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Health & Fitness
Steven Celi
Sharing my journey to inspire other trailblazers to deeply trust their knowing as they step into the unknown and embody their highest frequency⚡️ My channels are open!DM me at @BeTheEnergySteve1:1 Energy Coaching:
[email protected]
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DUNK DAY Healed Me?! | July 13th, 2020
I DUNKED WITH NO PAIN! Does that mean I'm healed? No, the sun, the pre workout can really get such good blood flow that minor inflammation feels non existent. Stay patient, test your limits but be methodical. KILL YOUR WEEK! LETS GO!
Dunk BEEF! Isaiah Rivera & Jordan Kilganon | July 11th, 2020
Hold YOURSELF to the highest standards and PUSH THE LIMITS! Isaiah landed a new dunk but was he first? First on 10ft does that make it first? Is the beef good for the community. It's all love baby!! We all want the Dunk Life to grow so just keep working!! LETS GOO
Confidence is EARNED! | July 10th, 2020
Building confidence has 2 parts. The first one involves incremental steps to slowly build confidence in yourself and taking action. BUT you can only build it up to 99%, at some point you have to take the next step! You have to make the jump! You have to GO FOR IT!! There's no substitute for the actual action, you just have to do it! LETS GO!
Dunk Day?? Regrets Vs. Sacrifices | July 9th, 2020
I may have jumped... Think of your current situation, would you be happy performing where you're at now for the next 3-5 years or would you take a full year off from even jogging to perform better than ever!! It's really tough in the moment but sometimes we have to sacrifice our current enjoyment for HIGHER POTENTIAL! LETS GO!
Intermittent Fasting Diet Basics | July 8th, 2020
Why? Consistent, sustainable energy is my biggest reason! I fast about 12-14 hours every day but it's effortless. After you get used to it your body doesn't even get hungry and I used to eat every 2-3 hours!! There's so many benefits for your entire body and mind and now I control my hunger, not the other way around. It's really liberated my lifestyle! LETS GO
The KEY to Daily Progress! | July 7th, 2020
The Key is mindfulness! Why? Every single day, every single action, every single rep needs 100% focus! You need to have perfect form, max effort to cause the correct stimulus for your body to respond. If you can do this in more aspects of your life you will be more effective all around. LETS GO!!
Mindset/Mistakes/Motivation! MONDAY | July 6th, 2020
Let's GO!! Slept amazing, keep your immune system boosted during this pandemic, just a reminder. Mistakes are opportunities for growth!! Today I talk more about the acceptance side of being a warrior. Don't shy away from any battle, physical or emotional, past or future. ATTACK IT!
Dunk Life WARRIORS! | July 5th, 2020
Accept what you can't control and ATTACK everything else!! Accept responsibility for EVERYTHING! Whether it's a mistake you made or someone else, doesn't matter! Take responsibility and use every single obstacle as an opportunities. GO TO BATTLE! Even with yourself and your emotions. Life is too short, be a warrior LETS GO
Cheat Day vs. Fuel-Up Diet - July 4th, 2020
Strategically planning when you have a 'Cheat Day' makes it a Fuel-Up day. Nothing wrong with a straight up cheat day but I ENJOY my life, my dunk life more when my diet/training stays on point! That's what it's all about! Big dreams take sacrifices find what works for your body & mind nutrition wise and ENJOY!
Dunk Life Daily is BACK!! Limiting Beliefs - July 3rd, 2020
Same content, same ENERGY!! I want to simplify and make things as clear as possible so that energy gets channeled as efficiently as possible!! Rehab mode currently focused on body awareness and limiting beliefs! Attack your day! ENJOY!
Muscle/Ego Balance | Daily Energy! - July 2nd, 2020
Imbalance causes immobility. Not only in your muscles but in your life. Guided by by your ego may pull you off your path. Don't let any energy be wasted! Don't seek approval and be immune to criticism so you can be fueled by love! ENJOY
Dream Big Stress Test! + My Current Training | - July 1st, 2020
Would you spend 20 years building your biggest ambition? That's a great start! Now if you did it successfully and it completely burned down, would you REBUILD IT?? That question from the Dream Big book by Bob Goff really changed the way I look at my goals. ENJOY!
How Much Rest? Dunk Life Topic Tuesday - June 30th, 2020
Group Coaching every saturday! - www.calendly.com/stevenceli Over the 8 years of my training, the best I've felt was this past year. I made rest/recovery EQUALLY as important as the work I put in. There are NO DAYS OFF but you have to understand your body as an energy system. Burning out your CNS is just as bad as injury. Stay patient, think long-term and ENJOY
DUNK DAY + Explore Opportunities! | Daily Energy! - June 29th, 2020
Part 3 of Dream Big book! Why haven't you achieved your dream yet? Do you need perfect plan to start? Are you afraid of failure? Judgement? Get started with the smallest step possible! No idea what that first step is? What first can you take to find someone that can help?? ENJOY
Dream BIG! What Are Your Ambitions?! Book Review | Daily Energy! - June 28th, 2020
Dream Big by Bob Goff came out this week and I loved it! I recap how to get started learning who you are, where you are and what you REALLY want out of life. It takes time, persistence and honesty to really get to the core of what you want and WHY! Then resilience and bravery to truly go attack those biggest ambitions! Learned so much hope you ENJOY!
A Few Funny Nana Stories | Daily Energy! - June 27th, 2020
You never knew what would fly out of her mouth but you knew it'd be funny. She loved watching me eat food, never stopped asking if I wanted more food. She told me I had a sunken face. Even tho I just gained the most muscle in my life to her I looked skinnier than ever... or vice versa. She was one of a kind and she will be with us thru her Joy & Laughter. ENJOY!
FEARLESS Friday!! | Daily Energy! - June 26th, 2020
LET'S GO!! Sharing cuts it in half!! When you face your fears head on they tend to dissipate instantly!! Be fearless with your self discovery! Fearless with your dreams!! Fearlessly attack your goals!! Fearlessly be authentic!! Fearless in your faith!! Let's go!! ENJOY!!
Surrender & Think Long-Term! Daily Energy! - June 25th, 2020
Use dunking/jumping as metaphor for whatever you love to do most, would you be content making no progress for the next 3 years? Or take a break now and be better than ever by then!! Sacrifice now for the long term dream goal!! I'm struggling practicing what I preach 😂 ENJOY!
Dunk Life Hamstring Protocol | Daily Energy! - June 24th, 2020
Consistency is key!! I have to stay active to keep making progress. I also have to be objective, patient and allow myself to go as low as needed. Meaning, if i need to do less activity to allow it heal I have to surrender. WE WORKING!! ENJOY!
Love & Dunk Camp Recap! | Daily Energy! - June 23rd, 2020
Reminder life is all Give & Receive. Anything in your past, a situation, a mistake, a regret, try forgiving that person, or event. Even if that person is a past version of yourself. Send them love and truly wish them well and THANK THEM. You are who you are today because of them! Dunk Camp online is leading to HUGE THINGS! It's incredible to see the beginnings of the WorldDunkAssociation.com!!!! ENJOY!!
Recalibrate Your Purpose! Law of Dharma | Daily Energy! - June 22nd, 2020
If you're like sometimes you think what the hell am I doing and why? So here we go, What's your PURPOSE? 3 Components: 1. Seek your highest Self 2. Find your unique talents - something you're better than anyone else at on the planet 3. Help Others with your talents. 2 questions: Ask yourself, what would you do for no money and how are you best suited to help others. 1 more thing... ENJOY!
Father's Day Faith Figure | Daily Energy! - June 21st, 2020
Happy Father's Day!! I'm very lucky to have a father that always believed in me in everything I did. It's the reason I've been able to achieve everything I have and believe anything is possible. He's been the best role model and taught me how much believing in someone else can truly empower their life! ENJOY!
Should You Start A Strength Phase? | Daily Energy! - June 20th, 2020
Started squatting yesterday!! Hit 300lb max which is good and bad...I've been jumping for a while, training for a while and I feel it's best for me to start building strength for 2 reasons. 1. My off vert, one step is way lower than my full approach 2. I need to lay off jumping to let hamstring heal and squats don't seem to aggravate it. Stay Patient Stay Objective, Stay Focused! ENJOY!
High Flying Friday! | Daily Energy! - June 19th, 2020
Sleeping amazing after day 3 of digital sunset. Energy Super HIGH! Hope to share some with you so you can attack your day to the max!! Also quick reminder to look up at the sky... just passed the atmosphere is an infinite void of space. That's where we all live!! Together!! Everything's amazing, why not make the most out of every moment on this rotating rock! ENJOY!
The One Breath Meditation | Daily Energy! - June 18th, 2020
TAKE ONE BREATH! That's it! Try taking one, deep, intentional breath first thing when you wake up. Not only are you closer to subconscious brain waves in the morning, but if you do this habit every day in a short time it'll become a routine. Having this simple mindfulness practice become your morning routine has infinite benefits you will start to see compounding immediately! ENJOY!
Digital Sunset, New Habit/Routine | Daily Energy! - June 17th, 2020
Putting all electronics down when the sun goes down!! First night giving it a try (granted sun went down at 8:30 so not much earlier than usual) and it felt awesome!! First few minutes passed and i wanted to grab it but after that I felt completely detached from the day and had a beautiful unwinding. Hope this inspires you to give a new healthy habit a try today!
Training Awareness Breakthrough | Daily Energy! - June 16th, 2020
Don't let yourself be lazy!! Sometimes your mind plays tricks on you so take this as a reminder and ask yourself am I making progress? or is my mind making me think I am while allowing me to be comfortable? Muscle building has many intricacies and it transcends my skin. My skin has taught me I can change myself to a level I once thought impossible. ENJOY!
How To Get Started Living Your Dream?? | Daily Energy! - June 15th, 2020
Clarity and awareness are essential!! Mapping out your happiest life does 2 things: 1. Illuminates what truly matters to you 2. Brings fears, doubts, mental blocks to the surface. You have to get started!! If you can't even believe in a FANTASY in your mind's eye, how in the world will you ever achieve it in this reality?! Get Started learning how to dream! ENJOY!
Regret Failing or Not Trying? | Daily Energy! - June 14th, 2020
Are you on the best path you can be? Think about the end of your life and what you're current goals are. Could you spend your energy somewhere else? If you did what would you regret more? Wasting energy on your current goal or looking back and giving up on this goal? Understanding who you truly are is essential to these questions, be honest with yourself and don't waste another moment!! ENJOY!!
We are Fail Fiends!! | Daily Energy! - June 13th, 2020
We WANT to fail because we LEARN!! Every single failure is learning, you can't LEARN if you know everything!! Let's goooo become a fiend for failing with me and become unstoppable! Also sharing your fails and fears with someone else cuts it's power of you in half! ENJOY!!
Do Affirmations Focus on Lack? | Daily Energy! - June 12th, 2020
Mark Manson in his book 'Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck' says the happy person doesn't have to tell themselves they're happy. I agree! But i also think there are benefits to positive affirmations. From imprinting your subconscious to the ability to build awareness of why you may be not happy are great tools to becoming a happier being. The key is Detachment! ENJOY!
Storms Pass, Stay Calm & Confident | Daily Energy! - June 11th, 2020
Uncertainty is the path!! You can look at the unknown afraid of not being able to get there or EXCITED at how beautiful the alignment of the path will be once revealed. Sounds a little delusional but the fact is the positive state changes the way you see the paths in front of you. Your subconscious filters out things you aren't focused on! ENJOY uncertainty!
Love Multiplies! | Daily Energy! - June 10th, 2020
A lovely story from the book "Love Does" by Bob Goff. A young man wanted to propose to his girlfriend which made him ask strangers for favors and those strangers could feel the love so deeply that they went above and beyond. Love is contagious and it multiplies. Everything you do with pure intentions will resonate with the right people. ENJOY!
Who Are You Around Most? | Daily Energy! - June 9th, 2020
We are the sum of the 5 people we spend the most time with. Are you using this energy exchange to your advantage? Becoming aware of this is essential to becoming who you want to be & achieving your dream goals. Enjoy your current relationships, start some new ones and show some love to all humans today! ENJOY!
You Are What You Do! Not what you say | Daily Energy! - June 8th, 2020
Compound Energy!! “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ” —Aristotle. Reading The Compound Effect is refueling the fire of daily habits. Some of these actions are so simple which also means they are simple not to do. And how dangerous that could be if you let every simple decision slip into an unconscious choice and build momentum away from your goals. cuidado & ENJOY!
I Hit An Obstacle... | Daily Energy! - June 7th, 2020
Think I'm officially rehabbing my hamstring. An insight into how I'm approaching this obstacle with acceptance, patience and positivity. There's an infinite amount of possibilities but when you feel like you got ripped off your path it's not easy to accept you're still on your path. ENJOY!!
Define Fear = Undeniable Motivation! | Daily Energy! - June 6th, 2020
This is one of the greatest tactics to make the jump! By defining your worst fear, not only are they highly unlikely but they can be mitigated so they don't happen! Also, the possibilities of positives out weigh the fears so heavily that it becomes MORE OF A RISK NOT TO ACT!! ENJOY!
The 2-Word Meditation | Daily Energy! - June 5th, 2020
Super simple yet powerful meditation. Pick two words, one to say while you breathe in and the other when you breathe out. Double entendre because you get the practice of a singular focus but you also embed words and feelings into your subconscious (ex. happiness/love, patience/peace, calm/ease) ENJOY!
We Need to BE the Change! | Daily Energy! - June 4th, 2020
In light of recent events I wanted to share my thoughts to hopefully help do my part in improving the entire planet. I believe it truly starts with YOU! You have to BE the change you want to. You have to believe in yourself first, you have to act in ways you want to see in the world. I hope this resonates with whoever needs it and I simply want to share some Love & Light ✨ ENJOY!
Strength Phase + Tips for Better Sleep | Daily Energy! - June 3rd, 2020
AHHHH! So pumped to start deadlifting and take my dunking to the next level!! Strength + speed = jumping higher. Simple formula, hard work. Body/mind awareness is key. Sleeping is the #1 habit and I give a ton of tips and tricks to help reduce anxiety and sleep more consistently! ENJOY!
The Practice of Being Yourself | Daily Energy! - June 2nd, 2020
Meditation lets you sit with your thoughts. Staying with those thoughts creates space between the emotions and you can observe them. That leads to compassion, which allows you to then have the courage to cut old behaviors and acknowledge fears! You must have courage to be yourself! Start cutting away everything that's not YOU! ENJOY!
New Month on a Monday! | Daily Energy! - June 1st, 2020
Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit!! Take a moment to reflect on your goals, habits and dreams!! Are you still working towards them? What fell off and why? No judgement just LEARN about yourself so you can keep refining your path to your dream life full of peaceful happiness! ENJOY!
ENERGY CLARITY!! | Daily Energy! - May 31st, 2020
Everything starts with Awareness. The more Clarity you can build on your energy in your mind & body the better you can hit your stimulus sweetspot. With any long-term goal, consistent progress is the key. Burning yourself out is equivalent to getting an injury. Watch your mind, listen to your body and keep making progress!! ENJOY!!
Life According to Mister Rogers | Daily Energy! - May 30th, 2020
Lost my wallet so i say THANK YOU!! There is no loss in the divine realm. Mister Roger's book was incredibly inspiring about finding your talents by finding WHO YOU ARE. By finding who you're best equipped to serve your happiness will align with it's path in the most miraculous way! ENJOY!
Dunk Day Depression 🥴| Daily Energy! - May 29th, 2020
Everything has Ups and Downs. It's really easy to think negatively when you have a bad day. Try to be objective, get even MORE clarity on your goal, do EXTRA healthy habits to stay productive and ENJOY! Hopefully your goals are fueled by passion so when you question giving up, life would be worse without even the attempt. Lastly, find any tiny baby step to strengthen that POSITIVITY MUSCLE!
Make The First Move! | Daily Energy! - May 28th, 2020
Just take action!! We live in a universe of giving and receiving, everything you give will be returned multiplied BUT you have to make the first move. You have to show the cosmos through your actions!! You must take bold actions to make big shifts in probabilities that your desired outcome comes to you! ENJOY
Follow Your Gut! | Daily Energy! - May 27th, 2020
More importantly get a clear signal from your intuition. Sometimes emotions can make your intuition foggy but once the decision is made looking back you KNEW the whole time. Question for the day "What would the BEST/HIGHEST version of yourself do?" Listen to your gut's response and take action!! ENJOY having your dreams come to you!
Perfect Self-Expression | Daily Energy! - May 26th, 2020
Reminder to define what happiness means to YOU! The divine design or Perfect Self-Expression is a place only you can fill. How I think of it is this: you have a unique combination of DNA and life experiences. No one has had the same exact moments as you! That makes you perfect for something unique! ENJOY
Project Coherence + Understanding Vs. Learning | Daily Energy! - May 25th, 2020
Halfway thru 2020?! Project coherence is all about increasing our energy TOGETHER because we vibrate HIGHER! The test of learning psychology is whether your understanding of situations you encounter has changed not whether you learned a new fact. Keep learning and put it to USE! ENJOY!
The Law Of Least Effort | Daily Energy! - May 24th, 2020
Ahhhh rainy cozy Sunday morning Ukrainian dreams. Nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease... with carefreeness, harmony and love. And when we harness these forces, we create success and good fortune with effortless ease. 3 Components: 1. Acceptance 2. Responsibility 3.Defenselessness ENJOY!!