Not All Trust Is The Same with Dr. Nicole Fisher Roberts
Do your prospects trust you enough to invite you in, give you honest answers, or put their reputation on the line? Not all trust is the same. It varies depending on the person, environment, and situation. As a leading expert on neuroscience and the medical industry, Dr. Nicole Fisher Roberts can attest to the role our neurochemistry plays in forming real, lasting trust. Nicole is the Executive Director of Feed A Billion, an international nonprofit that feeds girls around the world to prevent food insecurity, exploitation, and trafficking, and the founder of Health & Human Rights Strategies, an international institute that works to promote the advancement of health care and human rights. In the second installment of this two-part one-on-one interview, Nicole and Dan discuss whether all trust is the same, what is at the core of trust, and the chemical reaction that happens within our brains that causes us to feel trust.