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Religion & Spirituality
The Christian Research Institute
Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."
Best of BAM: The Two Witnesses, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank brings up the two witnesses in Revelation, who are often misidentified on Christian airwaves. To rightly identify the two witnesses, one must have the background music of the Old Testament coursing through their mind.Hank also answers the following questions:Is the Antichrist a figurative or literal being? Dana - Kearney, NE (4:09)My friends are attending a charismatic church because of the music and worship. What is the most important aspect of a church service? Derek - Kansas City, MO (7:55)If God doesn’t hold the sons responsible for the sins of their fathers according to Ezekiel 18, why did David’s child die for his sin with Bathsheba? Josh - Bakersfield, CA (15:11)How should Christians interact with government? Andy - Lincoln, NE (20:41)
Q&A: A Future Temple, the Sabbath Day, and the Tribe of Dan
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/22/24), Hank comments on a caller’s criticism of adopting a “pie in the sky” teaching that stems from a disbelief in a future Jerusalem temple, beast, and abomination of desolations.Hank also answers the following questions:I grew up as a Seventh-day Adventist. They are big on the Sabbath. Does it matter which day we rest? Does it have to be on the seventh day? David - Smyrna, TN (8:50)Why is the tribe of Dan omitted from the list of tribes in Revelation 7? Can you expound on the 144,000 who are sealed? David - Atlanta, GA (15:12)I believe that Christians cannot be demon-possessed, but I could not find any Scriptures to support this. Where do we get this teaching? Eric - Jacksonville, FL (19:16)Paul warns the Church of Corinth about those preaching another Jesus and being duped into following the false prophet. Do Christians need to worry about this? Eric - Jacksonville, FL (23:11)
Q&A: Demons, the Unforgivable Sin, and the Beast of Revelation
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/21/24), Hank answers the following questions:Can a Christian be demon-possessed? If I go to someone’s house for prayer, is it possible for a demon to get attached to my clothing? Larry - Long Beach, CA (0:49)Can a believer make themselves open to a demon? Larry - Long Beach, CA (3:31)Is there an unforgivable sin? Courtney - Townsend, MA (5:00)My husband recently passed away. I regret not spending more time with him at the end. How can I overcome this feeling? Carol - Imperial, MO (15:15)What are your thoughts on Jonathan Cahn and his book The Harbinger? Carolyn - Greensboro, NC (17:59)Can you explain your view of the beast in Daniel and Revelation? Lynne - Spokane, WA (20:33)
Q&A: The Curse on Canaan, Turning the Other Cheek, and Divorce
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/20/24), Hank answers the following questions:Genesis 9 says Noah cursed Cain’s son Canaan. Can you explain Zephaniah 2:5-7? Why was Canaan cursed? Bob - Sardis, MS (0:55)My Dad is dying. He doesn’t want to talk about God with me anymore. How can I share the gospel with him? Cammy - Oklahoma City, OK (5:42)How do I balance my role as a husband and father in relation to turning the other cheek in Matthew 5:39? John - Leavenworth, KS (8:35)Should we prepare for financial disasters? David - Coffeyville, KS (15:11)Our church is moving to the megachurch route, and my wife and I are concerned. What advice can you give us? Steve - St. Louis, MO (17:23)I was in an abusive marriage. Was I wrong to get divorced? Kris - West Memphis, TN (21:57)
Q&A: Selfish Motives in Prayer, Mormonism, and the Kingdom of God
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/19/24), Hank answers the following questions:How should I interpret Ezekiel 40-48? Which temple is he talking about? Jason - Columbia, SC (0:44)When we petition God in prayer, how do we know our motives are not selfish? Charles - Springfield, MO (8:51)Why do smart people like Mitt Romney, Donny Osmond, and Orrin Hatch buy into Mormonism when there is so much evidence against it? John - St. Charles, IL (15:14)How do I answer a Buddhist who asks, “Where is the kingdom of God, and have you found it?” How do I respond to some of their Buddhist beliefs? Tracy - Elk Grove, CA (18:58)
Q&A: Pre-Tribulational Rapture, Pharaoh’s Daughter, and Bible Translation
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/18/24), Hank answers the following questions:David Jeremiah teaches that the pre-tribulation rapture is clearly taught in Scripture. What are your thoughts? Marjorie - St. Louis, MO (1:22)Did you ever say that the Presbyterian Church was a cult? Marjorie - St. Louis, MO (3:51)Since the topic of the rapture is such a sensitive subject, how should we discuss this with other people? Sharon - Spokane, WA (5:50)Do you think Pharaoh’s daughter is with the Lord since she rescued Moses and raised him? Christy - Atchison, KS (8:58)How were the scribes who translated the Bible chosen? Robert - Tehachapi, CA (15:13)What are your thoughts on Roy Masters? Robert - Tehachapi, CA (18:57)At what point in time will the world end in correlation to the book of Revelation? Vicky - Victoria, BC (21:57)
Best of BAM: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery with Jay Richards
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, we present an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast. Hank’s guest is Dr. Jay Richards, co-author of the 20th Anniversary Updated and Revised edition of The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery. Hank and Dr. Richards discuss if machines can ever truly replace humans, panpsychism, the hypothesis of The Privileged Planet, and why the Earth is the best place in the universe for discovery.
Q&A: The Sabbath, Sins of the Father, and a Christian’s Responsibility to Government
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/15/24), Hank answers the following questions:How do I explain to a Seventh-day Adventist that we are no longer required to observe the Sabbath on a particular day? Gerry - Honesdale, PA (0:55)If God doesn’t hold the sons responsible for the sins of their fathers according to Ezekiel 18, why did David’s child die for his sin with Bathsheba? Josh - Bakersfield, CA (15:11)How should Christians interact with government? Andy - Lincoln, NE (20:41)
Q&A: Apparent Contradictions, Husbands Submitting to Their Wives, and Forgiveness
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/14/24), Hank answers the following questions:I see a contradiction between Acts 9:7 and Acts 22:9. This, along with other contradictions has led me to believe that Paul was a false Apostle. What are your thoughts? David - Wewoka, OK (0:57)Where does the Bible say that husbands are to submit to their wives? Richard - Springfield, MO (6:54)I learned that the Mormons do not believe in the Trinity. Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian? Carol - Fayetteville, AK (15:44)I was sexually abused by a family member when I was younger. I have forgiven him, but I keep my distance when I’m around him now. How should I act towards him? Marie - Chicago, IL (17:40)
The Two Witnesses, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/13/24), Hank brings up the two witnesses in Revelation, who are often misidentified on Christian airwaves. To rightly identify the two witnesses, one must have the background music of the Old Testament coursing through their mind.Hank also answers the following questions:Is the Antichrist a figurative or literal being? Dana - Kearney, NE (4:09)My friends are attending a charismatic church because of the music and worship. What is the most important aspect of a church service? Derek - Kansas City, MO (7:55)After the resurrection, why did Jesus tell Mary Magdalene not to touch Him, but let other disciples touch Him? Phil - Madera, CA (15:40)I have dreams that sometimes come to pass. Are these from God? Does God still speak to us through dreams? Kelly - Des Moines, IA (17:58)What is your view of marijuana? Ashley - Calgary, AB (20:12)Do you think that United Pentecostals believe in a different Jesus? Mike - Burlington, NC (23:22)
Q&A: Little Gods, Creation of Water, and the Mormon Jesus
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/12/24), Hank answers the following questions:Is there any similarity between the Word of Faith teaching of “little gods” and the Eastern Orthodox view of deification? Jason - Miami, FL (1:21)Can Christians consume alcohol? Eric - Cleveland, OH (5:10)The Bible doesn’t really say that God created water. How does water fit into the creation story? Eddie - Rock Hill, SC (8:23)I am a Latter Day Saint. Why do you say that Mormons and Christians don’t believe in the same Jesus? Jeff - St. Louis, MO (15:13)What happens at the judgment seat of Christ? Scripture says He will remember our sins no more. Joan - Greensboro, NC (20:37)
Veterans Day 2024
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/11/24), Hank reminds listeners that today is a special day; today is Veterans Day. A day in which Americans honor those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Today was not always known as Veterans Day, it originated in 1919 as Armistice Day, a day commemorating “the war to end all wars”—or so it was thought by President Woodrow Wilson. Armistice Day was formally changed to Veterans Day in 1954—and for good reason. World War I was not “the war to end all wars.” World War II followed closely on its heels, and the twentieth century would become the bloodiest in human history. We have come to realize that the very notion of world peace—the idea behind Armistice Day—will never be realized until the Prince of Peace returns to the planet. Only then will world peace be inaugurated. In the meantime, we rightly celebrate Veterans Day. For there will always be veterans, just as there will always be wars. Which begs the question that Hank wants to address on today’s broadcast: under what conditions is war justified?
Best of BAM Q&A: Pre-Existence, the Unification Church, and Deathbed Conversions
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:Are there passages of Scripture that refute the idea of pre-existence? Anita - Calgary, AB (0:50)I live on a fixed income. Should I give my savings to God and let my children care for me? Geraldine - Granite City, IL (2:47)Can you help me understand the beliefs of the Unification Church? Michelle - New York, NY (6:40)Does God know if we are going to be saved from the beginning? If someone had a hard heart and had blasphemed the Lord, could they still be saved on their deathbed? Ronald - Garland, TX (15:11)Why did Paul make a sacrifice in the temple in Acts 21:26? Jeff - Walls, MS (19:30)My dad was murdered, and the killer went free. How do I forgive them? Matt - Scottsbluff, NE (23:05)
How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery with Jay Richards - Part 5
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/08/24), we pick up where we ended on our previous broadcast and present more of an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast. Hank is talking with Dr. Jay Richards, co-author of the 20th Anniversary Updated and Revised edition of The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery. Hank and Dr. Richards discuss the importance of telescopes, Olbers’ paradox—a paradox that asks why the night sky is dark if the universe is full of stars, how our universe is fine-tuned for life, how the world has been set up for us to be able to understand it, if our size in relation to the universe matters, the myth of the Copernican principle, and the importance of reading.
How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery with Jay Richards - Part 4
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/07/24), we pick up where we ended on our previous broadcast and present more of an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast. Hank is talking with Dr. Jay Richards, co-author of the 20th Anniversary Updated and Revised edition of The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery. Hank and Dr. Richards discuss the importance of our atmosphere and water, whether we should all be driving electric cars, how the earth compares to the thousands of other planets that have been discovered thus far, the role other planets play in our survival, if the sun is mediocre like some famous scientists claim, and how important our place is in the Milky Way galaxy.
How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery with Jay Richards - Part 3
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/06/24), we pick up where we ended on our previous broadcast and present more of an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast. Hank is talking with Dr. Jay Richards, co-author of the 20th Anniversary Updated and Revised edition of The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery. Hank and Dr. Richards discuss how the Earth is a data recorder, the reality of climate change, the four necessary questions you must ask to understand climate change, and whether natural disasters are evidence of climate change.
How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery with Jay Richards - Part 2
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/05/24), we pick up where we ended on our previous broadcast and present more of an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast. Hank is talking with Dr. Jay Richards, co-author of the 20th Anniversary Updated and Revised edition of The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery. Hank and Dr. Richards discuss why the Earth is the best place in the universe for discovery, why people like Neil deGrasse Tyson make the argument that the Earth is insignificant, how we can overcome the issue of information overload we are facing today, constrained optimization, and the role of solar eclipses in scientific discovery.
How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery with Jay Richards - Part 1
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/04/24), we present an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast. Hank’s guest is Dr. Jay Richards, co-author of the 20th Anniversary Updated and Revised edition of The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery. Hank and Dr. Richards discuss if machines can ever truly replace humans, panpsychism, the hypothesis of The Privileged Planet, and why the Earth is the best place in the universe for discovery.
Best of BAM: All Religions Lead to Heaven, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank addresses the false notion that all religions lead to heaven.Hank also answers the following questions:In Matthew 22, what did Jesus mean when he said, “Many are called but few are chosen”? James - Greenville, SC (2:55)What happens to those who have never heard the gospel? Bill - Sumter, SC (5:50)As the leader of my home, I try to be careful with what media we consume. Is it okay to watch movies that depict Greek mythology? Gary - Walker, OK (15:11)Proverbs 18:21 says the tongue has the power of life and death. Should we watch what we say, or is this like the Word of Faith movement? Gary - Walker, OK (17:17)Since Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the prophets, how do we know which laws still apply to us? Herman - Merced, CA (18:37)What are your thoughts on the importance of the true name of God? Ron - Springfield, MO (21:26)
True Tolerance, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (11/01/24), Hank describes what true tolerance means in a culture where tolerance has been redefined to mean that all views are equally valid and that all lifestyles are equally appropriate.Hank also answers the following questions:When God references Behemoth in Job 40:15, is He talking about a Brachiosaurus? Eldon - Richmond, MO (4:32)What exactly happens to us when we die? Michelle - Collinsville, IL (7:25)Is Mormonism a Christian religion? If not, is it a dangerous religion? Reagan - Sallisaw, OK (15:12)What is your view of the rapture? What do I have to look forward to? Saskia - Reno, NV (22:02)
All Hallows’ Eve 2024, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/31/24), Hank shares a little bit about Halloween, otherwise known as All Hallows’ Eve. Far from merely secular, Halloween or Hallows’ Eve is preparation for the transcendently important feast of All Saints’ Day.Hank also answers the following questions:Is there anything wrong with speculating about who the Antichrist is? Shawntel - Calgary, AB (4:40)Does God know if we are going to be saved from the beginning? If someone had a hard heart and had blasphemed the Lord, could they still be saved on their deathbed? Ronald - Garland, TX (15:11)Why did Paul make a sacrifice in the temple in Acts 21:26? Jeff - Walls, MS (19:30)My dad was murdered, and the killer went free. How do I forgive them? Matt - Scottsbluff, NE (23:05)
Q&A: Pre-Existence, the Unification Church, and Abortion
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/30/24), Hank answers the following questions:Are there passages of Scripture that refute the idea of pre-existence? Anita - Calgary, AB (0:47)I live on a fixed income. Should I give my savings to God and let my children care for me? Geraldine - Granite City, IL (2:46)Can you help me understand the beliefs of the Unification Church? Michelle - New York, NY (6:39)Should a woman have a baby if she knows that the child will have a hereditary disease? Vickie - St. Paul, MN (15:13)Does the punishment described in Exodus 21:22-25 pertain only to the woman involved or to the child as well? What are your thoughts on this passage concerning abortion? Tommy - Columbia, TN (19:33)What is the correct biblical definition of the word “judgment”? Steve - Kaysville, UT (22:55)Which of the 613 commandments in the Old Testament still apply to us today? Benito - Las Cruces, NM (24:45)
Q&A: Resurrection of the Dead, the Reformed Church, and Forgiveness
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/29/24), Hank answers the following questions:Would you address the subject of modern-day resurrections of the dead? Craig - St. Louis, MO (0:58)What are your thoughts on the Reformed Church? Should we divide over the doctrines they teach? Kyle - Nashville, TN (6:30)I am having a real problem with forgiving someone. Can you give me any practical biblical advice? Cynthia - Memphis, TN (15:14)Can you help me understand the differences in how spiritual gifts are presented in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 and chapter 14? Patrick - Kansas City, MO (19:45)
Q&A: Ghosts, Politics, and Memorizing Scripture
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/28/24), Hank answers the following questions:In Luke 24:37-39, Jesus says a ghost does not have flesh and bones. If ghosts don’t exist, what was He referring to? Jeffrey - Vancouver, BC (0:48)I have encountered a group on campus from the Church of God. Do you have any information on this group and their beliefs? Charles - Kansas City, MO (3:41)Are all Catholics Democrats? Cody - Kansas City, MO (6:36)In light of Jesus’ statement that His kingdom is not of this world, should Christians be involved in politics? Andrew - Columbia, IL (15:14)Is there an opportunity to accept Christ after death? Andrew - Columbia, IL (19:45)Can you give me some tips or techniques for memorizing Scripture? Dion - Olathe, KS (21:32)How can I refute the Jehovah’s Witnesses teaching on John 1:1? Martin - Edmonton, AB (24:50)
Best of BAM Q&A: Sin That Leads to Death, Biblical Metaphor, and the Serpent
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:What sin leads to death, as mentioned in 1 John 5:16-17? Bob - Nashville, TN (1:02)Is the God of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam the same God? Kris - Spokane, WA (2:53)Is the prostitute depicted in Revelation 17 talking about the Church? Joel - Ashland, ME (7:53)How do we determine when the scriptures are speaking metaphorically, and when they are speaking literally? Don - Oklahoma City, OK (15:10)Could Satan have possessed a serpent in the garden, since he does not have creative power to incarnate himself as a serpent? Don - Oklahoma City, OK (19:20)Do the actions of God skew the validity of scientific investigation? Would the burning bush have contained evidence that it was once on fire? Don - Oklahoma City, OK (21:03)
Abortion Legislation, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/25/24), Hank talks about the issue of abortion. Those who continue to fight legislation restricting abortion are in reality not pro-choice, in truth, they are pro-murder. Rhetoric has served to camouflage the carnage of abortion, but it remains the painful killing of an innocent human being.Hank also answers the following questions:I believe 1 Samuel 8 shows us that we should not vote. What are your thoughts? Jay - Eustis, FL (4:12)Is the Mormon Church loyal to Israel because that is where the temple was? Jeremy - MN (6:52)How do I respond to people who call themselves Christians but continue to live a homosexual lifestyle? Kathy - City, ST (15:38)What does Scripture say about Christian involvement in war? Are all the wars that the present church supports, just? Anthony - Calgary, AB (18:03)If we have the choice to accept or reject Christ here on earth, how do we know that we won’t reject Him or do evil in heaven? Price - Clearfield, UT (23:22)
All Religions Lead to Heaven, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/24/24), Hank addresses the false notion that all religions lead to heaven.Hank also answers the following questions:In Matthew 22, what did Jesus mean when he said, “Many are called but few are chosen”? James - Greenville, SC (2:53)What happens to those who have never heard the gospel? Bill - Sumter, SC (5:50)I am struggling with spiritual growth. What advice do you have for me? Amanda - St. Louis, MO (15:10)How would you answer Bill Maher’s contention that the Bible was copied from the Egyptian Book of the Dead? Tommy - Nashville, TN (20:47)How do you argue for the existence of God by appealing to an objective moral standard? Tommy - Nashville, TN (20:47)
Reincarnation in the Bible, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/23/24), Hank discusses the false belief that reincarnation is taught in the Bible.Hank also answers the following questions:What can you tell me about the Baha’i faith? Charlie - Buffalo, NY (4:14)Who is Melchizedek? Alfonso - Modesto, CA (6:20)What are your thoughts on the Great Tribulation? Kathy - Pierce, NE (15:13)How do we reconcile the fossil record with the creation account of Genesis? Steve - Fort Worth, TX (19:52)
Your Kingdom Come, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/22/24), Hank explains what it means to pray, “Your Kingdom come” from the Jesus Prayer.Hank also answers the following questions:What is the definition of a cult? Jay - Bridgeton, MO (3:59)My husband and I are separated. Should I still submit to him? Should I seek to finalize the divorce? Annette - Atlanta, GA (8:58)As the leader of my home, I try to be careful with what media we consume. Is it okay to watch movies that depict Greek mythology? Gary - Walker, OK (15:11)Proverbs 18:21 says the tongue has the power of life and death. Should we watch what we say, or is this like the Word of Faith movement? Gary - Walker, OK (17:17)Since Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the prophets, how do we know which laws still apply to us? Herman - Merced, CA (18:37)What are your thoughts on the importance of the true name of God? Ron - Springfield, MO (21:26)
Figures of Speech, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/21/24), Hank discusses figures of speech found in the Bible, an improper understanding of which leads to false beliefs such as the belief that when we are absent from the body and present with the Lord, we receive another body.Hank also answers the following questions:What is your opinion on homosexuality? Floyd - Modesto, CA (4:41)My daughter wants to be a wife and mother someday, but she’s afraid Jesus will return before she has a chance. If God has placed this desire in her heart, won’t He fulfill it? Kimberly - Henderson, TX (7:30)How do I prove to a Mormon friend that the Book of Mormon is false? Jessica - Lincoln, NE (15:11)What biblical basis is there for being slain in the Spirit? What is the goal of those involved in this practice? Pam - Lincoln, NE (22:30)
Best of BAM Q&A: Weather Events, Age of the Earth, and the Word of God
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:According to Job chapter 1, is Satan in control of the weather? When hurricanes strike, people usually ask “Why, God?” How does this work? Brace - Tyler, TX (1:02)What passages of Scripture or watershed moments in your ministry have changed your life, or your understanding of spiritual things? Steve - Edmonton, AB (7:09)Do we know why God created all the different galaxies in the universe? Rod - Oklahoma City, OK (15:12)Is there any place in the Bible that says the earth is 6,000 years old? Mike - Fresno, CA (18:11)I believe Jesus is the actual Word of God. What are your thoughts on this? Nicole - Fort Riley, KS (23:46)
Q&A: Atheism, Judgment, and Repentance
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/18/24), Hank answers the following questions:I am an atheist and I see religion as being divisive. What remedies would you recommend to bring people together? Chris - Lincoln, NE (0:55)What will the Judgment Seat of Christ be like for Christians? What will we be judged for? Madison - Columbia, MD (15:11)What is your opinion of the God’s Word translation of the Bible? Brian - Nashville, TN (21:37)Is there something more to repentance than just asking for forgiveness? Carl - Topeka, KS (24:04)
Q&A: Angels Gathering the Elect, Location of Hell, and Christ’s Return
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/17/24), Hank answers the following questions:Can you explain Matthew 24:31? Jonathan - Phoenix, AZ (0:49)How do you explain to a Jehovah’s Witness, that when Jesus died on the cross, God didn’t actually die? Anthony - Buffalo, NY (7:59)Could hell be located in the center of the earth? Charles - Kansas City, MO (15:13)Is “Abraham’s bosom” synonymous with heaven? Charles - Kansas City, MO (18:48)In Matthew 24:27 and Mark 13:26, do you believe this to be a physical return of the Lord? Mark - Seattle, WA (20:14)
Q&A: The Days of Creation, Biblical Metaphor, and the Serpent
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/16/24), Hank answers the following questions:Can you explain your comments on the days of creation? Are they literal 24-hour days? Tim - El Paso, TX (2:05)How do we determine when the scriptures are speaking metaphorically, and when they are speaking literally? Don - Oklahoma City, OK (15:10)Could Satan have possessed a serpent in the garden, since he does not have creative power to incarnate himself as a serpent? Don - Oklahoma City, OK (19:20)Do the actions of God skew the validity of scientific investigation? Would the burning bush have contained evidence that it was once on fire? Don - Oklahoma City, OK (21:03)
Q&A: Sin That Leads to Death, the Holy Spirit, and Generational Curses
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/15/24), Hank answers the following questions:What sin leads to death, as mentioned in 1 John 5:16-17? Bob - Nashville, TN (1:02)Is the God of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam the same God? Kris - Spokane, WA (2:52)Is the prostitute depicted in Revelation 17 talking about the Church? Joel - Ashland, ME (7:53)How was Saul able to speak to the spirit of Samuel in 1 Samuel 28? Janet - Jefferson, MO (15:12)Since the Holy Spirit is said to reside in us, where does He go when we die? Madison - Columbia, MD (20:10)Do generational curses apply today? Juan - Rapid City, SD (23:22)
Columbus Day 2024
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/14/24), Hank discusses Columbus Day, a U.S. holiday that commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492. In 2020, Columbus Day was the scene of carnage as demonstrators toppled statues of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt in Portland’s South Park Block. Moreover, the moniker “Stolen Land” was ominously spray-painted across its concrete base. Protest organizers dubbed the event “Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage.” What could possibly motivate American citizens—supposed exemplars of social justice—to behave with such wanton recklessness in a supposed era of “wokeness” and progressive values? In trying to come to grips with this question, Hank was cowed by page after page of Google search results with exclamations that Columbus was a nefarious character—a ruthless money-grubbing, genocidal maniac, who severed hands, raped women, and enslaved gentle people to satisfy white Europeans’ lust for gold. One starts to wonder “how can I trust history?” Mary Grabar, author of the book, Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America asked this very question. A good deal of what you read on the internet is based on Zinn’s historical revisionism. It constitutes a steady diet of poison seeping into the hearts and minds of impressionable children. Grabar exposes the fake history lessons that are systematically turning a new generation of kids against American exceptionalism.
Best of BAM Q&A: Authenticity of the New Testament, Eternal Punishment, and Blind Faith
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank shares a letter from a listener struggling with the authenticity of the New Testament writers based on a television program that purports that the four Gospels were written long after the time of Christ.Hank also answers the following questions:Where specifically is the teaching of eternal punishment taught in the word of God? Randy - South Gate, CA (8:52)How should we understand the Trinity in light of 1 Corinthians 15:27? Allen - MO (15:12)What exactly takes place after the Millennium? Quinton - KS (19:55)I’ve heard you talk about having faith in evidence, not blind faith. What is required then, to have faith? Shane - St. Louis, MO (24:16)
Q&A: Seventh-Day Adventism, Spirit of Jezebel, and the Universe
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/11/24), Hank answers the following questions:My wife is a Seventh-day Adventist. How can I equip myself to help my wife understand the biblical teaching about the Sabbath? George - Binghamton, NY (1:04)2 Peter 1:10 says that we are to make our calling and election sure. What does that mean? How do I do that? Mike - St. Louis, MO (6:00)Can you share some biblical light on the teaching of the spirit of Jezebel? Diana - Long Beach, CA (8:31)Do we know why God created all the different galaxies in the universe? Rod - Oklahoma City, OK (15:12)Is there any place in the Bible that says the earth is 6,000 years old? Mike - Fresno, CA (18:11)I believe Jesus is the actual Word of God. What are your thoughts on this? Nicole - Fort Riley, KS (23:46)
Q&A: Profanity, Hell, and Dealing with Past Trauma
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/10/24), Hank answers the following questions:Are Christians supposed to have blind faith or faith in evidence? Derek - Indianapolis, IN (0:52)How should I respond to co-workers who use profanity and coarse joking? Ephesians 5:4 tells us to avoid this. Shane - St. Louis, MO (2:19)Do we need to ask for forgiveness after every sin, or are we forgiven automatically? Dick - Wichita, KS (6:42)When we get to heaven will we remember our loved ones who are in hell? How will I not be sad if my children end up in hell? Dick - Wichita, KS (8:33)According to 1 Corinthians 11:14, where does nature teach that long hair dishonors a man? George - Edmonton, AB (15:12)Is there a passage of Scripture that can help my wife cope with past sexual abuse? John - Sorento, IL (17:53)I have a friend who rejects hell as eternal conscious punishment. Can you give me some advice on how to refute this? Monique - Glen Carbon, IL (22:53)
The Deity of Christ, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/09/24), Hank draws our attention to the deity of Christ by quoting from Hebrews chapter 1, which unmistakably points to Jesus as Lord, Creator, and the very image of God.Hank also answers the following questions:Is tithing required by the New Testament? Aren’t the civil and ceremonial laws done away with? Richard - Lemoore, CA (3:55)Are all religions the same? As an atheist, I believe we should all do good. How can you know which religion is correct? Isn’t it just blind faith? Jeff - Sundre, AB (15:37)
Q&A: Weather Events, the Judgement Seat of Christ, and Hell
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/08/24), Hank answers the following questions:According to Job chapter 1, is Satan in control of the weather? When hurricanes strike, people usually ask “Why, God?” How does this work? Brace - Tyler, TX (1:01)What passages of Scripture or watershed moments in your ministry have changed your life, or your understanding of spiritual things? Steve - Edmonton, AB (7:09)When does the judgment seat of Christ take place? James - Cary, NC (16:40)Can you give me some insight on the book, The Fire That Consumes by Edward Fudge? John - Lander, WY (19:48)What is the motivation that some have to change the doctrine of hell? John - Lander, WY (22:51)Where in the Bible do the Mormons get their doctrine of baptism for the dead? Ryan - Kansas City, MO (24:02)
Who is Christ, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/07/24), Hank extols the sinlessness of Christ; the only one who was genuinely perfect because He was God in flesh. Hank goes on to describe Jesus’ supernatural power over nature, sickness, and even death, as well as the power to transform lives.Hank also answers the following questions:Is Isaiah 66:17 describing the final Judgment? Does this mean that Christians can’t eat pork? Don - OK (4:30)What is the biblical teaching on those who died before Christ’s sacrifice on the cross? Archie - Atlanta, GA (16:10)Could you give me some historical background on the Amish and the Mennonites? Are they considered Christian? Jo - Overland Park, KS (20:11)Did the Apostle Paul perform a resurrection? If so, in what passage of Scripture was it recorded? Josh - Dublin, GA (24:10)
Best of BAM: The Genius of Genesis, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank shares his thoughts on the literary masterpiece of the book of Genesis, highlighting the mnemonic device employed in the days of creation and the genius of its artistic form.Hank also answers the following questions:What are your thoughts on the book The Antichrist Agenda by Danny Shelton? Richard - GA (4:22)What can you tell me about Moral Government theology and their view that God has limited foreknowledge? Bill - Springfield, MO (7:05)Does God change His mind? Bill - Springfield, MO (10:01)Can a Christian be directly responsible for someone not coming to salvation? Jim - Atlanta, GA (15:11)Can you explain the Sabbath in light of Colossians 2:16? Brian - Peñuelas, PR (20:02)What are your thoughts on Lectio Divina? Is this form of Bible study helpful or does it put too much emphasis on our own interpretation? Bob - Washington, DC (23:54)
Q&A: Old Testament Canon, Dragons, and Rights to the Land of Israel
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/04/24), Hank answers the following questions:Why were the books of Ester, Song of Solomon, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes disputed at the Council of Jamnia? Steve - New York, NY (0:45)According to 1 Timothy 3, can an elder or a deacon be divorced? Bobby - Cleveland, TN (3:24)In the book, Radical by David Platt, is the teaching about giving up everything biblical? Jim - Westfield, NJ (6:00)Why is Satan depicted as a mythical dragon in the Book of Revelation? Don - Phenix, VA (8:24)If a Christian commits suicide, will they go to heaven or hell? Elaina - Springfield, MO (15:12)What is the Gospel of Judas? Sharon - Westport, AR (18:12)Who has the right to the land of Israel? What are they fighting over? Ryan - Nashville, TN (20:16)
Q&A: Created in God’s Image, the Rapture, and Blind Faith
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/03/24), Hank answers the following questions:What happens to a believer after death? Charles - New Windsor, NY (1:01)What does it mean to be created in God’s image? Charles - New Windsor, NY (2:21)I hear so many different views on the rapture; I’m unsure what to believe. Is the rapture a 19th-century idea? What is your view? David - IA (4:12)Is the promise in Malachi chapter 3 also for unbelievers? Will they receive blessings if they tithe? Jeremiah - Dakota City, NE (6:22)How should we understand the Trinity in light of 1 Corinthians 15:27? Allen - MO (15:12)What exactly takes place after the Millennium? Quinton - KS (19:55)I’ve heard you talk about having faith in evidence, not blind faith. What is required then, to have faith? Shane - St. Louis, MO (24:16)
Q&A: Authenticity of the New Testament, Eternal Punishment, and the Tree of Life
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/02/24), Hank shares a letter from a listener struggling with the authenticity of the New Testament writers based on a television program that purports that the four Gospels were written long after the time of Christ.Hank also answers the following questions:Where specifically is the teaching of eternal punishment taught in the word of God? Randy - South Gate, CA (8:51)Is it okay to be a bodybuilder? Does this make an idol of your body? Shane - Calgary, AB (16:37)What are your thoughts on Mormonism? Frank - Calgary, AB (19:10)Is the Tree of Life described in the Book of Genesis a literal tree? Aaron - Surrey, BC (21:14)
Q&A: Origin of Evil, Paul’s Martyrdom, and Gap Theory
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/01/24), Hank answers the following questions:Did God create evil according to Isaiah 45:7? Since God created Satan knowing he would rebel, doesn’t that mean He created evil? Don - Tacoma Park, OK (1:24)Why isn’t Paul’s martyrdom mentioned in the New Testament? Melissa - Dublin, TX (5:25)What is the Gap Theory? Did God create angels at the same time He created the heavens and the earth? Charles - NY (15:38)How do I witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses? What topic is most important and what questions should I challenge them with? Alissa - Nassau, BS (19:19)
Three Possible Explanations for the Origin of the Universe, and Q&A
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/30/24), Hank discusses three possible hypotheses for the origin of the universe and the failure of philosophical naturalism as an explanation.Hank also answers the following questions:In Revelation 13:18, is the number of the beast supposed to be 666 or 616? Dan - Kansas City, MO (5:03)How do cavemen fit into the Bible? Will there come a time when no one will believe the Bible? Karen - Asheville, NC (15:13)Will we be able to rebel in the new heaven and the new earth? Will we still have free will? James - Bakersfield, CA (20:37)Can you address the age of the earth and evolution? Do you think there was death before Adam? Dana - Durham, NC (23:32)
Best of BAM Q&A: Fossil Records, Objective Morality, and the Afterlife
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:How does the average Christian sort through the evidence of the fossil record? Norm - Fort Wayne, IN (0:48)How do I witness to an evolutionist? Bob - Sioux Falls, SD (2:49)Is the historicity of Christ’s resurrection important? Barney - Edmonton, AB (8:43)Why is something objectively moral just because God says it is? Jason - Houston, TX (15:11)My mom passed away on Friday, so where is she now? What happens to us after death? John - Lynbrook, NY (17:23)Can you explain the meek will inherit the earth in Matthew 5:4? Taylor - Nashville, TN (20:48)Will we get bored in heaven? Peter - Kansas City, MO (23:29)
Q&A: Tongues, Affecting the Salvation of Others, and Lectio Divina
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/27/24), Hank answers the following questions:What are your thoughts on those who speak against tongues and say that every church that practices it are into extremes? Tim - Leavenworth, KS (1:01)Can you address Oneness Pentecostalism? Is it true that they hold to modalism? Matt - Charlotte, NC (6:02)What do you mean when you say all analogies for the Trinity break down? Matt - Charlotte, NC (9:42)Can a Christian be directly responsible for someone not coming to salvation? Jim - Atlanta, GA (15:11)Can you explain the Sabbath in light of Colossians 2:16? Brian - Peñuelas, PR (20:02)What are your thoughts on Lectio Divina? Is this form of Bible study helpful or does it put too much emphasis on our own interpretation? Bob - Washington, DC (23:54)