Sunbury Press Books Show -- Gods, Philosophers, and Scientists by Scott Hendrix
GODS, PHILOSOPHERS, AND SCIENTISTS: Religion and Science in the West
According to Pew Research studies, most Americans think religion always conflicts with science. The popular writings of scientists such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Lawrence Krauss reinforce this idea, as do books by writers such as Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennet. Furthermore, the two versions of the enormously popular television show Cosmos, hosted by Carl Sagan in 1980 and Neil deGrasse Tyson in 2014, present a history of science in which religion has always acted as a barrier to scientific development.
Gods, Philosophers, and Scientists shows that just because an idea is popular, doesn’t mean it’s correct. By examining the historical record from the time of the Ancient Greeks to today, readers are able to see that religion and science have been allies more often than enemies, and when conflict does occur it’s too simplistic to view it as coming from something inherent to either science or religion. Anyone interested in the history of science or religion, who is curious about how science works, or who wants to have a better understanding of the world should read this book.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Scott E. Hendrix earned his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee in 2007, specializing in the history of science. Scott started teaching at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin, upon graduation, and over the years has taught classes about world, medieval, and early modern history, as well as the history and philosophy of science. Scott has maintained an active research agenda, publishing numerous books, articles, book chapters, and even an encyclopedia on The World’s Greatest Religious Leaders.