Ramificator24, Admirable_Yard5581, Sir_Pluses, StockInitial4460, 1Universal_Turtle, GiborDesign, timthedriller, tennesseetees, filmhamster, professorf, Joel_Boyens, Brave-Ad6627, BSChemist, HolidayWarm5971, catinore, emmathepony, aailajuhichawla, 192335, EndersGame_ReviewerSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.
1h 1m

Which Old Testament prophet would take The Ring to Mount Doom? (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (01 Dec 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Ms74k_ten_c, CybergothiChe, Yaguajay, Ok_Presence36, joshk904, Wendals87, RistaRicky, Legoless0234, StockInitial4460, donttakethechip, Seeyalaterelevator, KimBluestone, , m0dern_x, Ok_Presence36, SSEiGuy, Ok_Presence36, AVERMAN84, Wendals87Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Shakespeare's trading in his Quill for a Pencil... (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (29 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: zelgadiss44, LilAngel_XD, ballofdopamine, CaramonZero, EndersGame_Reviewer, DoomRulz, RF2, Pale_Contract_9791, Rare_Investigator582, impiousPunster, e-bio, peachyPurgatory621, , RedDad15, God-2008, RapeMyFuckingAsshole, StockInitial4460, Slaureto, Adam_Gill_1965, ronnypascale, 1963JanSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

My daughter saw that I only had ham and turkey on my Thanksgiving plate. Which one do you like more? she asked me. (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (28 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: CrustyLizardNuts, Comrade_Brib, LilAngel_XD, nilbus, golf_echo_sierra26, Slaureto, murfvillage, yojimbo1111, Skizm100, Ok-Antelope-830, canyabay, Anazie, , KellyJonn, ryan_leblanc, Rare_Investigator582, battlecatsuserdeo, EndersGame_Reviewer, Wise-LakeSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Thanksgiving! Stuffed dad jokes! 28 November 2024

Daily Dad Jokes (28 Nov 2024) The Christmas Jokes electronic button now available on Amazon. Perfect for stocking fillers, Secret Santa and Kris Kringle! Fun for all ages and guaranteed to provide laughs (and groans). Click here here to view ! The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view ! Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe ! Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app. Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app. Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: Toothless-Rodent, DirectConclusion40, HopeReker, Liquiddiscof_shit, Left-Distribution-13, mikey_likey85, Onlyhereforthebacon, Un_orthodocs, Statkidd, therealmindful, ProfPacific, twisted_stepsister, , drownedboi, RoutineComment5330, kevindavis338, ProfPacific, k_woz1978, BARGOBLEN, Delivery-Plus, ThisMayHurt, BrightenDifference, Lefty_Sketch445, Heelo7, Funnion3245, jokeaday99, IcyBreloom, Masselein, ProfPacific, alanbcox, ProfPacific, Budget-Pay3743, ProfPacific, weirdgroovynerd, DrHoleStuffer, Valiric999, Left-Distribution-13, razor10000, MemorableKidsMoments, AndreT_NY, mccaro, ProfPacific, ProfPacific Subscribe to this podcast via: iHeartMedia Spotify iTunes Google Podcasts Youtube Channel Social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Discord Interested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at Produced by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( See for privacy information.

My son was scared to tell me he failed his history exam. . (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (28 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: espressovendetta, EndersGame_Reviewer, StockInitial4460, Lie-Straight, CLONE-11011100, FoldKey2709, subsailor1968, prlugo4162, nucleardk, mikeyboy5678, 192335, Runopologist, , DecIsMuchJuvenile, JohnHoot, Garrod_Ran, Lie-Straight, mdwelsh, DrPooMD, reddreddandblue, OskarTheRedSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Ewoks shouldn't be left outside. (+ 18 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (26 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: randomusername123458, CNUBentOver, Fe2O3man, DadJokeBadJoke, Ryde29, BuggerNugs, Major_Independence82, Upbeat_Ice1921, Joel_Boyens, houndoom92, Admirable_Yard5581, ryan_leblanc, , Slow-Network2604, ilikesidehugs, Left-Distribution-13, Rzmudzior, Onereasonwhy, k_woz1978, CommonTater42Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Your Weekly Extra Long Super Terrific Episode! [Volume 12]

Daily Dad Jokes (26 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: stereoroid, Admirable_Yard5581, qarasaq, BeckyLiBei, Cultural_Card_2603, Thee_Paladin777, ghost_paladin, Sir_Pluses, prlugo4162, murfvillage, Top_Breakfast2992, Fakenerd791, FreshImpression8884, DatabaseSolid, crow930, Masselein, spacemouse21, Plastic_Top5413, berkleysquare, Wide_With_Opinions, ABsoluteNOthing9, prlugo4162, MisterMysteryPants, prankerjoker, , Censer, th3caramelb3ar, SonlenofFeylund, knj23, sourkid25, Emergency-Car6458, BabyQueenGirl, Masselein, sydh-sun, FrenchiestFry234, Bvdwolfxxx, Cultural_Card_2603, hacksawjim89, ifuckingloveblondes, Meerkat_Mayhem_, Battledog32, germy-germawack-8108, CheeseyGarlicBread10, Frago242, OBVWXLF, Masselein, fastfar, unhappilyunorthodox, Healthy_Ladder_6198, Jack_Mehoff_420_69, Glad_Discount4748, kickypie, Daveywheel, tlbutler33, Labibop, UrbanAchievers6371, Fightnperish, Leboy2Point0, alanmitch34, DarthTensor, ManyRazzmatazz4584, MaCk_Pinto, StockInitial4460, kishenoy, Billieblastoff43, therealmindful, picayuneworks, Shitheadthedevourer, GiborDesign, RowanFoxfire, sqoorb, UncleSpencer523, Upbeat_Ice1921, dustaknuckz, ManyRazzmatazz4584, thisaintyouravgstonk, Man-e-questions, Cultural_Card_2603, StockInitial4460, WINNER_nr_1, murfvillage, Left-Distribution-13, TheQuietKid22, Individual-Minimum68, EndersGame_Reviewer, SwabbySailor, truthhurts2222222, Emergency-Car6458, IntrepidDirector387, Upvoter_NeverDie, Left-Distribution-13, Nordicmoose, NotatrustedVWtech, foodiegiggles, Mouthtrap, Man-e-questions, Zandarino, StockInitial4460, EndersGame_Reviewer, MuzzleOfNemesis, mcampo84, Admirable_Yard5581, ComicGenius1986, Verm95, Dagwood-DM, Responsible_Leg_577, PdSales, Yeomanroach, eltegs, PooPushingPirate, Itamarep, Joel_Boyens, evolslove, ssigea, shriveledballbag1, Milling_Machine, Masselein, wayosiliezar, Deedee635, sulldanivan, tinfoilknight, jfshay, Man-e-questions, MeLove2Lick, RedwoodDuncan, , Cultural_Card_2603, StockInitial4460, NarrowBat4405, sixteenth, KalbotJambot, originallyik, MadAdam88, TheQuietKid22, Admirable_Yard5581, PersonWalker, franz-hanz, nealesmythe, MarcoDanielRebelo, No_Presentation9300, DragonYouLazyKitty, rob132, WINDY_ORBITS_, genxfrom66, planesnmusic, LyfeAsAVikeFan, EndersGame_Reviewer, WINNER_nr_1, The_Chuckness88, AndrewMacSydney, Joel_Boyens, traumfaengerin_sandy, bobturkeyisaturkey, Darth_Zounds, Emracruel, ComicGenius1986, SvenSvenkill3, germy-germawack-8108, Far-Following3742, TossProtein, Jonathandejong1989, AnonymousFluffy923, berkleysquare, squirrelsmasher, Man-e-questions, robotbrigadier, Impossible-Belt8608, 192335, TrendySamurai46, CalottoFantasy5, AndrewMacSydney, mrl33602, ilikesidehugs, Fordius25, houndoom92, Sir_Pluses, donttakethechipSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

I started a website called LonelyFans . (+ 18 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (26 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: k_woz1978, Admirable_Yard5581, MaCk_Pinto, bleak_oven, tejojo, EndersGame_Reviewer, AllUrUpsAreBelong2Us, SkullRiderz69, Masselein, TheQuietKid22, andersonfmly, m1dlife-1derer, , xSilverflamex, Temporary_Ebb_4156, johnbr, jaycoxisdead, Left-Distribution-13, hawkeye45_, Dr_von_goosewingSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

What similarities do Nukes and Popular Youtubers have? (+ 18 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (24 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: MarcoDanielRebelo, Responsible-Jury2579, Realistic-Twist-3112, anomicaa, Menace_Ro216, ilikesidehugs, subsailor1968, CartographerPrior944, MarcoDanielRebelo, Admirable_Yard5581, angstyslut, Masselein, , Singer_TwentyNine, Burn-The-Villages, HappyStop1985, Ezzaskywalker_11, GeedsGarage, TimoshQ, WallygonkSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Never let your friend Michael hang out with cannibal musicians at a pub. . (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (24 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: OG-Kushi, Seeyalaterelevator, Left-Distribution-13, Ok-Chef-5150, Khumayun_Rusi, bgva, ilikesidehugs, kk074, incredibleinkpen, TheQuietKid22, ilikesidehugs, RowanFoxfire, , saltedpork89, GiborDesign, Vanessa_dominessa, Woom_Raider, sulldanivan, unhappilyunorthodoxSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

E-books are a great way to save trees. (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (22 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: kwan_e, Healthy_Ladder_6198, DonNibross, Admirable_Yard5581, grumblyoldman, KimBluestone, God-2008, Invasive-farmer, 192335, BrattyGirlxox, TheAmazingSlowman, ztreHdrahciR, , knj23, RedShirtCashion, yourman0912, xdomanix, masknajm, BrattyPrincessaa, Masala-Dosage, Healthy_Ladder_6198Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

A cow has 4, but a woman only has 2. What am I? (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (22 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: DogSmooth4585, Realistic_Tie_1350, ilikesidehugs, ilikesidehugs, Phymon89, Ryde29, Humpty_Dumps, Dildog5555, BloodSteyn, CuthbertDibbleNGrub, Dragontechcreations, Dildog5555, , 192335, mmpvcentral, Liquid_disc_of_shit, T33NW01F, dickcheney600, tumalditamadre, robotbrigadier, Radiant_Bookkeeper84Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Entrepreneurs Day! Profitable dad jokes here! 21 November 2024

Daily Dad Jokes (21 Nov 2024) The Christmas Jokes electronic button now available on Amazon. Perfect for stocking fillers, Secret Santa and Kris Kringle! Fun for all ages and guaranteed to provide laughs (and groans). Click here here to view ! The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view ! Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe ! Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app. Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app. Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: rodgie4920, Inostensible, e-bio, DirkDiggler6, TommehBoi, EndersGame_Reviewer, ddjp, NagyLebowski, Liquiddiscof_shit, princess_chef, StochasticTinkr, samwisethewise, , Herco499711, A-Talking-Rabbit, xholdsteadyx, porichoygupto, ddjp, Significant-Ad-8684, GotMyOrangeCrush, Clbull, cawingcrowcaw, Few-Victory-5773, Stunning-Koala-925, DinglebarryHandpump, TravellingBelgian, imtherealmellowone, DiscardedMush, Masselein, incredibleinkpen, K1ll47h3K1n9, ilikesidehugs, highly-atomic-potato, marcEmarc1966, Sally_TheDino, Man-e-questions, alanmitch34, Masselein, Seahawks1991, n00klear, Masselein, ConfusedPanda76, Swweeet, ToastedFrance Subscribe to this podcast via: iHeartMedia Spotify iTunes Google Podcasts Youtube Channel Social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Discord Interested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at Produced by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( See for privacy information.

My girlfriend said, You act like a detective too much. I want to split up. (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (20 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: KateLucas, no_bon3s_about_it, StockInitial4460, Upvoter_NeverDie, CNUBentOver, andersonfmly, Toku-Nation, KellyJonn, Major_Independence82, No_Description2301, 02K30C1, KellyJonn, , Bigstar976, Bannable_Lecter, drgloryboy, Gil-Gandel, Bigstar976, xtilexx, kickypie, Loose_Pilot574Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Why does Sauron prefer sedans to coupes? (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (19 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: CybergothiChe, Wise-Boy2011, brother_p, ilikesidehugs, PhoenixAF24, StockInitial4460, llimllib, IvanNemoy, WINNER_nr_1, Justjay0420, TheQuietKid22, Liquid_disc_of_shit, , Blastwing, beardostein, Masselein, Spicy6Chord, houndoom92, Rainbow_No_Rain, Legitimate-Fox-4948, Tom23824Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

National Toilet Day! Toilet humour at it's crappiest! 19 November 2024

Daily Dad Jokes (19 Nov 2024) The Christmas Jokes electronic button now available on Amazon. Perfect for stocking fillers, Secret Santa and Kris Kringle! Fun for all ages and guaranteed to provide laughs (and groans). Click here here to view ! The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view ! Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe ! Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app. Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app. Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: xamxxnx, EndersGame_Reviewer, HellsJuggernaut, wotmate, Sassaphras, joshk904, sydh-sun, Sturgesshero, vbloke, TheUprightBass, porichoygupto, Easy-Hovercraft-6576, , Don_Dickle, Personal-Tea7226, Megalitho, Junior-Question-2638, Vast_Statistician215, Ryan8720, Liquid5n0w, OzymandiasKoK, Englishmuphin21, Seahawks1991, HeyWhatsItToYa, abombregardless, Lemons-On-Ice, CalottoFantasy5, StockInitial4460, tejojo, Individual-Minimum68, sulldanivan, ftpmango, ChalkHorseNIck, The_Hiders, God-2008, KeyOutlandishness850, Delivery-Plus, George964, Levitating_Walrus, Uce_Almighty111, God-2008, MrGrubbycuddles, MoochoMaas, soulfood_7, ilikesidehugs, k_woz1978, PoopMonster696969, toastido, kcjames1138, platformjuan, Persons1001, boogerknows, jayandquita, Vladipus222, zoxor, Nateorade, manuelfp, Uckioh, Usual-Librarian-5030, Outrageous_Lab9806, QuentinTarantulatino, Shawnpeterswrites, nunziovallani, reptiliansarecoming, Maleficent-Movie-122, EndersGame_Reviewer, AllDatFlimFlam, nater147, PensionNo8124, ilikesidehugs, bgva, steelepurdy17, bryanthecrab, millstone20, Kallian7895 Subscribe to this podcast via: iHeartMedia Spotify iTunes Google Podcasts Youtube Channel Social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Discord Interested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at Produced by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( See for privacy information.

Your Weekly Extra Long Super Terrific Episode! [Volume 11]

Daily Dad Jokes (19 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: miky_dzr, segamidesruc, GrandMoffTarkan, CybergothiChe, CheeseyGarlicBread10, Statkidd, Relative-Upstairs210, Smeag969, trueblueink, Meerkat_Mayhem_, kickypie, Skyguy66-, ExtremePresence3030, EpicLearn, ilikesidehugs, Alarmed_Pizza_4772, sogratefulformyeggs, EndersGame_Reviewer, DarkWing2007, RajkaTheTomato, Man-e-questions, StockInitial4460, StockInitial4460, Lankydoug, , Upvoter_NeverDie, 1Universal_Turtle, subsailor1968, dick_schidt, pietjan053, Liquid_disc_of_shit, AfraidAdhesiveness25, iShitSkittles, Masselein, Archimedes_Warhammer, Skattay801, LyricalJessieJames, OG-Kushi, UncleSpencer523, Lateralus50310, Vileonez, cheferick_81, wayoutadodge, Boba_tea_thx, GiborDesign, Minasgul_, CaptainQuint0001, Cultural_Card_2603, Raj_Valiant3011, Masselein, Geronimo2U, Comm4nd0, StockInitial4460, ravendemyseri, SusRampage, ArchangelOfAnarchyAK, simpnotsimp, Brave-Ad6627, MisshapenAndConfused, Admirable_Yard5581, Suspicious-Criminal, Masselein, sixteenth, Cultural_Card_2603, gotmojo6, darcys_beard, peasantchoker, e-bio, JustAShittyProducer, Delta-Tropos, Onlineself, PrimaryDistribution2, GotMyOrangeCrush, Liquid_disc_of_shit, roseds-, Status_Concert_4320, Brennydoogles, Brittle_dick, houndoom92, WinglessHuzzar, duck07747, God-2008, ABsoluteNOthing9, sarastormy, no_awning_no_mining, Left-Distribution-13, Joel_Boyens, 192335, TRAKRACER, prlugo4162, makfej, MrMockTurtle, DatabaseSolid, wimple007, peskypedaler, 192335, Unique-Ad-6308, CheeseyGarlicBread10, cohesiveenigma, ilikesidehugs, DegeneratePride, Dioder1, afarro, DopeCharma, Bbew_Mot, Sir_Pluses, PapaXilion, bogmired, houndoom92, mth2nd, Any-Delivery5359, Joel_Boyens, Popular-Program-1566, berkleysquare, c0wk1ng, Joel_Boyens, spacemouse21, OskarTheRed, ChickenMobile, linguist96, Upvoter_NeverDie, postingsomethinghere, PortugalDoesntExist, squealy_dan, HellaHellerson, , QuicklyThisWay, Mediocre_Metal_7174, urprizee, CoCoLoCo16, beeryetd, crypt-lord, Potential-Fudge-8786, SolarNova2199, erikjonromnes, BuidealUisceBeatha, UrbanAchievers6371, SerbianTarHeel, Snackasm, jar538, squirrelsmasher, mrl33602, PhoenixAF24, berkleysquare, hacksawjim89, spacemouse21, OneQuadrillionOwls, Toiler24, incredibleinkpen, Ok_Presence36, WINNER_nr_1, Steve_McGuilicuty, DENelson83, Revolutionary-Doge, OzymandiasKoK, DiscardedMush, Nebula_Orion, Masselein, Imagiment, StockInitial4460, ncg195, Man-e-questions, testforbanacct, samie-clark, ottodidakt, WhatMads24, yoursweetashley, StockInitial4460, OG-Kushi, Cultural_Card_2603, MuhammedAJ, TheQuietKid22, lightcon_consumed, Fickle-Lobster-7903, ConfusedPanda76, Opportunist_Ad3972, SusRampageSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Did you hear about Elton John's pet rabbit that he kept on a strict exercise routine? . (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (19 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: cruisetheblues, Thanatos_56, phatsackocrap, Healthy_Ladder_6198, houndoom92, Nyuu222, C-J-P-, LOTRouter, [deleted], ForeverGM1985, Bonwovi, darcys_beard, , Admirable_Yard5581, God-2008, eltegs, eltegs, Healthy_Ladder_6198, bandit1216Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

National Princess Day! Tiara-ble dad jokes! 18 November 2024

Daily Dad Jokes (18 Nov 2024) The Christmas Jokes electronic button now available on Amazon. Perfect for stocking fillers, Secret Santa and Kris Kringle! Fun for all ages and guaranteed to provide laughs (and groans). Click here here to view ! The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view ! Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe ! Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app. Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app. Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: Agreeable_Map2817, tyrannosaur85, Daniels86list, prlugo4162, -Monarch-, Horne-Fisher, OohDeLaLi, Savage_Oppress, dmark200, Jester57, cottoncandysummers, brianwilson76, , EgonVector, KnownAd7367, Jaxerfp, Hypleks, myverypunnydad, Wikken, ScotchSaveMe_Now, Pelican_Pecan, magnebuda, _iAm9001, kaijisheeran, caverypca, bcjgreen, DoomRulz, THPSROCKS, PygmeePony, Escalade1414, Evil_cringe, bentnotbroken96, FudgeNutsClegg, Putrid-Redditality-1, DENelson83, rszim94, brettbarbaro Subscribe to this podcast via: iHeartMedia Spotify iTunes Google Podcasts Youtube Channel Social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Discord Interested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at Produced by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( See for privacy information.

Bruce Lee didn’t jump straight into Hollywood movies. . (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (18 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: calm-lab66, PTAwesome, fallnstars, SomeDitzyGlitzyPutzz, Gottapeeinthesink, kickypie, ilikesidehugs, rainblade1980, iShitSkittles, PapaBear846, jar538, C-J-P-, , berkleysquare, pyro667, ilikesidehugs, LordTick, e-bio, PichwademeinkaunthaSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Mike Tyson will wake up a superhero tomorrow…. (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (17 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Major-Dingus, berkleysquare, danuser8, Bonwovi, KateLucas, sully1227, Admirable_Yard5581, Major_Independence82, WTFisasesame, 123maikeru, KoresmosMaybe, Hardvig, , Bbew_Mot, canyuse, VordovKolnir, FrenchiestFry234, YZXFILE, donttakethechip, forksup23, Vantage_1011Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

When my wife had pregnancy complications, we asked for an obstetrician was named Juan. (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (15 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: go_zarian, Prestigious-Isopod-4, Redylittle, Salty818, mrl33602, VonSwabbish, dickcheney600, hacksawjim89, KebabMuncher55, TaxDollarsAtWrk1, WeddingFew2957, Lateralus50310, , gracius0ne, Sir_Pluses, dalphaomega, Killerwill9000, dickcheney600, Lateralus50310Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

My wife told me to stop making Smash Mouth jokes. I thought she was kidding . (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (14 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Civil_Towel643, 11854, geekdaddy, TheQuietKid22, Left-Distribution-13, SehmiSaab, StockInitial4460, awcmonrly, bryanBr, OneQuadrillionOwls, Medicalmysterytour, GiborDesign, , A_large_penguin, bfd71, uxpr0, Masselein, SusDovahKriid, incredibleinkpen, ComprehensiveCap8416, MaCk_PintoSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

I’ve never once cleaned the mirrors in my house. . (+ 18 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (14 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Meerkat_Mayhem_, Garrod_Ran, awesome_smokey, 192335, Different-Tie-1085, mr_dbini, HuckleberryAbject798, incredibleinkpen, 192335, berkleysquare, Ery0ps, Admirable_Yard5581, , PapaXilion, ilikesidehugs, MrFenric, Vileonez, Ery0ps, DickHopschteckler, MasseleinSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Why does Karl Marx only drinks infusions? (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (12 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: wembley99, GiborDesign, smirkingjaysus, Joel_Boyens, andersonfmly, ferretf, Masselein, cabesa-balbesa, DogSmooth4585, DogSmooth4585, CharlieZulu101, Specific_Classic2295, , Joel_Boyens, PlayboyCG, Man-e-questions, Upvoter_NeverDie, Salt-Broccoli-7846, acreativename12345Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Your Weekly Extra Long Super Terrific Episode! [Volume 10]

Daily Dad Jokes (12 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Vealophile, necrofascio, domdotd, Olivia-Brownn, WINNER_nr_1, subsailor1968, philbo50, Realistic-Twist-3112, Wendals87, vlad_lennon, ggfchl, Maddie_Moo13, VordovKolnir, Masselein, unrealgfx, 192335, bill_z_bubb, little-specimen, k_woz1978, MurseMan1964, TakeApictureOfmeNow, ilikesidehugs, Bmantis311, FuzzyDamnedBunny, , AbsurdKnurd, Cultural_Card_2603, MakeMeASandwichGirl, TheQuietKid22, HovercraftHelpful926, Yaguajay, Test-SpaceTech, MetalBroVR, PhantomBanker, Wotansen2, ilikesidehugs, Fantasoke, Man-e-questions, Red_Dot_Byte, Ninjasifi, Sturth, Irvman51, ExtremePresence3030, Itamarep, PortugalDoesntExist, Masselein, Major_Independence82, Vesurel, BookmobileLesbrarian, unlucky_genius, Cultural_Card_2603, Sprig3, Yokelele, 192335, crappyadvice30, IAmYou_rMom, ProfessorDunce, oneidamojo, Mediocre_Metal_7174, Admirable_Yard5581, dontbeanegatron, beeryetd, MattInTheHat15, Krukindzek, ilikesidehugs, bentnotbroken96, koro-sen, speed_of_chill, danielsoft1, National-Land-3622, bobsmth269, Tiramisu_Savant, StockInitial4460, DinglebarryHandpump, SixtyOunce, ThreeDog_GNR, Seeyalaterelevator, jkmorse27, WINNER_nr_1, Masselein, AndrewMacSydney, eltegs, StockInitial4460, 192335, halfnakedalpaca, Spex223, Left-Distribution-13, Dependent-Phone7496, D0ddzee, Man-e-questions, TheRiddlerCum, GiborDesign, oceanchimp, Joel_Boyens, zSperminGerman, Impossible-Solid-827, Leboy2Point0, oppy1984, ChrisfromSoCal, prlugo4162, yankee_doodle_, epaindahood, karaokechameleon, sydh-sun, CKO1967, kristiand061, NobodySure9375, Left-Distribution-13, whatsinanameanywayyy, E5evo, twoampsinatrenchcoat, DopeCharma, 1LuckyTexan, berkleysquare, spacemouse21, InfiniteToppings, LovelySugarLily, TheQuietKid22, Scosawema, Cultural_Card_2603, Comm4nd0, pasnootie, subsailor1968, ConsiderationFew1685, Anaphylactic_Cock, , yomommafool, Real-Championship331, keepcalmscrollon, Me_Max-P, DMGlowen, jimodoom, Cultural_Card_2603, Sir_Pluses, Amoghawesome, Liquid_disc_of_shit, Cultural_Card_2603, MissionWhole4385, OnlyOneness, notagoodspelller, Masselein, Denny_Dust, Madisoniano, RedwoodDuncan, user-extraordinaire, prankerjoker, Critical_Ad_8455, subsailor1968, Alone-8328, good_life_pa, _The_dude_abides185, Joel_Boyens, Masselein, Man-e-questions, ImNotHandyImHandsome, Cultural_Card_2603, retronai, Equal-Prior-9225, TRAKRACER, dickcheney600, glnb20, StockInitial4460, BusyMap9686, Cultural_Card_2603, GiborDesign, Major_Independence82, freemason777, spacenerdgasms, DenaliDash, mrl33602, JoeFas, Boba_tea_thx, MadAdam88, ZeroDoubleJump, Hrushikesh0, prlugo4162, ilikesidehugsSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Which Disney character smells the worst? . (+ 18 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (12 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: ferretf, ASK_ABT_MY_USERNAME, TDLMTH, berkleysquare, ztreHdrahciR, SolarNova2199, TheQuietKid22, TheQuietKid22, ThatsBeyondMe, Heroic-Forger, incredibleinkpen, Tttiiimmm1, , 192335, External_Side_7063, berkleysquare, StockInitial4460, KilometersArentMiles, ilikesidehugs, ivebeenabadgirl4Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

I knew my son would scribble on all my Pink Floyd albums. (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (10 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: BreakApprehensive489, CheeseyGarlicBread10, Stunning-Koala-925, donttellmewhattothnk, SuperfluousAnon, CheeseyGarlicBread10, kickypie, ilikesidehugs, definitelynotabone, vlad_lennon, awcmonrly, Financial-Wear-558, , Lucky-Rip5662, CheeseyGarlicBread10, CheeseyGarlicBread10, CheeseyGarlicBread10, Admirable_Yard5581, GiborDesign, thehodlingcompany, WhipsmithSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

National Hug A Musician Day! Be musically inspired with these dad jokes! 10 November 2024

Daily Dad Jokes (10 Nov 2024) The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view ! Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe ! Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app. Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app. Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: Yokelele, SadRefrigerator1, Part-Time_Insanity, FruitMcVeg, porichoygupto, Man-e-questions, TheQuietKid22, Supevict, Significant-Ad-8684, Key-Ideal-9121, honoluluoahumod, mfitzy87, , ChiliPalmer1568, AnimatorNr1, thecyriousone, RodrigoOrtuno, mcnuttsy, sydh-sun, crimson_dovah, UltimaBahamut93, lorettarebelle, thatoneslugees, Kyte22, FlippingDaysius, Sirus-The-Great, ashethirwegouagen5, zurds13, Keirnflake, Keirnflake, FinalPomelo2603, ProfPacific, LounaticB7, ThatOneKoolestKid, evilteach, HellsJuggernaut, gotmojo6, berkleysquare Subscribe to this podcast via: iHeartMedia Spotify iTunes Google Podcasts Youtube Channel Social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Discord Interested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at Produced by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( See for privacy information.

International Accounting Day! Dad jokes that need to be audited! 10 November 2024

Daily Dad Jokes (10 Nov 2024) The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view ! Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe ! Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app. Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app. Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: Responsible-Jury2579, Mother-bear22, TheTubaTitan, ilikesidehugs, Justin_peacemaker, Few-Victory-5773, TheQuietKid22, Bewarsepanthulu, Typical-Substance680, Financial-Wear-558, QueervyPancakes, POWERmmmSomething, , DriedUpSquid, AlduinIsAGeordie, Dontleave, H-DaneelOlivaw, VoltaicOwl, jeswinjohnson6, yusuo85, magister-j, MarshmallowDroppings, professorf, SatisfactionBroad668, Opposite-Nebula842, Ethan_Blank687, snow_mantra, Civil-Needleworker-8, DODamongus, Tenorman-Chilli54, Duffbeerman66, hantswanderer, jturker88, selfagency, tigreye007, stretch85, Brutaka12345, LavaWolf68, TheAzrael2013, warpedddd, Sammy_Colon Subscribe to this podcast via: iHeartMedia Spotify iTunes Google Podcasts Youtube Channel Social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Discord Interested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at Produced by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( See for privacy information.

So why did you name your penguin Osama Bin Laden? (+ 18 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (10 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: ilikesidehugs, SolarNova2199, Ejsberg, wayosiliezar, Masselein, rszim94, Vileonez, StockInitial4460, MikeEdwardsMusic, SolarNova2199, Masselein, PeppermintBiscuit, , Hassaan18, dungeonsandflagons89, drewdog173, TheQuietKid22, SweetyFairy, Opportunist_Ad3972, Admirable_Yard5581Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

When the guy from Dirty Jobs makes a welcoming gesture… (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (09 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Realistic-Twist-3112, SolarNova2199, urfunnyboi, GiborDesign, Sad_Stay_5471, KyronX, Significant-Ad-8684, SolarNova2199, PhantomBanker, Onoma_Khristi, JWKirby, Mediocre_Metal_7174, , Manos44, Yokelele, waterfall2468, RedwoodDuncan, Vileonez, Vanihilist, gotmojo6, ChainsawSaintSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

I went into a bar and ordered a Neil Diamond. The bartender pulled out rum, orange root vegetables, and a green citrus. (+ 19 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (08 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: StockInitial4460, 1illiteratefool, Garrod_Ran, DieInThyLap, SweetyFairy, GiborDesign, CellPhone235, Heroic-Forger, GiborDesign, incredibleinkpen, prankerjoker, devinh313, , prankerjoker, Significant-Ad-8684, ImNotHandyImHandsome, kabalabonga, Cruise-Monkey-Games, Masselein, TargetOfPerpetuity, Bbew_MotSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Have you heard - The first law Trump will be passing is the ban of shredded cheese… (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (06 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: giveusabark, TheQuietKid22, 192335, SolarNova2199, ExistingNPC69, Dragontechcreations, AllUpInYourAO, NotWhoIonceWass, mrl33602, SmallPaul8008, roseds-, SisuDrew, , dave_is_afraid, KalbotJambot, UncleSpencer523, Left-Distribution-13, TheQuietKid22, alanmitch34Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

What do you name a woman that burns all her bills? (+ 18 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (06 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Impossible-Solid-827, According_Ad860, ilikesidehugs, KtheMage36, 192335, GiborDesign, remixclashes, AlanDomi, NonconsensualHug, GiborDesign, Yokelele, SecretXMistress, , Left-Distribution-13, EruditeEntity, Nape_Lissken, mikeylikezit, romy-indy, allnameswereusedup, KalbotJambotSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Your Weekly Extra Long Super Terrific Episode! [Volume 9]

Daily Dad Jokes (05 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Wretched_Da_Turd, whatsinanameanywayyy, spacemouse21, Garrod_Ran, Masselein, donttakethechip, SerbianTarHeel, k_woz1978, memoryarcadepodcast, OG-Kushi, Driftless1981, ApprehensiveSpite589, DindiMC, ChefRagnarok, Zaccifaker, 4d4m07, TheQuietKid22, cbsxact7, Heroic-Forger, PandaManPFI, MurseMan1964, Cultural_Card_2603, VenkyFromAnakapalli, Sir_Pluses, , Ra1dspidey, Acceptable-Tiger4516, Joel_Boyens, BiggerMouthBass, HybridKennyUnicorn, Ornery-Read-9500, gotmojo6, DeltaGemini, SusRampage, bgva, SayethWeAll, ExtraCheeseProject, Unlikely-Doughnut756, ilikesidehugs, sydh-sun, MohiFlaz, Dongwaffler, slatersays22, ExtraCheeseProject, Flame_Wingman, ryan_leblanc, ftpmango, drjohnson89, eskapismus2024, 89iroc, seriousnotshirley, Cosmicmoose13, EndersGame_Reviewer, chief-w, MrBenjin90, Mean-Mango-7125, ABsoluteNOthing9, Masselein, RX3000, Jake_THINGS, ChiGuy_1429, BiggerMouthBass, Usesourname, Significant-Ad-8684, mohammad_ujjainwala, NeedForSleep9, Ok_Presence36, The_Tuba_Titan, Cultural_Card_2603, prlugo4162, 192335, idahowoodworker, Webji, Street_Investment344, spacemouse21, Tadpole20CM, Taiga_Taiga, GotMyOrangeCrush, OskarTheRed, EndersGame_Reviewer, Glad_Discount4748, T33NW01F, GiborDesign, 192335, andersonfmly, Far-Hovercraft-6514, RudenessUpgrade, Radin_Wins, D0ddzee, IJustExploded123, 1Universal_Turtle, IAteAPlane, veritoast, spacemouse21, TheQuietKid22, subsailor1968, Wendals87, satyrgamer, Ratspunk, ilikesidehugs, National-Ad8416, nobody1701d, TossProtein, Aussie_introvert, Longjumping_Event_59, Salt-Broccoli-7846, DeltaGemini, MissStarsandStripes, NotWhoIonceWass, user-extraordinaire, muneela, Individual_Dream3770, Olivia-Brownn, 192335, Admirable-Dig3795, FatHaleyJoelOsment, WonderfulParticular1, Matinee_Lightning, T33NW01F, CanadianBallMapper, gotmojo6, houndoom92, johnruk, Olivia-Brownn, Major_Independence82, , Battledog32, Old-Outside-6941, GiborDesign, The-Blind-Moth, Mindnessss, Short_Ninja229, highly-atomic-potato, Cheeseburger0709, Majorpain2006, whatsinanameanywayyy, Significant-List-153, berkleysquare, syngestreetsurvivor, DONGBONGER3000, DeltaGemini, Man-e-questions, ilikesidehugs, ComicGenius1986, justmrmom, NYRfanFL, bellicose_buddha, sydh-sun, nunya_busyness1984, Typical-Substance680, Wyomingsreal, ddodd69, Masselein, Man-e-questions, Joel_Boyens, Left-Distribution-13, HeyWhatsItToYa, ResurgentAvian, 192335, Boba_tea_thx, 6Illuminated6Me6, Neil_Denver, MurseMan1964, Itsuka-Detsukika, Upvoter_NeverDie, CheeseyGarlicBread10, Ryde29, DickKnightly, kevindavis338, eltegs, Romo_Sapien, Delivery-Plus, romy-indy, Individual_Dream3770, BallsofSt33I, loosetoe, WhatMads24Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

How do we know that Mike Tyson is very religious? (+ 18 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (04 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: LovelySugarLily, hacksawjim89, RedwoodDuncan, GiborDesign, Kreios273, Madisoniano, VordovKolnir, beerbellybegone, TheQuietKid22, KingsOFcalamity, Admirable_Yard5581, Upvoter_NeverDie, , Inner-Discussion6265, darrenbosik, Acceptable_Bank2162, TheQuietKid22, sydh-sun, MeasureOnce-KutTwice, IJustExploded123Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

National Candy Day! Sweet dad jokes! 04 November 2024

Daily Dad Jokes (04 Nov 2024) The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view ! Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe ! Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app. Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app. Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: OhMyMonster, Spotter66, ilikesidehugs, Bill-Ding2112, everyonesdesigner, Joel_Boyens, Left-Distribution-13, dickcheney600, ilikesidehugs, WeTheIndecent, OldTimeyMedicine, MLGinoo, , DoomRulz, Man-e-questions, JforJohn101, HellsAnglersOH, Masselein, JohnnyCenter, Man-e-questions, LordCinko, myverypunnydad, DopeCharma, wafflecheese, Different-Tie-1085, Jibanyanisgoated, BigSmackisBack, WOKinTOK-sleptafter, ChetLarson42069, leggdogg, thethethesethose, seattledandy, Masselein, Neoslayer, FinalCaveat, VERBERD, Krissi2008, Kajmari, FartyMcFry89, Brady01234, thomasbrakeline, UltimateInferno, ISHITA_BRICK, Jayhawk_rock586, Jester57, gtMANGAMER2 Subscribe to this podcast via: iHeartMedia Spotify iTunes Google Podcasts Youtube Channel Social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Discord Interested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at Produced by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( See for privacy information.

I hear Kim Jung-Un has read every book ever written... (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (03 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: RedwoodDuncan, RedwoodDuncan, icemage27, wayosiliezar, LostBit444, UrbanAchievers6371, EndersGame_Reviewer, romeyroam, PapaXilion, Realistic-Twist-3112, Healthy_Ladder_6198, bryanBr, , lardboy, WhoThenDevised, jdyerjdyer, EndersGame_Reviewer, eskapismus2024, DiscardedMushSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

I'm BEGGING my daughter to stop watching Frozen. (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (03 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: EndersGame_Reviewer, RedwoodDuncan, EndersGame_Reviewer, TheQuietKid22, DeltaGemini, trancedartist, DeltaGemini, MaCk_Pinto, kthejoker, Suspicious-Criminal, wswsc05, EndersGame_Reviewer, , DeltaGemini, DeltaGemini, DeltaGemini, StockInitial4460, we_are_sex_bobomb, darth-vaporSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

International Project Management Day! Dad Jokes that deliver on scope, schedule and cost! 02 November 2024

Daily Dad Jokes (02 Nov 2024) The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view ! Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe ! Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app. Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app. Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: trickertreater, ilikesidehugs, dubaidadjokes, ddj, ddj, ddj, ddj, ddj, ddj, ddj, greg_zielinski, madazzahatter, porichoygupto, TRAKRACER Subscribe to this podcast via: iHeartMedia Spotify iTunes Google Podcasts Youtube Channel Social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Discord Interested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at Produced by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( See for privacy information.

What do you get when you put your hand in a blender. (+ 18 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (01 Nov 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Impossible-Solid-827, probrwr, Left-Distribution-13, gotmojo6, BabyQueenGirl, EndersGame_Reviewer, RedwoodDuncan, GiborDesign, romy-indy, EdMcMoon, DinglebarryHandpump, -the_last_unicorn-, , PetalTwist-423, danielsoft1, sydh-sun, SolarNova2199, Impossible-Solid-827, EndersGame_Reviewer, Admirable_Yard5581Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

The doctor only gave me 6 months to live. (+ 18 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (31 Oct 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: Stormzer0, TheQuietKid22, Dragontechcreations, roseds-, Seto_Lain, Common_Chester, TheQuietKid22, LazloDaLlama, k_woz1978, Left-Distribution-13, Beautiful-Badger4362, Kartenhouse, , LyricalJessieJames, EndersGame_Reviewer, EndersGame_Reviewer, Neil_Denver, the_Leskiss, Fantasoke, gotmojo6Subscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.

Halloween! 101 dad jokes to lift your spirits! 31 October 2024

Daily Dad Jokes (31 Oct 2024) The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view ! Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe ! Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app. Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app. Jokes sourced and curated from Joke credits: sulldanivan, berkleysquare, OhMyMonster, ExtraCheeseProject, C-J-P-, 02K30C1, PolarBear89, thealexkidson, Rather-Tasty, scotianheimer, Left-Distribution-13, Masselein, , Left-Distribution-13, MrMockTurtle, Masselein, Left-Distribution-13, radbme, Admirable_Yard5581, AnyUpstairs5698, Left-Distribution-13, Left-Distribution-13, Awwwdawg, gkidult, SpiritualEar3456, Final-Comfortable-63, Upvoter_NeverDie, GiborDesign, athei-nerd, UrbanCyclerPT, TheCriticalCynic, kidrockpasta, skullchin, Upvoter_NeverDie, kickypie, skullchin, jmoney6, eren123danyel, catsandlettuce, Til24, Hazlet95, TheManCletus, Objective-Elk-2910, heyandy1, yonkfu, WarriorJax, thomasbrakeline, Rslashhuman, maryfountain, MrMontyBurns, Admirable_Yard5581, Admirable_Yard5581, 02K30C1, Bellechewie, bpmbrent, k_woz1978, wiikid6, hartoast, Ghipag, Kohop_Kapah, zatch17, wimpykidfan37, moneybot, dick_schidt, Tree_Weasel, redbirdjr, NotWhoIonceWass, timthedriller, dubaidadjokes, Joel_Boyens, WorkingApprehensive5, iushdulal, VERBERD, CoryEagles, Keithninety, kunthapigulugulu, uhavethebiggay, cheez_balls, Ericmc80, NoneOfThisIsFine, SusRampage, Admirable_Yard5581, Sir_Pluses, Left-Distribution-13, grobmyer, ilikesidehugs, infinitywee, wimpykidfan37, ilikesidehugs, TheQuietKid22, dankdan184, JTB696699, ssddave, Amazing_Credit7911, Admirable_Yard5581, Admirable_Yard5581, Clbull, CannibalDiveBar, Gooflucky, bassistheplace246, AndreT_NY, SweetPeachAura Subscribe to this podcast via: iHeartMedia Spotify iTunes Google Podcasts Youtube Channel Social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter Tik Tok Discord Interested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at Produced by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( See for privacy information.

If King Kong went to Hong Kong to play ping-pong, and died, what would they put on his coffin? (+ 17 more dad jokes!)

Daily Dad Jokes (30 Oct 2024)The official Daily Dad Jokes Podcast electronic button now available on Amazon. The perfect gift for dad! Click here here to view!Email Newsletter: Looking for more dad joke humour to share? Then subscribe to our new weekly email newsletter. It's our weekly round-up of the best dad jokes, memes, and humor for you to enjoy. Spread the laughs, and groans, and sign up today! Click here to subscribe!Listen to the Daily Dad Jokes podcast here: or search "Daily Dad Jokes" in your podcast app.Interested in Business and Finance news? Then listen to our sister show: The Daily Business and Finance Show. Check out the website here or search "Daily Business and Finance Show" in your podcast app.Jokes sourced and curated from credits: SweetyyBabyGirl, AthrGaming, juniorlax16, EndersGame_Reviewer, EndersGame_Reviewer, Gil-Gandel, Gogglespaisan0, C-J-P-, Left-Distribution-13, LiamHemsworthless, rafikki123, Admirable_Yard5581, , RanDReille, LongNthick314, Silly-Maize7095, useruuu2, Critical_Ad_8455, debelvoirSubscribe to this podcast via:iHeartMediaSpotifyiTunesGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelSocial media:InstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokDiscordInterested in advertising or sponsoring our show? Contact us at [email protected] by Klassic Studios using AutoGen Podcast technology ( for privacy information.