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Religion & Spirituality
Amos Johnson Jr, PhD
The Church for Entrepreneurs Podcast brings you daily Bible teachings and conversations that help you grow spiritually, enabling you to achieve the calling God has placed in your heart.
Business success is conditional on your marriage
Pastoral Chat - If your business is not working, you feel stuck, don't know what to do, and feel like you can't hear God then check the condition of your marriage. As Christian entrepreneurs the condition of our marriage affects the success of our business. Links - Join, Partner
Marketing is simple
Open Forum - We continued our discussion about marketing from our business school session from last night. We also discussed removing self-doubt, declaring the word over your business, and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Marketing is not optional for business success
Business School Session 4 - Many believers in business feel uneasy about marketing their business because they see marketing as a worldly self-promoting activity. Because of this many have the posture that God is going to bring customers. However, this is far from the case. Marketing is not optional for business success. In fact it is required. Marketing is not being prideful, but is intentionally and frequently making the right people aware of your business. Links - Join, Partner
Remember to HER: Hear, Execute, and Relax!
Open Forum - We discussed the importance of embracing rest this year and trust in the leading of God. We also explored should you be a consultant for a company or request equity, how you should handle non-paying clients, and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Backwards actions are required for forward motion
Open Forum - We discussed that sometimes you have to go backwards in order to move forward. We also explored whether you should build your online community on Facebook or use a paid platform, and if it is better to use your name for your business. We also discussed if you can have passion just for business, or if you need passion for the business itself, and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Entrepreneurship is about service not being the boss
Open Forum - We discussed how entrepreneurship requires a service mindset, not a boss mindset. Also, we explored training your kids to be entrepreneurs, deciding between two different passions, finding time for entrepreneurship while raising a family, narrowing down your target client, and several other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Selling products and services for money is blessed
Business School Session 3 - As Christians, we are conditioned to charitably give things away; therefore, many Christians who run businesses feel weird and uneasy about selling their products or services in exchange for money. This awkwardness may lead us to underprice or give away too much, which can bring about frustration and eventually cause us to go out of business. To succeed in your business, you need a paradigm shift in selling. Because selling products and services for money is blessed. Links - Join, Partner
What Artificial Intelligence taught me about the Bible
Pastoral Chat - In the field of Artificial Intelligence humans use data to train machines to think and act like humans. In the same way, God uses the Bible to train humans to think and ack like Him. Links - Join, Partner
Market it before you make it
Open Forum - We discussed the benefits of reversing the creative process. Instead of making a product or service first, market it first, then make it. Also, we explored whether you should stay an employee or step into entrepreneurship, how to flip a house without buying it first, selling art directly to customers, and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Using the concept of descriptive versus prescriptive to study the Bible
Pastoral Chat - Developing the understanding that the Bible is both descriptive and prescriptive was a key to me understanding the Bible better. In this chat, I am sharing this insight with you, and using the question, "Can a woman be a pastor?" to demonstrate its use when studying the Bible. Links - Join, Partner
Should Christians seek profession help for mental health issues?
Pastoral Chat - If you are dealing with mental health issues, should you just pray and wait for God to heal you, or should you seek professional help? If you do seek professional help, are turning your back on the power of God? These are questions many believers are struggling with, especial after a year of pandemic, racial unrest, and other trauma. Mental health has a stigma in the Christian community. In today's Pastoral Chat, let's discuss this from a Biblical view point. Links - Join, Partner
Don't bounce around like an employee
Pastoral Chat - Entrepreneurs need to stay rooted for a significant period of time until successful. Note. There are bird and dog sounds in the background. Also, the Mandalorian show was playing the background :) Links - Join, Partner
Creating the culture of your organization
Pastoral Chat - Since I first heard about the controversy over Dave Ramsey's moral code of conduct for employment at his organization, I knew I needed to comment on it. As Christian entrepreneurs, many of you desire to build organizations with certain standards of conduction and work ethic. However, I needed a few days to gather my thoughts and search the Word about this. Now, I am ready to share my thoughts on this as a way to help you think through building the culture of your organization. Links - Join, Partner
Follow the path Holy Spirit has for you
Open Forum - We discussed how it tempting to following the success paths others have traveled, but when we do, we end up unsuccessful because the path God has for us is special. We also talked about being patient in your entrepreneurial journey, determining if it is time to change career paths, and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Should we fire someone who is having premarital sex?
Open Forum — Dave Ramsey is in the news for firing an employee who became pregnant due to premarital sex. Using this case as a backdrop, we discussed creating a work culture, hiring people to work for you, and a few other interesting things. Links — Join, Partner
God may not tell you what to do
Impromptu Message - For many situations you face in life and business there is not a direct Bible text to tell you what to do. In those times we usually rely on the Holy Spirit to help us make decisions. However there are times when we need to make decisions where the Holy Spirit may appear to be silent, not offering any input. In those times, God may be allowing you space to come to your own conclusion about what to do. We have to remember that God is training us, so like any good parents there are times when we need our children to develop their decision muscles. We let them decide what to do first, and then we offer our opinion on their choice. Likewise, God may be allowing you space to decide. After you decide He will give His opinion (not command) on your decision. Links - Join, Partner
Embrace your real desires
Open Forum - We continued the discussion from Business School of embracing the real reason you want to profit in business. We talked about identifying false humility, removing the guilt from desiring to prosper, expanding our capacity to receive, and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Should we follow the Law of the Old Testament
Daily Word - There is a big debate among Christians on if we should or shouldn't follow the Law of the Old Testament. In this message, we dive into this debate. Links - Join, Partner
What does money gotta do with it
Business School | Session 2 Many Christian entrepreneurs have a love/hate relationship with money. They desire to have it but wonder if it is godly to go hard after making money in business. If this tension is not resolved, then we will self-sabotage our businesses, and they will not be as profitable as they should be. In this week’s lesson, we are going through the scriptures to gain the proper mindset about making money so that our businesses can prosper. Links Join | Partner
There is not an ideal client
Quick Take - This is an excerpt from the open forum on 3/10/2021. Links - Join, Partner
One revelation away from breakthrough
Open Forum - We discussed that many of us are one revelation away from a breakthrough in our business; our ideal client is just an ideal; let's stop trying to make perfect decisions; let's become clear on who we serve before we start marketing; and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
How to correctly study the Bible
Daily Word - Studying the Bible is not hard, but you could do it incorrectly and create a bad doctrine that weakens your faith. In this message, I explore how to correctly study the Bible. Links - Join, Partner
Should I be doing this?
Open Forum - We discussed that when you are consistently procrastinating on a task, ask yourself: Should I even be doing this task? When you are presented with a job offer and must decide if you should stay an entrepreneur or take the job, don't use logic to make the decision. Instead, use the leadership of God. And we discussed a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Let's study what the scriptures say about tithing
Impromptu Message -This week in Business School and Open Forum, the issue of tithing came up. I shared that I have come to the conclusion that tithing is not a new covenant requirement, and that there is not a curse if you don't tithe. In this message, we'll walk through the scriptures together, and I'll share how I came to this conclusion. Links - Join, Partner
The tithe revised
Open Forum - We discussed more about whether tithing is required under our new covenant, if you should have podcast sponsors, finding your lane in business, changing your mindset from an employee to an entrepreneur, and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Unlimited prosperity is through the blessing on your hands in business
Business School | Session 1 The spiritual force that brings financial prosperity is the blessing. The blessing is not a reward for good behavior, it is a free gift given to us through Jesus Christ. However, many Christians are not prosperous. Why? Because the blessing for prosperity is activated by the work of our hands. And the location of our hands determine our level of prosperity. If our hands are in other people's businesses, then we have limited our prosperity. If our hands are in the business God has given us, then we can have unlimited prosperity. Links: Join, Partner
We need to become better receivers
Open Forum - We discussed how many believers are great givers but poor receivers; that if you don't value your work, you will not charge enough; breaking soul-ties in business; when not to except money from customers; and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Embrace slow success
Open Forum - We discussed the freedom of embracing slow success, not allowing a paycheck to determine our value, not returning to Egypt, allowing time to teach us dependence on God, and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
God Jr.
Sunday Message - When a man has a son, he often gives his son his same name, denoted by "Jr." The "Jr." represents that his son will be just like him. In the same way, God gave Jesus His name, "I Am," to let us know that Jesus and God are one. But it does not stop there. Jesus was the firstborn son. Through Jesus, we all are sons and daughters of God, and He has also given us all His name. All believers who received Jesus as their Lord and Savior are God Jr. Links - Join, Partner
Success is based on the anointing not time hustling
Open Forum - We discussed the situation with Ravi Zacharias, spending time with your kids or spouse instead of your business without regret, including your family in your business, letting go of your will, and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
The employee mindset will not understand the entrepreneur mindset
This is a quick pastoral chat. Links - Join, Partner
Going straight to your vision without a side journey
Quick Take - Excerpt from Open Forum on Wednesday 2/24/2021 Links - Join, Partner
Don't be perfect
Open Forum - We discussed that your gut feeling is really Holy Spirit, going straight to your vision without a side journey, not allowing others to through water on your fire, selecting the right price for a coaching program and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Testimony of supernatural healing from fibroids
Quick Take - Excerpt from our open forum on Monday 2/22/21 Links - Join, Partner
They said I was going blind
Here is the replay of today’s Open Forum. We discussed removing distractions so you can hear God clearer, making entrepreneurship not a lonely walk, building faith for healing, and a few other interesting things. Link: Join our online community
Interpreting the voice of God is based on your theology
I have found that God is constantly speaking to all believers. Although He is speaking, the issue is interpreting what He is saying. Interpreting the voice of God is based on your theology. Theology is a fancy word for your beliefs about the nature of God and how He operates. Every believer has a theology, and everybody's theology is incomplete and/or wrong in some areas. Therefore when God speaks to us, our interpretation has a chance of being incomplete or wrong. In this Sunday's message, I examine this concept and provide some practical ways to develop a more correct theology, so we can interpret the voice of God more accurately. Link: Join our online community
Quick Take: Stop identifying yourself based on a past relationship status
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Open Forum: Healing past trauma so you can lead
Here is the replay of today’s Open Forum. We discussed how who pays you controls you, recovering from past trauma so you can be the leader God needs you to be, scaling your calling, and a few other interesting things. Link: Join our online community
Quick Take: How do I know that this is the business I am going to stick with and not get frustrated with?
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Quick Take: Why are believers slower to succeed in business than non-believers
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Reflection: Success starts and ends with you
Many Christian entrepreneurs are spending a lot of time working on their business. However, as I have been studying the Word, I am finding that God wants us to spend more time working on ourselves vs our business. Because when you develop, then your business will succeed. No the other way around. Listen today's reflection, to explore this concept with me. Link: Join our online community
Open Forum: Patiently allow Holy Spirit to lead you
Here is the replay of today’s Open Forum. We discussed the Working Genius assessment, how to know if God is calling you to move to another part of the world, being patient while writing a deeply personal book, loving people who are living unholy lives, leaving family behind, and a few other interesting things. Link: Join our community
Reflection: Rest exposes holes in your calling
As we get into this year of rest, I have noticed that resting has exposed holes in my calling that I didn't even know existed. I had to slow down and rest in order to see them. In today's reflections, I am exploring this idea that rest exposes holes in our calling that need to be filled. Link: Join our online community
Open Forum: Joy comes first
Here is the replay of today's Open Forum. We discussed how the key to overcoming life and business challenges is the joy of the Lord, how to use our authority as parent to train our kids, how to communicate the value of our business, steps to building an audience, and a few other interesting things. Link: Join our community
To win the lost, you must love them
One of the main purposes of believers is to create more believers by winning the lost (aka nonbelievers). However, to win them, loving them is required. Why? Because if we don't love the lost, we are not going to have the motivation to win them or have the right vibe to attract them to Christ. Many of us don't love the lost, but instead we are in a war of words against them. If we are going to be an effective soul winner for God, we have to stop fighting the lost and start loving them. In the online community, let's discuss. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about loving the lost? How can you guard your heart to stay in love with them? Link: Join our community
Open Forum: Fear of Success
Here is the replay of today's Open Forum. We discussed setting up an advisory board, overcoming the fear of success, how to stop starting and stopping, removing our negative inner voice, and a few other interesting things. Link: Join our community
Reflection: HER
We are one month into the year of REST. This year we are leaning on God, not on our own efforts. To achieve that charge, we are using the motto HER (Hear, Execute, Relax). In today's reflection, I am reflecting on how HER is going. Link: Join our community
Open Forum: Do you believe in your anointing
Here is the replay of today's Open Forum. We discussed do you believe in what you are selling, deciphering the different views on Christian entrepreneurship, overcoming the imposter syndrome, leaving a church, helping people who don't want to be helped, and a few other interesting things. Link: Join our community
Reflection: How do you see yourself?
God has great things for us to achieve. However, if we don't have the correct self-image, then we will be unable to succeed in our calling. In today's reflection, I am examining how a positive self-image is required for success. Link: Join our community
Open Forum: Morning routines
Here is the replay of today's Open Forum. We discussed using morning routines to setup our day and adding check points throughout the day to check in with God. Also, we talked about having the correct money mindset, using 2021 as a sabbatical year, how to say "NO" and a few other interesting things. Link: Join our community