Five friends that work full time jobs, get together to talk about video games and enjoy a random beer. Visit and send us some beer and game recommendations!
Total 30 episodes

Between The Brews: Our Top 5

JD unveils his number 5 on the list, and low and behold it's a Zelda game specifically Breath of The Wild. JD walks our imaginations down the jagged path that is Hyrule! This iconic title expresses it's true dominance by delving into the open world genre, while maintaining that classic Legend of Zelda feel that we all know. New to Zelda? Don't worry one bit, Breath of The Wild is an exceptional place to start!Even though Drew was born in 1910, he was able to press life's "Skip" button to bypass those pesky cut scenes. Drew ended up giving the skip button a break in 1997 where he would discover the stars with Pepe, Slippy, Falco, and of course Fox in Nintendo's Starfox 64! Dr. Andross, a sworn enemy of the Lylat system, has unleashed an unbridled assault on Fox’s native galaxy. This game brings a totally new element and feel to a space flight shooter in the late 90s. It's no wonder how it ended up on Father Times top 5.Connor and Star Wars go together much like beer and steak go together. It's no surprise that the famed Star Wars Battlefront 2 was apart of his top 5. Connor touches on the current state of the game and even learns that a live PVP server is still active. This game was way ahead of it's time with it's Jedi/Sith inclusive options on the battlefield, or the ability to crew legendary vehicles that shook the foundations of Hollywood concerns!Special guest Bryce took us on a time traveling adventure as he introduced the guys to Chrono Trigger! Released in 1995 on the SNES, this game was way ahead of its time as it firmly planted it’s spot in Bryce’s top5. So much so that his recollection of the game convinced both Paul and JD to purchase the game on the spot!Last but most certainly not least, Paul took us back to what was one of his most emotional experiences with any video game, Halo Reach! The impact that Reach had on Paul was heavy and long lasting, and was more than enough to cement it’s spot on his top 5 list!We hope you enjoy the second half of our gaming passion project and we will be back next week with a regular episode!Don’t forget to e-mail us questions at [email protected] !!