Religion & Spirituality
1st Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco
First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco Sunday worship service. Home of liberal spirituality for over 150 years, the Society welcomes people of all racial and religious backgrounds. Our Congregation includes gay, straight, transgendered, and questioning people. More information is available at
Total 825 episodes
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The State of the Union and the Soul of the Nation

"The State of the Union and the Soul of the Nation" Sunday, November 10, 2024 No matter what happens in our election, as I write this, it is playing out in voting booths and polling places across the country. We will have work to do together. The divide is too big, the rhetoric too scary and angry, for us to think that we can just declare victory or defeat and bunker back down on our side of the issues or arguments. As a nation, we need to reconnect to each other, to what is exacerbating any legitimate differences, heal some old wounds, and perhaps get good at declaring what we will not, the majority of us, agree to descend into. In addition, we need some articulated notion of the common good wrestled into national consciousness to anchor us against the storms of climate change and international anti-democratic movements and all else we need to face off, creatively, against instead of using up our energy to fight one another. This Sunday we gather ourselves, as we are, to begin to attend to what we have just been through and are facing as the emerging state of our union. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Dennis Adams, Worship Associate; Galen Workman, Moderator, Board of Trustees; Larry Chinn, jazz pianist; Mark Sumner, songleader; Ben Rudiak-Gould, songleader Shulee Ong; Eric Shackelford; Eli Boshears, Camera, Camera Operators; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Thomas Brown, Jose Matias Pineda, and Francisco Castellanos, Sextons; Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher
1h 29m

Connecting Across Borders and Divides

"Connecting Across Borders and Divides" Sunday, October 29, 10:50 am, 2023 This is the time of year of the Pagan celebration of Samhain, and the Christian (no doubt borrowed and adapted!) witness to All Souls and All Saints, and to the celebrations of Día De Los Muertos in Mexico and across Latin America. All of these community and religious ceremonies and sacred times begin with the Samhain idea that at this time of year, the veil between the living and the dead is thinned. It is a season, therefore, for reaching across that veil and pulling those we have loved and lost—their spirit and their legacy—more intentionally into our world for a while. In the spirit of this time and sacred season, you are invited to bring a copy of a photo or a memento of someone you have lost that we can put on the altar during worship. Be prepared to share their name. You are also invited to bring their favorite food to the worship. The foods that you bring will be shared during social hour. Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Mari Magaloni Ramos, Worship Asscociate; Carlowe Connelly, The Pagan Interest Circle; Megan Lehmer, Board of Trustees; UUSF Bell Choir led by Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Akane Ota, Soloist; Wm García Ganz, Pianist Shulee Ong, Jackson Munn, Livestream Team; Asani Seawell, Chat Support; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher
1h 20m