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Religion & Spirituality
Amos Johnson Jr, PhD
The Church for Entrepreneurs Podcast brings you daily Bible teachings and conversations that help you grow spiritually, enabling you to achieve the calling God has placed in your heart.
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Going to the next level without crushing your family | Faith Chat

Going to the next level without crushing your family | Faith Chat

Over these last few Faith Chats, God has instructed me to open up about the transition He is leading me through. God desires for the Church for Entrepreneurs (CFE) to go to the next level, but the next level requires me to work at CFE full time. This means I need to leave behind some financial opportunities that have been providing for my family, so I can free up my time to give fully to CFE. As you can imagine, this presents some interesting family challenges with tough conversations. In today's Faith Chat, I am sharing how God has instructed me to approach going to the next level without crushing my family financially. As you consume today's message, listen for how God is uniquely leading you to making your own transition to the next level.
Should Christians be secretive in business dealings? | Get Answers

Should Christians be secretive in business dealings? | Get Answers

In today’s message, I am answering a question from one of our listeners. The question is, “Should Christians be secretive in business dealings?” The scenario behind this question is that this listener and their cousin are starting a Christian radio station. They want to purchase a radio commercial in an effort to learn about the process of selling radio air time and commercials. However, they don't want to reveal to the radio station the real reason behind the purchase of the commercial. They are wondering whether, as Christians, can they be secret shoppers (in a sense), or should they be transparent about their motives?
Overcoming the conflict between your circumstances and next move | Faith Chat

Overcoming the conflict between your circumstances and next move | Faith Chat

When God instructs you to take the next step in your calling, your circumstances will give you a million reasons why you cannot do it. These reasons will be really compelling and will cause some emotion stress. However, we must overcome the conflict between our circumstances and our next move. In today's Faith Chat, I am sharing how God is helping me overcome my conflict with the next move He has instructed me to take in my calling. Use my situation to help gain insight into how you can overcome your own conflicts between your circumstances and the next move God has instructed you to take.
You may need to cut some things | Faith Chat

You may need to cut some things | Faith Chat

We are only a few days away from going into 2019. To achieve all God has called you to do next year, you may need to cut some things that were actually successful in 2018. We need to make room for the new things God has for us to do next year.
How I handle not meeting my goals | Faith Chat

How I handle not meeting my goals | Faith Chat

As we approach the end of the end of the year, it's a time when we evaluate whether or not we've achieved our goals for the year. If our goals are unmet it is easy to become depressed, which hinders us from setting goals for the next year. However, it is inevitable that along our entrepreneurial journey we will all have unmet goals. In today's Faith Chat, I am discussing how I handle not meeting my goals. I am sharing my response to unmet goals to give you food for thought on how you can approach your unmet goals.
We live by faith (Rebroadcast) | Children's Church

We live by faith (Rebroadcast) | Children's Church

Today's Children's lesson is a rebroadcast from July 2018. In this lesson, your children will learn what faith is, how do we get it, and how do we use it. Also, they will discover that, as believers, we should live by faith and that faith pleases God. 
How do I say no to well-meaning people? | Get Answers

How do I say no to well-meaning people? | Get Answers

In today's message, I am answering a question from one of our listeners. The question is, "How do I say no to well-meaning people?" The scenario behind this question is that well-meaning people are giving them advice on what they should do to make money so they can provide for their family. However, this advice goes against the calling God has given them. Listen to today's message to discover the danger of following the wrong advice from well-meaning people, and learn how to gently (but firmly) tell them no.
God is not going to increase your money | Word Training

God is not going to increase your money | Word Training

I have discovered through the Word of God that when we have a financial need, asking God to give us money is the wrong prayer to pray. The reason is that God can only give us what He has. Money is a human creation, not a God creation. Therefore, we need to ask God for what He can give, and what God gives is wisdom that leads to you making money.
You already know what to do | Faith Chat

You already know what to do | Faith Chat

From advising many Christian entrepreneurs from around the world, I have discovered that most of us already know what God has called us to do. The problem is that we are afraid to do it. Once we overcome the fear and do it, success will flow.
The Bible teaches principles not blueprints | Word Training

The Bible teaches principles not blueprints | Word Training

There is a misconception among some believers about the purpose of the Bible. They study it looking to find God's specific plan for their lives. However, they become disappointed when they can't find it. The reason is that God designed the Bible to teach us spiritual principles, not to give us an exact blueprint for our lives and calling. However, if we learn the principles, then with help from the Holy Spirit, we can discover our own blueprint.
How do I know when I'm in God's will? | Get Answers

How do I know when I'm in God's will? | Get Answers

Today I am answering the question "How do I know when I'm in God's will?"
Forget not all father God’s benefits (Rebroadcast) | Children's Church

Forget not all father God’s benefits (Rebroadcast) | Children's Church

Pastor April is off this week for Thanksgiving, so we are rebroadcasting a message from our lesson archive. In this lesson, your children will learn about the benefits God offers us and they will be encouraged not to forget any of them.
We have to graduate from needing other Christians to agree with us | Word Training

We have to graduate from needing other Christians to agree with us | Word Training

Since the beginning days of Christianity, believers have had disagreements over the meaning of various spiritual principles in the Word of God. A lot of these early disagreements are actually documented in the New Testament. What is amazing about these early disagreements is that God did not step in and correct everyone. Instead, He left it up to us to correctly discover spiritual truth from His Word. Therefore, when you are listening to other believers and ministers interpret the Word of God, you are bound to hear contradictions and disagreements. When this happens, we have to resist the desire to enter into fruitless arguments. In a real sense, to grow spiritually, we have to graduate from needing other Christians to agree with us.
What is the purpose of Thanksgiving | Word Training

What is the purpose of Thanksgiving | Word Training

Today the USA celebrates Thanksgiving. It is a time for family gatherings and reconnecting with old friends. However, what is the meaning of thanksgiving? Well, it is more than food and fellowship. In today's Word Training, learn the biblical purpose of thanksgiving and discover the spiritual power behind giving thanks.
Does the Bible teach having multiple streams of income? | Get Answers

Does the Bible teach having multiple streams of income? | Get Answers

Back in September, I recorded a faith chat discussing how multiple streams of income could derail your calling. After that message aired, a listener submitted a question asking me to explain Ecclesiastes 11:2, 6, which appears to encourage the creation of multiple streams of income. Therefore, on today's podcast I will answer the question, "Does the Bible teach having multiple streams of income?"
It may be too late to complete that unfinished assignment | Word Training

It may be too late to complete that unfinished assignment | Word Training

Many believers with entrepreneurial callings have a list of unfinished instructions from God. It is tempting to go back and try to finish the list; however, the season for those particular assignments may have passed. God is a right now God. Instead of going backward, find out what God is asking you to do now because the anointing on your unfinished assignments might be gone.
The Will of God for your calling is progressive | Faith Chat

The Will of God for your calling is progressive | Faith Chat

God knows exactly where He wants us to be with the vision He has given us. However, typically, He progressively revealsHis will to us because He knows we can only receive so much at a given level of spirit growth. To give you an example of this, in today's Faith Chat, I share a personal story how God progressively took from his acceptable will to His perfect will in a particular area of my calling.
Focus on God (Part 3) | Children's Church

Focus on God (Part 3) | Children's Church

We are continuing our lesson series in Children's Church today called, “Focus on God.” In this series, your children will learn the importance of focusing on the Word of God and how to prevent Satan from distracting them with his negative words. 
God will stop the sun to help you make right your mistakes | Word Training

God will stop the sun to help you make right your mistakes | Word Training

When God called you, He knew that you would not perfectly implement the vision. He called you because He knows that you will listen to his corrections when needed. When you do make mistakes, because He loves you He will do everything in his power (including stopping the sun) to help you correct those mistakes.
Daily reprogram your default decision-making process | Faith Chat

Daily reprogram your default decision-making process | Faith Chat

It's the many little decisions we make on a daily basis that move us forward or backward. This is because these little decisions lead to big game-changing decisions. However, many of us are losing the battle of the little decisions because our default decision-making process has a limited, worldly mindset that's telling us we don't deserve success and are worthless. We need to reprogram our default decision-making process daily with the Word of God, so we can win in our little decisions each day. Listen to today's Faith Chat to learn more about this concept.
Should we use "Christian Owned" as a marketing strategy? | Get Answers

Should we use "Christian Owned" as a marketing strategy? | Get Answers

On today's podcast we are answering the question "Should we use 'Christian Owned' as a marketing strategy?"
A successful goal requires a word from God | Faith Chat

A successful goal requires a word from God | Faith Chat

To achieve great things in our calling, we need to set goals. However, many believers set random goals that they are just making up, and then they try to apply faith to their made-up goals. This does not work. We can only have correct faith in a goal when we get the goal from God, not ourselves. If we want to increase the rate at which we achieve our goals, we need to consult God first, before we set goals. Listen to today’s Faith Chat and learn more about this concept.
Opportunity comes through diligent pursuit of the right course of action | Word Training

Opportunity comes through diligent pursuit of the right course of action | Word Training

Reaching the next level of success in your calling usually occurs through a divine opportunity. These opportunities are from another person or organization who has noticed your current success, and they help you reach higher levels. However, to be noticed, you must be in diligent pursuit of the right course of action. Through today's Word Training, discover your right course of action, so you don't miss your opportunity to accelerate to your next level of success.
Kids can speak in tongues too (Rebroadcast) | Children's Church

Kids can speak in tongues too (Rebroadcast) | Children's Church

Today’s Children's Church lesson is a rebroadcast from May 2018. In this lesson, your children will learn about speaking in tongues and discover that kids can also speak in tongues. 
How to successfully collaborate with other believers | Faith Chat

How to successfully collaborate with other believers | Faith Chat

If you desire to build something great, then you need to collaborate with other brothers and sisters in Christ. You may know this is true, but many of us work solo because working with others, especially believers, can be hard and frustrating. Nonetheless, God has placed people with different gifts within the body of Christ and He deserves to see these different gifts work together and create great things. Listen to today's Faith Chat, and learn how to successfully collaborate with other believers.
Here's the solution to kick fear out of your life | Word Training

Here's the solution to kick fear out of your life | Word Training

We have learned that fear produces a life of failures, and this is a life we don't want. Since fear is a dangerous spiritual force, we need to remove it. In today's Word Training, discover the root cause of fear and the solution to remove it from your life.
Fear creates a future you don't want | Word Training

Fear creates a future you don't want | Word Training

Fear is a dangerous mindset that creates a future you don't want. It's a future of failure, frustrations, and unachieved goals because fear robs you of the faith required to succeed in life and business. Therefore, we must guard our mind and emotions against fear so we can succeed in the calling God has given us.
Trust in your God given anointing to lead | Word Training

Trust in your God given anointing to lead | Word Training

Many Christians question their ability to lead their calling to success because they are looking at their natural credentials and past track record. However, if God has called you to do it, then He has anointed you to lead it. It's not about your natural ability; you will succeed in leading because of the leadership anointing that God has placed on you.
How to get faith for finances | Faith Chat

How to get faith for finances | Faith Chat

I am in the process of increasing my faith for finances. However, the method I was using was completely wrong, and Holy Spirit had to remind me of the proper way to get faith for finances. Of course, I should have known better :) but we all need reminding. In today's Faith Chat, learn (or be reminded of) the proper way to get faith for finances.
Focus on God  - Part 2 | Children's Church

Focus on God - Part 2 | Children's Church

We are continuing our lesson series in Children's Church today called, “Focus on God.” In this series, your children will learn the importance of focusing on the Word of God and how to prevent Satan from distracting them with his negative words.
Have faith in God not a situation | Faith Chat

Have faith in God not a situation | Faith Chat

I am at a crossroads in my calling. I am feeling the need to transition into my calling full time. However, recently I realized that I had my faith in the wrong place, which has slowed down my transition. Instead of having faith in God, I had faith in meeting a certain revenue goal. Thus, my faith to fully follow God rested on a situation rather than in God. In today's Faith Chat, hear more about this and discover how to prevent this from happening to you.
You have everything you need to turn your situation around | Word Training

You have everything you need to turn your situation around | Word Training

God sees the end from the beginning. Thus, He has already seen the needs and challenges you are currently facing in your life and calling. Since God is good, He has already gifted you with everything you need to turn your current situation around. When God calls you, He equips you to win.
Do not leave a vision for your children | Word Training

Do not leave a vision for your children | Word Training

As parents, we have to be mindful not to leave a vision for our children. God has called us to leave an inheritance for them, but not a vision. We can become so excited and passionate about our calling that we want our children to work with us and eventually take over from us. However, this is very dangerous because we could be hindering the calling God has given them by placing our calling on them.
Wanting something bad enough is not faith | Word Training

Wanting something bad enough is not faith | Word Training

Having a strong desire for something can deceive you into thinking that you have faith for it. However, wanting something badly is not faith. Faith is not a strong desire; it is believing that you will receive the object of your desire. No matter how much you want something, if you don't have faith for it, you will not receive it. Listen to today's Word Training to learn more about this concept.
Let things unfold instead of planning every detail | Faith Chat

Let things unfold instead of planning every detail | Faith Chat

An effective way to reduce stress and confusion in your life is to let things unfold instead of trying to plan every single detail of your calling. God has called us to live by faith, not by a long-term strategic plan. Yes, planning is important, but if we are not watchful, planning can easily turn into trusting a plan over trusting God.
Love one another | Children's Church

Love one another | Children's Church

We are concluding our two week lesson series in Children's Church on "Love." In this week’s lesson, we are teaching your children that non-believers will know that they are believers by the love they have for one another.
When things get tough get reconfirmation  | Word Training

When things get tough get reconfirmation | Word Training

As you work on the vision God has given you, you will periodically experience some tough situations that may cause you to wonder if God has called you to do something else. In those times, it is important to get reconfirmation from God about your vision. It is not a sin to ask again. In fact, by getting reconfirmation, you will strengthen your faith and acquire the needed motivation to push on to victory.
God will train you through small wins | Word Training

God will train you through small wins | Word Training

It is likely that the vision God has given you is large and will impact the lives of many people. Therefore, God will probably train you through small victories before you step into the primary calling He has given you. This is similar to being a baby. We must learn to crawl before we walk or run. If we rush straight at the vision God has given us, we won't have the necessary skills (which are developed through training in smaller battles) to win.
Can you lose salvation | Word Training

Can you lose salvation | Word Training

One highly debated issue in the body of Christ is the question: "Can you lose salvation?" Some say once saved, you are always saved. Other say that you can actually lose salvation after being saved. In today's Word Training we comb through the Bible to examine this question.
It may be a bumpy ride to manifestation | Word Training

It may be a bumpy ride to manifestation | Word Training

Does it seem like you are on a bumpy roller coaster ride with the vision God gave you? Well, hold on because victory is coming. Even God's dream for humanity was a bumpy ride (that is still not over). Just like God, we will win in the end. Listen to today's Word Training to learn more about this concept.
New ideas require new thinking | Word Training

New ideas require new thinking | Word Training

The vision God has given you requires you to change your mind. From interacting with negative people and having negative experiences, our minds are filled with limiting thoughts. Thoughts like "People like us don't do that," "You don't have the money for that," "You'll never achieve that goal," etc. Those thoughts must be rooted out of our minds if we are to achieve all God has for us to do. The new ideas God has placed inside us require new thinking.
Loving father God | Children's Church

Loving father God | Children's Church

We are teaching  a two week lesson series in Children's Church on "Love." In this week’s lesson, we are teaching your children about the greatest commandment God gave us, which is to love Him.
Why are somethings right and others wrong  | Word Training

Why are somethings right and others wrong | Word Training

What is morality? Are there really some things that are absolutely right and some things that are completely wrong? Questions like these are constantly debated between believers and non-believers. In today's Word Training, we explore through a biblical lens the concept of right and wrong.
Grace, faith, and living holy | Faith Chat

Grace, faith, and living holy | Faith Chat

Various bible teachers and pastors preach on the topics of grace, faith, and living holy. Most times you hear these topics in isolation, and depending on who you listen to, it can appear these topics contradict each other. For example, if we are living under grace, do we have to follow God's law to live holy? If we don't live holy, do we fall out of grace? Or how do faith and grace work together to receive the promises of God? In today's faith chat, discover how these three pivotal bible truths work together for our success.
Include your kids in your faith projects | Faith Chats

Include your kids in your faith projects | Faith Chats

When we are believing God for something in our calling or family life, it's tempting not to tell our kids. However, when we don't share what is going on and what we are believing for, we miss this opportunity for our kids to see the power of God to provide. We also miss an opportunity for them to learn how to stand in faith. In today's faith chat, learn more about this concept and discover how you can actually lean on their childlike faith for the outcome.
How close are you to your dream | Word Training

How close are you to your dream | Word Training

Let's have some real talk. More than likely, the dream God placed in your heart of your entrepreneurial calling is going to take a while, which means you are going to be tempted to quit because it is taking too long. It may even feel like God forgot about you. But rest assured He has not. Everyone's dreams take time to manifest, and there are neither magic pills nor secret techniques to speed them up. The main techniques you need are simply trusting in God and having patience. As you follow God in leading you towards your dream, you will grow the skills needed to take hold of the dream and conquer it. Don't give up. Every day you will get closer, and at some point, after diligence and faithfulness, you'll be only one day away from manifesting the dream.
Is there a time and season to divorce my wife? | Get Answers

Is there a time and season to divorce my wife? | Get Answers

On today's message, we are answering the question "Is there a time and season to divorce my wife?"
Focus on the Lord | Children's Church

Focus on the Lord | Children's Church

We are starting a new lesson series today called, "Focus on the Lord." In this series, your children will learn the importance of focusing on the Word of God and how to prevent Satan from distracting them with his negative words.
How to avoid creating bad doctrine from the Bible | Word Training

How to avoid creating bad doctrine from the Bible | Word Training

God gave us the Bible to instruct us on how we should live and be successful. However, if you study the Bible incorrectly it is very easy to build bad doctrine (instructions) that could derail your life and success. Therefore, in today's Word Training, learn how to study the Bible correctly, so you can avoid creating bad doctrine.
From losing a home to business success | Manifest Story

From losing a home to business success | Manifest Story

Today's manifest story is with Shae Bynes. She is the co-founder of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur, an organization that inspires, teaches, and mentors Christian entrepreneurs to be led by God in their business, so they can experience His best and have greater Kingdom impact in the marketplace. She is sharing her story and faith lessons learned from losing her home because she quit her job and consulting side projects to work full time on the business God placed on her heart. In her story, see how God provided for her and her family through a turbulent time of moving, from hotels to staying with family to finally receiving a house, all while she was still working on her calling and God provided crazy financial success in her calling.